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Fandom ~ Tokyo Ghoul : Red Rain ~

Yui hummed as she washed the dishes. She looked back at Rivers as she finished washing them and was now drying them with a black towel. " something wrong?" She asked as she noticed the slightly confused look in his eyes. She put the dishes away and dried her hands

@Daniel reaver

River looked up and shook his head "n-no nothing's wrong" he said to her 'why am I so worried now' he thought as he tryed to give her a normal look so that he could throw her off and convince her that nothing was wrong "j-just thinking thats all" he said in his usual cold voice

Yui tilted her head as she can tell he is lieing. She smiled at him as she leaned on the counter her elbows resting on the dark wood. She looked at him in the eye and said " i can tell your lieing...... please.. tell me what's wrong... if your worried about the CCG coming here.. don't worry about it..." she smiled "They will most likely think it's normal shop, since a few of them come here to drink coffee themselves"

@Daniel reaver

River stared back at her his eyes showing no emotion but his voice said differently as he tryed to cover it up "I-im not liying and im not worried" he said as he stared at her with a blank face 'why am I so worried about this place and this girl' he thought as he stared at her "i-it's just that I might have known a couple guys that where in the attack" he said to her

Masaki sat there on the roof as he looked through the window in the building on the ground in front of him. His hawk like vision enabled him to see thus far. "Two Ghouls.. One girl and one boy, both seem young, I can sense the fact that they are ghouls from here.." He sighed and was readying to jump down when a CCG van drove last the coffee shop and parked outside, but they didn't go into the shop. Instead they began scaling the building where Masaki was on top. "Shit! Best get out of here.." With that his Kagune spouted again and he took off, firing hundereds of his shard like feathers at the van as it became useless, he then took off into the sky and circled the area, looking for a place to go. The CCG operatives began shooting bullets up at Masaki but he dodged them all, only to return fire and kill half of them. "I best find a place fast"

20th Ward

Alexander let out a heavy sigh , he saw no harm in informing the other of his little plan and he didn't exactly smell human from what he could tell.

"Hmph..Well In all honestly I was planning on avoiding that Cluster Fuck of CCG Before they send in the Blood Hound with her little followers..."

He'd grumble , eyeing the other slightly also letting go of the others hand in the process.

The Blood hound was an infamous CCG Operative who was known to be one of the best in the entire organisation , famed for killing the Second in Command of Vanagandr and leading multiple expeditions in the 24th ward always coming out unharmed with a team of now seasoned Associate class Investigators known as the I6.

The Team was no pushover either, being famed for fighting in the 11th ward "War." and coming out unscathed with more kills than most Investigators could dream to achieve.

"I'm going to safely assume you're a Ghoul...because you certainly don't smell like one....My Alias is Cricket, Heard of it?"

River heard the commotion and quickly pulled yui into a crouch "stay here!" He said as he pulled out his mask and put it on then jumped out over the bar and out the door as his kagunes came out and his left eye turned ghouk as he launched over the van and started to twirl his kagunes bending in a way to look like say blades as he spun faster and faster till he got to the investigators landing in the middle of them and shredding them his kagunes moving as fast as possible to rip the investigators appart to stop them from firing any more 'why did I jump in like this' he thought as he did

@Evergreen98 @LeSoraAmari
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Yui tilted her head " do you want to go-" before she could finish her sentence she heard fighting outside the shop. She blinked again when she was suddenly pulled into a crouching position by Rivers and saw him run off "hey!" She yelled but he already joined the fight. She then slipped on her mask and then the lights suddenly turned off on their own. She turned her head and saw b her uncle, Jasper wearing his black panther mask that cover the top part of his face. He was a tall, lean man with jet black hair and natural red eyes. He looked at Yui " what's going on?" " CCG operatives are outside fight a ghoul... and my friend went off fighting them..."

@Daniel reaver


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Returning to walking off to home, he decided to another another route then passing the café. Simply passing a few blocks before arriving. A basic apartment building. He'd walk inside, taking an elevator to the fourth floor, finding his room and stepping inside, dumping his bag down and locking the door behind him. He'd chuckle to himself, deciding to take a nap for a little, going at early morning, for a possible early-hour snack.
Masaki sighed as he saw the other ghoul with the strange kagune joining in the fray. "So, at least I was right about there being ghouls in the building." With that, he swooped down at his highest speed, began to spin and in the blink of an eye, he shot through the body of a CCG operative and then landed on the ground next to him as the lifeless body fell to yhe floor, a huge hole through him. He then began opening up one of his wings to shoot shards at another, piercing his skull and rib cage. "Ah, well. I believe that is the last of them.." He saw a radio on the floor and stomped on it, then looked over to the other male ghoul who joined in the fight as he took of his mask. "Hey" he smiled and waved

@Evergreen98 @Daniel reaver
River looked over to the other ghoul fully exposing his one eye as he stared at him coldly while his kagunes held at least three investigator corpses in the air "who are you" he said in a dead raspy voice as he stared at the ghoul while droping the body's of the investigators

@LeSoraAmari @Evergreen98

20th Ward

Blood hound

The sound of screams and chaos resonated through her ears as her charcoal black hair billowed in the wind , her light mossy green eyes surveying the scene carefully.

"Hmph a Ukaku ghoul it seems how fitting...and it seems they might be the White flash If i'm not wrong.."

She'd slowly approach the scene as her signature black suitcase swayed slightly suddenly tearing open as her Quinque wrapped itself around her arm elegantly.

It formed around the entire length of her arm forming some sort of armor on her left arm.

" Young Investigators...always shoddy at their work.."

Her eyes examined the felled investigators as she suddenly opened fire at the White flash, the massive shards emanating a flaming green glow.

It didn't seem to be any ordinary Quinque either as the Shards suddenly exploded , shooting even more smaller bits of shrapnel in every direction.

"Oh it seems you have some friends as well...Lovely.."

@LeSoraAmari @Daniel reaver
Masakai chuckled and said "My name is Masaki.. But others know me as the White Flash-" after that, he heard the sounds of shards being fired at him, he sighed, not bothering to put on his mask as he shot up into the sky and evaded each of the shards, then elegantly dodged any of the other shards that were created by the explosions of the others Masaki then opened up his wings and rained shards down onto the Blood Hound as he then swooped up again and stayed still in the sky, wings open to their full extent as he said "Oh, fancy pumping into the Blood Hound.." He sighed as his eyes went stern and cold, his tone venomous. "I'm going against White Lotus policy right now.. How about we withdraw and fall back?" @Venus @Daniel reaver
River snarled at the new being as his kagunes out streched fully then made a massive shield in front of him blocking every shard then spreading out as his eyes widened in anger before he slightly looked at the ghoul in the sky then back to the investigator 'this isn't good I need to get yui out of here' he thought as he stared down the investigator as his kagunes pointed at her prepared to strike

@Evergreen98 @LeSoraAmari @Venus
Yui looked at Jasper and Jasper nodded " go.... and be careful" Yui nodded and got out the shop. She unsheathed her katana and got out of the shop unnoticed. She then used her speed as she dodged the shards and swiped at the CCG.


((Kind of lost in what happening so if I need to edit post please tell me :3))

@Daniel reaver




20th Ward : Cricket

Alexander raised his eyebrow as he noticed the other ghoul go as red as a rose , looking away slightly.

"Huh..Keeping quiet I see..fair en-"

Before he could complete his sentence a very very..ah...revealing clothing suddenly hung down from one of the tree's next to the pair , grinning slightly.

" I think our little friend has a crush , don't you think?~"

She'd purr with a rather seductive tone , her Binkaku allowing her to hang from the tree as if she was a monkey.

Alexander rolled his eyes in response to the female , seeming to recognize her.

"Just came to inform you that the Hound seems to have brought her little posse into the Ward~"

Alex grimaced slightly , The blood hound was most definitely not an opponent to take lightly.

And just like that the female was gone in a flash , shooting through the tree's like a leopard.

"Erugh...anyway, I'm guessing I am correct about you being a ghoul?.."

As he asked that question he did wonder why the other blushed so profusely in his presence.


20th Ward : Blood hound

She'd grin slightly as she simply blocked the rain of shards with her own Quinque , shattering like glass.

"Hmph you three aren't the ones i'm looking for unfortunately...So I do advise you run along before I add you to my collection.."

She'd maintain a rather cool and collected voice , though the way she said that sentence sounded somewhat intimidating with a slight hint of malice.

Her eyes shot to the side as she noticed the Female ghoul running along , raising her secondary briefcase as the blade clashed against the steel.

"Why hello there Sweet heart."

@Evergreen98 @Daniel reaver @LeSoraAmari
River went wide eyed at yui before he growled and launched him self grabing yui by the waist and carrying her at least a hundred feet from the investigator "stupid" he said to her as he held her by the waist and turned back to the investigator then his Kagune pushed off the ground sending him and yui into the air and up to a roof

@Evergreen98 @Venus
Yui didn't say anything and just calmly looked at the Dove with her sapphire blue eyes from under her mask. "Leave this place" she said to her calmly and harshly. She may not look like but she is a good fighter. She then blinked when she was suddenly grabbed by the waist and moved a 100 feet away from the Dove. Her face turned slightly red.

She looked at him " i can fight on my own you" she said to him when he shot up in the air with her. She looked down and saw her uncle watching from the rooftop of the shop. He had a small smile on his face and Yui tilted her head.

@Daniel reaver @Venus

Masaki sighed and said to the male Ghoul, "Take your friend out of here... It isn't safe.. The woman before us is no ordinarry CCG grunt.." He gritted his teeth as he then turned to face the Blood Hound. "Well, if we aren't the ones you are looking for then why did you open fire on me? Clearly to start a fight?" Masaki's tone was cold and his eyes sharp as they fixed onto the Blood Hound with a glare. "Who is it that you're looking for then?"

@Venus @Daniel reaver @Evergreen98
River glared down at yui as he flew landing on a roof top a ways a way then launching into the air again "I don't care how well you fight" he said in the dead raspy voice as he carried her bridal style through the air 'why do I care so much about this girl' he thought as he stared at where he was going launching from roof to roof hoping the investigator didn't follow them

Yui stared at him and tilted her head. " you need a glass of water... she said to him and didn't say anything else about her fighting on her own. She smiled a little " your a caring person" she said to him with a smile. She sheathed her sword and strapped it back to her side. She closed as she enjoyed the wind blowing on her face and flowing through her air. She hummed seeking very calm.

@Daniel reaver

River blushed slightly happy that his mask covered his cheeks as he launched from roof to roof silently 'only if she knew' he thought as he held onto her while he fliped off off a roof and laned in an alley way "th-thanos" a ghoul said as he fixed his posture and lowered his gun "you ok yui" river asked her as he stood up still carrying her past the ghoul and into a building

Riko walked along with the boy in silence for a good bit before speaking up again. "So you don't work at bars anymore, what do you do now?" She asked, searching of conversation topics. It was better than having an awkward silence in the air for the whole walk. Plus this guy seemed nice enough, couldn't hurt to get to know him.


(Sorry it took so long to reply. Busy day.)
Yui had her eyes closed as she was enjoying the ride. She opened her eyes and looked around the alley that he landed in. She looked at Rivers and nodded "yeah... I am fine" she said as she looked at the ghoul that called him Thanos. She tilted her head ' Thanos.... my uncle told me about him...' She looked at Rivers ' he is Thanos?'

@Daniel reaver

River walked through the building with yui in his arms before he stoped a ghoul "go to this location and beond the man that's there here got it" river said as he handed the ghoul a map with the coffee shop circled on it as the ghoul nodded and ran off "I know I have a lot to explain" he said to yui as he started to walk again until he came to a door and opened it to show a bed room then set yui down and gestures her in


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