Captain Sweatpants
Quotev Refugee
She sighed "You rarely notice things besides your own weapons Mr.Dwig." She shook her head "Take Miss Mae to her room and stand guard at the door. I'll have someone bring a medkit to you once you're there so you can treat her wound. Understood?" Indigo commanded. While speaking professionally, her position didn't hold any authority over dwig's, but her seniority did to some extentDwig looked on the scene with horror "Oh, Rusts and ruin. this can't be good. SIG! get the boss away from here" Sigzil nodded and without a word, picked Fawna up like she was a sack of flour. Dwig turned on Maid0278 and drew his pistol "Gun (pause for beep) EMP, five-second burst" He shot the maid. "hello Indigo," he said as looked over to Fawna "didn't see you"