
Harumi felt a little left out. She tried thinking of something interesting to say, "Didn't you break Riko's arm before?" was the only thing she could think of.
"Yup, it's one of my favorite things to do, since Nichole keeps regenerating him I get to endlessly break his arm, oh look at the time, tis happy hour! Two bottles of rum for every- huh?" he fished a cell phone out of his pocket, it was the Foreign Administrator, which Aiden only talked to a few times, he really hated his taking of work.

"What do you want," he started only to hear the angry voice on the other side yell.


"The hell are you talking about Lee, oh... where did they go?" his voice turned absolutely metal and it was very serious.

"They always flee to South America. Rappu Falls, Guyana," the voice said and soon Aiden hung up and very reluctantly, almost as if he was drinking poison, he dialed the phone, straight to, the leader of the new, powerful, empire of Korea, which now started siege on China, took over Japan, and threatens America, Kim Jong Un.

"So you've heard the news..." his voice was much more controlled, but ten times more commanding than Aiden's voice.

"Yes sir, if I could get you to help me go to where I need to go sir, that would be appreciated," he started only to be silenced.

"You would not appreciate it, you would love it, you would hail me as the savior of your lives, you and your love interest," the chairman drawled.

"Yes sir, that I would," he spoke numbly, "Your jet is waiting outside, now go, and take them back, or unpleasant things will happen," he finished and hung up, and he turned to Harumi.

"If you don't want to help me, that's fine, I'll send you to a much safer place, and I'll use the last of my power to make sure you stay OK, but it's your choice," he spoke his deal and solemnly looked into Harumi's eyes, and the brown eyes he had before turned a olive green, a bright olive green.
Nichole fell forward and whispered''im..sorry...'' eyes dull. she felt weighed down and locked the memory away. she then laid against the tree rubbing away her tears.
"I know you'll be okay but I still want to go with you..." She said blushing a little bit before saying: "...because, I love you."
'Is it normal to have all these weird dreams and flashbacks?' Riko wondered.? He frowned, his girlfriend was always having problems yet he never had any idea what to do.
Nichole rocked back and forth she was so scared right now. she tried to calm down. ''think happy thoughts happy thoughts...''she punched through the tree and sighed. a lullaby played in her head and she sang''~when daytime turns to night! when the moon shines bright! when your tucked in tight! when everythings alright! slip softly to that place where secret thoughts run free! there come face to face of who you want to be! so swim across the ocean blue fly a rocket to the moon! you can change your life or you can change the world! take the chance don't be afraid! life is yours to live! take the chance and know the best is yet to come..make a wish! its up to you find the strength inside and make your dreams come true! you don't need a shooting star the magics right there in your heart! close your eyes and make a wish!" she immediately calmed down.
"I could say the exact thing to you too, now why don't we go get us some people," he said walking up to the jet, and no sooner had it started, than they were at there destination. The jet was a Stealth so it didn't make a sound and they stood a few meters away from Nichole, behind them.

"Have you finished? Your idiocy compromised us all, and we need you back in here now," his voice became much more commanding and he waited for his orders to be heeded. Aiden looked around at the waterfalls, staring at each little drop falling towards the mass of water below.
Nichole jumped up and had her arrows aimed straight for his heart and let one fly''sacred arrow sacred barrier!''it glowed brightly and split into parts the head going for aiden. the rest were in the ground forming a circle and made a barrier.
Aiden sort of kicked the arrow up, and looked at it closely.

"This has a connection to you doesn't it? I wonder what would happen if I inserted pain into this..." he mumbled moving the arrow around, but not really moving, he couldn't care less right now about what attack she would attempt next, but he could probably stop it.
"What would happen if I hurt Riko, would that make you change you mind?" Harumi said pointing a fully loaded magnum at his head. Nichole couldn't use her regeneration powers to bring him back to life.
"I didn't touch him." She said way to calmly for the current situation and only struggling a little bit.
"What if I say no?" Harumi smirked and raised her gun towards Nichole, her finger lingering closer to the trigger than before.
Aiden grabbed a pistol and shot Riko straight through the abdomen, in an odd way where he would seem dead for a while. He then grabbed the arrow and inserted the pain of pure humiliation, something he had felt many a time.

"You know Nichole, you remind me of myself, the only difference is that while you drone on your past, I've used my past as leverage, I'm the person who'll rule the world and destroy it," he proclaimed.
Nichole said''RIKO!" running to him. then she heard people laughing at her.'' huh?''she looked down and saw she was covered from head to toe in eggs and feathers. she was a kid again. she covered her ears falling to her knees crying. ''STOP IT STOP IT!"
Riko layed unconscious and completely still along the grassy floor. Blood flowed from the fresh hole in his abdomen and trinkled from his mouth. Although he wasn't dead, he smelled like death.

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