
Harumi instantly turned to Nichole, "Could I help?" She asked trying her hardest not to infiltrate her thoughts.
"To be honest, I'm not very good at that sort of thing but if you keep trying your bound to get it right at some point." She smiled, taking the book and flipping it to a blank page. She began drawing, when she was done she held out the book for her to see what she drew, "do you like it?"
Nichole giggled and nodded. she tapped the pencil against her cheek and quickly started drawing. she said''perfect! look''showing the girl the neko guy she drew.
"Why are you blushing?" she put a hand on Nichole's cheek feeling the warmth of her blushing face.
She moved her hand back to where it was before. "Oh, they are really good. So what's your super natural power?"
(Well she doesn't know Aiden... yet)

"Don't lie to me again, or something bad will happen." She wandered around as if she had not just threatened her.
Harumi laughed at her before saying "I hope we meet again, vampire." She walked away until she lost site of Nichole.
Aiden had finished the machine and went to check on the fake haven.

"Wow, seems like someone's stuck on the floor, and another one looking totally clueless, if this isn't the scene for a bad hentai comic I have no clue what is, oh and I forgot the mention the lover guy! Hah!" Aiden chuckled at the threesome.

He noticed Harumi and notice that smirk on her face, he also noticed in her eyes the look of a total jerk.

"Seems like you and I make one and the same, we're gonna have a good time here ain't we?" Aiden got next to Harumi while kicking Nichole's face out of the ground, as he was the practical carekeeper of the group, though he was mean about it.

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