~ Tokyo Ghoul : Red Rain ~

Daniel reaver] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/13484-drumonkey/ said:
@Drumonkey[/URL] accepted
@CharChar45 you forgot your kagunes but over all I like it and when you make your investigator can you not have them be a special class we have one two many :)
Alright. I'll make it later tonight. And also can I get a summary of what's going on in the rp so I don't have to read all 88 pages? Lol



Name: Monroe Carey

Age: 32

Investigator Rank: First Class Senior Investigator

Faction: Dove

Gender: Female

Blood Type: B-

Ward: 20th

Sexuality: Heterosexual





Ever since she was a child, Monroe wanted nothing more than to be a Ghoul Investigator. She was inspired by her parents, both of which were special class investigators who worked together as partners. She still remembers the stories they used to tell her of their battles with ghouls. Her mother once let her hold her quinque, causing Monroe to squeal with girlish delight. She loved her parents, and she desired to be just like them. And when her father died, it only pushed her more.

She remembers how silent her mother became, sitting at the table and staring at the ripples in her cup of coffee, skipping work for days. And, when she finally did go back, Monroe barely saw her. She was left on her own most of the time, her mother neglecting her, focusing solely on work, trying to forget the face of the man she loved. It angered Monroe. She hated ghouls with a passion after that, a rage she had never felt before, not at her young age of ten. And dear god, she wanted her revenge. She did the only thing she could, which was train.

Through all her school years, Monroe was an active participant in all sorts of sports, doing everything she could to become stronger. She was the top of her class both athletically and academically, excelling in her classes. She soaked up every bit of knowledge she could, anything and everything that could be used against ghouls. However, despite all her fame throughout the school, Monroe was not well like by her peers. She was seen as a show off, and many of her fellow students hated her. Which, of course, led to many fights and Monroe becoming a social outcast. Despite all of this, Monroe stayed focused on her goal, eventually graduating top of her class and quickly moving on to the CCG Academy.

A focused student, Monroe excelled again at the Academy, once more graduating top tier and quickly joining the ranks of the ghoul-hunting organization. She was skilled, her mentor impressed by her ability, and learned quickly from his teachings. She grew oddly close to the man, seeing him as a fatherly figure she had lacked for many years. Of course, rumors spread, and many people assumed her relationship with her mentor was much more intimate then it truly was. Monroe quickly learned to ignore the rumors, however, and remained focused on her job.

Monroe quickly reached Rank 1 Junior Investigator, still remaining her mentor's pupil. One night, they went out hunting, tracking a pair of ghouls who had killed a man a few weeks before. The usual feeding. They did not expect, however, the ghouls to be SS~ rated, much more powerful then they anticipated. A brutal battle commenced as soon as they found them, two on two. Their quinques clashed against kagunes. The two ghouls, a man and a woman, growled and cursed. Monroe, busy holding back one, barely noticed the tiny slip up her mentor made. The night was wet from rain and blood, and he fell. The ghoul quickly claimed his prize.

All she heard was his bloodcurdling shriek of pain.

For a moment, Monroe felt frozen her body whipping around to face the scene, face alight with horror as she watched the ghoul rip apart her mentor piece by bloody piece. For a moment, she was completely and utterly petrified. Her mentor, her teacher, her friend, her family... Gone due to a fall. A simple, small fall that got him killed. Was this how her father died? Slipping to his death? Would she die like this one day, while engaged in battle? With her blood spurting everywhere, filling up a ghouls salivating mouth.

Claws digging into her shoulder jolted Monroe back into reality, a feral growl passing her lips as she whipped around, swinging her quinque out and slicing the ghoul in half. They briefly shrieked in pain, Monroe barely noticing as she turned, pouncing towards the ghoul still feasting on her teacher. With a flicker of her wrist, his head tumbled off, rolling to the ground. Monroe panted, clenching her quinque tightly, standing in front of her teacher like a shield. She was now more angry than ever, wanting to destroy every ghoul, no matter what the cost.

After that night, Monroe was promoted to First Class Senior Investigator, taking the place of her mentor. However, she held no desire to take on any pupils, and simply focused on her job. She hunted ghouls, and has one of the highest success rates in defeating them. However, due to the rumors still wandering around about her and her mentor once being lovers, she has yet to be promoted beyond First Class. One day, she hopes she can finally surpass it.


Rather chaste, Monroe is the type to only discuss what she needs with people, then move along to whatever she finds more important. She's very focused on her goals, in a stubborn way, not letting anything, even the lives of innocents, stop her from achieving what she desires to achieve.

Likes and Dislikes



+Hunting Ghouls









Her quinque are two, medium length, dagger-like blades that are a blood red.

((This is what happens when I'm in a mood to write a character sheet lol))​
@CharChar45 accepted and so what's been going one that's really important is maybe about when I first started because that started with the attack of a CCG convoy. Then there was an encounter between one of the special class investigators and jasper, yui, and my character River but know another character of mine (drake) had kidnapped yui for what he called 'stealing' River away from the paramor so that all went down and now that is all starting to die out in the 24th ward

Name : Zack Jackson

Alias : Orphan

Age :17 (Going on 18)

Ghoul Level: B

Faction : Ghoul

Sub-Faction : None yet

Gender : Male

Blood Type : O+

Ward : 11th

Sexuality : Bisexual





WARNING: May trigger some people

Biography: Zack was born to Jason Jackson and Melissa Miller, both high level ghouls who taught Zack how cruel the world is to ghouls. Jason in particular taught his young son by calling doves on him multiple times a year, in order to keep Zack strong and fit. Zack's mom died in one of these attacks, trying to protect her son who wouldn't summon his kagune. Upon her death, his kagune sprung into action, killing the doves. His father was proud of his son, and congratulated Zack on his killing. But this had pushed little Zack too far, and he murdered Jason on the spot. From then on, Zack lived by himself, living off his family's fortune.

Personality: Zack is quite a character. He's extremely bipolar and insane, the slightest thing setting him onto a murder spree. He has a calm side, but doesn't let anyone get close. He wouldn't watch someone he cared about die again.

Likes & Dislikes


+Video Games

+/- Killing

- People

- Doves


Kagune: Rinkaku/Koukaku


This is Zack's rinkaku, inherited from his father. There are two of these.


There is only one of these that Zack can summon, for his right arm. He inherited this from his mother.


Name :William McKinney

Age :15

Ghoul Level/Investigator Rank :N/A

Faction :Human

Sub-Faction :High school student

Gender :male

Blood Type
:o positive

Ward :

Sexuality :Straight

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