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Fandom ~ Tokyo Ghoul : Red Rain ~

"Hadn't heard about that." Riko said, leaning back a bit on the bench. "But it would be nice to think that we can all just coexist." She added with a sigh. "But actually thinking that the CCG is using ghouls is sort of odd. I mean they seem to want to wipe them all out. So would ghouls work with them as a safety ticket? Or maybe they're tricked? I'm thinking too much into this."
Yui looked at thr man and politely bowed as well. She stayed quiet, she wondered what her uncle was doing right now and hoped that the CCG person didn't attack him. The again he is really good at hiding his presence and just observing from the shadows so she has nothing to worry about.

@Daniel reaver

River sighed as he slightly gripped yuis hand obviously nervous "sir the ghouls wernt In the convoy" he said hesitantly to the man as he still held onto yuis hand as the man just nodded a cold look on his face as he looked back to the tablet in one of his hands while river kept bowing to him waiting for him to notice yui and punish him for bringing her here

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Yui held his hand as he gripped. She bowed when he did again. She stayed silent and didn't say anything like she promised. She was worried about what will if she accidentally ended up saying something.

@Daniel reaver

Rosyshark said:
"Hadn't heard about that." Riko said, leaning back a bit on the bench. "But it would be nice to think that we can all just coexist." She added with a sigh. "But actually thinking that the CCG is using ghouls is sort of odd. I mean they seem to want to wipe them all out. So would ghouls work with them as a safety ticket? Or maybe they're tricked? I'm thinking too much into this."
"Yea, sorry I brought it up..." He looked at her. "Really not the best topic." A bus full of college students pass by, thier loud rambunctious noise breaking an awkward silence that followed
Them man stood there for a bit longer before he looked back at river and yui finaly noticing her "Thanos who's this?" He asked him hints of anger in his voice as river slightly fenced up like he was preparing to be hit "sir this is yui" he said nervoualy

Yui just gave him a polite bow. She remembered that she forgot to tell Rivers that she goes by the name White Cat when she is wearing the mask. She calmed down a little and looked at the man standing in front off the man holding Rivers hand. She looked at River who tended up when he asked who she was and then back the man.

@Daniel reaver

"SH-she is a freind..... Where we were staying was attacked by a group of investigators....they had a investigator of one of the highest classes with them" he said heaitantly as the man approached him and yui

Yui's free hand twitched a little as she stopped herself from reaching for her katana on instinct. She held River's hand tightly as she stared at the man calmly as he approached her and River. She hoped nothing bad happen.

@Daniel reaver

"It's fine, don't worry about it." Riko smiled, before taking off her glasses and cleaning them. "So are you from around here? Like 20th ward area? Or were you just dropping by for the day too?" She asked once the noise from the passing bus died down.
"I'm from here." He said with a smile. "It's where I think It's safest." He yawned a bit. Drowsiness seemed to be another effect of starvation for him sometimes.
Riko nodded a bit in agreement. "It does seem pretty safe." Though as she said that she remembered the gory scene between a Ghoul and CCG investigator she had witnessed earlier. She shuddered a bit at the memory. She really was a bit squeamish for a ghoul.
Masaki looked down onto the Blood Hound and said, "Well, I'm afraid I must depart from here.. I don't really intend on fighting you though, so please don't attack me out of the blue again, that isn't fair now, is it?" He then turned as he shot off away at his maximum speed, people probably saw him fly away, but wouldn't know where. He landed in a derelict building and then made his kagune go back into his body. Masaki sat on an old, wooden bench in the building and said "Wow... That woman is a nightmare.. And the one eyed, something intriguing about that one.." He sighed with a slight burst of laughter and became deep in thought.
"Oh! No I'm good. You don't need to do that." Riko quickly said shaking her head. "But thank you for the offer. That's very nice of you." She added, smiling.
He smiled back, and his stomach grumbled, this one a bit louder than the others he had had. He looked at her, and tried to laugh it off.
Evergreen98 said:
Yui's free hand twitched a little as she stopped herself from reaching for her katana on instinct. She held River's hand tightly as she stared at the man calmly as he approached her and River. She hoped nothing bad happen.
@Daniel reaver

(I'm back guys)

Reaber hesitated as the man walked up to yui and looked her over "what's this....

An out sider" the man said as he turned to river "s-sorry I had no choice she offered to give me a place to stay for the night before we where attacked by investigators" river said Nervously as he griped yuis hand in return



Yui mentally frowned a little as she saw how nervous River. She wish she could say something to calm him down, but sadly she can't do anything that will get him in trouble and hurt. She went back to looking at the man that was looking over her calmly.

@Daniel reaver

The mans stare became cold "thanos take out your kagunes" he said coldly as river nervously nodded and let go of yuis hand then took a couple steps forward before leting his kagunes out "you have broken a rule and there for shall be punished for it" the man said coldly as some other ghouls and humans attached chains to each of his kagunes then cranked some levers so that they where being held out to the sides of him tightly

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Yui's eyes widened and she quickly stood in front of River "what do you punish him.... I am the outsider... punish me and leave him be" she said without hesitating. She glared at him from under her mask. She wasn't going to let River get hurt because of her.

@Daniel reaver

Riko raised an eyebrow. "Hungry?" She asked leaning on the bench. "Want to go grab something to eat?" She smiled a bit sympathetically. If he said yes she supposed she could fake it for a bit or just say she wasn't very hungry.
The man gave yui a cold glare "I shall not punish you for his mistake he. brought you here with full knowledge of what would happen if he did. now he must suffer the consciences" the man said before two ghouls walked up to yui grabing her with there kagunes and draging her out of the way "thanatos you are punished for the reckless endangerment of us by bringing two out siders here" then said before a ghoul walked up and handed him a gautlet made from the same material as the investigators weapons "you shall feel the repercussions of what you did" the man said before he brought his fist with the gautlet hard into rivers stomach emediatly making him cough up blood

" River!!" She yelled as she gritted her teeth "hands off him!!" She said as white scale like tentacles came out of her lower back and broke the kagunes that grabbed her. She grabbed the ghoul and threw him into the other ghoul. Lilac wings with dark purple specks and shot shards that went between River and the man. "Don't touch him" she hissed. As she walked towards them. Her wings and tentacles still out.


@Daniel reaver

The man glared over at the girl as he turned to her while five more ghouls appeared in a massive circle around the room "you dare to defy our rules" he said as three massive failed burst from him with spiked clubs at the tips "he must be punished and I will kill you if I have to" he said before river stired at his words making him brings the gautlet hard into rivers cheek making blood fly from his mouth

A spike aimed at the man's arm was shot by Yui, who looked at him calmly and said again as if she ignore his words "hands off rivers" she said as her wings flapped. Her tentacles got into a stabbing position.

@Daniel reaver


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