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Fantasy TЊË RåÑʥØm ЊØTËL (A Walk-in RP)

“Yes, I’m merely here on vacation madam.” He announced, a small bit of the shadow magic trailing out of his hair but then retracting back, a small smile across his face as he extended his arm outward for a handshake “I appreciate the welcome, I am known as 507. And you are?”
Indigo's gaze shifted to the man's outstretched hand. Strange. She thought. No one usually bothered introducing themselves to the receptionist. "My name is Indigo." She said, her voice still cutting through the air like a dagger. "I appreciate the gesture, Mr.507, unfortunately" She reached her out her hand, passing through the front desk, "as you can see it isn't one I can return." Her hand passed through 507's without the slightest sign of resistance.
"Thank you Ms. Mae, and it is very nice to see you again too. I would say I brought another gift for you, but unfortunately those Firelords have a bit of a hot temper." Mr. V. said, smiling despite his charred and disheveled look. "I'll join you as soon as I get my new luggage, after all, a gentlemen would never think of dining with such a fine lady in such a state." He kissed her hand before taking his key and disappearing up the flights of stairs with almost inhuman speed and vigor. SachiGrl SachiGrl
Ajax Qast
The Zalbanian moved along the desert sands on all fours, his tongue flicking in and out to taste the air. Anything that attempted to tangle out here with the Zalbanian would find themselves either ripped to shreds and/or dying of the creature’s potent venom by being bit. His bag was wrapped around his tail, dragging along behind him as he moved at a steady place through the morning sea of tan and white sands, baked by the sun.

Sage Jevro Eldawn
Getting information from his partner, the rider looked around him, ignoring the girl’s shaking. There was a fog which he did not attempt to penetrate coming from what looked like a desk though it wasn’t like his own back home in Uru’baen not even like his human master’s, King Orrin. Well false master as Deyan was his true master. The fact that the shadows around the rider and his serving would expand and get circle around him like living beings at that damn Shadeslayer annoyed he rider to no end and the reason for his rather voliatle temper lately. Coupled with the loss of his mother and honorary aunt as well as being banished here...wherever here was...well Sage would possibly end up worse than Galbatirix.

She had been the only reason he had held onto his humanity for so long, even if he had spent the first four years of his life trying to destroy his humanity. It had been going well until h me had kidnapoed his older half-brother Sephar. The rider watched as one person got something and headed towards the hallway, the rider noting there were no candles or torches around to give the place lighting.
507 nodded, putting his hand away but still eyeing the young spirit “I see..well, I suppose since introductions are out of the way. Will you be so kind as to point me to the dining facilities, I am quite famished after passing through the void.” The small trace of shadow magic this time lingered off of his wings and hands, quickly retracting themselves back with a small hiss sound to them
Indigo nodded "Of course sir."She pointed pasted the man "Simply head down that hallway till you reach the end and turn left. You will find the Oak Grill there. We serve anything you can think of." she gestured to her left where a floor map hung on the wall "There is also a map provided if you still struggle to find your way." Indigo folded her hands over her lap, her gaze returning to 507. " Is there anything else I may assist you with sir?"


<< Assigned Task: --- || Mood: Booooooored!! || Tags: --- >>
((I'm getting tired... Gonna take a nap, be back later~!))​

"Oh, I got to go. Tell Mr. V I'm sorry we didn't have breakfast together! I have a meeting with Miss Blood in the Meeting Room. Please be sure that no one disturbs me."

"You've got it Ms. Mae!", Natalie had saluted again, her tail flicked in an enthusiastic wavy motion behind her, "You can count on me~!"

The cat-girl had watched the owner leave the restaurant, eager for the next individual to come through the door so that she could keep on doing her job. Also, deliver this very important message that had been relayed to her. Standing near the kitchen's counter, Natalie waited... And waited, and waited... The silence and dullness of the environment draining her cheerful energy away until she had decided to sit instead.

But the wait didn't end and no one ever came. With her ears down and a deflated mood, she had gone as far as to lean over the table, a yawn leaving her mouth. How long had she been waiting? It seemed like an eternity... She was getting incredibly BORED!
In a whim, the cat-girl got up from the seat, left maid bot 0480 in charge of giving Mr. V Ms. Mae's message and left her post, wandering off with no clear destination in mind.

She just needed to find something to do ASAP. Anything!!
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“Yes, I would like to reserve room #507 please..” he said before laying a generous amount of gold onto the desk, bowing to the girl before walking down the hallway “It was a pleasure to meet your acquaintance, indigo.” With that said, he walked off leaving a shadowy trail that soon caught up to him, leaving nothing behind but what was there before.
*zach is busy making a deer steak on a grill, his mask firmly planted on his face, sweating from the heat*
"Enjoy your stay." She replied. Indigo stood there in silence for a moment, staring at the gold. It was a kind offering but..."I can't use this." She thought to herself. Indigo sighed and gathered up the gold and placed it in a small box behind the counter. Indigo looked around, the lobby was empty now. The only sounds coming from the small speakers as it played a light melody that was supposed to sooth the minds of travelers.
*zach walks into the lobby and gives indigo the meat, smiling a huge cheshire cats grin as he swishes his tail* a present!
507 steps into the oak grill, relaxing his shoulders as he looks around. Taking a seat as he waits for a waiter or some kind of service to come by, noticing all of the people around “Guess its around that time to eat for everyone...”
*ZAch walks back into the grill, he gives 507 a cream puff he made and sits down making sure that the others dont fight*
507 merely picks up the small desert and seprates it into molecules and absorbs it into his stomach.
Indigo stares at the meat a moment. Again, a kind offering but.."I can't eat this." She thinks to herself. With a sigh, she picks up the meat and places it below the counter. Perhaps she could give it to someone else. She glaces around the lobby. Empty again.
507 summons a rift in between space and time, reaching in and pulling out a necromancy spellbook thinking “I never had this...” he then proceeds to flip through the pages, thinking of the odd new spells in his face before putting it back inside the rift and closes it.
Weather Forecast

WARNING: An automated message was sent to all the customers at the hotel. Within their rooms it glowed a faint red and on their doors the message was visible, scrolling from left to right. "Dear valued guest, we currently have a malfunction with the robotic maids. They are extremely dangerous and some armed. Please remain in your rooms unless you're physically capable of fending off or disabling them. Thank you." There was a total of 9,999 robotic maids in the hotel. Several of them were cleaning the hotel rooms, but now they are slamming their heads against the walls, grabbing and tossing random objects they find. They are even attacking guest on sight. On their chest, there is a red button. This will deactivate them.

TAG: Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants Sir Fungus Sir Fungus zachie mel zachie mel Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun scorpiodragon scorpiodragon TheUnusualVisitor TheUnusualVisitor Sea Jay Sea Jay NekoQueen49 NekoQueen49 Moomba Moomba @
507 smirked as he surrounded one of his hands in arcane magic, and another in shadow magic “Finally, some fun around here...” his eyes changing from that indigo color to a lime green as he stood and braces for the robots to attack.
Indigo's ears perked up as thunder rolled overhead. It had been a while since the last time this had happened. Across the lobby, one of the maids came crashing from around the corner. It's robotic gaze fixed on her, it's faceplate flashing wildly. Without much warning, it charged her rushing towards the desk at high speed. Indigo sighed. It seemed like she would have to clean up this mess again. She stepped forward, her body passing through the desk with ease, the robot was on top of her now, it's crazed motions like that of some sort of beast. It lunged at her, arms out stretched. However, it simply passed right through. Indigo walked through the maid, pressing the large red button on it's chest on the way. It collapsed on the front desk, lifeless. Indigo headed off into the hotel. She had a mess to clean up.
507’s right ear twitched to see one of the maids simply rushing toward him, he focused his arcane magic into a chilling chant to summon a block of ice to hurl towards the button on the robots chest. Chuckling before quickly shaking his head to regain his sanity “Focus...dont let the whispers control you...”
*ZACH sees a robot maid, he jumps up and forms his metallic claws the maid swipes at him, he punches the button, but being the curious cat he is, he tries to eat the maid, thinking its dead body could be a food source*
507 looks over at Zach and laughs “I wouldn’t eat that, unless you plan on dying of course.” He then focuses his attention on making sure the dining room is secure before relaxing.
theres only one way i can die, and its very complicated *he eats a button off the maid, then goes to cook homemade mushroom and steak hot pockets for the others*
"Oh dear... That's a bit troublesome." Mr. V. said as he looked at the malfunctioning maidbot currently throwing itself against his door. "I should put a stop to this, it's damaging the lacquer and the finish." He calmly approached the robot and put his hand on it's shoulder, keeping it still as he delivered a rather punishing kick, sending into the wall as he pulled a crowbar from his jacket. "I'm not sure what's going on, and I'm not sure if you understand this, but there is a universal truth no matter where you go. Castle Doctrine, will be enforced with enough violence to dissuade any future violations."
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