
(Remember, the room that is super attached to me, the one you can get by getting rid of all the canned vegetables in the pantry)
(Oh yeah :D )

Riko got up off the bed and went into the kitchen. He emptied the pantry, placing all the vegatables and food aside.
The floor opened and a chute sucked him down to the basement, maybe even lower, and the door opened to what looked like an arcade, and no lights in it. The titles were all bullet hell shooters, and their seemed to only be five, the rudimentary graphics was quite appeasing to the only other soul there, which was Aiden.

"Hello," he said, he didn't even turn to notice him and was to busy on a game, "This is my little safe haven, I planned on getting 6,7, and 8 installed here, maybe I'll put in DOOM if that's fine," as he was speaking, he lost horribly and finally turned to notice him.

"I was playing the second installment, it's probably the only one I have a dislike for, the hit box is much to big and there's no focus button, essentially killing every player who tries the special stage, you can try too, but you'll have to beat the game," he explained, and noticed that Nichole wasn't there.

"Why isn't Nichole here, someone as nosy as her would be here hmm?" he asked walking over to a little better looking game.

"The games are runned on a PC9801 englne, which wasn't meant for games, so even though it has 16 bit graphics, it looks 8 bit, I actually built the screen and the little arcade cabinets, the joypad was simple enough and so were the buttons," he explained.

(Just go search up Touhou 1-5 to see the games if you're interested)
(I might check them out later :3)

"Oh," was all Riko could think of saying, not really understanding what Aiden was even talking about. "So...this is pretty much a secret game room?" He asked and stood back up on his feet. He brushed the dust off that his clothes had collected when he slipped down the chute.
"To put it bluntly, yes, to put it in the technical matter, no, it's meant to be relaxing but for some reason it always makes my nerves go on end, I would normally dare you to try, but I don't feel like it today, you could bring Nichole, it would be funny to see her try to kill me again," Aiden joked as he beckoned him to play one.

"Now should I go out of my way to add DOOM, or Quake? Maybe Wolfenstein, mmm classics," Aiden was starting to monolauge but he kept half of his sanity.
"...maybe sometime." Riko began looking around at all the games. He searched for an Xbox, hoping to get a chance to play Halo. "I wonder what Nichole's doing anyways....she probably fell back asleep." Riko muttered, talking to himself again.
"I wonder what you're looking for? I'm not a shooter fan, unless it's a 2D shooter, so that's why I planned on installing things, so bad for me, he he," Aiden said scratching his head. He got on another machine and started on the fifth game. Then you could hear the rockin' awesome music, it was really darn awesome.
Riko picked up one of the wireless controllers and began a game of Minecraft. He smiled when he found an iron sword. "That could help, "
Riko rolled his eyes at her suddenly loss in interest. "Oh no, no. Skeleton! Ah! Ahhh! Run away run! Run run run run! Runnnnnnn!" He freaked out, having his character race for home.
Harumi heard the screams of someone near by. She quickly ran towards them, she came to the place where she heard the scream, "Umm, did anyone else hear a scream from around here?" She asked, out of breath.
([MENTION=4365]Lolliypops[/MENTION]: I'm so sorry I forgot to add your character. I promise I'll add it tomorrow..probably not in the morning, but I will)

Riko turned around when he heard a stranger's voice. 'A girl? She looks about our age....maybe she's a new test subject..?' He thought. He set his controller down. "Heh, sorry about that. I was just playing a game...and got scared." He replied to the girl. He glanced at Aiden, hoping that he hadn't noticed the girl yet; He wondered how she got all the way up here and he also knew that she wasn't even supposed to know this floor was here.
"Oh, you've seemed to have arrived, and I'm starting to get claustrophobia, of people, again, well I'm going back up, and because I willed it thou shaln't break or damage or otherwise pervise these machines or this room, in other words, don't f things up," Aiden said going up the chute. He went back into his room and went to the real arcade, where only the five machines Riko lost so much interest in where.

"Now it's time to add 6," he said opening up a lot of materials, a computer, screens, and some drawing directions.

"This'll take a while," he finally commented as he started work.

(Because I'm having minor writer's block I'm going to not post until a few hours kicks in, I wonder who would want to be a pervert's GF... odd moment again, I seem to be famous for those aren't I yullen?)

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