
(Oh yeah, no wonder it seemed familiar in a way)

(*looks at your signature* OMG you like ohshc?! YOU ARE AWESOME!! *huggles*)

Riko concentrated hard, silently forming a hot ball of fire in his fist. When the vampire girl wasn't paying attention, he reached up and put his hand over her face, burning most of her face.
She screamed and dropped him. ''MY FACE MY BEAUTIFUL FACE!" Nichole said''STAY AWAY FROM MY BOYFRIEND *****!" they rolled on the ground fighting.
Nichole had her in a headlock punching her. the vampire grabbed her flipping her onto the ground. Nichole felt the wind knock outta her. The other one pulled her up by her hair and tossed her into the wall. Nichole cried out.
Riko gasped, remembering what Nichole had told him earlier about combining the pistol's bullets with hs fire. He got on his hands and knees. He reached forward, grabbing the pistol. He began concentrating again, setting the bullets on fire. He tried really hard to aim, trying not to shake his hand. He shoot a bullet at the vampire's heart.
Riko crawled forward to Nichole. He lifted her up off the floor and hugged her tightly. A couple tears rolled down his face.
Nichole's breathing was labored. she coughed a few times. her chest felt constricted. (aww i didn't mean to make Riko cry D': she's just passed out from exhaustion)
(Riko just gets upset easily)

Riko nodded. He held his side as he slowly stood up, wobbling as he walked. He leaned the wall. He opened a nearby cupboard, lucky to find a bunch od bottled water. He wobbled vack over and handed her the water. He groaned as he sat back down. He wiped his eyes.
(AWW a sensitive guy!) Nichole said''thanks''sipping her water. she took some breaths and rested er head in Riko's lap. ''its ok riko i'll yawn be with you...''
(Yeah, he hates it though)

Riko wiped his eyes again just as more tears began to fall. He was afraid that she would have died...or he would have died...either way, he wouldn't be able to see her her.

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