~ Tokyo Ghoul : Red Rain ~

Just do it and if he comes back and declines those people just have them try again not like it will hurt anything
Now for me!

Name :Alph Short (Or Al for short)

Alias :Bloody Mary

Age :17

Ghoul Level/Investigator Rank : SS

Faction :Ghoul

Sub-Faction :N/A

Gender :Male

Blood Type :O

Ward :20th Ward

Sexuality : Straight as a line

Appearance :

Mask :
[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]well thew faction isint ghoul or human go look at the faction page then choose one of those then your accepted

xD Alright then how about....Quinx
[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]no go to organizations page

xD My bad my bad I'm going to use White Lotus
Name: Renshi Daemon

Alias: Black Demon

Age: 19

Ghoul level/investigator rank:SSS

Faction: Ghoul

Sub-Faction: N/A

Gender: Male

Blood type: (will but in later)

Ward: 20th

Sexuality: straight





Bio: Not much is know about Renshi even though he is an SSS class ghoul, he rarely gets into trouble and doesn't draw unnecessary attention to himself. But he is know for killing ghouls and doves that have hurt innocent ghouls and humans. He was right now returning back to his uncles cafe after traveling around all 20 wards.

Personality: he is a kind and friendly ghoul, that's is childish and laid back person. He is like a brother to his cousin Yui and is a very caring person. But if you get on his bad side which is extremely hard to get unless you hurt the people he cares about then that person is in trouble, because he will kill if he needs to and isn't afraid to do so.


?his cousin Yui

?his uncle


?sweet coffee


?talking to people

?friendly people

?talking and teasing Yui


?people that hurt those he cares about

?bitter coffee

?ghouls and Doves that hurt innocents


He like Yui has two types of kagune. He has 6 black flexible but sharp tentacles with neon orange spec on them. His second kagune is the armor which black with red specs, kagune that can cover his arms and legs but keeps the rest of his body vulnerable. He is fast on his feet but not as fast as Yui. He used his armor to block attacks and fight close-combat and use his tentacles to stab, grab and throw and block sometimes.


Name: Jasper Kurosaki

Alias: Jackal or the informant

Ghoul Level/Investigation Level: SS

Faction: Ghoul

Sub-Faction: N/A

Gender: Male

Blood type: will put in later

Ward: 20th

Sexuality: straight


((Both eyes are black))



Bio: This man is a mysterious man, not much I know about him, other than he has a cafe and has a niece and nephew. He helps ghouls that need food or need a place to stay for the night. There are also rumors going around saying that this man know everything that is happening in the wards and can find any piece of information and even where the hideouts of Paramor and such.

Personality: he is calm man that always has a calm smile on his face. He is known by his nice to be lazy, hut he actually isnt. he is often found in the living room section of the cafe reading a newpaper, book or thinking about stuff. He is know to help his niece from people that harass her and won't leave her alone.


?his nice and nephew


? the customers at his shops


?observing people

?sweet and bitter coffee

?Any type of gossip or information


?ghouls and dove that hurt his niece and nephew

?loud annoying people


He has 8 ribbon like, strong but sharp tentacles that is pitch black. Which he uses to fight by stabbing, blocking and grabbing. He has a hunting knife he uses to fight with when he doesn't want to use his kagune. He is also fast on his feet but is same speed as his nephew.

Other: He is calm and collected under dangerous situations and is good at using the shadows to hidden or escape. He can move around in the dark with ease and keep his presence hidden so one will know he is there until he reveals himself.

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Name: Renji Ukeda

Alias: CCG's Right hand

Age: 22

Investigator: Special Class Investigator

Faction: CCG

Gender: Male

Blood Type: AB+

Ward: 20th

Sexuality: Straight

Bio: All that the CCG has on record for him is that he is exceptional in all areas of his training, as only the higher ups have access to his personal files of his life before the CCG. He is considered the Right Hand of the Organization due to his proficiency, analytical skills, and combat prowess. Currently been reassigned to oversee the 20th ward.

Personality: Renji tends to keep to himself. He can be found reading or carrying on with some other seemingly arbitrary task when not dealing with ghouls or anything relating to work. He inspires other CCG members and encourages them to push their limits through his efforts alone. A soft spoken man that can become a ghoul's worst nightmare if he is sent after them. He is only called upon when something big is going down, saving him for the more dangerous SSS~ class ghouls. He is considered a One Man army by some of his peers and a Human Monster to others, the only thing that is for sure is that he is battle hardened and a Human who can stand alone in the face of the strongest level of ghouls.

Please come to our cafe and enjoy some coffee xD and I think he is gonna go after Chaos

I'm sure a good kidnapping will come in handy down the road, the CCG will use any means necessary to achieve their goals

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