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Fantasy TЊË RåÑʥØm ЊØTËL (A Walk-in RP)

HOW DARE YOU -with a blast of fury, Zackrilmon rocketed into the air. He then circled around the hotel looking for a better spot to rest. He then realized the their was the roof. seeing that their was barely anything up their and plenty of room, he landed softly landed down and made the roof is "room" in the hotel- xsio munthreki, canotak astahii tepoha tikil sense di tekilek... Moomba Moomba
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After lamenting the loss of his luggage, Mr. V. walked into the hotel, tapping away on his smartphone. Walking up to the receptionist, Mr. V. smiled warmly before speaking. "Hello, I believe I have a room reserved. It should be under 'Mr. V'." He looked around the lobby, taking mental notes on the decor and the other guest staying at the hotel. "These should be some rather interesting people." He said, musing to himself and almost forgetting about his interaction with the receptionist.
Current Receptionist

Hello and welcome to TRH, I am the current receptionist. All our guest rooms are in the second floor and above. The first digit dictates the floor the room is on. If you require any accommodations, such as a coffin in place of a bed, please feel free to notify me. The owner is currently out. If you were interested in a job position, please fill out the form below and provide all necessary documents before turning it in. Master Fawna should return shortly. Feel free to wait in the lobby or interact with our guests while you wait for your interview. Thank you for staying at TRH.
Hiring Application

Please remember: Before posting, you must provide an image/description of your character and his/her name.​
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Man im hungry -Zackrilmon's stomach growled loudly since it had been at least a year since he had a full meal. He rose from his rest and tried to gain contact with the receptionist. He wasnt very fond with the "mechanical" kind. but he tried anyway. Then Ms.Mae passed through his mind again. ...damn, this is going to bug me. Bad enough that i have butterflys... - He shook his mind clear and began to pluck a few birds off the edge of the roof, as they sat their unknowing of his presence.- I guess these will have to do for now



Fawna never leaves her room until she feels she's 100% done with all her work on the computer. She updated all the room numbers, sent several maids to restock toilet papers, towels, and shower utensils. Grrrrrrrooowwwllll.. Now, she needs to feed herself. She closed her laptop and exited her room. "Oh! Hello, Mr. V," she waved casually, "Welcome back! I'm heading off to the Oak Grill. You can join once Maid0605 hand's your key card." She clackity clicked clack away to the Oak Grill, then remember her new guest, Zackrilmon. She stepped outside and called out to the rooftop, "Sir Zackrilmon, would you like anything?" Her maid updated her that he has settled on her roof. She hoped he could hear her from the pool deck. Zackrilmon Zackrilmon TheUnusualVisitor TheUnusualVisitor
-He had heard Ms.Mae and replied telepathically- ...One large cow please, and make sure its living please... -He then layed his head on the edge of the hotel and stared at trees and animals below. He was normal full of rage but something a flicked a switched and made him more calm, plus his respect for keeping the hotel in perfect condition. He took great care when visiting anyplace that wasn't his, but if annoyed by the host, the place would be ruble in about 30 mins- SachiGrl SachiGrl



Her ears flung backwards frighteningly as she heard a voice in her head, but then realized it was the gentleman dragon above, "Y-you got it!" It was in her blood to be frightened easily. Despite being part Centaurian-deer, she was very brave and strong. She went through a lot before coming across The Random Hotel. Though Miss Phyonna Blood, the original owner of TRH, had an alternative agenda for Fawna, and most victims of societal flaws, she was grateful for The Random Hotel's existence. Her hooves clicked back towards the Oak grill. "Please retrieve a live cow and send it to the roof of TRH," she said to Maid0112. The Maid0112 immediately rushed to the dimensional shifter fridge and pulled out a cow with a leash and escorted it to the roof.

Fawna, on the other hand, sat down at a chair and looked at the menu. "Hmmm..." she hummed to herself as her dark little fingers flipped through the various inter-dimensional food items. They had several menus for different races with herbivore and carnivore sections. Zackrilmon Zackrilmon
Dwig dropped a coin on the ground and shot up to the roof "Hey big buddy, NEVER threaten me. You do not want to make an enemy of Dwig Jigdens, it's simply a bad idea" Zackrilmon Zackrilmon
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<< Assigned Task: ---- || Mood: In dreamland... -> Ahhhh I'm LATE!!!! -> Awaiting orders || Tags: ---- >>
<< Location: The front desk >>

"Hmmm...", Natalie had mumbled from under the covers, her form shifting ever so slightly, "Uhh mom... Just more ten minutes..."

That's when she had started to notice all kinds of voices echoing from outside her room. Half-asleep and a bit confused, the cat-girl had raised her head, being met with a different room than the one she had been expecting to see:

"Oh, right.", she laughed to herself for a while, "This is the hotel room, I was just dreaming I was home... Hehe, silly me~!!"

The teen had been about to sink back into the warm and comfy bed again... But then, a sensation toggled at her, that odd sensation one had when they were forgetting something. Uhh, what was it? It felt important but in her still rather drowsy state she just couldn't for the life of her recall it. That was until a new and very familiar voice rang from beyond the door. It sounded like Ms. Mae was giving someone an order and... OMG! What time was it?!
Panicking, Natalie glanced at the little bedstand beside her. The digital clock was saying 10:15 AM. Uh, what?!!! Oh no! She was late!! She was so so so very late!!!!

Quick as bolt, the cat-girl sent her covers flying and leapt out of the bed at once. Given that he was running against the clock, one that was winning by a couple hours already, Nat didn't have enough time to get ready properly, instead getting into her work attire as fast as possible, pocketing her trusty flannel, a little notebook and a pen, flinging her door completely open and hurrying towards the lobby at top speed!

Once there, the tardy waitress had slid to a halt before the front desk, panting, with her fur slightly messy and on end from both the run and the scare:

"Everyone! I seem... to have overslept!! Aaaaaaahhh I'm so... terribly sorry!!!!", she bowed down in an apology, but realized too late that none of her co-workers were around, "Ahh..."
Then she turned around to any guests that could be in the vicinity, "I'm Natalie, your waitress for the entirety of uhh... y-your stay at the hotel! Glad to meet everyone!!", she bowed down once again, ears and tail up.

"Uhh... Without anyone around, I don't really have anyone to ask about any tasks for me...", the cat's ears went slightly down in dismay.

Guess that meant that she was supposed to simply stay posted here until any guests had any requests then... Huh, might as well fix the mess that was her hair and fur right now. Oops!
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Thomas stared at the strange hotal, holding his bags in his hands tightly. He didn't know why he hesitated to go through the doors, maybe it he sensed alot of powerful people inside. Anyway, this was his vacation, he shouldn't be worried about it. What could could go wrong at a hotel? Thomas walked inside , glancing around the hotel. It looked really nice inside here, it actually made him smile." Geez...what do I even do first. This place is so big.."​


<< Assigned Task: Get to Ms. Mae in the restaurant || Mood: Chatty -> Determined || Tags: Acethekidd Acethekidd , SachiGrl SachiGrl >>
<< Location: The front desk -> The Oak Grill restaurant >>

"Hello there, mister!", the cat-girl had cheerfully waved at the new guest, ears and tail up once again "Welcome to The Random Hotel!! I'm Natalie and I'll be your waitress during your stay~ If you're confused, may I perhaps direct you to that individual over there?", she had pointed towards the robot maid which was apparently serving as a receptionist right now, "Our owner seems to be out, but robot maid number..." Nat glanced over at the maid, "605 will get you properly registered and give you your room keys!!"

"I wish I could accompany you on your quest, but I might be needed somewhere else...", she laughed softly.

That's when one of the robot maids approached her telling that Ms. Mae needed her presence. Talk about timing!

"Ohhhhh, look at that~~ I was right!!", she thought to herself, before recalling something else she had to say before leaving, "Ah! Don't forget to sign our guestbook!!!!"

And with that, the cat-girl was off to the Oak Grill, ready to attend Ms. Mae's needs.
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Current Receptionist

Hello and welcome to TRH; I am the current receptionist. Thank you, Miss Kassell for introducing me. All our guest rooms are in the second floor and above. The first digit dictates the floor the room is on. If you require any accommodations, such as a coffin in place of a bed, please feel free to notify me. The owner is currently eating at the Oak Grill. If you were interested in a job position, please fill out the form below and provide all necessary documents before turning it in. Master Fawna should return shortly. Feel free to wait in the lobby or interact with our guests.
Hiring Application



Fawna finally decided what she wanted for breakfast and was slightly disappointed that Natalie wasn't there to even ask for her drink. It was only natural that her robotic maid came to attend to her. Living employees are flawed which is why Phyonna Blood created the robotic maids, to cover-up their flaws. Her feline subordinate was late, but no guest would be able to identify that. All thanks to their non-living employees, this also includes Geeves, their ghostly bartender. Nonetheless, she ordered her drink as well as her late employee.

Speaking of which, here she comes. "Good morning Miss Kassell, please order me an Elotes-style Corn and a Stonefruit Tomato Salad with Whipped Feta. That would be all. I already ordered my drink with Maid0480," she smiled calmly which would have been the complete opposite of how Miss Blood would have reacted; she would have been furious. Well, she's not in charge anymore. Fawna will never follow the footsteps of her prior slave owners. Never.
Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun


<< Assigned Task: Take Ms. Mae's order and deliver her meal to her Complete! || Mood: On cloud 9~ || Tags: SachiGrl SachiGrl >>
<< Location: The Oak Grill restaurant >>

Natalie hurried through the corridors only coming to a halt by the Oak Grill's doors. She took a moment to fix her hair and fur quickly before stepping into the restaurant and approaching the owner's table:

"Good morning Ms. Mae! What is it going to be today?", the cat-girl had cheerfully asked, the fact that she was late and the other could be angry at her for that completely slipping her mind. Instead, she was happily humming while de-pocketing her tiny notebook and clicking the pen's button, all ready to write the order down.

Okay, Elotes-style Corn and a Stonefruit Tomato Salad with Whipped Feta... She had scribbled it all down rather fast:

"Understood, I'll get your order to the kitchen right away~!", Nat had saluted in a carefree manner and pocketed her pen, before stepping away from the table, making her way to the kitchen's window to repeat the order at the chef.

Roughly 20 minutes later, someone from the kitchen slammed at a bell by the counter to inform Natalie that the dishes were ready. The cat-girl then made her way to said counter and picked up the order coming back carefully towards Ms. Mae's table with an overly serious and concentrated expression that might have even been comical to see.
She placed the plates down on the table and taking a couple a couple steps back, cheerfully chimed in again with a bright smile:

"Here's you order Ms. Mae, everyone at the Oak Grill wishes you a great time!!", then she bowed down, "Enjoy your meal~!"

The cat-girl stepped away from the table, leaving the owner to enjoy herself in privacy. Natalie poised herself near the kitchen this time, proudly humming a happy tune to herself again as she waited for either further orders and/or for guests to cross the restaurant's door.
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Fawna's hazel eyes casually shifted from Natalie's cheerfully moving lips to her glee-filled emerald eyes. This is why living beings are superior to the non-living, not including Geeves this time (although he could be depressing to watch at times). "Thank you," Fawna responded, still wearing her pleasant smile. The delivery of her food was swift and the presentation was impeccable.

The corn within the Elotes was deliciously seasoned with butter, salt and lime. The green cilantro garnish added a lovely splash of color atop the yellow corn. Each bite was crisp and refreshing. The salad, on the other hand, had a delectable texture. From the soft juicy texture of the peaches and plums to the wonderful crunch of the roasted pepita seeds. "Delightful," she said almost breathlessly. The menu of TRH never ceases to amaze her.

Beep! Beep! A notification went off from Fawna's bracelet. "Oh, I got to go," as she was on her way out, she asked Natalie, "Tell Mr. V I'm sorry we didn't have breakfast together! I have a meeting with Miss Blood in the Meeting Room. Please be sure that no one disturbs me."

With that said, the deer-woman was off. Clickity. Clackity. Click.
Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun ((Good night, chica! Take good care of the TRH))
-Zackrilmon had just finished making the roof more comfortable that just a solid concrete bed. It was now like a giant eagles nest, multiple trees and bushes put together and made to feel like laying on a cloud. Once he finished his hunger took the best of him- Alright thats it they've taken to long and im starving -and just like that He was half way down the hotel and slowed suddenly to land softly on the hotel front steps, he wasnt sure how to get in so he just pushed the doors open with his snout and stuck his head through the door- Excuse ma'am -he asked the receptionist- When is the food served
-Relizing how stupid and non observant he'd been he could hear the cow and smell it- Oh well then uh. Pardon my intursion. He then speard his wings and flew back to the roof where his meal awaited him- ...God, get yourself together... -He began to scold himself for his actions and how rude he had been. He also didnt notice (more like didnt care) about the man that had come to him and told him not.to threatin him. When did he even threaten him, but the thought blew away as he reached the top and saw his meal. He licked his lips and dove at his meal, tearing it to sherds. From the bottom it sounded as if someone was snapping trees in half and cracking rocks. As he ate his face was soon blood drenched. As he pushed the remains (mainly the skeleton) aside- My what a beautiful meal. Its been forever since ive had beef and boy do i love it
*Ding!* sounded the front door as 507 pushed it open, his purple skin so dark it looked as though the light absorbed into his body, his eyes glowing a faint indigo like color, his hair flowing with searing void energy. It’s features depicting that of the night sky “Finally, some place to relax for a while...” he mumbled to himself, looking around in curiousness, waiting patiently for the service to arrive. “Quite the nice decor...”
Current Receptionist

Hello and welcome to TRH, I am the current receptionist. All our guest rooms are in the second floor and above. The room numbers range from 200-999. The first digit dictates the floor the room is on. Please select a room you're interested in and if you require any accommodations, such as a coffin in place of a bed, please feel free to notify me. The owner is currently in a meeting. If you were interested in a job position, please fill out the form below and provide all necessary documents before turning it in. Master Fawna should return shortly. Feel free to wait in the lobby or interact with our guests while you wait for your interview. Thank you for staying at TRH.
Hiring Application
He bows to the robotic maid before asking “Actually, can you direct me to the restaurant? I am quite famished..” his voice sort of monotone yet echo-like, the wings on the back of his armor flapping a couple of times nearly looking the same as his hair did, a torn off chunk of the night sky.
Sage Javro Eldawn
Rauthvr landed upon the ground outside the building, his crimson eyes gazing around as he waited for his rider and rider’s mate to join him. The dragon cast his mind out around him, unsure if there were any signs of the races of home here. His mind touched many others briefly but none that he recognized. Still, the dragon knew this was not Alagaesia and he and his rider would need to be careful.

As to be expected, Rauthvr would get to the building first before the black exiled rider whom had once worked for a Shade, not Durza but another that was better than Durza had ever been. As his partner made no movements to set the building on fire and no comments towards him, the rider continued on his way with his sevant stumbling along behind him until they got to the hotel. They had no luggage, all they had as the clothes on their backs and Sage’s two sword and a few knives plus the armor dragon and rider were wearing that were as black as the night sky. He was unsure if he could even summon his things to this strange land or how his wards would be since he was no longer in Algaesia.

Sage stared up at the building before him before speaking to his dragon. Rauthvr made no movement or response as Sage opened the door and walked inside, Vanshi following nervously at her master’s side.
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A quiet rattling noise began emanating from below the front desk as the Keystone, sensing the presence of another being, woke Indigo from her slumber. suddenly, a grey, mist like substance began oozing from a crack in the keystone, spilling out onto the floor like the waves of an unearthly ocean. The mist filled the small space behind the front desk in a cloud so thick, it was impossible to make out anything beyond it. Slowly, the mist slowly condensed itself into the shape of a figure with long hair sliding down their body like rain. The shape quickly disappeared and was replaced by that of a large figure with arms like tree trunks. That figure too, vanished in the mist. What finally formed was the figure of a small, fragile girl in black and white maids garb with pale blue hair tide into loose pigtails. Indigo brushed a loose strand of it from her eyes. "You may go now." She ordered the robot maid and it quickly left her
507 bowed once more to the small figure out of respect “I take it you’re the receptionist?” That same echo monotone voice never leaving as he looked down at her. A blank expression on his face as he asked.
"That is correct sir and on behalf of TRH I would like to extend our most sincere greetings to you." She replied, her voice housing a cold edge like that of a knife, still in it's sheath. She was often told, her presence made the living uncomfortable and while she did feel something akin to sympathy from this, it wasn't something she could prevent "Might I inquire as to the nature of your visit to us today sir?" She asked, her dull grey eyes locked to those of the man in front of her.

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