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Fandom ~ Tokyo Ghoul : Red Rain ~

(Hahaha alright will do)

Tremki seemed relaxed even after hearing that which was strange, he had doubts on if he would ever live to see another day but for some reason it didn't seem to bother him.

"I guess we'll be the first" he says after a few moments of deciding what he should say.
Mika cuddled with tremki the hole time laitening to them intently as they talked about thanos



River blushed happy his mask was on to hide it as he walked over to yui and puller her into an embarace nuzzling her shoulder a little "thank god your alright" he wispered

Yui blinked and blushed her face turning red. She smiled and hugged him back humming happily " your welcome..." she whispered back and kissed his cheek.

@Daniel reaver

River blushed before hugging her again then taking her hand "come on" he said to her as he turned to the door pulling her out with him then sighing as he looked up at the sky the snow still coming down as he slipped his mask on then pulled his hood up before looking back at yui

Yui smiled and followed his out, she looked back at River's father and then back at River as she left with him. She looked st the sky and her face lit up " wow..." she said as he saw the snow falling form the sky "come on you two!" Renshi said from the rooftops. Yui looked at him and then at River and smiled "come on" she said to him softly.

@Daniel reaver

Zack woke up slowly, sunlight beaming right into his eyes. "Agh, why did it have to be morning NOW?" He grumbled, throwing his covers off and putting his feet on the ground. Standing up, he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and opened his closet. "And it's laundry day today, I hope Lucinda has finished the whites by now." That maid would really have been gone by now if it weren't for how she was the only servant who dared to go into his room. Throwing on a shirt, he walked into the bathroom. Zack grabbed his toothbrush and squirted toothpaste onto it. He cleaned his teeth well, just like Mother taught him. "Top row, bottom row, throw them all away." He sung low to himself, a lot of the words garbled due to the brushing.

He spit the rest of the paste out, putting the toothbrush exactly where his mother told him to leave it. Not too close to the sink, and not too far to not be able to reach. Zack then walked out of the bathroom, bumping into Lucinda. She hit the ground, her basket full of his clothes flying into the air. It landed a few feet from them, with the clothes lying everywhere. "Oh, Zack! I'm so terribly sorry!" Lucinda started, hurrying to pick up his clothes.

"Its fine, but try to be more careful next time?" He helped her by picking up a pair of pants and socks, and letting her get the rest. "Has Henry finished breakfast yet?" Zack asked, folding the pants over his left arm. "He said it would be done in a moment, so you should still have time to get dressed for work." Lucinda responded, going into his room to put his clothes away.
Tremki kept following Ryota to the car where he waited to be able to get in, he was eager to see what a real ghoul was like.
mika giggled "hey tremki can we go have some fun?" she asked him childishly as they walked eager to use minirith



river nodded before he launched up into the air landing on the roof tops in a run as he slowed down for yui waiting before he spead back up to head back to the 20th ward

Tremki looked down at Mika "Alright, let's go." he simply replied continuing to walk around "Where do you want to go?" he asked expecting her to say some Alley.
Yui smiled and followed behind River. She ouldnt use her full speed because she was still exhausted from today's events. Renshi ran with River " you could carry her you know" he said to him as he looked back at Yui.

@Daniel reaver

mika giggled as she pointed to an abandoned where house "there" she said excitedly to tremki


river blushed then stopped suddenly and waited for yui to catch up before he grabbed her and picked her up "im sorry you had to go through that yui" he said softly as he started to run again

Tremki looked out the house smiling and giving Mika the thumbs up "Looks suspicious, time to go cleaning eh?" he said leaving his Suit-case at the car walking towards the abandoned house with Mika
Yui tilted her head when River stopped and blinked, then blushed when he picked her up. She smiled a little and kissed his cheek " it's fine.. don't worry about it..." Renshi smiled at the two and continued to run.

@Daniel reaver

mika giggled evily as she unlocked her brief case exposing the main part of minirith before the barrel extended and became its full size "yup" she said inocently before she pulled the triger a loud shot almost like an artillery gun rang out from miniruth as it sent a massive bullet into the door blowing it to shreds and kiling two ghouls on the other side


river jusr ran while carrying yui in silence for a while still shocked by the events of tonight

Yui started to fall asleep as River carried her back to the cafe. Renshi looked at her and was able to tell that she was starting to fall asleep, he softly sighed a little.

Back at the cafe Jasper was pacing in the living. He seemed calm but he was worried about Yui. He sighed a little and looked at the picture of him, Renshi when he was 3, Yui's parents and Yui when she was a baby. He sat down and stared at the picture.

@Daniel reaver

Tremki ran up to the warehouse with Mika stopping as he saw her pull out Minirinth and blast open the door "Woah" he thought before catching up beside her "Are you going to leave any for me?" he said with pouting expression as he walked on further inside.

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