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Fantasy To Usurp Death ( Finished )

Kastanie envelopes herself in carnage magic. Once it clears she disappears. She suddenly appears behind Hybrid in a sphere of Carnage magic. "I don't care about you wanting to attempt reasoning. Get away from me, no means no. I don't care if you may feel heroic and whatnot but I don't want it at all. If you'd really like to help me and yourself. You'd leave this mountain and never come back. Carnage magic starts to expand from her skin. Trapping Hybrid in an unavoidable scene which will end up killing him. Kastanie decides to leave an opening in the sphere to give him the chance to leave.


Kobresia said:
Thalia growls in pain as her wing jolts her awake. Startled, she realizes that she must've dozed off in the tree. "Idiot," she murmurs to herself. "Idiot, imbecile." She gets to her feet on the branch, her tail draping over the edge to help her balance. Thalia shifts her wing to where she can see it, and groans. The wrappings have turned a dark black, different from the black of blood and more like black of shadow. "Damn shadowgirl," she curses, straightening up.
The deity of Death decides to ignore Sam and his innocent ideals and moves on to speak to Thalia. His voice rings in her ears. "You're angry aren't you? You couldn't kill the girl of shadows I assume?"

( @Kylesar1 )


TheeeIrish said:
( ! ) Kristy glares at runs at the man. Poison starting to leak out her body. She attempts to take this guy out before she bleeds out to death.
He twitches his eyelids as he tenses, dodging her swings, in no effort attempting to swing the sword that rested on his shoulder, "Calm yourself! I mean you no harm!" He cleared some distance between them. Leaving open air for her to slash at, she was in pain, that much was clear, the chinking of his armor underneath the cloak indicated some form of protection.

Kristy's dead body lays dead by the ground near this man whom tried to cease the fight.
Sam bothered not with Death. He wouldn't be granting that request anyways, the unholy bastard

He went back to where Alisha and the other guy was. "My name's Sam, in case you've ever wondered up until now."

"Hey Alisha, If we stand a chance at this game, we need to stick together. This game is ruthless, and..........................who are you?"
he said to the other guy
Light said:
Kastanie envelopes herself in carnage magic. Once it clears she disappears. She suddenly appears behind Hybrid in a sphere of Carnage magic. "I don't care about you wanting to attempt reasoning. Get away from me, no means no. I don't care if you may feel heroic and whatnot but I don't want it at all. If you'd really like to help me and yourself. You'd leave this mountain and never come back. Carnage magic starts to expand from her skin. Trapping Hybrid in an unavoidable scene which will end up killing him. Kastanie decides to leave an opening in the sphere to give him the chance to leave.

The deity of Death decides to ignore Sam and his innocent ideals and moves on to speak to Thalia. His voice rings in her ears. "You're angry aren't you? You couldn't kill the girl of shadows I assume?"

( @Kylesar1 )
Hybrid leaves through the opening that was left for him and he ran quite a safe distance away before stopping and giving control back to Ace. Ace then yells up the mountain "I will reason with you, and what would your family think if they saw you trying to kill an innocent kid?!" Ace said walking down the mountain, he'd be back.
[QUOTE="Cadin shadow lord]Hybrid leaves through the opening that was left for him and he ran quite a safe distance away before stopping and giving control back to Ace. Ace then yells up the mountain "I will reason with you, and what would your family think if they saw you trying to kill an innocent kid?!" Ace said walking down the mountain, he'd be back.

Kastanie flies upward towards her den while the other beasts go back to their business. "Family huh?"
Light said:
Kastanie flies upward towards her den while the other beasts go back to their business. "Family huh?"
Ace began to think of ways to get closer without being attacked, but he knew that wouldn't be possible without spilling some blood but he didn't want to hurt anybody so instead yelled as loud as he could "Why are you so paranoid, and why won't you listen!" Ace yelled at the den.
Alisha looks up at him, horrified. "I don't want to continue this stupid game! I've already killed someone, something I swore to myself I would never do, and I almost died myself. What I'm doing is going back to the East Continent, back home, and forget this even happened." She said, managing to curl into a ball and put her face in her knees to hide her tears.
"What good would that do? You came from the East Continent. The worst thing to do is to assume you're the only one of your kind. In this case, you're most likely not the only participant from East Continent. All you'll do is go home and hope no one else from East Continent is in the game. Your killing someone is justified as self defense. Why do you think the spell healed you?"

Sam could understand Alisha's lack of fighting will, but going home solves nothing. Sam needs an ally, and Alisha damn sure needs one if she were like this. Leaving doesn't eject her from the game. Alex couldn't take over at will, and she's probably not willing to call him out until a near death situation. Another situation like that and she'd most likely die this time.
Alisha sat there, sobbing. She knew it wouldn't fix anything, but what else was she supposed to do? She's never used these powers before today, so what if she hurt someone she cared about? What would she do if she killed them? She couldn't take it, not even the thought of it.
[QUOTE="Chelsea Griffin]"You say that like I should know you. I don't," Eclipse says. "But I don't want unnecessary carnage. I didn't choose to be chosen for this." "But you complained about how boring you life was, you hypocrite," the cat growls. It's smooth and silky voice ripples inside Eclipse's head. Shut it, she thinks. "There are three options that we have right now. One, we fight until one of us emerges victorious. Two, we both run away and pretend we never met. Three, we form a... a truce, I believe." Her eyes gleam. "Will you have death, cowardice, or temporary amity?"

"And why would I help you?" Devil asked as she stood. "For what I know about this competition we will have to fight in the end right. So why make an alliance? Now know I am not denying, I just want to hear your reason." She smirked at the girl.
"If you want to die, be my guest," Eclipse says, her voice growing darker. "But wouldn't it be easier to kill other people if there were two of us?" The cat stares moodily up at her from her feet. "Sometimes I can't believe that I'm connected to you," it laughs. Sometimes I can't believe that no one's turned you into a shadow-rug, cat, Eclipse thinks viciously back. She lifts her head.
"Look, if you're concerned about killing someone, Alex can do it for you. You'll get yourself killed if you try to fight yourself. You don't even try to call Alex until you're trapped. If you didn't have a will to kill when you defended yourself, you won't gain the will to kill by defending yourself again."

Sam sighed. Reassuring people was hard work. He scratched his head as he racked his brain for potentially more things to say. He really couldn't keep up this reassurance effort, as he was running out of things to say, but he couldn't let her just run to her death.
Devil thinks over what the girl was saying. It was true, if she were to try to kill off all of these people herself it would be harder. Then in the end she could just kill her. "Fine. You got a deal. But just know when this is all over, I won't hold back." She grins mischievously. "By the way names Devil. And just know, I hate nicknames."
She sniffed and glanced up at him. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying. "I-I know that... it's just that, I watch as Alex kills, so what's the point in if it's me or him?"
"Eclipse. And same here," Eclipse says. She can feel the cat's silent laughter. "This is priceless. Just make sure that when you do kill her, it's a good and long death, okay?" Eclipse doesn't respond to it, just turning down a side alley. "The forest?" she asks Devil.
She smiled. It was like this girl knew exactly what she was thinking. She nodded and moved a head of her new allied friend foe person. She didn't bother to look back because she knew that Eclipse was following.
"The difference is that YOU don't want to kill. If you had any sort of thrill while killing, you would have been killed by that holy spell for having a corrupted mind. You're using the same body, but you don't even know how to use that Dark-Type Magic. Since you don't know how to control it, you won't be using it until you really need to, AKA a near-death situation. You've never gained any sort of knowledge about that Dark Magic with Alex in control"

"You've claimed thus far that you and Alex are different, so why the hell are you trying to put you and him in the same boat now?"
As they draw nearer to the forest, Eclipse stiffens. "I sense someone," she says, darting between the trunks like a liquid shadow. The cat darts behind her.
"Because I created him. I'll deny him his fun, pleasure, and thrills, but I can't deny why he's there. I'm the reason he exists, but I don't know how to stop him." 'Also, controlling shadows isn't magic for us, it's a natural ability.'
"Look, we'll argue about this later. The longer we sit here, the less likely we are to survive. Due to this game, I can't guarantee your safety, but 2 is always better than 1 in these types of situations. No matter where you go, you're gonna be targeted. That's the simple truth. Would you rather have to fight alone, or have someone back you up if you're in trouble?

"Worrying about the future is wasted time. It's not guaranteed. All we can do is fight until the future we want becomes the present."
"The future we want won't come true. And my fate is obvious; I'm going to die, either by one of those trying to kill me, by you when we're the last two, or by Grimm when the year is up. I'm dead either way, so I don't see the point." She said, slowly standing up. "So you might as well just kill me now, right?" She asked, looking at him with a serious look in her eyes.
Devil, following her new allies lead followed, she peeked her head out and looked around. She too felt a presence, but couldn't pin point it. She searched through the dark of the forest trees but still saw nothing. She looked up at Eclipse and saw she was searching too, on high guard.
"That's bullshit talking. Think about what you're saying. You don't really want to die. If you did, you would have never tried to defend yourself in the first place. Besides, I don't just attack people for no reason. I wouldn't have healed you if I wanted you dead."
"Once again, bullshit. It's fact NOW because you've obviously given up on life. I don't want to fight either, but I'm not about to just roll over and die. Death put us all on a year timer against our will and most likely against Cronus's (the god of time) wishes. I get every last cent out of my dollar, and I plan on getting every last second out of my day, whether or not the road ends in a dead end......... literally. You owe it to both yourself and to Alex to do the same."
She looks at him as her tears stop falling. 'You should listen to him, ya know. Don't just give up now just because you almost died. And I can teach you how to use your ability, so no complaining about not knowing.' Alex said, sounding almost pleased. Alisha sighed before blinking away her remaining tears and looked Sam in the eye. "Fine, I'll come with, though I don't think I'll be any help."
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