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Fandom ~ Tokyo Ghoul : Red Rain ~

Riko stepped into the cafe, enjoying the smell of coffee as she stood in line. She glanced around at the other cafe patrons but her gaze stopped momentarily on a boy who looked... Familiar.. Had she met him before? Well probably not actually met, but really just saw from a distance. Maybe she had seen him in one of the bars she would regular when she needed to find something to eat. She saw many people there.

The girl went over and sat next to him. She smiled kindly at him " you don't seem like the type to have bad intentions...." Luka purred as he petted her. She seemed to enjoy it greatly. The girl smiled and looked at the man " you just seem... lonely..." she said to him softly.

@Daniel reaver

River sighed as he looked over to her exposing that he was a one eye "really?" He asked her before he looked back at the smoke and sighed again "well then I guess you could say that" he said again as he stared at the colon of smoke

(Sorry I've been gone for a while what I miss)

Tyler wakes up from sleeping and gets up and notices he fell asleep on a bench and he gets up pulling one of his rinkaku out making him go flying and jumping from roof to roof passing by a church seeing two people in it and slows down watching them for a bit.

@Daniel reaver @Evergreen98
The girl tilted her head as she saw his one red, black eye. Her uncle told her about one-eyed ghouls. She never thought she would see one up close. "Um... I know we just met... but..." she started to fidget a little ".... if you want.... we can be friends...." she said to him making eye contact.

@Daniel reaver

River stared at the girl then just nodded to her "s-sure" he said awkwardly Obviously not knowing what to do about having a freind considering the only people he had ever been around where other paramor or his victims

The girl smiled at him happy that he considered being her friend. She took of her mask to reveal her sapphire blue eyes. She smiled at him " my name is Yui Sawagaki" she said to him with a smile " what's your name?" She asked him politely.


@Daniel reaver

The boy waited in line for what felt line forever. He ordered the usual, Frappachino with caramel. It made him seem a bit more human. He turned his head and saw a girl he remembered from a bar...was she foul or human... Such s mix in here hue couldn't tell
"R-river" he said awkwardly as he stared back out into the distance with a small smile "s-so" he said nervousky as he sat there waiting for some thing to happen or her to say some thing as his stomach growled a little


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Riko noticed the boy look at her. Had she been staring? She thought about going over to make some conversation. Plus if he had been someone she had seen before then there was already subject for conversation. Oh to hell with it. She got her drink and made her way over to the boy. "Nice day out isn't it?" She asked in an attempt to make small talk.

He nodded, as he waited for the drink to be made...."how are you?" He said to her, scratching his head for conversation pices of his own
Yui hummed "... so.... do you come up her often?" She asked as she looked around at the view " the view here is amazing...I can see my uncle's coffee shop from here...." she said to him. She looked at him " you should come over and try our coffee it is really good"

@Daniel reaver

River slighlty nodded "I might If I'm ever close" he said as he slightly looked down before Geting an idea "h-hey is it still open" he asked her heaitantly hoping it was so he could have some coffee

Yui shook her head " no... but we can go over and I can make you a cup of coffe... and some food for i you if your hungry" she said with a kind smiled. She hummed a as she looked at the sky.

@Daniel reaver

River nodded "that would be nice... May we" he asked as he picked up his mask again and sliped it on hoping the way his voice sounded when he had his mask on wouldnt scare her "shall we" he said in a dead raspy voice as his kagunes came out and he stared at her smiling under the has mask

"I'm good." Riko replied simply with a smile. "Say, you look very familiar. Have we met before?" She asked. May as well push through the awkward small talk and try to get an answer to what she had been wondering earlier.

Yui looked at him and slipped on her mask as well. She picked up Luka and place her on her shoulder " keep up" she said with a small grin as she jumped down from the rooftop and landed silently on the rooftop of the building below and started heading towards her uncle's coffee shop, using half her speed just in case he couldn't keep up with her. She looked behind her to see if he was following her.

@Daniel reaver

River smiled and brought his kagunes behind him launching him up and into the air over yuis head as he looked down at her his Kagune sprawled out in the air before he rolled into the room using his kagune as a sheild before jumping out of the roll and into a run using the Massive anout of Damon's and leg strength that had been trained into him by the paramor along with his kagune to run along the roof tops

Rosyshark said:
"I'm good." Riko replied simply with a smile. "Say, you look very familiar. Have we met before?" She asked. May as well push through the awkward small talk and try to get an answer to what she had been wondering earlier.
He shrugged. "I used to DJ and bartend...so I've seen a lot of faces..." Had got the cup and took a sip, favoring the coffee taste over everything else...."what's your name?" He said, putting on a smile.
Yui looked at him go, she smiled and used her full speed. They should reach the in about 7 minute. Yui was humming " do you like running on the rooftops too?" She asked River as she ran. The shop soon came into view and she started to slow down a little.

@Daniel reaver

"Riko Saito." She replied smiling back. "And that could explain it. I've visited my fair share of bars over time." She added with a laugh. "And what might your name be?" She asked pulling a chair up and taking a seat.

River shook his head forgetting not to tell any one "no I was trained this way" he said before he went wide eyed "I mean yes" he said mervously as he slowly came to a stop and his kagunes retracted

"Sugita Nakamo." He smile and nods his head in a mini bow. "I stopped working in bars..." He said, trying to find a seat. "My girlfriend used to tell me to knock it off... Said it 'was not safe'." He chucked a bit. "But then I always said that 'that's how I met you'." He scratched the back of his head.
Yui tilted her head as she stopped on the rooftop of her shop " you trained on the rooftopd too?" She said as she took of her mask and jumped down " Uncle Jasper trained me on the rooftops as well" she hummed as she took out her key and unlocked the door to the shop " thank to him I can run through the roof without even thing or worrying about falling" she said to him. Luka jumped down and went over to the counter and laid down. She was tired.

"Aww That's cute." Riko said, propping her head on her hand and smiling. "But she does have a point. Those places can be pretty dangerous." She added. Though in her experiences the bars were never safe because of her. Yet even then she knew there were some seedy characters who would spend time around those sorts of places.


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