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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

Lara looked at the crytal ball ' wow... it's pretty... but what's inside?' She wonder as she looked gerrant to continue. ' he looks so weak.... I wish I could help him somehow....'

Gerrant was fading in and out of consciousness. "Tomorrow...I shall tell you the story and what is inside the crystal...but for now I need to rest.." it was more like a request than anything. Gerrant felt to tired to do anything right now including speak.

Gerrant watched her walk off and he immediately fell asleep right then and there. Gerrant began to dream of the event long before and soon relived such a painful moment.

When far enough lara leaned against the tree for a moment. She blinked a little trying to stay awake. After a few seconds she continued to walk back to town.


@Tj Pomroy
Jake looks out and sees Lara walking he jumps out the window down in front of her and picks her up walking back towards the guild as he smiles down at her and kisses her forehead "I felt that spell from here. It was....AMAZING!!!!!" He says overly excitedly by her skills. "But for it to leave you so tired is bad.... Please don't use that unless you absolutely have to. Cause there's no way that I can carry you to a bed inside of echidna" he says very worriedly and kinda quiet. Hopping that she would and wouldn't hear him.


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Dusty yawned, scratching the back of his head, walking down the hallway. Yami and Michael seemed to want some privacy together to chat or stuff, so he decided to go about and find out what was happening around the Guild Hall. He sighed. He was debating on heading back to Blue Pegausus and recruiting any help he could get. He knew that even though they weren't the strongest Guild, they had some strong members. Dusty moved his hand to scratch his chest, his fingernails running over his scars through his shirt. His magic wasn't beautiful like the other members of his Guild, and now his body was a mess as well. He laughed to himself. He didn't really care anyways, so he would just go back after this was over with his head held high. His mind went back to his early days with Boulder...

Dusty ran around the small lake by his room. Well, as close to his own personal room he could get. It was more or less a small cave a few yards from Boulder's massive cave. He ran past his cave and up to Boulder's, peering in to see what he was doing. As usual, when they weren't training, he was curled up and sleeping a little ways away from the entrance. Dusty pouted, marching over to him and poking his nose. Boulder opened one eye and stared at Dusty. "What is it, kid? I'm tired.' Dusty was used to being referred to as 'kid' by Boulder, but it still annoyed him. He crossed his arms. 'Can we do something? I don't care if it's training or teaching, I can't stand being bored.' Boulder laughed, the boom of it almost sweeping Dusty off his feet. But he had learned to angle his body in a way that he could keep himself standing. Dusty growled. 'Don't laugh at me, Boulder. I hate that.' Boulder closed his eyes, still chuckling at him. 'Then how about this. Go out and hunt me a few dear, without any sort of magic or weapons. I want to see you try...'

Dusty's memory was halted as he watched Ryos walk up the stairs and into one of the rooms close by. He hadn't seemed to notice him, which he took as a good thing, because Ryos was surrounded in a strange type of water, with tentacles. Dusty stealthily walked and by the doorway, listening on what they were talking about. "Shh. Don't talk and just lay down okay? Let the training thing go for once." It was that girl from Lamia Scale talking. She must have either been in the room or walked past him without him noticing. "That poison is no joke. Ventalia would be proud." Dusty remembered that Ryos was the Poison Dragon Slayer. Had they been fighting? And Ventalia. Must be Ryos's Dragon mother or trainer. He heard someone lean against one of the walls in the room, and then the body hit the floor. He peered in and saw the Lamia Scale girl sprawled out on the floor of the room. Where she had seemed blue before, now her body was tinted purple. 'Poison!' He burst into the room and knelt over her. She seemed out of it, shivering and frail. He growled. So much stuff was happening, this wasn't safe. Had they been fighting each other before? He scratched his neck, trying to think of any magic he knew that could get the poison out of her system.
Skiá had just ran into someone. Which embarrassed her a lot, she shook her head then looked to the person, and recognized them.

"Yea I'm okay, thanks Kaito" her face was a bit red from embarrassment. Skiá smiled back slightly. She was happy to see someone from her guild.
Lara was surprised when jake suddenly picked her. She chuckled a little " so you felt the spell huh...." she said as she starts to loose consciousness. She heard him about using the spell, she kissed " don't...worry... I just had to use it that time...." she said and she fell asleep. Kero woke up when she felt the spell, 'I wonder why she used the spell....'

@Tj Pomroy
Jake smiles and kisses her forehead again as he walks up the stairs walking into the bedroom where kero was alert. And with a small snicker he says "so sleeping beauty your awake." He smiles and lays Lara back in bed and tucks her in. He lays beside her on top of the blanket lightly petting her head. Making sure she always knows he's there

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Kero looks at him " yup I sm wide awake now thanks to lara using the 4 layer elemental cannon...." she jimped of ft he bed and walked to where they were laying " mind telling me why she used that spell?? I mean it drains her completely...."

@Tj Pomroy
Kaito took a step back to get a look at her " how do you know my name? he asked confused he racked his brain to see if he knew her but he couldn't "i wish i could put a pretty name to a pretty face" hi said grinning seductively.

Jake shakes his head with a small smile petting keros head "I'm assuming she was proving something to that garret fellow. But other than the assumption I have no real idea" he smiles and lays his head on her shoulder with a content sigh


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Skiá blushed a lot and stood up

'Well this is embarrassing...' She thought to herself

"Skiá is my name, and we're in the same guild that's how I knew your name" she smiled

(I have to go somewhere I'll write as soon as I get back! Which won't be long)
Kaito raised an eyebrow "ohh that makes sense" he said putting his hand on the back of his head and laughed lightly.

He looked closely at her face "are you ok? he asked she looked like she had been crying..


Arturo kept kicking Rashid in the shin for him to let him go. "Yes, your an old man. Okay maybe not that old but still your kinda old." he responded kicking him over and over again but not very hard.

@Tj Pomroy
Jake nods and pats keros head "yep. But he seems to have an Interest in her"


Rashid growls loudly refusing to let him go "and where are you going young man" he asks mockingly


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" hmm..." she looks at lara and then at jake " by the way.... did you her follow when she was going there to meet him??"

@Tj Pomroy
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Arturo stopped kicking him. "Young man? What are you my parent?" he sighed a bit. "I'm just going outside is all...nothing major I won't go far..." he told Rashid.

@Tj Pomroy
Jake nods a little "ya I did but I left right away. They sensed me"


Rashid shakes his head "why are you acting weird?" He asks clearing worried

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