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Futuristic Transsolar

After the first return, we will obtain the following upgrade:

  • Hoverboard (fast horizontal travel; no height)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jetpack (able to scale high ledges; no flight)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Saami somehow got the nagging feeling in the back of his head that fate had just condoned something terrible... in one way or another. Odd, he didn't remember often feeling that, must've been his non-existent imagination. Slowly he shook his head as if something had just hit him in the back of it, still confused about the why and how, only to quickly return to controlling the ship so it wouldn't end up somewhere in a sun.
Being able to swallow his own misdeeds was something that Marshall wasn't exactly proud of... But certainly was grateful for, he never lost a night of sleep over his past and he had quite recently learned the drown out the ghosts that jeered at him. They were always there though. Since their release, Marshall actually hadn't left the Cargo bay, sticking near his armor until most of the crew was asleep and he could trust it alone. It was roughly after the simulated 'midnight' that Marshall had finally retired to his own assigned room and crashed lazily on the bed, the lights dimmed but kept on. Face in pillow, sheets strewn haphazardly over his body as he stared at the ceiling for longer than he'd liked before drifting off to sleep, the sound of a gunshot jolted him up and he reactively pulled the pistol still attached to the leg of his cargo pants and aimed it at the door.

His eyes were wide and his breathing got erratic, it was only when the noise happened again that he realized they weren't gunshots at all! They were knocks on his door, he rolled his eyes and flicked the safety back on the pistol and set it on his work desk. He opened the drawers and pulled a faded red/white plaid button up shirt out from the small stack of oil stained clothes he had. The shirt was nice- relative to everything else he had to wear. Buttoning only the top few buttons he walked to the door and opened it up, he had a shit eating grin ready, expecting the Captain or Woods to be at his door to come and complain about something they'd discovered.

"What do you want-" he began, his smile dropping and he raised a curious eyebrow to find Rea standing outside his door. He gave a shrug and shook his head. He had opened his mouth to say something but his eyes drifted to the plate of a toasted bagel with cream cheese- just how he'd describe it earlier. A sincere smile crept just barely around Marshall's lips and a short laugh escaped him. His eyes went back to Rea and he opened the door wider as to stand between the frame and the hall, leaning casually against it's hinges.

"You didn't."
Vince felt a lump form in his throat. He tried his best to wash it down with his coffee, finally draining the whole mug before he could speak again. "I..." Vince choked on the word. He took a deep breath before trying again. "Have you ever felt like you were just too far gone? Like, you had a chance at one time to get some help, but you've past that point, a while ago actually?" Vince scratched at the back of his head. "Even if they wanted to I don't know if my family could help me now."
Adira thought for a few minutes, then said, "I know the feeling. Kind of. Not - not with family, but...." Her old crew had tried to help her, and had in some ways. "I don't think you're too far gone." This conversation was quickly turning morose. She quietly said, "What was Earth like? Was it all gleaming cities, or like the old pictures of small colorful buildings and fields?"
Vince actually let himself smile at the question. "Its something else that's for sure. Most of earth is built up now, with massive cities and expansive buildings dominating the environment, but we were lucky. We lived in one of the few green places left without too many buildings around. It was quiet, and the breeze smelled like, well like earth. It has this musty, dank, dirty smell. The mountains are beautiful. The air is clean and fresh and crisp. Some of the old pictures are there. The old buildings and fields, but they are rare and hard to find. But when you do they etch into your memory for a lifetime."
Adira smiled. She had seen trees of every colour and planets of every kind, but for some reason, descriptions of Earth were still beautiful to her. As Woods described it, she closed her eyes to imagine the beauty, and by the time he finished talking, she had drifted off to sleep. normally she never fell back to sleep after a nightmare, but there was was, asleep on the kitchen counter, leaning against the wall.
Vince stared in utter astonishment at Adira. He shook his head, chuckling quietly as he walked over and carefully pulled her off the counter and into his arms. Thankfully it was still early enough that no one was out and about to see him carrying Adira back to her room. He made it in and managed to lay her on her bed without waking her. He pulled the covers up around her before finally walking out of her room and heading back towards his own.
Rea smiled cheekily. "I did... You said you liked bagels in the morning, so... I made it how you like it." She lifted up the plate and twisted the top bagel so he could see the bite she had taken out of it. "I made you two, but I couldn't resist." She laughed. "I hope you don't mind... I'll make another if you do."
3487/12/05 16:00:00

Finally the gas giant had taken over the whole view from the bridge SSE Lullaby, Odian. A pale lilac containing slow swirling violet lines going nearly reddish brown at it's darkest, crossed by the shadow of one of it's many earth-like moons. Most of those moons were uninhabitable and showed no useful results, but one of them, lovingly named Othid, had shown more positive results. There was only so much probes and telescopes could show though, and for now there was little more information than that it was warm and humid on the surface, but quickly got cold on top. The whole moon appeared to be, needle-y. Spikey mountains and deep hollows, a treacherous surface, even moreso because it seemed the temperatures weren't kind to anyone going too low or too high up.

Saami put in the last of the calculations that would get them into orbit on a safe height. It would take about an hour to get into the right position, and in that time he would prepare himself for his scouting mission. Most important where the communications, and he started by testing if vision and sound came through clear on the tablets of the crew and the Captain. It wouldn't be the best of starts if on the first scouting mission he'd lose contact with the ship. Furthermore he checked on the smaller planetary ship he would be using, it was somewhat like the fighter jet he had flown back on arid harbour, except several grade more high tech. It looked a bit less intimidating too, and had a more silent engine that wouldn't leave every possible alien creature on the planet deaf. All in all it had a lot more manoeuvrability, and the plasma cannons also gave him more fire power, but the energy on board was limited. There was only for about six hours of energy on board, which would suffice seeing he could always return to the Lullaby to get more energy.

Even with all the technology and everything in working order he was still nervous though. If he screwed this up he would never live it down, if he was still alive after in the first place.
Vince had prepared himself early that morning. He had dressed in his base layer before walking down to the armory to his Cage and armed himself the rest of the way. His body armor, a highly customized suit of reactive armor, felt just as comfortable and mobile as ever. Once he'd completed his diagnostics and connected everything to nervous system he checked slid into his chest rig and loaded up. There was still several hours before the first team would set foot on the ground, but Vince had always been one to prepare early. Besides, it would do the crew good to see the Officer of Defense in full kit and prepared for anything that would come.

Now he stood on the bridge, his visor retracted and his G58 hung from it's sling across his chest. He had taken up his place next to the Captain as they looked out from the observation area towards Othid as they came into orbit. "From what I've heard this is going to be a challenge when we get to the surface."
Adira was in her usual attire; her suit for going down was built in. True, she couldn't take a bullet, but down there, there probably were no bullets to dodge. Her jacket could protect her from temperature changes within reason, and while a bullet could get through, it'd take wicked teeth and claws to cut the fabric. "Quite probably. Avoid the deep hollows and spiky mountains and we'll be fine. If something attacks us, then kill it. That easy."
Vince looked over to Adira, his eyebrow raised slightly. "Just because I'm going to attend every drop with you doesn't mean I'm your personal hitman." Vince held a straight face for few seconds before finally laughing. You actually made a joke? "I don't plan on going Red unless I have to." Red served as a more nonthreatening term for lethal, but the teams used it as a classification for aggressive action. Green actions were designed around disabling a target in a nonlethal manner. Red actions were, obviously, designed around disabling the target without restraint to lethal actions. Being primarily a security force Vince had been drilling his team on Green actions most of the time, with maybe one training period during the week geared towards the Red actions. "But trust me when I say that my team is prepared if things go SOL."
"Who said you'd be the first to shoot? I've got a weapon too. Though, mine's on stun. But still." Adira laughed a bit. Now they waited for Saami to return and Rea, Marshall, and Lydia before they could drop. But they had time. Plenty of time.

Adira had already apologized to Woods for falling asleep while they were talking. She honestly hadn't meant it. Luckily since then though, she'd been able to sleep somewhat well. That was a nice change.
Vince chuckled at Adira's comment. "No offense Sir, but I guarantee my reaction time is faster than yours." Vince looked back out towards the planet as he thought over the coming mission. He couldn't help but recall the other night when Adira had fallen asleep in the middle of their conversation. He hadn't been offended by it, and he'd laughed with her after accepting the apology. "Just make sure you don't have another random sleeping spell this time alright?"
"It wasn't quite random, really. Your eloquence was just too much for me, I suppose. Besides, I actually managed to sleep some, so, I should be set." Adira checked her tablet and communicator while they waited. "Everyone best have their communicators. Main priority to guard is Rea and Lydia. They're the ones who discover things. I just go down in case we meet indigenous peoples, I'm supposed to greet them. Of course, I mostly just go down because I like it. But still, let's pretend I actually am doing something important on planet, yes?"
"As if I'm there to do something important for this mission?" Vince couldn't help but chuckle at the thought. "All I do is stand around and look scary." Vince was putting his position on the team lightly. Security was an important job by any means, but he'd always been bored by it in many ways. Especially when they had to protect those Science Division nuts that tested theoretical weapons. It was pretty much like being an armed escort at a shooting range. It didn't make sense to be protecting someone who had a bigger gun than you did. "At least now I actually feel like I'm protecting something that needs it." He looked back at the Captain and smirked. "Your job is important Sir. Who else is qualified to stand around and look pretty if we meet an intelligent species? Sure as hell ain't me."
Adira chuckled and quietly said, "You were at the medical screening. You know pretty ain't the word for me. I just have a gift for talking my way out of trouble. Of course, having a universal translator implanted in your neck really helps with that." Adira chuckled, remembering a few times where her way with words hadn't done much good at all. "Y'know one time when we went down to a new planet, the indigenous tribe kidnapped me because they thought I was a god? They tried to tattoo me too. That's an easy way to piss off a god, let me tell you."
"Don't be so hard on yourself. At least you're still the original you. I'm missing a part or two here and there." He laughed when she talked about being kidnapped by the tribe. "Can't say that has ever happened to me. Then again the indigenous people I met were usually not in the talkative mood when we showed up."
Saami launched the fighter plane once it was released from the magnetic bay system of the SSE Lullaby, suddenly finding himself soaring over the planet. He was still up high, but the needle like surface of the planet was already affecting the air pressure, and he could feel some turbulence even if the tips were still about a hundred meters away.

"Saami to navigation, flying is difficult, prepare for a rough landing sequence. I suggest I be the one to fly the team to the surface." There were a few other people on board who knew how to fly a smaller craft, but he was the best flyer and this terrain was a bitch to fly through to say the least. It only got harder once he went lower between the mountains to take a closer look of the surface.

"Saami to navigation, landing is difficult too, the whole planet is overgrown with jungle, I will be looking for a clear spot." It was either jungle, mountain, or deep deep hole. Eventually he found something promising though, a spot on top of a slightly wider, flattened mountain that wasn't too high up, just above the frost line. It was the best they got, but once he got closer he saw something interesting.

"Saami to navigation, signs of intelligent life, I see ruins on the designated landing area." A few pillars carved with symbols, and a staircase. Now all he could do was hope they didn't land on a place that was sacred to some tribe of people, even if it looked like the staircase was overgrown and the ruins weren't touched in a long long time.
Adira listened intently to Saami's report. "Signs of intelligent life...." She opened her communicator and sent a message to Rea, "Get to the bridge NOW." She glanced to Woods and said, "Let's hope these fellows are in a better mood. If they're even around, Saami said he found ruins."

Lydia had, by now, equipped herself in her suit with helmet poised between her arm and hip, prepared with several kits with which to sample anything that might show any characteristics of life. While she was only hopeful, she sure didn't want to be unprepared if they just so happened to stumble upon some hidden grove brimming with glowing plants and creatures or something phenomenal. And, what might come as surprising to anyone else who had never before been accompanied by her on a mission, the last piece of her equipment came in the form of two high-power silenced energy-based pistols. No, they sadly weren't lazers, but they gave the ammunition that was used a nasty little kick, one that used a little bit of heat and maybe a small electric shock. Nothing stun-worthy, but something to make a wound fester unpleasantly. She only had this fun little feature implemented on one of the weapons, if this were to come to having to shoot down a specimen (something she disliked), Lydia didn't want to have to damage it too much.

Earlier that day (after sleeping in a small bit accidentally. Hm, I wonder why...) the biochemist had, though last-minute, completed the little medical check with the doctor. She had brought with her a small sample of blood she had drawn beforehand, though. If the biochemist had difficulty taking a sample of blood, she shouldn't be a biochemist. Even so, she preferred stabbing herself with a needle over having someone else do so.

Eventually, she had dragged herself and her small supply of equipment down to the bridge, just in time to hear the words 'intelligent life.' Before this, she had already been extremely impatient to just see the moon upon which they were to land. Now, though, her eyes widened with an ambitious look that would strike worry into anyone between her and the planet.
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Vince nodded towards the Captain before connecting his communicator to broadcast to the crew that was prepping for the mission. "To all away team members, this is Commander Woods speaking. We will be setting down on the planet in an area with possible intelligent life. This is not a drill, this is the real thing this time. We've all been over how this will play out. Upon touch down I will lead the security team out to secure the perimeter. No other personnel are to leave the dropship until the preliminary sweep is completed and the perimeter is secure. Upon that confirmation we will begin the standard procedure and find a suitable place to establish our forward operating base."
Ever since he was woken up, Marshall sat at his desk drumming his fingers as he ran through his thoughts. Rea had woken him up just to give him a bagel cooked to his preferences despite him doing nothing but giving the crew of the Lullaby the cold shoulder. She was certainly playing with fire by showing him a kindness, the Mercenary wasn't known for his respectful treatment of others, especially women. Yet here she was, a painfully naive girl giving into Marshall for no other reason than to be kind. His mind only pondered the deviant when ran the situation over in his head. Surely there was something for her to gain, some ulterior motive.

Or perhaps...

Had Marshall misjudged them? He had accepted this mission in an attempt to rebuild himself and yet here he was; doing what he always did. He shut people out, he was aggressive, he was rude, he was an overall dickhead to everyone he'd met. Still, Rea brought him the bagel.

When the announcement came over the ship's intercom, Marshall was snapped free of his thoughts. He sprung to his feet, pulled some ragged old work boots over his feet and buttoned up the faded plaid shirt. Moving at a slow jog, Marshall ran into the cargo bay and approached the ol' Tin Can. Time to get her battle ready!

Marshall ensured all the hydraulics and pneumatic systems were pressurized and in the green, he ensured the flame unit was fueled and the ignition primed should they need to make use of such a devastating weapon. Other than that, it was a simple process of checking valves and tightening some connections and the power armor was ready to go. Opening the suit, Marshall climbed inside and locked the suit shut, a hissing sound emitted from the torso as the suit pressurized Marshall inside and the joints unlocked giving the Merc full control of the intimidating 10ft tall suit of armor. When the system diagnostic was finally over, Marshall heard Woods announcement over the ship's Intercom and trudged his way through the ship.

In the massive suit, he could be heard pretty much any where, the heavy foot falls of the steel boots, the annoying clatter of metal on metal, the slight groan and clicks of the hydraulic system keeping him upright and moving, it was all a myriad of noise that was only amplified within the ship. Eventually, Marshall arrived in the Navigation bridge and joined the Captain and Woods.

Intelligent life huh? Maybe there would be settlements to raid after all... He thought as he observed the scouting footage. The mechanical head looked down at Woods and Adira and Marshall's voice emitted from the torso, slightly mechanical as it was projected through a speaker.

"Woods? The insert team is prepping as we speak. I had 'em check magazines and rounds last night so we should be green to go. What's this intelligent life look like? Gonna make use of your killer-for-hire?"
Woods listened to Marshall as he explained the sitrep with the team. "Have them check everything again. They need to make sure everything is in top condition. As for the life we haven't heard anything yet except that there might be intelligent life." He turned and looked the merc. He really didn't like Marshall's attitude towards anything. If it wasn't for the fact that he had been hired on Vince would have dismissed him already. "Let me make this transparently clear Marshall. I will not have this operation compromised, period. We are not here as combatants, we are here as security. Lethal action is a last resort, and only on my call. I will stress this now, I will not tolerate insubordination of any kind. There will be no aggressive behavior or actions unless authorized. Understood?"
Hearing the conversation between Woods and Marshall, Lydia glanced self-consciously at the handguns at her sides. Aww, she'd only be allowed to see the effects on trees..?

Of course, if this life just so happened to not be carbon-based....

She quickly cleared the thought from her mind and stood, swaying in place where she stood. Would there be species similar to those that are terrestrial? What if the atmospheric composition, what kind of life would that host?

Moving herself a little off to the side, Lydia let her endless river of thoughts over the moon drown out other conversation. Hey, made it easier not to eavesdrop.

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