~ Tokyo Ghoul : Red Rain ~

[QUOTE="Kawaii Centipede]I was wondering if it would be okay to change my guy into a quinx now that i have searched it up and know what it is. I know a good way to make it go along with the strory.

Sure sorry I was sleep ing
Name :Ryota Itsugi Takinaza

Age :



Ghoul Level/Investigator Rank : Special Class Investigator

Faction : Dove

Sub-Faction : White-Lotus & CCG

Gender :

Blood Type :AB+

Ward :20 & 24

Sexuality :


Biography: Ryota was born in Akihabara, Japan. Two years after his birth he was given to a childhood friend of his parents who at the time was the director of CCG, due to a mission they had been given which involved taking down an SSS class ghoul known as Berserker. Ryota's parents took a team of 12 SS ranked investigators and lead them to meet in a final battle with Berserker. However Berserker proved to be stronger then they had imagined but ultimately Ryota's parents were able to take down Berserker (or so they thought), but in the process lost half their team. This battle made it clear to the Takinaza's that having their son anywhere near them during these battles would be a worse fate than death, so for a majority of time Ryota spent most of his time with the head of CCG and his own kid whenever his parents had a mission. Then one day something happened that Ryota would never forget. On his 10th birthday Ryota was finally allowed to spend sometime with his parents after they came off duty. They had just returned from capturing a ghoul and had picked up Ryota. While walking home they confronted a young man who gave off the weirdest vibe, this man asked for directions to a store that happened to be near the Takinaza residence, after giving directions his parents quickly took a shortcut home instead of taking the long way as they had planned. Just as they were about to reach home the very same young man greets them in front of their house residence, it was there a battle ensued where that young man had appeared to be Berserker himself. Both parents fought greatly but in the end were killed, but not before Berserker made sure he burned the image of their suffering into Ryota's memory. However as they died both parents were able to inflict a hideous fatal wound on Berserker, causing him to flee shortly after being hit. The last thing Ryota remembers his parents telling him is "Become someone who will never have to suffer such pains like this again."

Berserker was never found and Ryota's parents were both given an honorable funeral. Taken in by the CCG director Ryota took up special training for four years and became the youngest Special Investigator at the age of 17. Shortly after gaining this rank he was sent on a mission to eliminate the a ghoul known as Luriana upon meeting her he joined the organization known as White Lotus. From then on Ryota dedicated himself to wiping out ghouls, that only cared about eating humans.

Personality: Despite his parents being killed by a ghoul, Ryota does not hate ghouls. One of the things his parents had taught him before their demise was that "Ghouls may be different but they are like humans in a way, they have feelings like humans do." This is something Ryota always remembers and whenever he is sent on a mission he always makes sure the ghoul has hostile intentions towards humanity in general before attacking. Ryota has more of a pacifistic disposition, tending to try reason first then resort to force if unsuccessful or ruled out. Being observant and cautious since childhood at the same time knowing how to blend in with the crowd easily are all things Ryota has been quite good at since he was a kid. When the situation calls for it however and violence is key Ryota can become a cool and calculating fiend. Using manipulative manners to either get information or weakening his target mentally. He's the type of person that thoroughly investigates people making sure he knows every single thing about them before making a move, one of the reasons why he was assigned the 24th Ward is because of this and his gifted survival skills, something both his parents had.



-Studying others

- Cake

- Relaxing




-Fighting Ghouls



Quinque: Projects blade like tails that can be separated into two swords and combined into a giant one. It is capable of absorbing massive amounts of damage and dishing it back to the attacker.

Name: mika sekatsu

Alias: she doesn't have an alias but a lot of the investigators call her little demon for fun

Age: 10

Ghoul/Investigator/Human: investigator

Hair Color: bright blonde

Eye Color: bright blue

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.00d4ff2fb5ea22a6ad48ef0455e3ce5b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="55823" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.00d4ff2fb5ea22a6ad48ef0455e3ce5b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Quinqe:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.6863e43481fc030a4273550d29b7f64b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="55822" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.6863e43481fc030a4273550d29b7f64b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Past: yui had been born into one of the ghoul killing rings and grew up killing them for the cannabal ghouls till the organization had been attacked by investigators and she had been rescued by the investigators. Still at an unbeleivably young age the training the ghouls had given her have shown up when she randomly wandered into the investigator training and scored top marks on it without even knowing what she was doing. After that the CCG desided to give her a weapon and make her an investigator as a trial run to see if they could do this with other kids they save in the cannibal raids

Extra: even though she's an investigator she still has a fondness and love for the ghouls because her 'master' when she was in the cannibal rings was a loving person that cared for her giving her a slight love for some ghouls



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