~ Tokyo Ghoul : Red Rain ~

"I apologize for the hell you have been sworn to live in, I will rid you of the bindings that are holding you to Earth."

"You're being more social with the ghouls then with us."

"I'm trying to complete the mission, I'll be stating your being off task in my report."



Name : Lull Sue Captylu

Age : 26

Ghoul Level/Investigator Rank : Associate Special Class Investigator

Faction : Dove

Sub-Faction :

Gender : Male

Blood Type : A

Ward : 20th Ward

Sexuality : Pansexual





Lull isn't originally from such a land as this but one he has come to forget about. It is a troubling task to remember much of what happened to the man before the age of twelve though he is aware that he may have had a twin sister of a similiar appearance and two wealthy parents though how they looked and their words have been forgotten, having been lost after a particular event that occurred when he was but a young teen.

For a reason he cannot recall, Lull and his family had taken a trip to the area of the first ward, now that he recalls his past he wonders if his parents held business there with the Doves.

Well, as they traveled through a crowd of hundreds the terrible event of being separated from his family occurred. Lull can easily remember how scared he had been as he ran around attempting to hear his families thick accent or to see their eccentric white hair which set them out among the crowd without struggle. Though as dusk fell the young boy had found that he knew not a thing of where to go, he wished to ask for assistance but what was this lands language? They spoke but gibberish that was impossible for the twelve year old to comprehend, he was living in a terrible nightmare.

As the night had fallen Lull had sat upon a wooden bench near a park he had sort of recognized, hoping he'd spot his family. This was when a young women approached him and sat beside him, he didn't understand her words but she seemed kind, her smile was soft and gentle like his mothers. But her eyes, what color were they? The darkness made it so difficult to read, she looked liked someone who would have blue eyes, bright blue eyes that sparkled even through exhaustion. She was a ray of light for Lull, though suddenly everything became dark when he had turned away and a pain shot up his left arm.

Wait, where was it? The pain was so definite in the section but when Lull turned to gaze at it, the area was missing what once occupied it. It hurt, it hurt to much to comprehend what else could be happening as Lulls high pitched cries rippled through the nights air, where was someone? He needed help, someone please help, Lull tried to stand up to run when another scream had mixed with his own, one of a feminine nature. When the twelve year old looked back the women was suddenly unmoving an intimidating man standing above her with an odd sword like weapon penetrating her.

Once more Lull was filled with fear though the darkness of unconsciousness had enveloped him until he had reawaken in a room he didn't know. The man was in front of him and spoke in a tongue Lull had known, one which caused him to begin to cry suddenly as though the language was a haven which would return him back to his home and family. The man asked him many questions but mainly on whether he'd like to protect people from what had attacked him, it sounded like he'd be a hero, someone who'd save the world with superpowers. Lull was quick to reply with a fast yes despite his lack of a left arm.


/ Quiet / Curious / Doesn't express emotions / Robotic / Kind / Reliable

Every individual holds a personality, a persons emotions distinct in many scenarios both positive and negative. Though such an inferred fact as this is commonly questioned when in regards to the dove, Lull. He is a man who doesn't express his emotions overtly, if one wishes to know what he's feeling you must either ask, which no one wants to do, or, read the small signs which he can't help but reveal through his blank facade.

Lull is generally a person of silence who is commonly inspecting his surroundings though not out of anxiousness. He isn't one to be fearful or irritated, but merely someone who sits in a thoughtful and quizzical silence. The young man holds an intense amount of curiosity within him and this tends to lead him to roaming streets and entering shops that might have been looked past beforehand.

Lull is a man who is on occasion rumored to lack emotion unless he is in the heat of battle, during such times as these his emotions run wild and he is known to become reckless with his actions, a starch contrast to his usual persona. He is a man who reels with feelings when in the presence of ghouls, an odd compassion for the beings that cause him to be casted out socially by his co-workers. Lull though his own personal experiences with both horrendous and kind ghouls sees their conditions as a sort of sickness which by killing them he is capable of ridding them of it and allowing them to live happily, unaware that some may be content with their lives.

Lull isn't a man who is emotional over the lives of his comrades and civilians but over the lives of those he sees to be suffering.

To much of the CCG he isn't a dove though a crow tainted by what makes the world dark.

Likes & Dislikes


+Finding new places


+Bitter Coffee

+Success, meeting standards

-Seeing things suffer


-Wearing his glasses

-Puns (They are the bane of his existence)

-When people can't understand him because of his accent



Please be kind to my young robotic boy
Name :Senma Kitama

Age :19

Ghoul Level/Investigator Rank :Special Investigation

Faction :Dove

Sub-Faction :Founder of the suicide squad (a group of Doves who deal with sss class ghouls.)

Gender :Male

Blood Type : O-

Ward : 27th

Sexuality : Straight


Appearance<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Togainu-no-Chi-anime-guys-16678012-611-739.jpeg.f67172da98b91c3530661fba4fd1ca10.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52786" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/Togainu-no-Chi-anime-guys-16678012-611-739.jpeg.f67172da98b91c3530661fba4fd1ca10.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Biography:Senma didn't become a member of CCG for the same reason as most non of his family were killed by ghouls nor was he ever attacked by one. He joined for one simple reason cause it's fun. Senma got his quinque at a young age of 17 he is a genius seeming to be just an insane idiot with a reckless fighting style he is in fact one of the most strategic members of CCG. Even his own team mates fear him for his style and way of thinking. Senma hopes that one day he'll face one of the greatest challenges a CCG member can face a one-eyed ghoul.

Personality:Senma is a joker he likes to have fun with his job and will spend alot of time making fun of his enemies. He seems to take nothing serious like it's all just a game to him but Senma does understand the importance of his job.

Likes:Killing ghouls, fighting, teasing others, his quinque, sweets

Dislikes:Sour stuff, really serious people, downers, rain


Quinque:Two claw like kagunes on his hands.




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Name : Riko Saito

Alias : Succubus

Age : 20

Ghoul Level: S

Faction : ghoul

Sub-Faction : none

Gender :female

Blood Type : A+

Ward : 3rd

Sexuality : bisexual


When she actually does hunt she usually just wears a plain surgical mask.

Biography: Riko was raised about as averagely as a ghoul could be raised. Though she grew up with her mother who did her best to keep others thinking they were human. She brought Riko up in the mindset that not everyone is okay to eat, so aim for the bad ones. This led Riko to grow up going after those who she deemed “bad”. This included thieves, muggers, but even those were hard for her to find so she took new methods, usually flirting with potential meals and bringing them back to “her place” (actually usually to some alleyway far from others) and kill them. Eating what she needed and storing the rest for later. Of course she wouldn't do this to just any person who was attracted to her. She aimed for seedy bars and such where she felt no moral good-hearted person would go. Her methods did cause her to sometimes have issues finding a meal but she’s managed.

Riko is usually cheerful, coy and seemingly ditzy. She’s actually smarter than she comes off to be, but she’s so used to pretending to be ditzy and whatnot that she doesn’t really drop the act sometimes. She usually acts friendly in her own way and jokes around a lot despite the situation. She’s a bit of a flirt sometimes but usually tones it down depending on who she’s around. She can also be a little tiny bit vain and a major smart ass if she feels like it.

Likes & Dislikes

+Exciting things that she can watch.

+eating people.



+Sleeping in.

+Most animals, even bugs.

-Being in the middle of the action.

-eating someone she feels like didn't really deserve it.-people actually thinking she’s dumb.

-Not being able to eat human food.




Bikaku- Riko’s bikaku is a dark purple and long, slender, and tail-like with a sort of bladed tip. She uses it to either trip enemies, impale, or even help climb if need be. Or even hold stuff if she's feeling lazy around the house.

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Rosyshark said:
Name : Riko Saito
Alias : Succubus

Age : 20

Ghoul Level: ss

Faction : ghoul

Sub-Faction : none

Gender :female

Blood Type : A+

Ward : 3rd

Sexuality : bisexual


When she actually does hunt she usually just wears a plain surgical mask.

Biography: Riko was raised about as averagely as a ghoul could be raised. Though she grew up with her mother who did her best to keep others thinking they were human. She brought Riko up in the mindset that not everyone is okay to eat, so aim for the bad ones. This led Riko to grow up going after those who she deemed “bad”. This included thieves, muggers, but even those were hard for her to find so she took new methods, usually flirting with potential meals and bringing them back to “her place” (actually usually to some alleyway far from others) and kill them. Eating what she needed and storing the rest for later. Of course she wouldn't do this to just any person who was attracted to her. She aimed for seedy bars and such where she felt no moral good-hearted person would go. Her methods did cause her to sometimes have issues finding a meal but she’s managed.

Riko is usually cheerful, coy and seemingly ditzy. She’s actually smarter than she comes off to be, but she’s so used to pretending to be ditzy and whatnot that she doesn’t really drop the act sometimes. She usually acts friendly in her own way and jokes around a lot despite the situation. She’s a bit of a flirt sometimes but usually tones it down depending on who she’s around. She can also be a little tiny bit vain and a major smart ass if she feels like it.

Likes & Dislikes

+Exciting things that she can watch.

+eating people.



+Sleeping in.

+Most animals, even bugs.

-Being in the middle of the action.

-eating someone she feels like didn't really deserve it.-people actually thinking she’s dumb.

-Not being able to eat human food.




Bikaku- Riko’s bikaku is a dark purple and long, slender, and tail-like with a sort of bladed tip. She uses it to either trip enemies, impale, or even help climb if need be. Or even hold stuff if she's feeling lazy around the house.

I feel like my character would have seen her in the bar he used to DJ lol

Name : river

Alias : { If your not a Ghoul Ignore this. } thanatos

Age : 16

Ghoul Level/Investigator Rank : SSS~

Faction : { E.g Ghoul , Human , Quinx , Dove Etc } paramor

Sub-Faction :

Gender : male

Blood Type : double negative

Ward : ???

Sexuality : straight


Appearance<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.f42ca3f0f6dedf25504b977bc8fa0679.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52912" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.f42ca3f0f6dedf25504b977bc8fa0679.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Mask:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.2e65e64254ead07b415c13e86b35f4e4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52916" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.2e65e64254ead07b415c13e86b35f4e4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


River grew up on the streets from child hood because he was a one eyed ghoul until he was found and taken in by the group paramor and taught how to use his kagune to perfection and has trained ever since. Having pure unfaltering loyalty to the paramor he would gladly die for them.... Except if he falls in love with some one then he will leave them if he has too

Personality river is the type of silent intimidating type just without the fact that he's a ghoul let a lone a one eye. He's quiet and heart less at first and hard to get too but once you do he will care for you for the rest of his life

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: nothing really except sweets but he doesn't show it

Dislikes: the CCG, sour stuff, the enemy's of paramor



River Kagune is six spider like legs that are serated on both sides to maximize clean killing. There nimble light yet strong build allows him to move at super human ways while being able to climb and kill at the same time as whel as bending them in every way. River had earned the alias thanatos because of his horrid and deadly torture plus the hundreds HES killed also naming him death another name for thanatos the Greek god of death

Kakujua: River grows another pair of kagunes but these are two massive wings and the colors become a sinister black





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Well Paramour don't exactly stay in one ward, But I think you should start in the 20th Seeing as everyone else is located there currently!

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