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Fandom ~ Tokyo Ghoul : Red Rain ~

Tremki smiled wide looking towards Jasper hugging Mika back slightly "Thank you for the food" he mentioned to Jasper before standing back up looking to Ryota as if expecting to hear a direction of some kind from him.
"Alright we'll be taking our leave" Ryota said nodding Jasper's direction and taking out his wallet he left some money on the counter.
Tremki looked back at Mika "You coming?" he said leaving the room after Ryota simply waving at at Jasper and looking back making an odd pose (Which can be seen below) while saying "I'll be back!" turning back around and exiting the store.

@The Regal Rper @Daniel reaver @Evergreen98

When they were at a safe distance Tremki looked up to Ryota "What do you think?" he asked placing his hands in his pockets having a somewhat depressed expression.
Mika stumbled to her feet and ran up to tremki wraping her arms around one of his and giggling happily as she walked a little awcwardly because of her fall

@Tremki @The Regal Rper


"I'm going to punish him for hurting my son" he said as some paramor picked him up

Tremki didn't change his expression only realizing Mika had came back and was yet again cuddled against his arm, it was strange but he felt as if he would be able to get use to that.

He replied soon after "I believe they are all Ghouls."
Yui nodded " alright..." she rubbed her eyes a little " can we leave... or is there more?" Renshi asked his dad again.

@Daniel reaver


Jasper watched them leave and sighed softly ' hope they don't end up attacking this place just because ghouls run it...' he thought to himself as he locked the door and turned of the lights. He walked back to the living room and sat. He began to think.

"We shouldn't hit them unless the ghouls cause a real problem" mika said to tremki and the older one


"No you may leave but there will be checkups on you now that you know" rivers dad said to them as he started to walk out while two paramor grabed drake and draged him out

Tremki chuckled "I don't think I could just walk in there alone and expect to get out alive, besides I like what they call coffee.." he said before adding "But they will cause a problem sooner or later."
Yui and Renshi nodded " ok then..." Renshi looked at River " you carry her" he said and jumped onto the rooftop through the hole. Yui blinked " hey! I am fine!"

@Daniel reaver

"River?" he asked before adding "Who is River." he walked to the car leaning back on it again looking up towards Ryota.
((...wow!! Stop right there... now in the heck did you get the name River from??))


"I don't know he's been in this ward not in my jurisdiction" he said casually "Although I do coke here every now and then I'm more familiar with the 24th ward."

(Wouldn't it be in the CCG files as a nickname i coukdnt think of one so i said that plus if i used a nickname you guys wouldn't get it)
((No not the actual name his nickname, which is Thanos, and mask would be in the files))


(Alright forgot his nickname)

@Tremki (just pretrnd i usrd his nockn s me first)

"No investigator has lived to tell us" he said his voice filling with grief

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