
He saw her style and laughed a little, "So it seems that you like to sympathize with them, each to their own," he said injecting another one and kicking again, then there was one more left.

"It seems I left you the strongest one, he's also the oldest," Aiden commented, then he left the room to get more chemicals.
She glared at him and walked over to the kid. "What's your name?" She asked, he didn't reply. "If you close your eyes and think about something happy it won't hurt as much." The boy did as she suggested, she read what he was thinking about, it seemed like when he was little his mother used to sing to him. Harumi knew the song and sang it our loud. She felt the boy relax and injected him successfully.
Nichole did a little dance to her song''~you make me so hot make me wanna drop its so ridiculous i can barely stop i can hardly breathe you make me wanna scream you're so fabulous you're so good to me baby baby!~'' smiling skipping some.
Aiden returned with the tray ordered the children to take the pills, most responded with glares, but one did it, a small one.

"It's meant to stop your suffering by about two hours," he said and two more took it, then one was left, and he simply said, "I don't want to."

"You're joking right squirt?" he asked, then grabbed a cup with the same thing, and made him drink it.

"Well, you should get some rest, that's what you'll need," he said leaving the room.
Harumi said good bye to the children and followed Aiden out of the room. "Is there anything else you need from me?"
Nichole giggled dancing with glee in her own little world"~get your hands off my hips before i punch you in the lip stop your staring at my HEY take a hint take a hint!~"
"That's it for a few hours, enjoy yourself, as you have an apartment to yourself, and I'll see you at 3:00 in the afternoon," he said as he walked down the hall and bumped into Nichole, his needles and pills showing through the pockets of his lab coat.

"'Scuse me," he said walking through the hall.
Nichole smiled and then placed it on some classical music doing graceful dancing.she landed on her toes bowing. then turned on her favorite song Mr. Wonderful. "~hey mr. wonderful oh you're so incredible hey mr.wonderful wonderful to me hey mr.wonderful oh you're irristible a miracle to me~''
She saw a syringe, she grabbed it before Nichole stepped on it. 'It must have fallen out when Aiden bumped into Nichole.' She decided to keep it until she saw him again.
Harumi looked towards Nichole and then at the syringe, she had no idea what it would do, but it would hurt. She resisted the urge to stab her with it and went back to her room.
Aiden went to his real haven and played a small amount of games, and by small I mean he played for the whole morning, but it wasn't playing, so much as deep thinking, and then he paused the game and muttered,"Aiden you frigin idiot, you dropped the syringe which had TTX, the third most deadliest poison, on the god .... damn.... PLANET!" he ended with a yell and went back up the chute and stayed in his room a little, as he heard Nichole was singing and he though Harumi was right out there too, if only she actually came in.

(Aiden's room is totally empty in case you wanted specs)
Harumi played around with the syringe careful not to stab herself or spill it's contents, she decided it would be a good idea if she handed it back to Aiden. She exited her room and looked around until she finally found him. "You left this behind." She held her hand out with the syringe.
Aiden picked it up and sweat poured down his neck.

"You have no idea how lucky you were to not stab your self," he said putting it back into the tray.

"TTX, third most powerful poison in the world, it originates from puffer-fish, 1000 times stronger than potassium cyanide," he explained picking up more syringes.

"We have to test their body functions, so let's go," he said walking out the door, and into the hall, down it, and finally into the room with the test subjects.

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