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Realistic or Modern Trapped


~ ハンナ ~
Around twenty students and a teacher go on a field trip..In the woods. For a project, of course. The school is twenty minutes away, no houses, just bleak trees, grass, ponds, strange animals.

But what happens when your classmates start going missing, one by one in the midst of the night, then, by daylight, they're hung by their throats in the trees? What if the bus wasn't coming back again, until assigned to, a week later? What if there's no signal in the forest?

Because that's what's happening.

Twenty students and a teacher are on a field trip for a science project. They first scope out the area, seems fine, woods, then by the end, a large pond-like ocean. Plenty of space to set up camp. On the first night, it's quiet. Too quiet. By midnight, or, what they call, "The Witching Hour", classmates began to disappear from camp, silently. Just as six strikes, the rest awake, finding their group members strung harshly in the plentiful trees. Now, this would be a sign to run, as they tried, but they couldn't. They were too far into the woods to run. Trapped. They had to wait for the week to be over; seven days of the same thing, sleeping in fright, waking, horror. Until the numbers dwindled and there's only [however many people in the rp] left.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/forest.jpg.7eec0c2d84d945d0e27b1b648b9071b6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="94890" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_12/forest.jpg.7eec0c2d84d945d0e27b1b648b9071b6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


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Dena slid down the wooden hallway to her brother's room, heavily knocking on his door. She could see him in the crack of the door, groaning and twisting as the knocks rang out.

"Get up you slow poke, we'll be lateee!" Dena whined, already dressed in a white crop top, a stitched jean jacket completed with random buttons and pockets, leather combat boots and lightly faded jeans.

The field trip called for a purse or a suitcase, something you could bring extra clothing and snacks in, maybe fishing poles or a couple lanterns to pass around.

Knowing that, Dena packed her suitcase early, full of dresses, jeans, shirts, anything she thought would be appropriate. Not only, she brought a few of her favorite snacks in a grocery bag; marshmallows, bagged popcorn, water, soda that she was hoping wouldn't explode, and chocolate. Dena loves chocolate.

Thomas continued to groan, trying to toss a pillow at the door, but failing miserably, as he was too tired to do so. After a few more minutes of Dena waiting impatiently for him, he got up, got dressed(Lakers basketball jersey, black skinny jeans and sneakers), packed his suitcase and a Walmart bag full of snacks, and waited for Dena to finished up her makeup.​

Together, the siblings left the house and began to walk down the sidewalk; to the bus stop, where they hoped to meet everyone else waiting for the bus to arrive.​
London Sherm

London's alarm clock went off, the sound filled the tiny house. He sat up and rubbed his big brown eyes, his dirty blonde hair was messy. As he got out of the bed, his long shirt covered him to his knees. He stripped down and put on somewhat baggy blue jeans and a blue shirt with a black hoodie over it. He grabbed a backpack and filled it with some clothes and necessities. He spent three minutes fixing his hair, ate breakfast and brushed his teeth before he left the house, grabbing his keys on the way out. After he locked the door he went to the other side of the house and got his bike. He would have a car, but considering how her sibling and mother died, it was a little too much for him to deal with right now. He sat on the bike and started on the way to school, he hadn't been to school in about a week, but when he heard there was a field trip he decided to go.


Roxx has been up for hours, in fact she never even when to bed. It wasn't unusual for her stay up till the morning hours. She glanced at the time on her phone and groaned "ugh time for school" she muttered to herself as she rolled out of bed. She put on a Metallica tank top and black skinny jeans with black heels. She wondered into the bathroom and put her hair up in a messy bun, fixing her nose ring slightly. She packed for the field trip they were going in for class and threw the bag over her shoulder. She walked out of the house and got into the black car, putting the keys in the ignition. A rock song immediately turned on and she smirked, pulling out of the driveway and driving down the road twords the school.

Alexander "Zee" Young

An annoying ring echoed through the street as the man repeatedly tapped his feet against the pavement to an imaginary rhythm in his head. In all honesty, Zee was bored out of his mind and finding various childish ways to entertain himself due to having been standing at the bus stop for over 20 minutes now. Well, it was his own fault for having arrived too early, though that was very characteristic of him. After all, the teen simply loathed being confined anywhere indoors, especially his own home since that house appeared in his eyes to have a suffocating atmosphere due to his parents, who were high-and-mighty control-freaks like always. Hence, Zee had escaped the prison that was the Young residence early in the morning, not even taking the time to give his goodbyes as he swiftly grabbed his skateboard and made for freedom. A single small rucksack swung around his shoulder, because he assumed he didn't need much items and could simply leech off of someone else's food, the man arrived at the designated spot and awaited everyone else to pop up and for this anxiously-anticipated trip to commence.

So, as soon as he saw two figures emerging in the distance, Alexander became excited. Realizing that those approaching were the Boyer siblings, he extended his left arm upwards, making a peace sign to greet them.​
Tatsuki Saya

Saya is anxious.

She's only been here for a week or so and now suddenly they are taking her out of town. For a science project, they said. To be very honest, Saya doesn't want to come and join the trip. Just like what her father liked to say, "Better be careful especially if you are in another man's country". The same father who cheerfully tell her to enjoy her trip last night. And her mother didn't say anything or looked worried even a little bit.

That's it. Saya is not the person who will say no and skip school just because she doesn't want to join the school trip. Plus, she has paid quite a lot for this exchange trip. And this science project is surely a part of the educating process... Right? Hopefully not like in the movies with parties and some crazy killer running around chasing them.

Before leaving her small apartment, Saya made sure that she have everything she needs on her bag. A bottle of water, a pack of band-aids, some biscuit to eat on the road, her wallet, cellphone... Yeah, everything is OK. She sighed and nod to herself before leaving for school.
The siblings spotted the peace sign in their direction before seeing who the actual person was.

Thomas, seeing Alexander, aimed two fingers to his temple, then flicked his hand, waving a sideways salute. He smiled, watching Dena sprint happily past him to greet their friend. Thomas put his arm down, strolling causally to meet up with his sister and former friend.

Dena ran past her brother, the suitcase racing behind her, the Walmart bag hung on it flapping in the wind as she darted down the sidewalk.

"Zeeeeee!" She screeched, stopping when she came closer to him, nearly face-to-face, or face-to-chest. Dena was awfully short next to her brother, or any guy, she only standing around 5".

Dena threw her arms around him, embracing him in a hug with a wide grin.

Riley Dickert

Riley was woken up to her annoying alarm on her phone. She groaned as she rolled over, pulling her pillow over her head to muffle the sound. "5 more minutes.." She muttered in her raspy morning voice. She remembered her field trip was today, and immediately got excited. She turned off the alarm, got up, and walked over to her all-white vanity to do her hair and makeup. After 30 minutes, she got up from the little chair and walked over to her closet, picking out a red crop top, tan jeans, and birkenstock sandals. She grabbed her phone off the charger and shoved it into her already packed backpack, slipping it on and walking downstairs. She kissed her parents goodbye and walked out of the door to the bus stop. As she approached it, she saw 3 of her classmates already standing there. She walked up to them and smiled, exposing her dimples. "Hey, guys!" She said, almost a little too excited.
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Alexander "Zee" Young

Not even having enough time to return Thomas's salutation, the sole thing Zee could do was prepare for the rapidly closing-in Dena. "Deeee!" he remarked loudly to match the girl's screech and with a smirk plastered across his lips returned the friendly hug as soon as the two crashed together. Once he threw his arms around her, Alexander immediately lifted the short female off the ground, as if mocking her height, though he was simply bragging (like always).

Placing her down after a moment, with that same characteristic smile still adorning his face, Alexander turned to finally acknowledged her brother's presence by beaming at him cheerfully and extending his arm for a fist-bump, full of vigor and at last pleased to be relieved of his previous boredom. Things only got better once he perceived quite an exciting greeting coming from none other than Riley Dickert. 'The more the merrier...' Zee thought as he uttered a simple "Yo!" in reply. Turning towards his three current companions, the man said "So, are you guys hyped for the trip or what? Personally, I don't care much about the whole "science project" thingy as long as I get to wander around a little..."

@HannaTheHippy @abbeyokk
Tatsuki Saya

Saya saw a group of people in the distance, standing at the same bus stop where she's going to take the bus. She recognized all of them, her classmates. They greeted each other and hugged each other and their voice is so loud that Saya could hear them from the end of the road. They are always like that, in class too. Thomas, Dena, Riley, and... Alex or Zee. His name is Alexander but he preferred to be called 'Zee' for some reasons that Saya did not understand yet.

She approached the group silently and stood there, waiting for the bus to come and pick them up.
Thomas happily returned the fist bump to him, then spun to face Riley, smirking at her as she joined the group of classmates. He spun on his heel again, facing back to Alexander. "I dunno, man. I hope it's chill and maybe we'll some some deer. Something cool like that, hopefully the deers come stocked with stoner's delight." He lightly laughed, punching his friend's shoulder with a wide grin.

He turned to glance at another classmate, Tatsuki Saya. Had anyone else noticed she'd been standing there this whole time? "Scuse." Thomas quietly muttered to the group, approaching Saya with a slight nod. "Quiet, are you? Or just nervous about the trip?" Thomas stuffed his hands into his jean pockets, rocking on his heels, picturing what the forest would look like. Shabby or just plain beautiful?

Dena turned herself to greet Riley the same time as her brother did, another light screech emitting from her throat. She cheerfully grinned and giggled, amused with the gathered group all together. As Thomas mentioned 'stoner's delight', or, weed, Dena flipped herself around, shooting him a cold glare. She kept glaring at him until he walked off, Dena sightly 'oohing' as he veered away from the group, talking to Saya, somewhat in their own little conversation. She shrugged it off, turning back to Zee.

"I just hope my phone gets cells or the breeze plays some wicked tunes with the trees, y'know?"

@too much idea



As London rode his bike down the light up street he saw some of his classmates in the distance. Usually these people wouldn't talk to him or even acknowledge his existence, but he was too nice to not greet them. He waved at them right as he passed, although he didn't see anyone waving back he smiled, his beanie slightly falling off his head.


As Roxx pulled out of the driveway, her car sputtered and stopped moving. "Seriously?" She muttered and rolled her eyes, stepping out of the car hesitantly. She would have to get this fixed after school since she was possibly facing expulsion of she didn't go. She grabbed her bag and started down the street, her house was pretty close to the buss stop so she didn't have to walk too much to get there.
Riley Dickert

Riley laughed at Dena's cheerful attitude, seeing as she's not the only one that's excited for today. She turned her attention towards Zee, looking up at the tall guy as he spoke. "I'm really excited! I just hope there's no creepy murderer in the woods trying to kill us." She said jokingly, of course. Oh, the irony. Riley saw Saya walking over towards everyone, so she smiled over at her and waved. Riley heard her phone buzzing in her backpack and groaned as she pulled it out. Her mom was texting her to "Be safe" and "Have fun". She slid her finger across the screen and replied, then turned her phone off and shoved it back into her backpack.
Takatsuki Saya

"Quiet, are you? Or just nervous about the trip?" Thomas approached her. Saya is not surprised, he always one of the friendliest to her. It's not like everyone doesn't accept her, but seems like most are avoiding her because she gave out this "Don't stand too close to me" vibe.

"Both," Saya struggled to find the correct word to describe what she's feeling right now, and decided to go with that. She saw Riley smiling and waved her hands to her, she waved back continue speaking. "Where are we going? The forest we are going to visit... Do it have a name?"

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Danielle "Dani" Oliver

Dani jumped up from her bed when her alarm clock rang out into her sensitive ears. "I'm gonna miss the bus!" She flew to her closet and threw on a black plaid shirt, skinny jeans, and red converse, before hastily applying makeup and pulling her black hair inti to a loose ponytail. With that she ran out the door of her apartment, grabbed her packed bags and was off to the bus stop.

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Thomas grinned, rocking on his heels. "We could give it a name," He replied, glancing over to his sister, then to Riley. "You gals decide, eh." He shrugged his shoulders, lightly laughing. "Damn do I wish the dude with the bus would get here faster!"He exclaimed, purposely making his teeth chatter. He rubbed his hands on his arms, then blew on his hands, making it seem like he was freezing. In reality, he was just fine, trying to funny and everything.

Dena shrugged at the suggestion to give the forest a name. "Uh.. Camp Unknown? The Unknown Forest?" She began listing off synonyms for 'forest', then putting unknown in front or behind it. She finally gave up, rolling her eyes at her brother, who was clearly acting. "Oh, if you're cold, you shouldn't of wore a jersey. I'm just fine, I'm wearing less than you." She put her hands on her hips, rolling her eyes a second time, with a light scoff.

Alexander "Zee" Young

Zee jumped a little at Riley's comment (or rather more of a joke) about there being a murderer at the woods. After all, he was utterly terrified of anything even remotely relating to death, though he would never let anyone know. No that he thought about it, weren't campfire ghost stories pretty much a tradition on such trips? 'Fuck' the man thought to himself. He got nervous all of a sudden about how he would be able to go through that without appearing like a total wuss or going into a panic attack. Maybe he could make up an excuse to go take a night stroll? Well, there was no use worrying about that now so Alexander attempted to shake off the feeling of general unease while going against his nature and speaking up jokingly after Dena and Thomas exchanged some remarks.

"I doubt we'll freeze to death out here, but we might as well die while waiting for the bus to arrive and take us to Camp Whatever... Also, where's the teach?" the man chimed in, placing his hands harshly in his jean pockets and looking around in annoyance. He didn't do well with patience and having to stand still for even short amounts of time, as someone who is always active.​
Riley Dickert

Riley covered her mouth as she laughed lightly at Dena's response to Thomas. "I like 'The Unknown Forest'. It sounds cool." She said as she shrugged and crossed her arms. Riley noticed Zee's little jump at her joke earlier, and looked up at him, smirking. "What's wrong? Did my joke scare you? That's nothing compared to all of the ghost stories I'm sure people will be telling once we get there." She looked up and down the street, trying to see if the bus was coming. "We're told to be up and ready at the bus stop at a certain time, and now the bus isn't even here. I could be asleep right now." She rolled her eyes and shifted her weight over onto her right leg.
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As London put his bike onto the bike rack when he arrived at school, he checked his bag one more time to make sure he had everything. He walked into the school and waved at some people, who just ignored him and turned away. Sighing, he walked into the classroom and sat down at the desk in the front. "Good morning" he said to the teacher, giving her a little smile.


Roxx walked near the others at the bus stop, but didn't make an effort to talk to them. Instead she just put her headphones into her ears and listened to music, the bus was taking an awfully long time to get there. She was seriously doubting that the field trip would be fun, maybe she should just go home and skip school today..
Dena smiled, nodding to Riley at her agreement about the name. "How bout you, Zee?" She smirked at her classmate, "The Unknown Forest sound good with you?" She laughed lightly, crossing her arms. She shook her head to Riley again, agreeing with her on the topic of sleep. "I would've stayed asleep for another thirty or so, if I knew the damn bus would be late." She scowled, saying so in a frustrated tone.

muttered something back to Dena's comeback, but then grew awfully silent. He said nothing more to the conversation, just tuned the group out. He huffed quietly, hands shoved in his pockets, his back facing the group, his head pointed to the pavement.

Alexander "Zee" Young

Zee shot Riley a crooked and forced smile as if to say 'Me? Scared? Don't be ridiculous...', yet in the end the man uttered nothing. He simply couldn't out of nervousness, plus this topic didn't seem pleasant to him in the least, hence he hurriedly replied to Dena's question while still looking around aimlessly, hoping to see the bus emerge on the horizon. "Yeah, I guess 'The Unknown Forest' s'good. Not the most original name, Dee, but it's decent..." he smiled, teasing his friend.​
Riley Dickert

Riley nodded her head at Dena, agreeing with her. "I'm seriously about to walk back home and skip the field trip." She looked back and forth between Zee and Dena as they teased each other and laughed. "If you guys weren't friends I'd think that you'd actually hate each other." She giggled and saw Thomas by himself and made her way over to him. "Hey, are you okay?" Riley said, looking up at Thomas. She noticed that he wasn't speaking much and wasn't sure if Dena's comments and her laughter made him upset, but they were all just joking. She started kicking around a tiny rock laying on the concrete while she waited for his response.
Thomas glanced up at Riley, quickly nodding and plastering on a smile. "Hm? Oh, yeah. Yeah. I'm fine, yeah." He nodded, shrugging.

"Just thinking, y'know?" He glanced back to the group, then to the street, having the same hope as Zee.

"Just waiting for the bus. Boreddd." He winked at her, trying to regain his positive attitude once again. He smiled, winking at her again, then to Zee and Dena, lightly nudging her. "Think it's a hookup?"

Dena nodded once again to Riley, then laughed at Zee's remark, rolling her eyes. "Like you could do better!" She muttered and glanced up, hearing movement on the pavement. The bus screeched to a stop in front of the bus stop.
Takatsuki Sara

Sara could feel that her jaw almost dropped. They don't even know what the name of the forest there are going to? As far as Sara know, in her homeland all forests has a name. Thomas joked that they could give it a name (because it doesn't have one) and even joked to her sister to try to suggest one. She suggested 'The Unknown Forest'. Then, Riley and Zee agreed to it and Thomas didn't say anything about it. After joking about a cold blooded murderer chasing them, Sara doesn't know how they could give the name an ominous name like that.

Sara quietly listened to how her classmates are complaining about the bus they could hear the engine of a vehicle approaching the bus stop, and the bus itself coming into view after turning from a corner. It slowed down and stopped in front of them, it's tire screeching against the road. The door opened and Sara walked in, since no one did. She sat in the second seat in the left, placing her bag beside her as if saying that she wanted to sit alone.
Riley Dickert

Riley smiled up at Thomas and was glad he was okay. She slightly blushed and looked down as he winked at her, then looked over at Zee and Dena. "Hmm.." She paused in thought. "It just might be." She said, laughing slightly. Moments later the bus had pulled up to the stop, opening it's squeaky doors to let us on. She watched as Sara was the first to climb onto the bus, then looked up at Thomas. "Do you want to sit next to each other? I mean, it's fine if you don't.." She trailed off, biting her lip.
Dena causally walked to the bus, sitting in the back of the bus, near the window. She put her suitcase in the spot next to her, pulling out her phone and earbuds. She checked over her phone's battery, muttering to herself. Nonetheless, still plugging in her earphones, draining out the world; between the music and the window. She quietly hummed the beat, drumming her finger tips on her lap.

Thomas nodded at the question, giving Riley a light smile, showing his somewhat crooked teeth, though mostly straight. "Sounds alright. You pick out the seat, I'm fine with whatever..I think we're heading to the school first to pick up everyone, then setting off." He shrugged, his eyes following his sister as she walked onto the bus. Thomas gestured his hand, nodding his head to the bus. "Ladies first."


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