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Fantasy TЊË RåÑʥØm ЊØTËL (A Walk-in RP)

“I think the room is secure...” he mumbled to himself as he looks around the room again, both dimensions of magic fading from his hands as his eyes returned to an indigo like color.
*he places the mushrooms and steak inside the flaky pocket, deciding to add some wild onion inside too, he folds it over and bakes it, waiting for it to cook*
After speaking to Indigo and finding she was fine Indigo had checked in brieflyup toug with the Head Cook and told was told she’d have the evening off to get some rest. Under orders to rest, the girl made her way to her room where she went to sleep, locking the door and falling onto the bed. The girl woke up though as the lights in the hotel began flashing red and a message scrolling across the walls. This is a reason not to have non-living beings running a hotel then.

Sage Jevro Eldawn
Sage had unconsciously shielded them with the shadows on the edges of the room they were in. Waving his hand before him, the rider watched as something came into the room and then fell into floor. Dropping the shadows he walked towards the creature, summoning a ball of fire in his hand, twisting it around his wrist and merging the shadows with it. Vanshi remained where he’d left her.
Three more maids surrounded Indigo as she walked the halls. She stopped and turned her glare on them. At once, all three jumped for her. "Away with you." She muttered as they passed through her. At once, they deactivated, their lifeless bodies falling to the ground "You're an eye-sore." She scolded. "I must see to the guests." Indigo continued walking. It almost seemed like she was just on a walk, but the air around her was tense and cold, A storm had indeed come upon TRH and it's thunder was roaring silently through it's halls.

Four more robot maids were banging on the windows of the Oak grill, their spastic arms smashing into the glass over and over again. One of them picked up a chair and threw it at the glass. The Window broke with a loud crash and sent shards of glass flying into the room. The maids jumped in through the gap and rushed the two people in the room, Zach and 507
507 lifted 2 fingers into the air to summon void tendrils everywhere to grapple onto each robots legs, then he quickly pressed all of their buttons and released them “Cmon, give me a challenge...”
*zach takes out the baked hot pockets of deliciousness and sets them on the counter for others to consume* *he perks his ears at the sounds around him*
-Zackrilmon had sensed the presence of another dragon. He rose from his bed and with one swift jump, he bolted into the air. He took his time as he glided around the hotel to the bottom, watching the windows pass by. As he reached the bottom, he landed softly in the trees and sat in the shadows as he watched the dragon and his masters- ...a tamed dragon. hmf.. scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
Dwig sprints back to his room, closes the door. After about a minute, Dwig emerges carrying the helmet of his MDI power armor under his arm. He taps a keyboard on his arm and the power armor activates. "Alright, let's go" Dwig shoves the helmet onto his head and blinks twice to activate the AI "Ghost, check the hotel floor plan for any rouge maids" "Yes sir," Dwig enters a command on his wrist. "Sir, I found three maids on this floor, none in rooms" "Open the map" Dwig runs down the hallway towards the nearest maid. As he rounds the corner, Dwig sees a maid banging on the door. It sees him and charges. Dwig draws his pistol, and says "Gun (pause for beep) Pulse-Burst, Five seconds" He aims the handgun at the red button and fires. The blast hits the maid in the OFF button. "all in a day's work" DWig says as he dusts off his hands.
Michael's head popped up, interrupting repairs on the synthetic before him. He rolled his eyes, "Of course. Wonderful." He muttered something about being a mechanic and keeping machines in good working order under his breath as he loaded the chip back into it's slot in the back of the machine's head, scrawling something in the pages of his notepad as the life flooded back into the machine's limp form.
Six's eyes glowed white and then aqua, he rotated his arms, flexed his fingers and glanced around, not remembering how he got to the room. "It seems the facility is in a state of emergency. Should I assist?" He turned his head a little further than humanly possible, which would have been an uncanny sight had it not been for the fact that the two were alone in the room.
"Oh, yeah, sure, go running out into danger and undo all the work I just did, go ahead." He responded in a sarcastic tone, not looking up from his papers until Six stood up and moved to exit the room. He cursed himself under his breath and rushed to tidy up his papers as the synthetic walked out the door.
Dwig sighed and hopped into the elevator "That was a little too hard for a malfunction. Ghost next time we find a maid, look through the source code" "Ok, Sir" Dwig rode down the lobby. He nodded to the receptionist and walked into his office, which doubled the security headquarters. He grabbed his 2-way radio "How's it looking out there, guys?"
507 put up ice around where the windows use to be to add as an extra protection, he looked around to see Zach, merely waving his hand “Everything’s fine in here.”
Indigo sighed "Utter eye-sore" She scoffed. Beneath her feet was a pile of 60 or so lifeless maid robots. Nothing scared Indigo as she was neigh invulnerable to everything. These "things" were just in her way. Again, thunder rolled over head, seems the storm was still going strong. Indigo returned to the lobby as she had reached the limit of how far away she could stray from it. A few more maids had found their way here since she had been gone. However, she quickly dispatched them and returned to her place behind the counter. Seems there wasn't much she could do from here. "Damn him." She muttered under her breath.
507 proceeded to surround himself in void energy covering his entire body until he became invisible, sneaking by the robotic maids and pushing the OFF buttons on them until he made it to the front desk “lady indigo, this is normal in this hotel, correct?”
After leaving the front desk, Amelia wandered the halls in search of her room. However, these rooms were all in the 100s and not the 200s like the number seen on her key. By the time that she reached the conclusion that she ask for directions, she was already lost. "Oh dear," Amelia sighed but it wasn't like she was in any rush so she still took her time. It was also a good chance to explore.

As she continued through the never-ending hallways, Amelia started to hear the thunderstorms even from the innermost of the hotel. She glanced up even though there was no way that the bluette could see through the building to the outside where the storm was raging. Well, the weather didn't really matter so long as she remained indoors. So she continued with no idea of the danger.
-Ovesh calmly walked through the storm as he snuck behind his brother, Zackrilmon. Ovesh was the most quiet out of the two, so he had a better chance of scaing Zackrilmon- BOO! -With almost an istant reaction Zackrilmon spun around and slammed Ovesh into the ground, not knowing who he was- YOU DARE... o-ovesh..i-is that you -filled with joy, he tackled Ovesh. Mutiple crashes and booms came from the forest sounding as if some one was fighting-
Six found himself on the ground floor having lost his handler at some point. He glanced around through stark white eyes, scanning the area, finding various signs of damage and lifeless maids. His eyes roamed the area around him as he continued through the mess. "Impractical. Who cleans when the maids malfunction." He said out loud, stepping over another fallen maid.
Dwig stood and walked out to the pool deck. Out of his pocket, he pulled a piece of chalk. As he kneeled and began to draw he chanted under his breath. "eye of worlds, power divine. Unity, bring together whom I ask. I ask this boon of you. Bring Sigzil here." as he chanted, he drew an eye-shaped magic circle. Once the circle was complete, Dwig summoned his sword and stabbed into the pupil of the eye. The lines began to glow, and a figure made of light began to form.
"Not exactly normal, Mr.507. But it is expected. Thunderstorms often cause the robots to malfunction and lash out violently." She explained in a monotone voice, as if this was everyday. In the last 90 or so years she had been here, there have been many strange things to happen. Nothing caught Indigo off-guard anymore. "There isn't much we can do past just turning off and many as we can manually until the storm passes." Sir Fungus Sir Fungus

Elsewhere in the hotel, another group of robot maids had just finished tearing apart a small section of wall into one of the rooms. A sound echoed from down the hallway, the light tip-tap of feet approaching. The robots turned and charged towards the noise, saying things like "How can we assist? How can we assist." While brandishing a wooden board they had managed to pull from the wall. They rounded a corner and continued towards the noise. An unknowing hotel guest. NekoQueen49 NekoQueen49
“Do you mind if I keep you company until the storm passes?” He asked indigo, using a small amount of his shadow magic to create a small purple spiritual like rose, offering it to the girl with a smile “Don’t worry, this is one you can touch...”
Robotic voices caught Amelia's attention but when she turned to look over her shoulder, they looked anything but friendly. Not for the first time, she wondered what kind of place she now found herself in but she didn't have much time for wondering. They were already approaching her with a long rough piece of wood. With a small cry, Amelia ran in the other direction in the hopes of finding some help. She didn't know much about fighting and she didn't know how strong these bots might be.
Michael went sprinting down the hall, frustrated but mostly terrified of what the synthetic could get into if not supervised. Sometimes having Six by his side felt less like an advantage and more like taking care of a child, albeit a very smart, very strong child equipped with... deadly weapons oh my god. He sped up, dodging and leaping over malfunctioned maids and heading for a way to the ground floor.

6301-Model332 (Six)
Six could hear it now, the broken dialogue, the thunking and clanging. It was a symphony of disrepair that he knew little of, if he was human he would have found it disturbing. He stopped, trying to locate the source of the sounds.
As the ethereal figure formed into a man with no hair and swords across his back. "Hey Sig, how was the trip here?" "Horrible, you forgot to contact me before summoning me," The man said as he stood "I need to go ask the boss if I can keep you here," Dwig said as they walked into the lobby and nodded to the people there.
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Indigo took the flower in her hands and looked at it a moment, examining its construction. letting a bit of her old life slip back to her for a moment. She sighed "I suppose there's nothing wrong with that. You may , if that is what you desire." She took the flower and let it rest on the desk. With barely a motion of her finger, the flower began to change. First, the stem broke away and formed a silver oval ring. Next, the flower shrunk and began to glisten, as if it had become some sort of crystal. The ring and flower fit together like puzzle pieces. Indigo picked it up from the desk and afixed the crystal flower to the white bow around her neck, pocketing the small red gem that had rested in that place before. Sir Fungus Sir Fungus

The robotic maids continued their chase after the girl, their eerie call of "How can we assist?" Becoming more and more distorted as they shouted. The frenzied robots never seemed to tired as they followed the girl wherever she went. They broke down another wall and ripped out a second large piece of wood, this one with a sharp point in the end, like an over sized pencil NekoQueen49 NekoQueen49
"Can anyone help me!?" Amelia tried to call. She didn't know if anyone could hear her where she was. This part of the hotel seemed deserted, if any other part of the hotel was occupied. It might be just her, the receptionist and these killer bot for all she knew. If no one answers then Amelia would be forced to go on offense. The only concern she had with that is she didn't know if what little fighting style she knew would work against them.
Dwig frowned and drew his gun "Gun (pause for beep) EMP, two-second burst automatic," Dwig pointed his rifle at the maids and pulled the trigger. There was no flash, no bang, but all the maids fell over. "Your welcome" Dwig said and saluted.

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