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Fantasy TЊË RåÑʥØm ЊØTËL (A Walk-in RP)

"Of course, Mr. Takenaka, how could I forget." Once he was done signing his name, she secured a room key from under the desk and slid it to him "I will see to the boy of course, but I have already stabilized his vitals. He won't get any better without treatment, of course. But he will not die." She said, completely casually, as if she didn't sound crazy. After all, Indigo hadn't moved from behind the desk. "Shall I notify Miss Mae of your arrival?" scorpiodragon scorpiodragon

Miss Mae. Pardon the intrusion. You received an email. Also... An unknown craft is approaching the pool.
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-Zackrilmon, being the dragon he was walked over the fence and let himself in. He saw the pool and slowly layed in the pool. It steamed at first but stopped as hus scales cooled.- What a beatiful place this is. -He smiled with a sly grin and layed his head on the side of the pool and fell asleep-
The girl did not look bothered by her employer's semi-state of undress. Nodding at the question that she was done for the day, the girl had been working since twilight to now in Oak Grill. Without being given a chance to respond, the teenager bowed her head. "Sure boss," she said, her body tensing as the scent of ash and smoke wafted towards them. Not speaking another word, Zero turned and hurried off back towards the hotel's lobby to check on Indigo and see how the other was fairing, stopping on the way to use the restroom.

Hotaru Takenaka
Hotaru's head tilted at the woman saying that they knew him. Odd...don't remember this one. But then I hardly remember much of my time here. Taking the key that was slid across the desk, they peered over the book, eyes going along the line until they found their room number. Room 888....eighth floor. His comment regarding the wolf creature seemed taken to heart as well though the woman hadn't moved from her desk at all. He would never understand this dimension and their rules or laws as long as he lived. "No...I will see Fawna around and she will likely figure it out when she checks the book for herself. For now, I will retire to my room. But...I hope you have a lot of tangerines. Good day." With those parting words, he grabbed his backpack again and headed for one of the elevators in the lobby to head up to the eighth floor and his room.
-As Zackrlimon slept, he spoke in dragon tounge- svaklar mi si.. - he then rolled over as his head splashed into the pool-
Six could feel his body lock up as he passed through the portal, his momentum sending him crashing through the floor with a loud thump! The sound was followed by the sound of a man yelling, not a minute behind him. He knelt down right then and sat the synthetic up, "I told you not to go through that damn thing!" He pressed something on Six's back and started fiddling with something with a strange device. "We were in danger." The synthetic responded in a flat, mechanical tone as his right arm started to flail uncontrollably, prompting a frustrated groan from Michael.
Six looked around the room, through his unfocused lenses he could make out a few things, moving figures and inanimate objects. He focused his eyes and scanned over the room, eyes flashing white before returning to their normal aqua glow. "I do not have any information on our current location, Michael." He spoke without turning to face Michael, continuing to look around at a high speed. "Yeah, yeah, we'll figure that out in a minute..." Michael pushed the panel back into place, moving to a point on the back of the synthetic's neck, cursing under his breath all the while.



Fawna smiled and nodded as Zero bowed and dismissed herself. Suddenly, her ears shot up at a rushing sound. She sprung up from her chair almost instantly. "Miss Mae," said a familiar robotic voice. Her eyes wide, almost as if she were caught in headlights, she jumped at the sound of her robotic maid's voice. "Demons..." she cursed under her breath. "Yes, yes... random hotel things! Pass me my laptop at once," Maid0326 followed instructions as expected. Meanwhile, Fawna's, now large, hazel eyes darted from the enormous dragon, who taken up her entire pool, back to her laptop. "Demons..." she cursed again. She began typing in response, but she couldn't help of being wary of the dragon before her. It seemingly fell asleep, but that didn't ease her tension.

Send New Email
New Email Received
FW: Random Hotel
Sunday, Aprilis 07, 0101 5:00 AM

You're request is granted. Our coordinates are as follows: RA 21h 10m 44s | Dec +52° 53′ 11″. In regards to our sun, we do have spontaneous cases of which the sun would have an event such as a plasma bursts that could affect communication channels, but this is very rare. If you require any more information, feel free to contact me.

TRH Owner,------
Fawn Mae

Tap!!! She hit send dutifully, a strange grin of satisfaction grew on her lips. "Now, this guy," she said to herself. The frail deer-folk she was did not want to intrude the dragon's slumber, but she was certain she had a better room for him. "Pardon me," she said as she tapped him on the front limb. The creature mumbled some gibberish and shifted it's head in the water. "Ah!" she screamed. She's now super wet. At least she wasn't in her work attire. Where's my security when I need them... she thought to herself.
scorpiodragon scorpiodragon Zackrilmon Zackrilmon
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"Excuse me, can I help you?" Indigo asked kindly to the two new arrivals who had just tumbled in. It seemed like more runaways were showing up this time. Had it always been that way? No. But she decided it didn't matter. She would serve them regardless. As if she had any other option. Sea Jay Sea Jay



((I'm super tired. I think I'll call it for the night. Don't forget to post the Robot Maid if you call it for the night too.))

Fawna gave up on waking the dragon and stomped her way back to the Front Desk. "You," she pointed at Maid0128, "clean up the water that's dripping on the floor." The robotic maid swiftly followed her command. "You," she pointed at Indigo, clearly irritated and far from relaxed, "email one of our securities to escort the dragon in the pool to a proper room." Her ears were drooping wet and so was her useless towel. "Pardon me," she said to the two gentleman standing before Lady Indigo. "I'm going to my room," Maid0128 mopped up her trial as Fawna's clicked clocked clicked to her room. Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants Sea Jay Sea Jay
Michael glanced up for a moment before looking back down and continuing to work without a word, though his motions became a tad more frantic as he started to realize just where he was. He exhaled a sigh of relief as Six's arm fell to his side, taking out a small device and tapping at the screen.
Six stood up abruptly, approaching Indigo eyes flashing around the room as he moved and snapping back forward when he stood before her. "Hel-" He froze up for a moment until Michael walked over, one hand in his pants pocket, and smacked the synthetic upside the head. "-lo."
Michael grinned awkwardly, "Uh, yeah, mind telling me where we are?" He leaned back, glancing around, furrowing his brow at the... well she seemed like she was in charge, but that's all he could say given what he knew about this place, which wasn't much.
She nodded "Of course, you are at The Random Hotel." Indigo looked at the two of them "You two certainly seem to be in rough condition. Don't worry, I've been monitoring your vitals since you arrived." Her pale lips curving into a pleasant smile. "However, it's not uncommon for certain species do experience a bit of uneasiness after arriving here so it would be wise of you to rest."
Michael looked around again, yeah, that made sense... "Huh... A hotel? That's convenient." He was a bit unnerved knowing he was being monitored, glancing over at Six like that'd be reassuring somehow. "Well... I suppose we'll have to stay for a bit to figure out how to get back..."
"Wonderful!" Indigo replied cheerfully. "We have plenty of open rooms. Would you prefer two seperate rooms or will one be enough?" she reached under the desk and took out the guest book once again. Gently she paged though the massive book of past guests until she reached an open slot. "If you sirs would both sign your names here and here I will get you your room key."
"One is fine, he's..." he glanced over at Six and shook his head, signing his name and glancing over at the mechanical man again, "I don't think it'd be a good idea to have him doing any signing, he'd find some way to break something."
"I was not built for light work." Six spoke, his voice sounding distant, as he'd wandered away to look at something in the corner of the room.
"I see. Then if you would be so kind as to sign this for him. It is necessary to keep track of all our guests." Indigo paid no mind to the sulking man, she had no reason to. Reaching under the desk, she pulled out a room key and slid it across the desk to him
Michael signed for him and took the room key, stepping away from the desk before looking back, "Uh... Thank you." He said before getting Six's attention and heading to the room.
A coin falls out of the sky and Dwig comes sailing after. He lands by the door to Fawna's room and knocks." 'lo boss, should I go to the front or what," Dwig gestured over to the dragon in the pool "like him, what do I do with him, I can't pick him up?"
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After using the rest room, Zero continued along towards the lobby until she got to the front desk where she was surprised to see a robot and its...owner?...walking away from the front desk and heading towards the elevators. "Indigo...the boss wanted me to see how you were doing," Zero said, stifling another yawn. "I...take it we have some new guests, given the multiple scents here?" One scent caught the dog's attention and she turned to see what looked to be a passed out figure on the floor of the lobby, his blood smelling strange to her and carrying a foul scent. Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants

Ajax Qast
His holographic projector pinged, signaling he had an email. A computer screen and holographic keyboard appeared in front of him, the Zalbanian reading the information in the email sent to him. "Is there an image of these coordinates in the galactic files?"

The computer's voice said nothing but brought up an image of a very big and expensive looking hotel. "Put in coordinates RA 21h 10m 44s | Dec +52° 53′ 11″ and bring up a map to the place."

Ajax moved the image of the hotel to his left eye and examined the map with with his right. The creature's ears twitched as he listened to his surroundings, his bag slung over his shoulder. "Combine."

The computer immediately moved the images together, shrinking the image of the hotel so it would align with the map, words in a foreign language appeared on another screen. Reading the words and putting them in with the map, he glanced towards the email he had received. "Plasma bursts containing potential solar flares and scrambling communications. Send an email asking the age of the sun though I made sure to bring my blinders with me."

Send New Email
New Email Received
Re: Random Hotel
Information received and understood. What is the age of your planet's sun or suns? How much is the cost of a room? Also, do you know where I might find parts for a scout ship, Class T5-IP90l?


The computer did as he asked, sending the email and he set the holographic projector down before turning back to his ship. Tasting the air with his tongue, he made his way towards the ship and walked around it, examining it for himself. He then walked towards the edge of the canyon and looked down into the abyss before turning back to the ship and crossing his arms over his chest, tapping a claw against his other arm. Now...how to move his ship so it didn't fall off the canyon? SachiGrl SachiGrl

Sage Javro Eldawn
Wing muscles straining against the shock of the wind that blew past, the dragon clumsily landed on a rocky terrain, growling as his wing snapped when he flipped over and skidded the next hundred yards along the ground until he came to a stop. The two passengers on his back made it off thanks to his rider's agility, pain scouring up the five and a half-year-old dragon's body as he tried to move his wing, only to find it wouldn't work. Little one. Are you alright?

Picking himself off the ground, the exiled Dragon Rider turned at his dragon's question and made his way over to the black winged lizard, his golden eyes showing emptiness. "Fine Rauthvr," he spoke. The rider shook his head as he staggered, Vanshi running up to him and letting her master lean against her. "I'm just fine," Sage spoke. Brushing the girl away from him, the rider climbed up the dragon's outstretched forelimb and walked along his back until he got to the wing. A black glow of light formed around the rider's hand as he spoke a simple spell, placing his right hand upon his dragon's broken wing. "Helbrede usynlig." Instantly the bones began to snap back together, skin and muscle began to knit and reform. Rauthvr growled in pain at his rider's magic as his wing was healed but when Sage sat back, Rauthvr felt no more pain and flexed his wing.

Thank you little one.

Sage didn't reply to his dragon's thanks as he looked around him. This looked nothing like Alagaesia or even the prisoner compound in Du Weldenvarden where the rider had been born and lived for the first ten years of his life until he'd been exiled by his father. Where had that damn Shadeslayer and Dragon Killer sent him and his dragon? Had they been sent across the Western Sea? "Rauthvr see anything?"

The dragon got to his paws and looked around him. There seems to be a building up ahead though it looks bigger than the buildings of home little one. Not as tall as the mountains but taller than the citadel of Uru'baen. The dragon felt his rider's mind connect with his own, Sage's golden eyes turning black and looking towards where his dragon was staring as Vanshi stood nervously beside the dragon.

Without a command issued, the black dragon took off into the sky above, leaving the rider and his servant upon the ground, Sage having jumped off his dragon as he launched himself into the air. He spoke no words to his servant either as he began walking across the landscape, Und and Dark Moon strapped to his hip in their respective scabbards. Withdrawing from Rauathvr's mind, his eyes went back to their gold color as the rider set off with his cloak billowing around him, Vanshi stumbling along behind her master towards the building. While Dark Moon was nothing more than a sword he had forged out of a space rock when he had been a child, Rauthvr's scales beaten into it and twisted with his own magic, Und was a proper rider's sword forged of brightsteel and shining a deep inky black like the night sky due to Rauthvr's scales melded into the blade.
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Fawna let out a big yawn. She managed to sleep 5 hours straight. That's a record. Almost like muscle memory, she took her laptop from her nightstand and began checking her emails. There was no response still from qbounty61700@interstellar.net. She wondered if they were okay. There were a few additional requests for future bookings, so she went ahead and inputted them to their Guest Log Database.

DUN! DUN! DUN! She heard a loud knock on her door. "Dwig?" the deer-woman answered, "G-give me a moment." Without thinking, she clutch her blankets closer to her body even though Dwig, obviously, couldn't see her. She leaped out of her bed, inadvertently, dragging her blanket along to her closet. Clack! Clackity! Clack! From outside her door, you could her her shifting through her hangers, trying to find a quick and easy outfit to slip into. "Okay," she said to herself as she grabbed a light pink, short sleeve button down with a brown, pencil skirt. The blankets were scattered around her hooves as she dressed. She nearly tripped, trying to get to the door, "Ay!"

Creeeeeaaaaaaak.. she opened the door, "We may have to look through our inventory and see if we have a levitation gun." Her dark finger tapped lightly on her chin as she thought, "Can you check that for me then use the gun... if we have it... to move him onto the grassland for now?" Bing! A notification went off on her computer. "Must be qbounty61700," she said to herself quietly. "Be right back," her hooves noisily clacked as she went to retrieve her laptop. What is the age of your planet's... sun? That's a first... she thought as she read through the whole email then she wrote back to him.
Send New Email
New Email Received
Re: Random Hotel
Sunday, Aprilis 07, 0101 10:00 AM
Good morning,

We are in an alternate dimension, so currency is irrelevant. Your stay will be of no cost. The Random Hotel was created 101 years ago. It has not been established if the planet it resides on has existed longer. I'm sorry I can't help in that regard. As far as parts to your scout ship, I can request to order any pieces you require.

Thank you,------
Fawn Mae
TRH Owner
Dwig sauntered off to his room as if to look for something. He came back five minutes later with what looked like a rocket launcher. Dwig also had a bag with some chalk in it. He ran over to the sleeping dragon and kneeled on the ground and pulled out some chalk. After about 15 minutes of drawing an elaborate magic circle, he thrust out his left hand. 5 heartbeats later, a mist began to form in his hand. Suddenly the mist snapped into a long sword with a large crossguard and elaborate runes down the center. Dwig lifted the sword proudly. "This is Pureblade, if anyone wants to know how I did that, too bad" Dwig proceeded to stab the sword into a section of the circle. The chalk line began to glow, and Dwig's hair and duster were blown back the dragon lifted off the ground and hovered about ten feet up. Dwig walked over to Fawna's room. "Hey boss, what you want me to do with the dragon? I got it off the ground, should I get a receptionist or what."



((I have to go, please take care of the hotel while I’m gone))

DUN! DUN! DUN! She heard a loud knock on her door again. “Umm... just put him on the grass away from the hotel,” she said with an annoyed expression. “Just guard the pool, so that thing doesn’t sleep in it again.”
"Kay" Dwig said as he pointed his sword over to the grass, as the dragon levitated there Dwig pulled out his 2-way radio "whoever is guarding the pool better get over here"
Ajax Qast

Ajax had gotten his ship moved away from the canyon and into the shelter of a large dune that he hoped would hide it from tracking ships. Hearing a ping from his holographic communication device, he walked over to it and brought up the email. This time he didn't respond to it but did speak to the holographic device. "Power down." When the holographic device had done so, Ajax pocketed it and then headed off into the desert towards the coordinates the map had indicated.

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