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Fandom ~ Tokyo Ghoul : Red Rain ~

Drake frantavly looked around still holding the blade to yuis neck as he slowly started to cut into her more blood dripping out but the wound wasn't enough to truly hurt her as rivers dead raspy voice echoed through the room "the cold wind brings along your death. Now submit and accept your fate" he echoe through the church the echoing making it sound as if River was every where

CCG Headquarters, 1st Ward.

Tremki sat in a chair in the laboratory leaning back taking a deep breath, “The scientists always strap me up like this to do these tests to see if I’m “Okay” I don’t even know what that means I’m fucking fine!” he thought while looking at the sealing, Tremki often had a ‘potty mouth’ due to his upbringing.

As the scientists injected a needle into Tremki, they took a blood sample for him for analysing, like always. Although today was the day he was finally able to become an Investigator and maybe even acquire a Qunique, this was what he hoped for at least. After a few other tests they let Tremki out of the chair and lead him down the hall into a room with several other investigators (Looking for a partner AKA be one of the investigators? ^_^ )
Ryota entered the CCG building. After greeting a few messengers he headed to the office where the scientists were working on Tremki.

(You guys mind if my character introduces him to his partner haven't had much to do recently)

@Tremki @Daniel reaver
(Why not)

Mika Happily skipped into CCG head quarters her brief case strapped to her back like it was a Gun as she hummed "did I do good" she asked her investigator over seer as he nodded "yes you did" he said as he patted her head softly before she cheered and ran around childishly happy about her first hunt
Tremki looked towards the mirror as he walked passed for a moment but didn't take much notice just sitting down at the desk not saying a word, he tapped the table with his fingers looking down at the table.
After talking with the scientists outside Ryota walks in."So you're the new guinea pig huh" he said as he sat down. "Well whats your name kid?" he asked casually.
Mika skipped around before an investigator came up "we have a partner for you." he said to her before turning gesturing for her to follow "partner?" she asked curiously before quickly running after the man as he lead had to an elevator then got in with her and pressed down
Yui felt more blood drip from his wound as she, calmly looked around the room for River. She leaned back against the candle stick. To try to get away from the knife a little bit. " where did all that confidence?" She asked him as she looked at the ceiling without lifting her head.

@Daniel reaver

Raiden just sat there impatient now. "At the rate this is going he will probably kill him without our help."(I thought we agreed to Mika being my partner. Oh well)

"Alright then put some clothes and come with me I've been assigned to be your overseer and show you who your partner will be" he said not caring at the glare he received but simply waited.
The glare turned into a normal stare before looking away, Tremki got up and nodded "Okay." he walked over to a bench with a suit placed there, he took the suit putting it on over what he already had which were just some slacks since he had been required to wear almost no clothes during analyzing, he looked back at Ryota as if expecting him to lead the way.
Getting up Ryota walked out of the room an began walking down a hall. "Since I'm your overseer I'll need you and your new partner to accompany me to ward 20.
Tremki follows only a step behind looking forward the whole time not making eye contact with Ryota "I wonder who my partner is." he says with curiosity before adding "What's down at Ward 20 that makes you want to take us?"
"This is your first assignment your to help me investigate a near by cafe shop" he stated turning a corner where an elevator was ahead.
Tremki would be behind turning the corner in a slightly goofy manner as a large smile appears on his face as he gives Ryota a thumbs up "Are there ghouls?" he says almost sadistically as he walks down toward the elevator beside Ryota.
"Possibly" he stated as he stood in front of the elevator watching dial indicate the number of floors it went through before reaching them. "But don't forget Tremki you will not attack unless I instruct so understood?" he asked with temperature in thst area seeming to drop with his voice.
Tremki rolls his eyes towards Ryota noticing a sudden change in the air around him "I know how it works, talk first fight later don't worry I won't give you much trouble there." he looks back in front of him putting his hands in his pockets "I don't really like fighting anyway, I just wanted to see how you would react if I was some ghoul killing machine."

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