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Fandom ~ Tokyo Ghoul : Red Rain ~

20th ward


Riko wondered down the streets of the 20th ward. For once she wasn't actually looking for food, but rather just taking a walk. She had already gotten what she needed a few days ago and was sure she wouldn't need to eat again for at least a month or so. So today she didn't focus on hunting and had made her way to one of the few places where she felt she could go about in peace without having to worry about any fights. Or so she hoped. It wasn't like this was her first time in this area, but life was unpredictable and who knew what she would run into. Though the preferable thing at the moment was that she would get to have a nice and peaceful walk. Maybe even go to a cafe or bar. Even if she wasn't hunting she still enjoyed the setting of the place.
Rivers eyes slightly widened when he saw the red and Blue lights of the CCG cars "it's time" he said coldly as his Kagune came out and spread out wide for all to see as all the others jumped off of the roof and fell to the stree along with river "they will pay!!!" he yelled to the other paramor as he landed on the lead car his kagunes stabing through the roof and slaughtering its occupants while the others landed and attacked the rest of the convoy "no one alive" he said in a raspy dead like voice that came from his mask as he watched the slaughter before joining in gun fire and yelles filled the air of the 20th ward as the attack went on

@Rosyshark @Venus
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Riko couldn't help but hear the commotion going on not too far from where she was. Was that gun fire? Who was shooting? Despite her better instincts she followed the noise to where she saw what she could only guess was a fight between some ghouls and CCG. " Holy shit.. And I thought the 20th ward was supposed to be safe..." She muttered watching the chaos from what she hoped was a safe distance. She felt it best if she didn't get involved in this. These sorts of fights were never her cup of tea. Not to mention it could put her on the radar. Still she stayed towards the end of the block watching the carnage, ready to run off if any attention fell to her.

@Daniel reaver
River and the other paramor only having one injury to a ghoul had fought until there was one investigator left "where is it" he asked as he held the investigator up with his kagune stabing into the mans arms and legs to keep him up in the air "I ain't tellin you any thing thanatos" the mas said before river riped a leg off "I don't like your attitude" he said as the other paramor gatherd around him to watch "now tell me where I can find him" he said coldly as the investigator yelled in pain while blood poured from the seration Where his leg had been while the other ghouls cheered none of them noticing the ghoul aways away that was watching them

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Riko chanced moving up a bit closer to hear better. She stayed as out of sight as she could, hiding in an alleyway. She wondered who this guy was looking for. It It must have been important for him to be interrogating this investigator like this. He was being extremely brutal. Not that it bothered Riko too much. They wanted to wipe her kind out, no need to feel sympathy for someone like that. She wondered if these ghouls were with a group. She had heard of some organizations but had never looked too much into them.

@Daniel reaver
The investigator had spit blood put onto rivers face "go to hell death" he said before River slowly wiped the blood away from his eyes then started to slowly dig one of his kagune into the mans bone where his leg was ripped of making him scream in pain "you dare to provoke death" he said as his kagune dug farther and farther up into the mans lump where his leg had been ripped of while the other ghouls cheered and watched "river hurry it up they will be here soon" on that was standing next to river said before river just nodded as his kagune quickly pressed farther into the investigators severed leg


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20th Ward.

He'd smile warmly , Nodding as he stated his name.

"Huh that's a Pretty nice name for someone from Europe , Sounds Exotic."

His eyes shifted slightly as he began to heard a slight commotion begin to stir elsewhere , Shouts and screams seemed to be resonating through the usually peaceful ward

Civilians quickly fleeing from the area to their homes as they dropped everything, taking a guess that it was a Ghoul Attack that was occurring.

"Crap....Hey , Lets go to the Park. I heard their was a nice café located near there."

He didn't exactly give Sirion much of a choice in the matter, suddenly grabbing his hand and hastily speed walking along as he head towards the Park itself , though the café part wasn't exactly true.

As he pulled the other along with him , he quickly avoided the scene as to not get caught up.

That and he Didn't want to Attract the Special Class Investigator assigned to this Ward.

She was a Dangerous piece of work that woman was , A Prodigy among the CCG With the highest grades possible within the Academy and achieving a Rank 2 in a Mere One year.

It was enough that he was a High priority target , so attracting even more attention certainly wasn't on his agenda.
He looks around after paying respects and looks around, tired. He stayed up more than he should have. He yawned and started walking home"...Izanami..." He said to himself. "It's been a good chat...."
Riko had to look away, this was getting too gruesome even for her. He should just tell him what he wants to know. He's going to kill him anyway. Trying to be tough is just going to cause more pain. She never was too fond of the idea of putting someone through a lot of pain before they died. Even with her own victims she tried to do things quickly and painlessly for them. I should get out of here. If more CCG show up I don't want to be here. She thought to herself as she made her way out of the alleyway she was hiding in and made her way away from the commotion.
River sighes as he heard sirens then motioned for the rest to go before he droped the investigator then stabed him done the middle and riped him in half before he turned and jumped launching a ways away and landing on a lonely street "the rest have gone home" he said as he took off his mask and sighed as his kagunes came back to make him look normal while his eye went back to its ghostly blue and he streched his arms to the sky "wish paramor had at least one girl" he said softly as he slowly started down the street

@any one
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A girl with long red hair and sapphire blue eyes was running on the rooftop under the night sky. She was wearing a dark blue and black top with black short, dark brown combat boots and white cat mask with red designs that covered the top half of her. She also had a katana strapped to her side, a black cat on her shoulder and her hair tied up in a pony tail.

She had a small smile on her face as she ran through the rooftop at full speed, ignoring the sirens that she heard below her. The wind hitting her face and making her hair dance in the air. She jumped did a flip as she jumped onto another rooftop and landed silently as she started to run again.

River soghed again as he looked at the ground "I'm hungry" he said softly as he looked up then his kagunes came out again and he put his mask on before he launched up to a roof top then up to the tower of a church. And crouched on a gargoyle as he looked around for some food "come on how is no one out tonight" he said as he stared out over the city the smoke and sirens from there attack off in the distance
((... I am only girl in this rp aren't I xD ))


The girl as the she saw a ghoul in the distance suddenly launch him on a rooftop in front of her and the climbs up the towering church. She stopped for a moment and tilted her head a little. "Meow" her cat went and she looked at her and smiled. She decided to go talk to the ghoul and see what he it up to, if he hostile she will just leave without saying anything and go back on her run. She jumped on the rootop and then climbed the church.

River sighed again as he sat down leting his legs dangle on either side of the gargoyle as his kagunes rested two strechinng back and the other four dangiling out over the sides as A nice breeze blew through 'I wonder if... I'll ever...' he thought not noticing the other ghoul that was climbing the tower

Riko continued to walk down the streets on her own. After that little scene today she was in need of a calmer atmosphere. Maybe she would stop at a cafe, or some nice little book store. Some place peaceful that she could relax for a little bit.

The girl got to the top of the church building and saw the ghoul sitting there, seeming to be deep in thought. She suddenly became nervous 'maybe this wasn't a good idea...' She thought as she was thinking about leaving the ghoul alone. She get nervous easily when it comes to talking to people. She turned around to leave but her black cat jumped down from her shoulder and went over to the ghoul and meow loudly.

@Daniel reaver

River just slowly looked down at the cat as he took his gas mask off "hello" he said softly as he pet the cat before picking it up and laying it down in his lap as his kagunes retracted and he set his gas mask down next to him. "You aren't scared of me even though I'm thanatos are you" he said softly as he let the cat while his left eye turned black and red as he looked back out over the city for some food "yeah I get you.... Come up here to think and be alone right" he said to the cat knowing he just sounded like a pitiful loner or a schyco path

The cat meow and rubbed his head against his stomach and then looked back her master, who was still nervous. She tool a deep breath and slowly walked up to him " ....Luka likes anyone that doesn't have a bad intention..." she said to him quietly from behind.

@Daniel reaver

Rosyshark said:
Riko continued to walk down the streets on her own. After that little scene today she was in need of a calmer atmosphere. Maybe she would stop at a cafe, or some nice little book store. Some place peaceful that she could relax for a little bit.
The boy looked At the girl as she went to the cafe. Speaking of which... His coffe intake was low, which made him a bit sluggish. Yawning, he went inside and got in line for a coffe. He tossed a cigarette away, and brshed the ash off his shoulders.
River turned his head to the girl and stared at her coldly before smiling slightly then frowning "then he must be mistaken" he said as he looked over at the colum of black smoke and sirens in the distance "for I have always had bad intentions" he wispered as he continued to pet the cat softly stroking its back


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