~ Tokyo Ghoul : Red Rain ~

So how's the rp going? Also do the Investigator Specialists have partners cuz if we do I would prefer to have either @HellKnight or another Special Class as a partner I feel it'd be interesting with my character
As far as investigators go, feel free to insert yourself anywhere. One of my characters just had a run in with Thanatos, while the other one is about to do her rounds of the ward. So you can either run into her looking for my other character, or run into him. However you want, it's your choice @The Regal Rper


Name: Tremki “X” Taylor

Kanji: Tremki・x・テイラー

Rōmaji: Tremki “Ekusu” Teirā


Tremki “X” Taylor (Tremki・x・テイラー, Tremki “Ekusu” Teirā) is a First-class Ghoul investigator and the first successful subject for the “Quinxes Program”



(Species) Human (Throughout story becomes a Quinxes

(Gender) Male

(Birthdate) September 21’st

(Status) Alive

(Visual Age) 16

(Age) 15

(Height) 5’6 or 5’7ft

(Weight) 110lbs

(Rank) Investigator (He's new)

(Partner) No one yet has to be decided.

(Whereabouts) CCG Laboratory, 1st Ward

(Unique Traits) Although eats a lot has a high metabolism keeping him always thin, Eye color often changes from Dark Brown to Hazel.


[Abilities] After being put through the Quinxes Program gained many of the Ghoul attributes, becoming much faster, much stronger and also gained the ability to use Kagune. Tremki has a Bikaku & Rinkaku typed Kagune, his Bikaku being a thin plate of armor that covers his stomach, chest, arms and hands which gives him enhanced stability, toughness and stronger punches, his Rinkaku consists of four tentacles coming out of his tail-bone.

[Physical Strength]

Tremki has always been naturally good at ground and pound style of fighting, often using others strength against them although against a ghoul with his original physique he wouldn’t stand a chance against ghouls, infact he would be torn to shreds by the most basic and weakest of ghouls. But the point was for his age he had a some what decent fighting style, but he was still a normal kid. At the age sixteen, Tremki went through with the Quinxes Program. This then gave him his ghoul attributes and abilities along with a years worth of 22/7 hour trainings. (22 hours a day).


Due to his natural perk to endure pain, even before the Quinxes program Tremki quickly adapted to Ghoul inflicted pain and actually gained the harness to fight a ghoul on par for longer than ten seconds (Better than any average human when the ghoul goes serious). After the Quinxes program Tremki became a somewhat unstoppable object after attaching his Bikaku Kagune to himself.


During the CCG (Commission of Counter Ghoul)’s attack against the 10th ward, a young Tremki was separated from his parents, who guided others to safety. The explosions and debris winded up being the reason for the separation and he was knocked out by the impending chaos around him, which led to him drifting in and out of consciousness. In his momentary confusion, a hand reached out, promising to guide him back to his parents. This person was none other than the head of the research department, who had ambition far from bringing him back to his family. A young Tremki passed out from a severe concussion just as he took the stranger’s hand, and woke up in the care of within the CCG laboratory. The young boy awoke from a severe case of amnesia due to the blow sustained by the CCG’s attack on the Ward, and no memory prior to waking up at that moment. The investigator knew of the child’s background and his family’s bloodline of powerful kagune, and remembered the many years of research he had done on some of his ancestor’s corpses. With the child’s memory gone, he saw a glimmer of hope for his ambitions as he could experiment freely on this child. He could use the idea of bring back the child’s memory as the gateway to freely what he wanted to his body, knowing the child would agree and offer no resistance. Under the banner of restoring his memory, the humans began the experiments.



[Personality] Tremki is a rather calm, smooth and slack kind of person, often taking the easiest road to things unless he has to do something else, although he would rather lay around he is always able to push himself to do many things, often reaching things passed him limits occasionally. Tremki is often kind normally because he cannot be bothered being harsh or mean, nor does he see any point in collisions between people often not liking hostility, but when pushed far enough he can become incredibly hostile, cruel and ruthless not often knowing how far he takes things, this was seen as a perk to the CCG as it’s a sign to talk first, fight last. Although Tremki puts on a show of slowness and confusion, Tremki is actually very intelligent, often when placed in a subject he’s interested in or excells he becomes indulge into conversations. When fighting Tremki often aims to humiliate unless maddened beforehand.


[Weapons] Kagune (Rinkaku & Binkaku)


“I don’t aim to kill, I aim to cripple”

“I just love how you underestimate me”

“Go ahead, come at me”

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Name : mika

Alias : doesn't have an alias but the other incestigators like to call her little


Age : 10

Ghoul Level/Investigator Rank : just under special class investigator

Faction : { E.g Ghoul , Human , Quinx , Dove Etc } dove

Sub-Faction :

Gender : female

Blood Type : AB+

Ward : any

Sexuality : she's a child really



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.41b60b4cf593a898ce2f553ca5606341.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="56356" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.41b60b4cf593a898ce2f553ca5606341.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


yui had been born into one of the ghoul killing rings and grew up killing them for the cannabal ghouls till the organization had been attacked by investigators and she had been rescued by the investigators. Still at an unbeleivably young age the training the ghouls had given her have shown up when she randomly wandered into the investigator training and scored top marks on it without even knowing what she was doing. After that the CCG desided to send her into trial runs eventually making her in investigator as an experiment to see if they could get more like her from the cannibal raids


She's a major trouble maker usually running around or doing some thing childish when she's not hunting ghouls or sitting there with minirith (her quinque)

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+her partner when she gets one


-sour stuff

-being bored

-being scoulded


Quinque<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.f4fe427c80b2365f2cf8197bf77a875e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="56357" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.f4fe427c80b2365f2cf8197bf77a875e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




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Name : Dru Meadows

Alias : The Ape

Age : 17

Ghoul Level/Investigator Rank : B

Faction : Ghoul

Sub-Faction :

Gender : Male

Blood Type : O

Ward :3rd

Sexuality : Pansexual



Biography: Dru grew up a happy go lucky kid always excited and happy until his parents were killed leaving him alone at age 14. For the next 3 years he taught himself self control meditation and learned martial arts (Monkey fist) to defend himself along with his kagune.

Personality: Likes to help others who are less fortunate than himself and after his parents were killed he began to feed on ghouls and humans he could get at. eventually he took up meditation and learned Monkey Fist fighting style to help himself gain control over himself. Dru is intelligent and hates to be manipulated.





Eating other ghouls


Practicing his fighting style


Mean people

Acting rude to him

Doubting him repeatedly

strict people




Bikaku- it looks like a strong tail similar to a monkey's with two tendrils on the ends that allow greater stability and balance


When Dru enters his Kakuja state his tails become burlier, longer and another tail forms giving him two tails. there are also some Rc cells that cover his chest in the general shape of a rib cage as well as forms in front of his mouth giving him the look of sharper canines and always in a sort of growl.

Name : Juniper Belle

Alias : Crystal Skull

Age : 19

Ghoul Level/Investigator Rank : S~

Faction : Ghoul

Sub-Faction : N/A at the moment

Gender : Female

Blood Type : O+

Ward : 20th

Sexuality : Bisexual






There isn’t much to tell about her past. She was raised with both of her ghoul parents until four years ago, when a Special Investigator murdered them. Ever since then, she had been on her own, surviving on her own and hoping to one day get her revenge on the dove who killed her family.


Juniper is probably one of the most antisocial people you could meet. She rarely speaks, and when she does, it is usually around the lines of snarky and disrespectful. Because of this, she is not particularly liked, nor is she very good at making friends.

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-Loud Noises






I will have another character sheet coming soon :) a special investigator.

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