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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

Arturo looked at him a brief moment."I'm awake full of energy now. I don't want to be trapped in a tiny room when I don't have to be understand?" he said still trying to get away from Rashid's grip.

@Tj Pomroy
Jake blushes and shakes his head "I didn't want it tone some sad excuse for a one night stand" he says defensively


Rashid growls and let's him go "don't get in trouble" he says simple.


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Arturo looked at him blankly."Oh, I won't." he smirked a bit. Arturo was always getting himself into trouble somehow someway so did it really matter of such words? "When you're all rested should we start again?" he asked turning to him.

@Tj Pomroy
Kero laughed " she would never do that to you" lara then grabbed kero in her sleep and pulled her in and cuddled " kero...." kero smiled and lara giggled in her sleep " sneaky...cat...."

@Tj Pomroy
Arturo looked at his sudden change and gulped. "Um...yeah okay..." he said very slowly and quietly he hoped rashid wouldn't hear. Arturo wasn't ready for another round of getting his butt handed to him again. It became apparent to him he wanted to play...or at least fight in a better scenery.

@Tj Pomroy
Kero giggles as lara cuddles with her " so... soft...." lara giggled in her sleep. Kero smiled and stayed. She went back to remembering the time lara saved her from being sold of to someone that was gonna hurt her. She also remembered the time when she rescued lara after she was about to let the dark guild members attack ber because they had a hostage.

@Tj Pomroy
Arturo looked at Rashid."Hey...how come you keep growling loudly?" He was somewhat curious because he seemed to do it a lot."But, ...yeah let's change locations." he said quietly

@Tj Pomroy
If you looked at the table Sara was laying on, you'd notice only a few empty mugs sitting on laminated Oak. This was because the young Guild-master was no longer laying on the table, but wandering the halls of the building, trying to find anything interesting while waiting for the meeting to start. It was then she stumbled upon something quite unusual. A room on the right side of the corridor housing three peculiar individuals. One was bloodied, laying on the bed, breathing as if he was in critical condition. Another younger girl was splayed across the carpeting, purple liquid flowing through translucent skin. Upon looking at the 3rd individual, Sara's tongue got stuck in her throat. It was the Earth Dragon-Slayer.

"Why do I always find you around trouble boy? I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt so tell me what happened here. I know you are from Blue Pegasus, but if you are going to be a hindrance to this alliance, I will not hesitate to take you out..by force." She turned to look at the petite looking-girl and her eyes softened. "On second thought, she needs attention right away. More attention than you do. Is there any magic you know that can keep her stable? There's something I can do, but it will take a few minutes before I can get it done."

She stabbed the wall with one of her daggers and murmured.
"Teleportation Magic//Magnet." Then she touched her chest and murmured again. "Home Is Where The Heart Is." Moments later she was standing in her room back at Mermaid Heel's Guild Hall. She ran out into the hall and yelled for her 2nd in command. A few moments later the two met.

"Master you're back already?"

"Just for a bit. Do you know any healing spells?"

"Oh wow! What happened? And yeah a few. Why?"

"I'd like to borrow them for a few if you don't mind."

"You don't mean --"

Sara nicked her neck with the remaining dagger and her lips were soon covered in Ruby-red blood.
"Thank you darling, off I go! Teleportation Magic//Beacon's Call."


Dusty was still going through magic in his head to heal Carrie when he heard a feminine voice behind him. "Why do I always find you around trouble boy? I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt so tell me what happened here. I know you are from Blue Pegasus, but if you are going to be a hindrance to this alliance, I will not hesitate to take you out...by force." Dusty whirled around, and saw it was the same woman who had challenged him to a fight earlier. He clenched his fist. He made a low growl in his throat. "I-" She started to talk before Dusty could get a chance to explain. She had turned her eyes to Cassie, and they had softened more than fluffing a pillow. "On second thought, she needs attention right away. More attention than you do. Is there any magic that can keep her stable? There's something I can do, but it will take a few minutes before I can get it done." He rolled his eyes and turned back to Cassie, only catching a glimpse of her shoving her knife into the wall and starting to do magic. He sniffed the air, and noticed it was a new magic to him. He waved it away, focusing on Cassie more than the annoying woman. He pressed his fingers to his temples. "Think, think..." His magic was mostly meant for fighting in combat, not healing. But, maybe...

Dusty clapped his hands together, his fingers interlocking with each other. He had managed to teach himself once when he had a broken leg. Boulder had chewed on some rock, eating it and breathing on his leg. His leg had been broken still, but it dulled the pain and prevented infection in the cuts. "
Breath of the Earth Dragon." He sucked in air, though less than if he would use his Roar. He started to gently blow air onto Cassie, and noticed that it had a brownish tint to it. Weird. He kept a hand on Cassie's pulse on her wrist, and continued to blow air on her. Healing magic wasn't his suit, but at least he could do something. Now he had to wait for the mysterious woman to return and take care of her. He would have to work on Ryos after Cassie was looked after. He looked to have been through a war. He just hoped he wasn't dead already. He took a quick glance and saw the shallow rise and fall of his chest. 'Good. Still breathing.' He smelled magic start to form behind him, which he assumed was the woman coming back from wherever she had gone.
Michael looked at Dusty while he left the room. It was getting cold there. Everything was getting darker while the night was falling down. He closed the window so that Yami wouldn't get chills. The room was a bit too dark now. Michael joined his hand together and a little lightning ball appeared on the middle of them. He gently placed the ball on the top of the room, illuminating the place. Looking back to Yami, he smiled. She seemed to be good, but still, not entirely healed. Although, she might want to fight again when the next battle starts. That was okay, but he wanted to stick around her, maybe provide some protection. She didn't looked like she liked as much as he liked her, but he was willing to act like a knight if he had to, protecting something in which you believe but that you can't ever touch. "Hey. What were you wanting to talk me about?".

Sergei stopped fixing the tables. He looked around the guild hall. It was looking way better now. The night was coming and there was noboby there for the meeting. Good. There was still time for him to practice new techniques that he was developing. He walked towards the backdoor of the guild and opened it, moving to the garden. The garden had a square form, surrounded by large trees and small bushes. In the middle, there was only earth, with little dots full of grass around it. Sergei crossed his arms in front of his chest, forming a X. Small green orbs started to come out of his back, levitating around him. Differently from his other orbs, those were empty, without images on them. After a few dozen of them spouted, he opened his arms with his palms pointed towards the ground. "Memory Aid: Lost Thoughts". The orbs started to spread around the garden, touching each one of the trees. Sergei crossed his arms in front of his body again, making all the orbs join in front of his head, becoming only one orb, shining with a purple halo. He held the orb with his right hand and closed his eyes. He felt like all of his brain impulses were gone. He felt the water pouring through all of his body. He felt as branches were sprouting across his whols body, the pain in all the leaves lost. For two seconds, he was a tree. Opening his eyes again, he looked at the wall in front of him. He pointed the orb on his hand towards it. "Lost Thoughts: Bound Attack!". A massive number of orbs started to multiply from the first one, hitting the wall and bringing it down along with a small house behind it. Whoops. He used his restoration magic to bring back the house and the wall. That's it for today. He returned back inside to the guild

Yami instantly blushed and looked down. "I... Can you accompany me?" She said smiling slightly. "I don't want to stay here alone. You could sit if you like." She patted the bed. Yami sighed. "I don't like being alone. But um I guess you were kind enough to stay with me. And I'll feel more protected." Yami leaned a little and whispered. "You make me feel like i will never be alone again." Yami blushed deeply and looked down and laughed a little. "Heh,..I lived alone all my life.. Only you make me feel.. Not alone. Like there is nothing to worry about, " she swung her feet slightly, "Please." She looked up her, greenish yellow eyes shined. Her innocent side was always the cutest,

Michael smiled back at Yami and sat on the bed. Her presence was always comforting and happy for him. "Sure, I want to stay. You don't need to be alone right now, I'm right here". It felt good to just stay there. And it looked like she needed someone with her, at least for the time being. He liked that she didn't said anything as pointing out for him to leave. He liked to touch her hair, that for some reason looked different from everybody else. He wanted to do it, but he didn't thinking that she might not like when he would do it. A wave of some unknown magic crossed his body, coming from the gardens of the guild. It's probably something from master. The wave brought back fond memories to him, making him feel good. He wondered if Yami felt it too, but he thought that maybe he should leave the question for later. But he needed to talk something with Yami. "You make me feel... Good. That's more than most people on my life did, and for that I'm grateful. I believe you still gonna do a lot of a good for plenty people, and I want to see that happening. That's why whenever you need, I'll be here for you". He reached out for her hand and touched it, timidly.

She grinned and nodded. "Thanks Michael," she hesitated but leaned on him. She yawned slowly closing her eyes as she felt some wave of magic that was unknown to her. She slide down, her head on his lap and her legs curled up. She yawned and shivered a little. It was getting cold. She took both of his arms and put it around herself, Absentmindedly. Her smooth, wavyish hair ran down his arms and lap.

Michael started to pet Yami's head, while yawning along with her. Soon they would probably be called down, to the new meeting. And next, maybe another attack to the forest. He was getting tired by all of that. He always hated war and the way that it is played. It didn't matter what he thought, the war would still be going on. He was just eager for one of the sides to just win. For the sake of the people he liked, for the sake of Yami, he wished that the victory was theirs. He kissed her cheek and looked at the closed window, wondering how the weather was out there. It was cold, but Yami was making him more warm. "Do you have any plans about what are you going to do after this is over?"


Now she was inside the room. The boy had kept his promise. "So you are useful after all. Even if you did just make her brown." Sara kneeled next to Carrie and put two hands on her stomach. "Water Magic//Purify." The brown and purple faded away turning the girl into a blue color. Sara looked at the boy, then back at Carrie. "Thank you for the help. If you'd like, you can tell me your name. On second thought, we have a meeting to get to. You can find me afterwards. I'll be downstairs. A guild-master can't be late." Sara jiggled her dagger out of the wall and walked out of the room.

A second later she walked back in. "No funny business." She stepped out again and as she was walking down the stairs, she tripped and fell. "Taking two magic in one day is tiring. One of them was an Earth Slayer's too. That took a lot out of me." She got up and spit out the blood she consumed from her water magic guild-mate. "Much better." She straightened herself and continued down the hall to the guild cafeteria.

She looked at the bar and instantly, she transported herself behind the counter looking for a drink. "Damnit Sergei! You always keep the booze for yourself." She sighed and rested on the counter. "When is this stupid meeting going to start?"

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"Mmm.. Go on some quests. Maybe.. Er.." Blush appeared in her face. "Er.. Maybe we could go on a fun little date.. Just you and me..." She muttered. Yami tried to smile. "Sounds fun? Eh?" She laughed a little a she played with his fingers like a little girl, she put her hand on his, his hand a bit bigger. His touch was warm. She looked up and Yami got up and kissed his lips lightly. Yami closed her eyes and put her head down back on his lap. Her face bright red.

Dusty watched the woman heal Cassie. It was strange. He had tried to determine her magic after she got back, and it smelled different than when she was here before. After she was done with healing Cassie, she completely disregarded Ryos laying on the bed, seemingly on the brink of death. He bristled at that, then stood up. He was about to walk over to Ryos when the woman poked her head back in. "No funny business." As she left, he turned to the doorway. "I don't plan on hurting anyone but Echidna, lady." He knelt next to Ryos and used his Breath to dull some of the pain away as he wrapped him with some bandages. He stood back and decided that he should have Sky or Lara look at him as soon as possible. He sighed, hoping what he had done was good enough for now. He turned and walked out the door, slightly tired from the amount of energy his breath took him. He yawned, then saw the light in Michael and Yami's room. He snuck over and threw the door open, smiling. "BOO! Did I scare you? Maybe? Probably not. Anyways, I think the meeting on plans is gonna start soon, so you two can join whenever."

He walked towards and down the stairs, noticing the woman sitting at the bar. She had said she was a Guild Master, and the only ones he didn't know of was Lamia Scale's Master and Mermaid Heel's Master. He would have to ask later, and for now, he walked over to a table and plunked himself into a chair. He looked around the Hall, examining the design it had. He yawned again, pulling a small pebble out of his boot and aiming at a table in front of him. He tossed it, having it bounce of the table and onto another one. He clapped at his own achievement and decided to play with his magic until something happened. A little sphere of sand formed in his palm, and it rolled around up his arm and over his shoulders, to his other arm. He smiled at his ability to manipulate little pieces of sand.
Michael removed the hair falling over her face and smiled. "Yeah, it'll be fun". She kissed him and he kissed her back. Even now, with her warm touch of his hand, he was scared of the things to come. But nothing else mattered right now, just her. Dusty opened the door quickly, scaring Michael. He almost dropped Yami on the ground, but held before she could hit it, bringing her back to bed. "Sorry!". He looked back at Dusty. "We'll be right down". He kissed Yami another time and stood up, walking towards the door and stopping to wait for her. "We should really go. The new meeting is about to start". He smiled while a thought hit his head. "What do you think master Sergei will think about... us?"

She blushed again and sat up, "It's okay.." As she was kissed again.. Michael asked her a interesting question. "Oh. I think he will be just fine with us." She put some hair behind her ear. She got up and took his hand and she looked at Dusty. "Erm." Her blush became very very visible.

@gilwaybetternow @Refaulted
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  • ιѕαηηα ¢αℓωуη | ι¢є gσ∂ ѕℓαуєя

    тнє ι¢є мαι∂єη σƒ ƒαιяу тαιℓ

    Location - City Street

While there hadn't been much for Isanna to fight, she still had work to do. Seeing as the other girl had control of fighting the golems, Isanna worked on destroying any of the large chunks of debris falling around. More or less, trying to minimize the damage. It wouldn't be nice for everyone to have lost their homes. Though while there wasn't much for her to do for the ones that already had, the raven haired mage worked to help get the others out of the way.

Even if she wasn't a water mage, she could still help by trying to put out some fires, especially since fire melts ice. Though her ice wasn't easily melted...

Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, Isa glanced back towards where she saw the last golem get destroyed. While she expected to possibly see the girl resting, she was slightly surprised to see her limping back towards her.

"Come on," she said, tilting her head towards Sabertooth. "You should held back to the guild hall."

Frowning, Isa put her hands on her hips as she looked her over. "You look exhausted." she stated, ignoring her statement. "Do you want me to help you? I can at least help you back to the hall." she offered, though she was planning on being stubborn, insisting the girl take her help. "I'm not entirely sure what's been going on here anyway. You can explain it to me on the way?"

Sora, the Windrunner "Come on," Eagle said, tilting her head towards Sabertooth, "You should head back to the guild hall."

The girl frowned and put her hands on her hips like a scolding mother, apparently having other concerns in mind. "You look exhausted," she observed, following it up with an offer, "Do you want me to help you? I can at least help you back to the hall."

"I'm not entirely sure what's been going on here anyway," the girl continued, "You can explain it to me on the way?"

Eagle didn't bother trying to rebuke her; she was a horrible liar anyways. So instead of making up some fancy, incredible, totally believable (read: ridiculous) story, the green-haired girl just told her the truth, "No, I don't need your help. Keep those hands somewhere else."

Frowning, Eagle gave her a look that demanded the teen to not help her walk-- not that the wizard could stop the raven-haired girl anyways, considering how beat up she was. Whatever the other's decision, she began walking to the guild hall just a couple blocks away.

"Anyway, I'll give you a brief summary" the wind wizard agreed, complying with the younger girl's request.

"As you probably know, Sabertooth is based in this city," she said, widely gesturing towards the whole town. "After Raven Tail and Fairy Tail were taken out by Echidna, the guildmasters decided to team up for a joint mission to defeat them."

An expression of distaste crossed Eagle's face, "If you don't already know, Echidna's this new hot-shot dark guild. Not sure where they come from, but they've got a crazy ton of firepower. Everybody was kind of tense about them."

"That brings us to now," she continued with a sigh, "When all the guilds came together, a huge golem army appeared out of nowhere and starting attacking."

She scowled, clenching her fist in anger. "I'm not sure who ordered it, but I have a good feeling that Echidna was behind the attack," Eagle explained, taking a glance toward some of the crumbling buildings...and the ruined families surrounding them.

"They might think they're hot stuff, but Echidna's going to pay for this."

  • "Orange" = Sora

    "Teal" = Isanna

@Infinities Lover
Skiá smiled until he asked if she was ok

"U-uh yeah! I'm ok.....why do you ask?" Skiá said slightly afraid he could tell she had been crying.

'I-I thought I wiped the tears....please don't tell me there's left over trails or something!' Skia was trying to stay calm and did not wipe her eyes again or it would guaranty she'd been crying, all she did was try hard not to show any symptoms for that would guarantee that she had been crying. Well she couldn't hide her face so if her eyes were red or something she can't do anything.


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Sky laid her head on the table, waiting. Lots of people said that there was going to be a meeting so she sat there. She didn't know what to do, most people seems to interact with each other well, but for her she really hate talking to lots of people at once.

((Geez I missed a lot))

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