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Fantasy TЊË RåÑʥØm ЊØTËL (A Walk-in RP)

Dwig looked on the scene with horror "Oh, Rusts and ruin. this can't be good. SIG! get the boss away from here" Sigzil nodded and without a word, picked Fawna up like she was a sack of flour. Dwig turned on Maid0278 and drew his pistol "Gun (pause for beep) EMP, five-second burst" He shot the maid. "hello Indigo," he said as looked over to Fawna "didn't see you"
She sighed "You rarely notice things besides your own weapons Mr.Dwig." She shook her head "Take Miss Mae to her room and stand guard at the door. I'll have someone bring a medkit to you once you're there so you can treat her wound. Understood?" Indigo commanded. While speaking professionally, her position didn't hold any authority over dwig's, but her seniority did to some extent
"So Indigo, now what. I guess we find a med-station." Dwig motioned for Sigzil to follow him to the med-kit on the wall. He opened it and rooted around "Ah smelling salts, perfect" Dwig waved them under Fawna's nose.
Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants SachiGrl SachiGrl
"Let's see, head wounds." Dwig examined the wound "That does not look good. There appear to be small splinters of wood in there." "Dwig I know more about medicine then you. And Indigo is right, we need to take her to her room" Sigzil picked up Fawna and gently placed her on the stretcher "which way is her room?" Sigzil aksed Indigo.
"Head back towards the front desk and past the marketplace. First door past there. Now go! I'll be waiting for you there." and with that, Indigo vanished again, leaving nothing but the echo of her voice in the halls


<< Assigned Task: Dealing with the malfunctioning robot maids [Quite unsuccessful] || Mood: Aaaahhhhhh!! || Tags: --- >>
<< Location: The front desk >>


Natalie came running up the corridor as a horde of robot maids followed her, trying to either grab or attack her with an assortment of different items.

In her quest for something to do, Natalie had ended up assisting some of the maid robots with taking used towels to the laundry area and putting some cleaned ones back in their places. At first, everything was going fine, her usual mood was back, helping around felt great!! ...And then the thunderstorm had started.

An announcement range through all of TRH's rooms and upon hearing it Nat could only mutter 'oh no'. She had turned around to a laundry full of crazed maids and they looked angry. Her ears had gone back in fear as she watched them start to approach her. Yikes! It was time to run!!!
Making a dash outside, the cat-girl had bounded through the corridors. Luckily none of the maids seemed to be that fasts and her feline agility had come in quite handy, hopping this and that way to avoid getting hit.

And that set us back to where this post started...

She turned into the front-desk, sliding fast as a bolt into the room and almost falling in the process:

"Ahhh, the maids have gone crazy again!!!", Nat stated the obvious, before hissing at the robots, "Stop following me!"

But the maid horde obviously did not listen to her, even going as far to throw some of the objects they had been holding towards Nat. The cat-girl managed to leap away in time, but soon seemed to have run into a corner. There was not enough space to safely cross through the maids and they kept closing in on her:

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"Ok Dwig, help me do this" Sigzil said as he and Dwig picked up the stretcher and ran to the room. Once they arrived, Sigzil saw Indigo standing next to the door "I got it Dwig said" happy to be doing something productive. As soon as the door unlocked, Sigzil ran in and deposited Fawna on the bed "Dwig, go stand guard outside" he told Dwig. As Dwig grumpily did as he was told, Sigzil slammed the door shut "now I can work" he pulled out some tweezers and began to remove the splinters of wood from the wound. After that was done, he disinfected the wound and prepared it for stitching. 15 minutes later he finished treating the laceration and sat down "Whew. That was tough"
SachiGrl SachiGrl Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants
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Indigo left Dwig and the other one to treat Miss Mae. She would be safe with them...most likely. The spirit took the slow way back to the front desk as she was in no danger from these robots. However, she was keenly aware of every being in the building at the moment and noticed a particular heart beat that was significantly faster than the rest. It was Natalie Kassel. The young Cat girl who worked at the Oak Grill. Was she in trouble? She typically had a heartbeat that was faster than most. Still, it was worth investigating. Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun


<< (Self) Assigned Task: ???? || Mood: Fearing for her life || Tags: Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants >>
<< Location: The front desk >>

Natalie watched in dismay as the maids came closer and closer, oddly organized for a bunch of malfunctioning robots.
The way they had decided to proceed seemed to have left her with no gaps to leap or run through, and the more she looked for it the more panicked she became.
Eventually the girl had just stopped frantically searching for a way out, ears and tail going down in utter despair as the shadows of maid horde darkened the area akin to the thunderstorm outside. There was nothing else to do.

She had crumpled to the floor, covering her ears and closing her eyes in an attempt to make herself tiny, fitting into the corner, hoping that they would lose interest and started praying to whatever entity was watching for help.

That was it. It was probably her end.
-Coming out of their meditative state, Ovesh and Zackrilmon relized that they where covered in maids. It was funny watching them as they crawled all over them like ants on your hand- God, there everywhere -With ease they began to crush the maids between their claws, then trowing them into a pile- I think its fun, its like when we attacked those villages. All we had to do was squish them like bug and, SPLAT, they were only a pile of blood -Ovesh then saw that Natalie was in abit of a pickle, so with one sweep of his tail, he wrapped the maids up and crushed them with ease- Their you go, stay by me if you want to
Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun


<< Assigned Task: Surviving, apparently || Mood: The utmost gratitute! || Tags: Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants >>
<< Location: The front desk >>

Trembling, Nat had been simply waiting for the robots' final blow. Any time now, she had assured herself, they would attack her and then she'd be no more. The suspense was painful, knowing that everything was bond to end soon but still having to wait for it was just cruel.
It if was to be done she'd have prefered it to be done quickly...

Then suddenly, the area brightened again.

Confused, the cat girl looked up to see the enourmous silver hydra speak to her. Normally something that size would have felt threatening, even if just a little bit, but given the situation she had just been pulled out of, her reaction was quite the opposite. With grateful tears pooling up in the corner of her eyes, Natalie had mindlessly tackled the giant being and started crying:

"Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!", her voice shook in the midst of tears, "I thought I was going to die!"
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"She'll be alright. Most likely." Indigo muttered to herself. If she was attacked, Indigo knew she would be able to get there fast enough to at least stop the bots from killing her. "She might end up with a few bumps though." She said to herself. It's alright. What else were a cats nine lives for anyways? Indigo returned to her spot behind the front desk. No more bots had entered the lobby, she would make sure this place was a safe spot
Its alright your safe now -He nuzzled her with one of his heads, showing her that there was nothing to fear and that she would be ok- Would you care to stay under my wing for abit -He smiled and opened up his right wing-

-Zackrilmon contiued to crush the maid, two at a time, throwing them in the pile that had started to pile up. His eyes glowed with exhilaration as his attacks became more violent and vicious. He then relized that he should take care in not damaging the hotel interior- Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun
507 waited there patiently, an eyebrow raised as he asked indigo “Is everything alright?”
Indigo blinked "Mr.507...Have you been...waiting here this whole time?" She asked, almost dumbfounded but the fact that he had merely stood next to the desk for this while time waiting for her
“Yes, is that a problem?” His voice this time having a little emotion. The book chained to his body glowing dimly.
"Not particularly...I'm touched." She said in an equally monotone voice. "I suppose I just assumed you had more important things to do then waiting for me to returned."


<< Self-Assigned Task: Surviving || Mood: Still recovering from the scare || Tags: Zackrilmon Zackrilmon >>
<< Location: The front desk >>

"Its alright you're safe now". the hydra had nuzzled her. It had been unexpectedly nice of it.

Natalie had returned the gentle gesture, not minding the cold tingle its metallic scales gave off against her skin. This was one of those moments where she wished her kind had retained the ability to purr from their feline ancestors, just so that she could legitimately express how grateful and happy she was right now. After the warm bonding moment, the cat-girl dried her tears and looked up at her savior again, already in a better mood than a few seconds ago:

"N-no, I'd really appreciate it honestly...", she had smiled at the hydra, though it lacked its usual cheerfulness, "I'm not really good at more than running away, so I hope you don't mind if I tag-along. At least, until this whole situation is over."

The cat-girl approached the giant being and ducking slightly (though she didn't really have to), set herself below its wing. Then she raised her head from there, making eye contact with the nearest head to ask a question:

"Uhhh, w-what do I call you? ... Sorry if I'm supposed to know it already, sometimes names just, escape me...", Nat attempted to let out a soft laugh, but ended up releasing something more like a mix of awkward and melancholic laughter instead.
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“Like what?” He asked while lifting his mouthguard back up. His eyes flashing a couple of times before he gripped his head and regained himself “damn whispers...” Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants
"It's hardly any of my business what you do in your spare time, Mr.507." She replied. Indigo slid a large book marked "Damage reports" out from underneath the desk and opened it to a new page. She began filling in unit numbers for all the Robot Maids that had been destroyed by Dwig and the two dragons. The dragons she understood. It was hard for a create of that size and power to not break something. But dwig was a TRH employee! he should have known better that to destroy company property to recklessly
Weather Forecast Weather.PNG

WARNING: An automated message was sent to all the customers at the hotel. Within their rooms it glowed a faint red and on their doors the message was visible, scrolling from left to right. "Dear valued guest, we are glad to announce that the situation involving our malfunctioning robotic maids has been taken under control. It is now safe to leave your rooms. We apologize for any inconvenience.

TAG: Captain Sweatpants Captain Sweatpants Sir Fungus Sir Fungus zachie mel zachie mel Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun scorpiodragon scorpiodragon TheUnusualVisitor TheUnusualVisitor Sea Jay Sea Jay NekoQueen49 NekoQueen49 Moomba Moomba SachiGrl SachiGrl
“So...do you ever leave this place?” He asks as he rests one arm on the desk, his overtowering size intimidating yet comforting.
"What reason would I have to leave?" Indigo replied in a cold voice, without looking up, her eye's still transfixed on the page of the damage report as she filled in more slots with prices and unit numbers. In actuality, Indigo couldn't leave even if she wanted to. Her contract with this place was different then that of the other employees but that one part still rang true Sir Fungus Sir Fungus
“You know..friends, family, someone to go home to.” His voice trailed off at that last part “Are you a...bound spirit?”
Abruptly, Indigo stopped writing. "Back home...I have no one left for me there. My friends have all gone and my kind, we don't marry or anything so I never had a real family." She explained, her face still staring at the book. "Besides, returning home as I am now would be...shameful." Sir Fungus Sir Fungus

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