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Futuristic Transsolar

After the first return, we will obtain the following upgrade:

  • Hoverboard (fast horizontal travel; no height)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jetpack (able to scale high ledges; no flight)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Adira looked at Saami sympathetically. "I wouldn't let them do that if they tried. Of course, I won't tell them. You know... I doubt Woods would hurt you, or give you trouble." He didn't seem the type to just kill. Not anymore, at the least. In any case, Adira didn't plan on risking anything
Though Lydia had vowed as soon as she had begun recording anything and everything she could about the INANES to keep track of the hours, she eventually was tucked away in one of the more discreet corners of the mesh hall. Her feet were drawn up onto the chair with her legs folded beneath her, head resting on one arm. One of her hands had fallen onto the screen of her tablet as if she was still typing at the very moment she had drifted off. The tablet, whose glowing screen had automatically faded to standby, was blank as a slate. She hadn't noticed anyone coming through the mesh hall; she was not much of a light sleeper. Thankfully, she wasn't a mouth-breather either. If nobody had any desire to strain their eyes against the dark that must have come if, based on Earth's times, the lights of the ship had been shut down, (>.> just making sure...) the small shape hidden in the corner of the room would have remained hidden.

(Eh -flops onto ground- one of my shortest non-interaction posts yet ; ;)
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Saami finished his food and cleaned his plate, leaving no traces of ever having cooked except perhaps some missing produce and chicken. He didn't want to stay in the kitchens for too long, as the chance of people finding out increased every minute. He had set the limit of an hour, for cooking and eating, and then he'd be back to doing his job. As a means of dessert he took an apple, he allowed himself that much.

"I'd better get back to my job, nice talking to you Miss Adira." He said before taking a bite from his apple and walking into the mesh hall on his way back to navigation. There was only one problem though, and he wondered why he hadn't seen it before, but there was someone asleep in the corner of the room. Perhaps she would've been invisible to someone with human eyes, but to him she was clear in sight in the dark, and once he double checked by shortly turning on his ability of infrared sight he recognised her too. Lydia Camden sure seemed to have a way to pop up in the strangest places.

"Miss Camden, are you perhaps confused as to where your room is?" It was said loudly, as he wasn't allowed to touch people without consent or due reason. It probably wouldn't be the last time he'd find her somewhere she wasn't supposed to be. Both physically and mentally.
Adira sat up, not having noticed Lydia in the corner. "Lights, fifty percent," she said, the lights in the room turning on dimly to half-power, revealing Lydia in her corner. Adira grabbed a pear, got up, and walked over to Lydia. "Ah, our little biochemist fell asleep. There's a few social lounges on the ship she could have hidden in if her room is really that bad. What's wrong, Miss Camden, scared of your room?" It might sound like Adira was coming off harsh, but she had a smile on her face that showed she was joking.
She hid in the corner of the only somewhat familiar room, listening, straining to hear the footsteps that would be thundering past the door soon. She seemed to remember explicit instructions to avoid this particular mission for reasons that were beyond her, but all the same she startled as she heard her name spoken aloud.

Lydia flinched a bit as she was launched back into the actual reality of her situation.

What had she last been doing..? Oh, yes... notetaking, something like that? And... she was still in the mesh hall? She must have forced herself up far past midnight, though it was not unusual for her to be analyzing something one night and then to be found asleep in that place the next morning if she had been bypassed by security. As she jerked her head up from her place, her tablet came back to life again with an agitating glow that she fumbled to turn over and hide, though only because the glare bothered her still-tired eyes. As soon as the lights came on however, she gave a small groan and held her hand over her face, much like a moody teenager refusing to wake in the morning.

'Hm..? What? Oh, no... My room is fine, I just was...' She was speaking slowly, a little bit disoriented from having been woken so suddenly. This disorientation further slowed her memory, so even as she had recalled it moments earlier, she was foggy on what exactly she had been doing.

'Was... notes? Yes, notes! I was taking notes on something. I forgot to monitor how long I was taking...' With a bit of an annoyed grunt at having forgotten to return to her room until she was too tired to do so, Lydia adjusted herself to move her feet from under her, causing a flood of tingling from having gone numb.
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"He's alive?"

"He's one tough sonofabitch."

Vince felt himself be lifted off the ground. "Oh shit! Check his neck." A hand suddenly searched around his throat and the back of his neck, specifically around the nape. "He's clear, it's just from the pool on the ground." "Good. We spent too much money and time getting his body to accept it, we can't afford...." Vince blacked out before the sentence could be finished. When he came to again he was back in HQ in the med bay, suspended in a healing tube. He managed to look around, but when he noticed his missing arm his heart rate began to shoot through the roof. Immediately the sedatives kicked in, causing him to black out again.

Vince shot up in his bed, grabbing at the sides of his head as sweat poured from his brow. "F-f-f-fuuuck." His hand went from his head to the back of his neck as the pain finally dwindled away. He groaned as he cracked his neck, reaching for the bottle of sedatives that sat on his nightstand. He stuck two in his mouth and chewed them up before swallowing the horrid powder. He looked over a the nightstand before grabbing his note pad. He didn't really know the whole reason behind keeping an old fashioned pen and paper notepad. Maybe it was nostalgia that he didn't have. "Go find a therapist."
Adira chuckled at the girl. She remembered doing similar things when she was in engineering. Of course, she'd been around thirteen, so occasionally one of the nicer crewmen would carry her to her room while she was asleep. She hadn't understood the idea of her having physical limits by then. She'd just work and work to prove her worth and hope she wasn't dropped at some random colony. "Well, you'd best get to your room then, and sleep proper." Adira smiled, then turned and went back to the kitchen, out of sight. She sat up on the counter and leaned against the wall, taking a bite of the pear before deciding the didn't want it. What was the point, anyway? At least she was alone now, but alone meant no distractions, and no distractions meant risks.
Once the sedatives had kicked in and cleared his head Vince walked out of his room on route to the mess hall. Please God, don't let there be a hundred people in there. Thankfully there was none, or at least none that he could see when he walked in. Vince walked into the kitchen and made his way straight to the coffee pot. He searched through several cabinets before finding the coffee he was after. It was some kind of dark roast, no idea what planet it was from, but at the moment he didn't care. He finished prepping the pot before placing a mug underneath the spout and turning the pot on. As he waited he felt a slight twitch at the back of his neck, almost like something coiling around underneath his skin. He reached up behind his head and scratched, trying his best to end the irritation. "Damn sedatives. They never work fast enough." As he waited for his coffee to finish he looked around, hoping to find leftovers or something to chew on if for no other reason than to get his mind off of.....

When he caught sight of something in the corner of his eye Vince felt his body react before he could figure out what it was. He stepped back, holding out a fist as his right hand unsheathed his karambit style photon blade. When he realized it was the Captain Vince sighed.
"You scared the shit out of me.", he laughed as he sheathed his knife again before grabbing his mug. "Come to think of it, why are you up this late?"
Saami watched as Lydia slowly realised where and how she was. Had he earlier been afraid of her curiosity, but now he had seem more he figured she would be a lot more dangerous if she actually had discipline.

"I suggest you perhaps maintain an agenda miss Camden, without decent sleep you will not be able to maintain a consistent level of work. Sleeping in such uncomfortable positions will lead to injuries in the future." It wasn't like he wanted to sound like a pesky parent, but the crew was made his first priority, and with that the quality of work and their physique as well. He didn't doubt Miss Camden was actually intelligent and a good biochemist, but her behaviour simply required him to react in such a way. Just as her confused and disoriented behaviour required the following response. "I will show you to your room, follow me please Miss Camden." After he said it he gestured towards the door and walked out of it, occasionally checking if Lydia in her half awake state was actually behind him.
Adira had stayed silent, waiting to see how Woods would respond. She broke out into laughter, content with having scared him. "Well, why are you up so late, Commander?" was all she gave in response to his question. She crossed her legs and took another bite of her pear, glad for the distraction. She'd heard what he'd said to himself about the sedatives not working fast enough. "No chance of you sleeping if you drink that coffee, you know."
Vince shook his head as he swallowed some of the dark coffee. "I didn't plan on sleeping after this. To answer your first question, I needed to get some air." He glanced down at his mug before looking back at Adira. "Another nightmare. So, I figured it'd be a nice night for a late mug of coffee, and then you suddenly appeared in the corner, and now here we are."
Lydia nodded, muttering a 'thanks' under her breath before taking her tablet again and standing up to follow Saami, trying not to drag her feet across the floor or nod off while walking. Such a thing had happened before, and she didn't enjoy when it did happen. When there was mentioned sleep quality to performance level, Lydia opened her mouth to make a remark about the controversy over how drastic the grip sleep had over such things before her mind took several moments too long and failed altogether to unearth the statistics she had memorized long ago. She found that she didn't much like irony. She shut her mouth and followed to her room, too tired to do much more than thank the head pilot then obediently shut the door and flop onto the bed, giving little effort to land more or less on the cushioned target.
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"Early. An early mug of coffee. Since you answered my question, it's only fair I now answer yours. Same reason as you. Of course, I don't drink coffee after nightmares, in the fleeting hope that I'll be able to fall asleep again. Never happens, but I can hope." She smiled lackadaisically. He understood. She had accepted her fate of rarely being allowed to properly sleep during these periods of time. "I finally sleep after two days, worst nightmare yet. Lucky me, huh?" She held up her hand, showing him that it was still shaking slightly. "Fun times."
Saami headed back to the navigation department once he had make sure Miss Camden found her room, and it had been necessary he went with her because she looked like she probably would have fallen back asleep halfway the corridors. Peculiar person to say the least, and he wasn't quite sure yet what to think of her, so far she had been awfully nice. Still he liked to believe it was genuine kindness, and not some ploy to get to him. For now he put it to the back of his mind though, more concerned with getting the ship in a nice position around the planet they were heading to. By now they probably would have reached the farthest outskirts of the solar system, and by his calculations they would reach the planet in about twelve hours. If everything went as planned he would also be the one to scout out the general environment through a flyby. He wouldn't go on the planet yet, but he was the one with the best vision, so it was only natural he'd be the one to see where the dangers were.
Vince shook his head as he rolled his eyes. "Early, late, whatever. It's coffee time, that's all that matters." He took another sip. "Its not really to keep me awake. Its more or less one of the few comforts I've had in my life. Even back in SIAD we had some downtime where we weren't stuck in stasis. I had always enjoyed coffee before going in, and well I managed to find ways to get it while on duty. I'd make a pot and find some quiet place to get some peace while I drank it." When Adira held out her hand he gave her a sympathetic grimace. "Mine came with a migraine, so we're even I guess." Wasn't exactly the nightmares causing that one though.
Adira paused for a few seconds, thinking over his words. Before going in. Of course he'd have led some kind of other lief before becoming SIAD, but she'd just never thought about it. It just hadn't really occurred to her. Before she could stop herself she asked, "What was your life like before you went in? Where were you from?" She took another bite from her pear to hide her slight blush; she hadn't intended to say that. Her curiosity had gotten the better of her.
Vine stopped in mid sip. She just... He finished the sip, actually downing the rest of the mug before sitting it down next to the pot. His right hand had started shaking slightly until he clenched it into a fist and held it for a few seconds. With a sigh he replied, "I grew up on earth." It felt weird mentioning it now. It seemed so distant to him. He could recall the planet in vivid detail sure, but going looking back made his heart hurt. "I lived in the country, in the mountains. It was a nice, quiet life. I was a different person back then."
Adira smiled at the idea, her eyes lighting up. He'd actually lived on Earth. She'd only visited it for the academy finals, but she'd wanted to stay. Though, she didn't know how well she could make it. While Captain Rik could easily fight off newly discovered species, pirates, coups, Adira got undeniably nervous when she had to imitate Earth customs - act like she was raised on Earth. There was a lot of historical and cultural aspects she just couldn't grasp, same as how to play her banjo. She knew the words behind it, but not the story, and she knew it wasn't enough. However, she noted Woods seemed a bit upset by the topic. "I'm sorry if it's a sore subject for you...."
Vince had turned and poured another cup of coffee when Adira had apologized. "It's just a thing. No harm in it." He turned back around and took a long sip from his mug. "I left a lot of things behind on earth, not that I would go back for them now. In truth I doubt I'll ever go back, especially how things are now." Vince shrugged before taking another sip of coffee. He looked up at Adira and couldn't help but wonder about her story as well. But when he looked at her eyes he saw a look he was all too familiar with. Its better not to ask.
Rea laid awake on her bed, thinking through the day as she always did, but tonight she wants awake by choice. It was hard to force yourself to sleep when you aren't tired.

She didn't know anyone on board. Well of course she knew their names and faces, but she didn't know anything about them. If she was going to be happy doing this, she needed to make relationships with her crew members. Even though it was early... Very early, she decided to get out of her room and do something about it.

She had spent the majority of her time in her room since she got out of stasis. It felt comfortable, but not homely, which was to be expected. That was what she expected, anyways. She opened her door and trudged through the halls, in an attempt to wake up her body. Her brain was wide awake, but not her flesh prison.

She was on route to the mess hall (eeek I know it's so mainstream). It was ever too early for breakfast, and people would be waking up in the next few hours and meet her there anyways.

She turned the corner into the mess hall, expecting no one, and instead saw Captain Adira and Woods. She jumped back, "H-Hi!" She smiled through her words, "I apologize, I was startled. I didn't expect anyone to be here so early!" She walked over and poured herself a cup of coffee. "What are you two nocturnes doing up so early?" She smiled kindly.

@Dragongal @BookWyrm
Vince jumped slightly, startled by the sudden appearance of Rea, who happened to barge in on their conversation. But what annoyed Vince worse than the intrusion was that Rea poured herself a cup of coffee from the pot that he had been working on. Vince took a sip from his mug, his eyes narrowing as he watched Rea fill her mug, though he made sure to avoid glaring at her when she turned back to them. Damn thief. "Woke up, felt like getting some coffee. Ran into Adira, and well we have just been having a nice early morning chat in the kitchen." He took another sip. "Yourself?"
"Well... do you want to go back? If it were somewhere else, and the things you left behind weren't a problem?" Adira leaned back a bit more heavily against the wall. Earth had always sounded like such a nice place, and big too... he could go anywhere. "It was your family that you left, wasn't it?" She hadn't meant to say it, but it had just slipped out. "I'm sorry, I... can't seem to keep my mouth shut..." And then Rea barged in. What a lovely distraction - yet also an interruption. Adira wasn't sure if she was thankful for the girl's timing, or irked by it. She had been enjoying their conversation, though her questions had gotten the better of her by the end.

She took a sip of her coffee and smiled. Nothing better than a nice cup of black coffee in the morning. "I couldn't sleep... I hope I'm not interrupting anything?" She looked around the kitchen for a bag of bagels and some cream cheese which she found in the small fridge. She popped two bagels in the toaster and they popped right out, seconds later, perfectly toasted. She got a plate and a knife and spread cream cheese on them. She took a bite and smiled widely. "Anyways, I gotta go deliver this to Marshall. See you around." She waved and with a smile, she was off.

She was soon in front of Marshall's door, which she knocked on quietly. If he didn't wake, she would return to her room, because she didn't want to disturb him, but she still wanted to give him a nice gesture.

Vince watched Rea walk away, making sure she was gone, before picking up the pot of coffee with a sigh. "She just had to take some of it.", he grumbled before laying it back down and turning to Adira. "Don't worry about earlier, you didn't offend me." He propped himself up against the table before continuing. "My family lived in one of the few green places left on earth. After I left they moved to Mars. They wanted to get away from the hustle and bustle of life on the mother planet. Even if I went to Mars though, I doubt they'd recognize me now."
Had Adira processed what Rea was doing, she would have stopped her. But even after she left, she was still processing the ridiculous fact that Rea had made Marshall a fucking bagel. She turned her attention back to Woods when he spoke. "Well... but they're your family... aren't they supposed to... you know... take care of you when you need it, kind of?" There was definitely some uncertainty in her voice on this subject. Family was supposed to be there for you and forgive you... right? Or was that just her fantasized version of it?

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