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Fantasy TЊË RåÑʥØm ЊØTËL (A Walk-in RP)

507 smiles at indigo, how she transformed the spiritual flower into nothing more than jewelry amazed him “Nice trick.” He looked around the empty lobby before turning his attention back to indigo “Is it always this lonely up here?” His eyes looked concerned, the shadow magic trailing off of him and then returning back.
After hearing all of the commotion coming from the hotel Ovesh and Zackrilmon decided to see what was going on- What do you thinks going on in their?} Probably something to do with the maids i guess. From what i gathered, they seem to malfunction during storms -They reached the front doors and one at a time they walked in to help deal with the problem
"It was nothing special." she said. It was, in actuality, the change of magic into new matter, a scientific marvel. But to Indigo it was nothing. Simply one of the few powers she had left. Indigo looked around the empty lobby. She had never thought of it as being lonely. Maybe at one time she had, but that was many decades ago. "I suppose it is." She answered simply. "Honestly, I had never given it much thought." Indigo had always been alone but never in a bad way. That was just how she had lived her life, on her own. The last 90 years since she had arrived here had seen the most time she had spent with other people
“Hmm...well, I’ll make sure to pay you a visit every now and then” he smiled at indigo attempting to pat her on the back before stopping, realizing she was nothing but a spirit and frowning slightly.
"Oi, you two" Dwig yelled up at the two dragons. "Be careful in here, don't break anything" Dwig pulled out an iron rod and shot it onto the single-headed dragon's face "GOT IT"
"Thank...you." She replied, a little confused. This man was perplexing to her. His actions towards her. Other guests in the past had treated her well, that was nothing new. But no one had ever asked her name before or anything as far as this strange man. She was just the receptionist after all. Someone to greet you when you arrived and wish you well on your way out. That's all. "Mr.507 sir, I have to ask. Why are you doing this? Is there something you want?"
Amelia sighed in relief when the maids fell where they stood and she found herself a place she recognized: the lobby. She was somewhat tired from being chased through the hotel and decided to collapsed on the first chair she saw. Thinking on it now, it was probably the shock rather than fatigue. Amelia tried not to stay on that thought for long, deciding on watching the interaction between the receptionist that she had seen not too long ago and a new face. He seemed to be flirting with her, but Amelia couldn't be sure.
“You’re most welcome.” His face returning to a smile. Her question throwing him off guard as he replied “Am I supposed to want something for being nice?” His one overlengthed eyebrow raising, he lowered his mouth guard to reveal his slightly scarred features but nothing life threatening.
-Zackrilmon and Ovesh stared at him like he was nothing- Hey me may be dragons but we know to respect others things and id move that pole out of his face -Zackrilmon snarled as he stared at the man- Remove the pole from my face. I know what the rules are and i can follow them without YOU constantly on my tail over them Moomba Moomba
"mmm" Dwig stoped Pushing and the rod fell off "fine, I'm not saying you're going to break stuff out of malicious intent. I'm just saying that you might knock something over" Dwig stared back up at them with ten times the intensity
"No. I suppose you simply surprised me. It's not often guests want to take interest in me." She explained, her voice still not giving away much trace of emotion. "Ninety years, i've been here. Not once has a guest ever ask me my name." She said, the thought trailing off as she spoke
507 nodded, opening a rift within time and space again, pulling out the necromancy book and flipping through until he reached one page. Resurrection, he closed the book quickly, keeping it chained to him like a book bag before closing the rift and turning his attention back to indigo “Well...I’m not like the other guests I can tell you that.”
A horde of maid bots came scrambling from around a corner. Whether they could actually register that 6 was in front of them or not was impossible to tell, but they were charging in his direction with no signs of stopping for anything, they're robotic howl echoing down the hallway like a banshee's call. They weren't armed, but the sheer number of them made the horde formidable enough. Sea Jay Sea Jay
Indigo made a sound somewhat akin to laughter "and I am no ordinary receptionist, as i'm sure you can already tell." she thought back. Back and back and back, to the days before this place. She quickly cast the though from her mind. They were being kind today, allowing her to visit those memories. or perhaps they were just finding new ways to be cruel. Soon the memory faded and was replaced by the nonsense that usually filled her head. "You're a Void Elf, correct?" She asked the man, though she wasn't quite sure why. Sir Fungus Sir Fungus
“Yes, why do you ask?” He tilted his head, his ears swaying with the small gusts of wind that did escape inside
Six watched the maids cautiously, several panels and mechanisms across his body came to life in a chorus of buzzing as he tried to determine if they were a threat.
Indigo's pale lips curved into a sad smile "I remember your people. Travelers of the void and powerful magicians. Oh, how great they were, with cities of black amber towering high into the blackened sky." The smile stayed on her face as her eyes zoned out, her mind traveling to a new place far away from here. "Tell me, what generation are you?" She asked, finally returning to reality. Sir Fungus Sir Fungus

The robots continued to get closer, the noise getting louder as they did. Now only a few yards away from 6, the horde was closing in fast Sea Jay Sea Jay
Dwig watched the Void elf and the strange receptionist talk to each other. He leaned back and turned to Sigzil "Sig? what do you think about those robots?" "mm? what robots" Sigzil then saw the horde of maids closing in on Six "oh, those robots, I'm not sure. I could take them, Why?" Dwig turned and drew the sword that was strapped to his back. The sword began to glow with a brilliant light. "That's why" "Oh, I see." Sigzil drew the sword on his back. The light from Dwig's sword dimmed a little, and tendrils of darkness wormed their way through the room. The two crossed their swords, looked over at the oncoming horde, and charged. A minute later, pieces of robots lay all over the room. Both men sheathed their swords and wandered back over to the corner where they had been talking before.
Michael caught up to Six, hunching over and panting, resting his palms on his bent knees. "You..." He huffed out a breath, raising an arm to point at the synthetic, "You stay right there." He eventually caught his breath and rose to his full height, looking around and groaning. "Please tell me you didn't break anything."
Six turned around, all panels that had been lifted snapping shut in a single motion.
Sage Javro Eldawn
Sage ignored Vanshi's fainting at a pair of wild dragons coming into the room master was in. The rider quickly figured out the thing before him wasn't alive as he got no sense of life...hmmm...it meant he couldn't drain its life force then. A pity and he was down to half his extra energy in Dark Moon's ruby on the pommel of his sword. Having sensed the pair of wild-wings coming into the hotel, Sage turned and watched them disappear down the hall. Bored, he turned away from it and went back to Vanshi. Pulling off his right glove, the rider began chanting in the Ancient Language, throwing up his kill ward, a shield ward he'd invented in Alagaesia to protect his servant from harm by any who weren't his blood, and a notification ward...all three wards of his own invention.

Rauthvr turned his head briefly towards the dragon he suddenly scented coming from the roof or so he guessed of the tall building. But, it soon became occupied with another. He heard his rider say to keep an eye on things and so the dragon remained where he was, as Sage began moving, sending shadows out to do check and investigate things. "Can't use dark magic...well wherever you sent us Shadeslayer...we'll grow stronger and come back one day."
507 thought for a moment before replying “The first generation I believe...it wasn’t long ago until my people were recruited into the alliance. I’m only 12,982 years old after all” he picked at his gloves until he turned his head back to indigo, smiling as well “What generation did you think I was?” Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants



Throughout her meeting with Phyonna Blood, the original owner of TRH, her facial expression and body language screamed discomfort. "The demon who managed the weather of TRH died during combat. We're currently trying to find a replacement, but we need to find wizards with expertise of elemental magic," said the holographic image of Miss Blood. Her image occasionally glitched due to the weather, but her red skin was vivid, contrasting the dark metallic armor she had on and her long black hair. "I-I imagine..." Fawna started off, "... since we have postponed rain for so long..." her head tilted up towards the ceiling as thunder growled from the sky. "You imagined correctly," the demon responded, "I'll send Fredoucole once the thunder subsides." The deer-maiden ran her dark little fingers through her hair in a stressed manner as she began to hear strange banging noises and screams throughout the hotel. "Well then, I have many things to attend to. I'll notify you when the storm passes," her previous owner disappeared after a single nod of acknowledgement. Fawna let out a stressful sigh.

The moment she stepped out of the meeting room, her mouth dropped. DEMONS!!! she thought painfully as her once beautifully painted walls were tarnished. Side tables were broken. Glass splattered all around the floor. "C-can I he-he-hel-help y-y-you?" her furry ears shot upward as her head spun towards the glitchy maid. "Maid0446, stand down," the robot inched closer grabbing a broken table leg on the way, "STAND! DOWN!!" The deer sprinted passed the robot dodging it's swing,
then proceeded to hit the red button on her chest. "One down," or at least that's what she thought until she saw the hallway filled with broken maids.

"Did the emergency message get ignored?!" There was a button. One. Simple. Red. Button. That turns off the chaotic maids. She let out an other frustrated sigh. It was in those two seconds, she closed her eyes tightly then BAM!!! Maid0278 smashed, the same wooden leg Maid0446 had just dropped, against Fawna's delicate head.
She fell forward. Blood stained the piece of wood, but Maid0278 wasn't done. She looked like she was going to get an other hit in.
Indigo's eyes narrowed "Excuse me a moment. There is something I must see to." She was interested in this man but her survival was more important than a conversation. with those words, she vanished without a trace. A moment later, she appeared standing over the collapsed figure of her boss, Mrs.Mae, her legs passing through the fawn's body. Indigo cleared her throat "Excuse me, maid, but this person is necessary for my continued existence so I cannot authorize her removal at this point in time." The maid bot stopped for a moment...before bringing the leg down on Indigo, which of course passed right through her. "If you don't mind." Indigo pressed the button on the bots chest and it powered off instantly, collapsing to the ground. She turned and looked at the unconscious figure of Fawna on the ground. She needed to be moved to a safer location. "Hmm, I need someone to help me move her..."
Dwig looked on the scene with horror "Oh, Rusts and ruin. this can't be good. SIG! get the boss away from here" Sigzil nodded and without a word, picked Fawna up like she was a sack of flour. Dwig turned on Maid0278 and drew his pistol "Gun (pause for beep) EMP, five-second burst" He shot the maid. "hello Indigo," he said as looked over to Fawna "didn't see you"
Dwig looked on the scene with horror "Oh, Rusts and ruin. this can't be good. SIG! get the boss away from here" Sigzil nodded and without a word, picked Fawna up like she was a sack of flour. Dwig turned on Maid0278 and drew his pistol "Gun (pause for beep) EMP, five-second burst" He shot the maid. "hello Indigo," he said as looked over to Fawna "didn't see you"
SachiGrl SachiGrl

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