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Realistic or Modern Town of Strange

Donna choved her hands in her pocket even more as she followed him "So...how you liking it so far?" She shrugged "I heard some stuff about...the people who live here" she gave an innocent smile "Sounded interesting. How about you?" they were nearing the house now.
"Um, well.... it's definitely quiet, I can tell that. Quiet's good, I guess." He nodded when he mentioned about the townsfolk. "I heard that too. I also wanted a secluded place to do my research, and this place opened up. I haven't met anyone else other than you, so I don't know how... um, gifted the other people here are." He opened the door to the house, wincing a little at the boxes still on the floor. "Sorry. I was in the midst of unpacking. Please, sit down." He gestured towards the comfy arm chair near the fire place. He grabbed a match from the pack nearby, struck it, and lit the logs. Soon there was a fire blazing merrily, and he felt just slightly discomforted by the warmth. "Here, I'll go make some cocoa." He dashed off to the kitchen, and as he made the cocoa, he called out "Where do you live, anyway?"
Donna nodded as she walked inside "The quiet is nice, it gives you time to think. Apart from them being special i've heard the people here are really nice too!" She tilted her head to the side "Research? On what?" her eyes glittered curiously. She ran her fingers through her long blonde hair. She chuckled "Don't worry about it, i'm still not quite done unpacking either!" She sat down and watched the flames, she had always loved fire. She titled her head back and answered "I like just down the river, not too far actually, about the same distance from where we met but in the other direction.
"I, uh, I'm a marine biologist, and also a cryptozoologist. I also study atlantology. Basically means I study stuff in the ocean, mythical creatures, and lost cultures that may or may not be real." I'm also trying to find out who my family is. He thought to himself, but he did not want to confess this to someone he had just met." He finished the cocoa and poured it into mugs. "Really? That's cool. Do you like it down there?" He rummaged around in his cupboard and found some marshmallows, plunking a few into each cup. He went back to the living room, offering a mug to Donna. "Here you go. Watch out, it's hot." He sat down on the opposite end of the couch, as far away from the heat of the fire as possible. He could already feel his legs drying up.
Donna smiled "That's pretty cool!" she had just been a waitress before she moved here, now she didn't do anything. She smiled thinking about her little house "Yea it's really nice, my house is a little big for just one person but whatever extra space is never a bad thing" She took the cup liking the feeling of the warmth "Thanks" she blew some of the steam off the top grabbing one of the marshmallows with her tongue seemingly immune to the heat of it.
Eli shrugged. "Yeah, it keeps me busy. I mean, it interests me too." He blew on his cocoa several times before taking a small sip. "Well, that's always good. More space to move around in, I guess." He smiled slightly as he watched her drink her cocoa. He wanted to ask her what she... well, what she was. She looked completely normal to him, not at all peculiar. When he had heard about this town he half expected to see furred beasts, maybe even a dragon. But now a pretty, although normal looking girl was sitting on his couch, drinking cocoa and conversing with him. Not strange at all. "Have you seen anything weird here?" He suddenly blurted out. He immediately blushed and turned red, feeling rude.
Donna smiled "Well that's good, i don't really have any interests or hobbies so i get pretty bored" she chuckled. When he asked the question she was taking a sip of her cocoa but swallowed it and said laughing "Apart from myself naw" she shrugged and looked at him "Have you yet?" she wondered if he would question her true form or not. The hot cocoa was really good, better than any she had found in this town so far.
Eli raised an eyebrow. "None at all? There must be something you like." He cocked his head slightly when she said that. "You don't seem really weird, if you don't mind me saying." He hastened to correct himself. "I mean, you look normal- well not normal, you're lovely looking.... I uh..." He stammered, and took another ship of cocoa. "What I meant to say was, you don't look very... paranormal to me."
She shrugged a bit "I guess there's a few things i enjoy doing but nothing i would really say is a hobby" she chuckled "Maybe ill find something eventually" she chuckled at his statement. She flicked some hair out of her face drinking her cocoa "I'm not a dark being like most people here....i'm...divine..." she shrugged non chalantly. She was tempted to show him her true form....not yet. She blushed slightly at him calling her lovely, she winked playfully "Like i said, i'm divine. Typically that comes with good looks"
"I'm sure you will." He said gently. He blinked softly. "Divine? You mean like, divine beings? Angels and stuff?" He blushed again when she winked. "Ah, well, I mean, you've certainly got those, no denying that." He hastily sipped his cocoa, feeling his skin blush from the heat of the drink and his embarrassment.
She nodded slightly looking towards the window, more snow began to fall it was turning into a blizzard outside. She nodded looking back at him "Yea..." she stood up taking another sip of her drink before putting it on the table "come on..." she walked towards the door, she figured she might as well show him. She didn't grab her jacket. She noticed his blush hoping he didn't notice hers.
Curiously, Eli followed her outside, closing the door behind them. The snow was falling softly around them, exquisitely beautiful snowflakes drifting through the air before settling on the ground. Eli was a little happy to be out in the cold, away from the drying heat of the fire. He remained quiet, unsure of what Donna was about to do.
Donna took a deep breath ignoring the cold her back to Eli. She crouched down somehow spinning in a circle hand floating over the ground leaving a glowing gold spell circle. She stood up and made a symbol with her hands a pillar of light coming from the sky and hitting her, her entire figure glowing, wings stretched from her back, their white feathers shimmering in the snow. The light faded and she stood there her back to Eli her true form visible her scythe in hand. She wondered what his reaction was. The wind blew the feathers gently.
Eli stood dumbstruck as he watched Donna transform. She looked absolutely stunning with a pair of wings behind her, like a real angel. He opened his mouth, closed it, and opened it. "Wow. I mean.... wow. That was.. my god." He shook his head. "Well, at least I know I'm not the only different one." He smiled at her. "You look incredible. Really. That is... that is so cool."
donna smiled and turned around putting her scythe across her shoulders resting her hands on it, the snow drifting around her. She flapped her wings once it created little tornadoes in the snow. She hadn't shown her true for to anyone in a very very long time. She blushed and smiled "T-thanks...and you're definitely not don't worry" She walked over to him running the feathers of one of her lower soft wings over his arm. The feathers were beyond soft and so light.
The snow whipped around and all through Anya's hair as she sat perched on top of a house. She sat out in only a tank top and a pair of shorts. Yes it was quite an odd choice for this weather, but Anya was used to all different kinds of weather on her skin. The hour was late, and most of the town was sleeping. Anya hopped off of the roof gracefully and began a walk around the woods.

Bubba glanced out his window at her as she said that, then rolled his eyes "Doesn't really matter miss, no need for any more personal revelations" he said before slowly depressing the truck's accelerator "Maybe I'll see you around town again."

"Now if ya'll excuse me, there're a couple of individuals I mean to find." Bubba finished as the Truck began to roll along the road once more.

Dr. Bubonic

Dr. Bubonic crouched down, the eyes of his mask glowing as he tilted his head to take in the entirety of the reptilian man's appearance "Well I don't suppose you have anywhere preferably secluded to warm yourself up do you Mr.... I'm sorry I don't quite think I caught your name?"

(@Bonnie the Bunny )
The Chupacabra hissed in irritation and stalked off, trying to find any other prey that was stupid enough to come out of their hiding and into the snow.

"S-Snake. Name Snake. No, I do not have such comforts. I suppose I could find a hidden place to die of the cold, no use in freezing where every pair of eyes can see" He growled, teeth chattering as he talked. He watched this new person, his glowing yellow eyes watching his every move. (@GrieveWriter )
Kira wandered through the woods peacefully and listened to all of the noises going on around her. She smiled to herself as she leaned up against a tree and took it all in. Her eyes fixated on a cardinal that was playing on the ground. His red feathers standing out against the other colors.
Eli subconsciously traced his fingers along the soft feathers of Donna's wings. They were incredibly delicate, yet he could sense some power behind them. He stepped back. "So... what are you? An angel?" He gestured his head towards the river. "Come on. We can talk and head to the river, there's something I might as well show you."

Donna smiled. petting her wings felt like a nice head scratch. She flicked her bangs out of her eyes "I'm a Valkyrie, an angel knight pretty much" she grinned and started walking with him. She swung her scythe a certain way twirling it and it disappeared into sparkles of light. She crossed her hands behind her back as they walked flapping her wings a bit every once in a while getting the snow off.

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