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Fandom ~ Tokyo Ghoul : Red Rain ~

The man easily dodged the spike as 11 ghouls grabed yui restraining her to the poiny that she couldn't move her legs arms or kagunes as the man watched "don't get in the way he must be punished" the man said as he turned back to river punching him in the stomach again making him cough up blood before he brought his foot across rivers face craning rivers neck as he made contact with rivers cheek

Yui tried to move but she was stuck. Her wings could shoot spikes but she didn't want to hurt the ghouls on her. She curse under her breath as she tried to move. She gritted her teeth as she remembered her parent dieing 'damn it... I haven't gotten any stronger....'

When the man was about to hit River again, a black tentacle like kagune wrapped around the leader and threw him into the wall " that's no way to treat a lady or one of your own..." It was her uncle Jasper who walked out of the shadow. He has been there and watching for a while. He went over to River and destroyed the chains and let him down " you alive?" He said lightly slapping his cheek.

@Daniel reaver

River sat there on his knees his head slumped down from the hits. It was obvious that the leader had put all his strenght into the hits and yuis uncle slapping him where he had been kicked dodnt help "y-yeah" he managed as blood droped out of his mouth as the leader slowly walked back up puting a hand on Jaspers shoulder and squeezing with a bone breaking strength "you know nothing of us so how can you defy us when you don't know why he is being punished. You know nothin about it there for stay out of it" he said before he threw jasper and 11 more ghouls restrained him next to yui

Jasper just sigh when the 11 ghoul restrained him. He retracted his kagune before he was thrown so the ghouls weren't holding them down. He looked at him from under his black panther mask and then at the 11 ghouls. 8 black skinny tentacles smooth and flexible looking tentacles came out of his back wrapped around the ghouls on him and threw them into the ones holding Yui down. He got up and dusted himself off, he wrapped a tentacle Yui and lifted her up and set her down next to him. Yui said nothing and looked at the leader as she put her kagunes away.

@Daniel reaver

The man glared at them "stay down or we will be forced to kill both of you" he said rage flooding his voice as he ghouls got up while more flooded through the door "like I said you don't know why he is being punished it runs deeper than him just bringing you two here" he yelles as some ghouls restrained rivers kagunes again

Yui took out her katana and dashed towards the ghouls at full speed. She was so fast the ghouls didn't have time to react, she took her the katana that was sheathed and hit the ghouls in the pressure points that stunned them. The were 5, she hit one in the collar bone hard and kicked his stomach. She hit another one in the stomach and kicked his side. She then ducked when a kagune aimed for her head and hit the knee and tripped him. Her two tentacles came out and she grabbed the last two and threw it at the. She then took out her katana and cut the restraints. She grabbed River and jumped back and stood next to Uncle Jasper who patted her head " that's my speed little neice" she looked at him and then at the man.

Jasper hummed a little and whispered to Yui " destroy the lights on my signal and grab onto me" Yui faintly nodded. Jasper knew how to use the shadows very well, so when it's dark he is to the advantage.

@Daniel reaver

The man glared as his kagunes came out and more ghouls flooded into the room with there kagunes drawn as river struggled to stand up before slightly turning to the leader and winsing a little "I-i must take my punishment" he wispered in a pained raspy voice as the ghouls circled them kagunes drawn "you know if you go with them Thanos you'll never be able to come back" he said to river as he went a little wide eyed then weakly took a step twoards the man and away from yui and jasper

Yui hugged his arm and pulled him back "no... if these people won't welcome you back we will.... if this place isn't going to be your home then you can stay with us.... if these people won't be your family.... we will be..." Yui said to him " now" Jasper said.wings sprouted from Yui's back and she shot at the lights destroying them and making the room pitch black. Jasper grabbed Yui and River and jumped up high into the air, before the ghouls jump on them. He uses 2 of his tentacles and stabbed them to the ceiling and was now hanging on the ceiling. He then used his 3 spared tentacles and made a whole in the ceiling, which lead to the rooftop. He jumped through it and put Yui and River down " looks like you going to stay with us boy..." he looked at Yui " get him away from here... I'll distract them" Yui's eyes widen " bu-!" He smiled " i won't die... now go" Yui timidly nodded and picked up River and ran off.

@Daniel reaver

Ghouls quickly Followed them out of the hole a muinet after the light went out determined to catch at least one of them hopfully river

River looked at yui then tryed to get her to stop "p-please y-yui" he said to her as he griped her shirt as tight as he could while staring at her

Jasper saw some ghouls following and sighed, he took out hidden knife. He didn't want Yui to see him hurt or kill these ghouls. He launched himself at them.


Yui looked at him " isn't this like how you grabbed me when I was trying to fight that Dove?" She smiled " i don't care"

@Daniel reaver

The ghouls flew past jasper showing no signs of wanting to hurt the man as they launched past him avoiding him so he couldn't attack them while humans ran through the streets looking for river


River griped yuis shirt a little more as some blood leaked from the corner of his mouth as he stared at her "p-please yui" he sAid again in a pained voice as she jumped from roof to roof 'why am I happy that she took me' he thought as he stared at her

Jasper twirled the knife in his hand " if you want to stall me there is better way of doing it you know" he said with a calm smile as he took a step back, into the shadows.


Yui shook her head " no, River.... he is going to hurt you and then may send you to kill me and

Uncle Jasper.... or he may kill you.... I don't want that.... your a nice person...."

@Daniel reaver

River looked down at the last statement as the remembers ce of the attack just hours before came back "then you haven't seen the true me" he wispered as he slowly gripped her shirt and pulled on it in a way to make her stop without falling down

The ghouls and himans completely ignored jasper as the searched every where for river "the lord isn't gonna be happy" a human said as he ran through an alley way

Yui stopped and ended up doing a roll and got on her feet and continued running again "i don't care how you kill your victims, I don't care how many ghouls and Doves you killed... I don't even care of you ate them....." she jumped into the shadows and stopped running for a bit and hugged River " you did them to survive... you did them because you were following orders.... I accepted that we ghouls kill, we eat humans.... we are all monsters" she looked at him "even i am one.... but I don't act like one... and you don't act like one all the time.... and right now... you aren't one.... so please... let me help you...."

@Daniel reaver

River sighed as he slowly looked up at yui then weakly reached his other hand to the back of her neck and pulled her into a hug mostly to keep her quiet as some ghouls and humans ran past them 'why am I allowing this father is never gonna take me back' he thought as he held onto her tightly doing his best to keep her quiet at the moment but at the same time enjoying the hug

Yui smiled as he hugged her back " you can start living with me and Uncle Jasper and work at our cafe, she whispered to him and immediately stopped talking when ghouls and humans ran past them.

@Daniel reaver

Rice rsay there waiting for them to pass before he slightly let go of her "I-i don't know....." He said under his breath as he still held onto her but not as tight as he looked around for any other ghouls from paramor or humans

" come on... it will be fun... and we could use some help around the shop too..." she said with a smile " i am the only waiter" she pouted "Uncle Jasper doesn't help much" she whispered to him as she sniffed the air to see if there were anymore paramor members nearby.

@Daniel reaver

River looked down trying to deside before a human ran into them then looked at river "thanos thank god now we can go back yolin is already being punished for doing that to you" the human said as he smiled warmly at river

Yui stared at the human and stood up carrying River " your lying... I don't believe you... I am not letting him go...." she said to him holding him protectively.


@Daniel reaver

River winsed slighty "what do you mean" he asked as the human stood there "your father arrived just after you guys escaped then found out what torin was doing to you and started to beat the crap out of him same way he did to you" the human said to river as he leaned against yui for help

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Yui helped River stand, she looked at River " River... please don't go...." she begged him in a whisper so the human won't hear her. She didn't want him to go back to a place where they will hurt him again " please...."

@Daniel reaver

River sighed as he thought leaning against yui more "tell me father I need some time ok" he said as the human nodded "may you find Your way thanos" the human said before bowing and running off back twoards the building as river leaned on yui more and more his strength giving out as he slowly slumped into her

Yui hugged River again and picked him up. She started to head back to her shop " the search stopped right?" She asked him " we can go back and I'll give you some food and treat your wounds.... ok?" She said to him

@Daniel reaver

River weakly nodded to her to weak to speak now as she carried him 'huh never thought I'd be the one being saved by a girl from my own family' he thought as he stared at her a pained expresion on his face as he tryed to enjoy the wind blowing past them as Yui went


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