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Fandom ~ Tokyo Ghoul : Red Rain ~

River follower yui in and nodded happy she didn't get suspicion "y-yeah I was trained to be able to run so that I could live" he said nervousky as he scratched the back of his head then took off his mask and sighed with releif the stared at yui coldly like he usually did with every one

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Rosyshark said:
"Aww That's cute." Riko said, propping her head on her hand and smiling. "But she does have a point. Those places can be pretty dangerous." She added. Though in her experiences the bars were never safe because of her. Yet even then she knew there were some seedy characters who would spend time around those sorts of places.
He nodded and drank a sip and smiles and scratches his nose. "Yea..." He looked down, and looks at his drink. "She was a smart one...." He remembered his voice and hers when they were younger... Those talks of hopes and dreams...
Yui tilted her head as she took the stuff need to make the coffee "my uncle thought me how to run and fight... so I can depend myself from the Doves...." she said to him " so... sweet or bitter?" She asked him.

@Daniel reaver

"A-sweet" he said nervousky once he heard doves 'at least it's not the vandagar' he thought as he sat down at a table and ser his mask down with another sigh as he looked out the window his left eye still ghoul

Yui smiled and nodded as she started to make the coffee "would you like some food with it as well?" She asked him. When's he said that she meant human flesh. She waited for his answer as she made the coffee. She was humming happily as she did so.

@Daniel reaver

Riko's expression turned to curious and a bit confused. Was? Had he been talking about an ex-girlfriend? For a second she was afraid that he may be talking about a dead girlfriend, if that was the case she couldn't help but feel bad for the fellow.

"Anyway..." He looked at her, and drummed the table with his fingers. "How do you think about the new policies the CCG have implemented...they are getting strict..." He wanted to see if she was a ghoul or not by her answer. He also found sniffing or sensing it as privacy invasion.
Riko paused mid-sip of her drink. She had to be careful how she answered this. She wasn't sure if this person was a ghoul or not. "Well... it's pretty strict." She began. "I'm sure they have their reasons, not wanting to have people get eaten and all." She went on, trying to be as ambiguous with her answer as possible. "But I mean still is pretty strict. I hear there are ghouls who try not to hurt people and whatnot. It seems unfair to them."

River looked back to yui and nodded "yes thank you" he said to her before he looked back out the window with a cold expresion On his face as he thought about things and the attack they had just succeeded in which was bound to put this girl and every other ghoul in the ward in danger

@Evergreen98 @Evergreen98

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Rosyshark said:
Riko paused mid-sip of her drink. She had to be careful how she answered this. She wasn't sure if this person was a ghoul or not. "Well... it's pretty strict." She began. "I'm sure they have their reasons, not wanting to have people get eaten and all." She went on, trying to be as ambiguous with her answer as possible. "But I mean still is pretty strict. I hear there are ghouls who try not to hurt people and whatnot. It seems unfair to them."
He nods and smiles. "I guess so..." He said to her, sipping his drink. "I think it's nice to think that ghouls and humans could coexist...." He looks at her. "But sometimes you just have..." He sighed and shook his head. He took a couple more sips and then he was done. "You wanna go for a walk?" He said, getting up. "The night is still young...."
Yui smiled and went off for a few minutes and came back with plate of meat. She place it on thr tray and thrn poired the coffeee that finished making while he was gone. She then took the tray and went over to Rivers and served the two to him " here you go" she said to him with a smile, she then sat down in front of him " enjoy"

@Daniel reaver

River noddes thankfully to her before reaching for the coffee first and taking a sip. It wasn't half bad it was sweet the way he liked it. "Thank you" he said to her before he reached for the price of fleash with a fork and knife cuting a chunk off and sticking it in his mouth then eating it

Yui smiled at him and then looked out the window "...so... can you tell me what happened?.... I heard sirens and saw smoke as I was running...." she said to him a little worried about the event that happened there. Usually her uncle tell her that kind of information.

@Daniel reaver

"Well.." Riko thought over it for a second. "Eh why the hell not. Not like I have anything to do." She answered with a smile before standing up and tossing her empty cup in the trash. Walking over to the door of the cafe, she stepped out before holding it open for him. "Shall we?"

River went slightly wide eyed but wuickly went back to normal to hide it "I-i was running along when I heard an explosion on the highway so I went to cheek it out and a group of ghouls where attacking a CCG convoy" river said to her before taking another bite of the flesh

"We Shall." He walked out of the cafe and held the door open for her. He looked up at the sign of the cafe, and smirked Re, He thought to himself. Interesting name.... He scratched his hair, and got a bit of old hair dye on his fingers. Ever since he stopped his DJ career, he kinda stopped that stuff with hairstyle and design. It allowed him to fade away a bit more as well, as to avoid CCG.

Rosyshark said:
"Well.." Riko thought over it for a second. "Eh why the hell not. Not like I have anything to do." She answered with a smile before standing up and tossing her empty cup in the trash. Walking over to the door of the cafe, she stepped out before holding it open for him. "Shall we?"
Masaki decided to leave the park and made his way back into the streets, as he was walking he heard the sound of cars nearby, he put on his mask

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.0a4087e7e91fb00098df9c50a0bb17c7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53261" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/image.jpg.0a4087e7e91fb00098df9c50a0bb17c7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"My, I wonder who that could be?" He sighed and quickly ran to a nearby alleyway and hid there as the cars past. "CCG? What are they doing here.. Meh, ghoul activity has picked up recently in the 20th Ward which explains it.." He sighed and unleashed his Kagune, however, he was now easily identifiable since everyone knew of the "White Flash" they just didn't know exactly, who, it was. Masaki sighed and took off into the sky's at a moderate speed, the CCG had spotted him but he was soon to lose them as he landed on the rooftops near a coffee shop and chuckled as he looked down, reverting his kagune back into his back but leaving his mask on. "Ah, more Ghouls.. Maybe I should say hello" he sat on the edge of the rooftop and watched the group of ghouls, his legs swinging



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Yui frowned slightly and nodded "I see..." she said with a soft sigh. She then smiled at him " well... at least your ok..." she said to him. "If it's too dangerous for you to go outside... you can always stay here for the night... we have spare rooms you can use" she offered.

@Daniel reaver

River nodded "thank you.... Can I stay the night?" He asked knowing that was what every other paramor that he'd brought with him was doing. "I probably won't make it home with out getting caught.... So can I please stay the night" he asked again not looking at her as he took another drink of the coffee

Yui smiled and nodded " of course you can stay... I did tell you could a few seconds ago" she leaned back on her chair " this shop is here to help ghouls when needed..." she hummed a little and looked out the window. Luka came over and jumped on her lap and curled up. She went back to sleep. Yui looked at her and giggled as she petted her.

@Daniel reaver

River nodded to her before he finished the peice of flesh and the coffee "thank you" he said in an emotionless voice as he watched yui 'would she let me stay if I tould her..' He thought before he got ready to tell her that he was the one that attacked the caravan before quickly stiping him self and tryes to act normal

Yui looked out the window " i worry about this ward.... it was so peaceful when my uncle brought me here..." she rested her elbow on the table then her chin on the palm of her hand "i fear that this shop will be target and a war may break out between ghouls and the CCG soon.... " she said to him. She clenched her fists a little as she remembered her parents dieing while trying to protect her. She does not want to go through that again. Her face seemed calm and she looked like she was deep in thought. The mood around seemed to have changed as well.


@Daniel reaver

River stared at her noticing every emotion that she was feeling as he watched her 'I could have just doomed every one here..... Why do I care?' He thought as he watched her with his cold icy blue eyes

After a few minutes Yui blinked a little and looked at River with a smile, the air around going back to normal " anyway... it's getting late" she said as she gently picked up Luka and got up. She walked over to the counter place her there, then took the empty plate and cup from River and started to wash them " I'll show you to your room right after I am done washing these" she said to him in a kind voice.

@Daniel reaver

River nodded and stood up grabing his mask off the table and sloping it into his pocket 'what's going on' he thought as he stood there for a sec looking down slightly before he turned and walked over to yui and leaned against the counter opposite from her and crossed his arms


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