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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

  • Carrie Ulstream: Water Dragon Slayer

    Guild: Lamia Scale

    Location: Saber-tooth Guild Hall

It was utter chaos in Carrie's mind. One second, she was sitting atop Sealakeena, riding the furious underwater currents of the ocean; the next moment, she was floating in a sea of poison, flailing her arms and coughing out whatever seeped into her mouth. Then suddenly, she was taken away to a faraway land, one of rocks and boulders, crashing from the sky, as if the world was caving in on her itself. Nothing made sense in this world of flickering images, objects, environments, and emotions. It felt like her mind was self-destructing from the inside out. This went on for what seemed like a millennium, until a bizarre sensation entered her psyche. It was a familiar feeling; one she's felt many times before: it was a cooling sensation, one of water.

The room stopped spinning as everything slowly came back into focus. The bridges in her mind stopped collapsing, her senses starting return to normal function, one by one. As vision came into peak condition, Carrie opened her eyes and looked to the left. She couldn't quite make out who it was, but knew in a few seconds it would all be clear.
It's the guy from Blue Pegasus. Was he here watching over me? Was he the one who healed me? Before a word could be spoken though, he got up and left her side, gliding over to Ryos, and blowing a weird brown dust up onto his face. ......... It was then that he left, closing the door behind him, opening another nearby one for a few seconds to the surprise of the occupants, then stomping his way down the stairs. Movement finally decided to make an appearance and she was able to pull herself up with the assistance of the wall, and noticed what looked like a hole from a knife embedded within it. .........I'm not even going to ask, she thought, putting a hand to her pounding head. Ryos!

*Plop*. Ryos' bed was now a ruffle of sheets as Carrie sat by the side of him with gusto. "Don't worry. You rest up and let us handle this. I saw your body, and it's pretty banged up, so I know it'll be a while before you're able to come back; but you will, and when you do, you can help us fight...if it isn't over already of course," she said smiling. "Well see ya soon buddy, there is a little business we have to handle." She patted him gently on the chest, then proceeded to fly out the room, sprinting down the corridor, and leaping down the stairs, two steps at a time. This is it! It is GO time! As the last step was reached, she jumped off, contorting fingers into a familiar shape while landing nimbly on the ground. It was in the shape of a "Peace Sign".

"Hello once again Land-Dwellers! Lamia Scale is here!"

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RebelliousTeddyBear said:
Sky laid her head on the table, waiting. Lots of people said that there was going to be a meeting so she sat there. She didn't know what to do, most people seems to interact with each other well, but for her she really hate talking to lots of people at once.
((Geez I missed a lot))
Rae walked over to Sky, "Hi how are you I'm Rae"
Sky lift her head up and smiled, "hi I'm Sky." She haven't seen this guy before, maybe because she didn't want to talk when there's crowds around. Sky gesture him to sit down on the empty chair that was on the other side of the table. "Are you here for the meeting?" Sky asked, "or did I missed it?"

@Angel Evans
Jake looks over as Lara begins to walk, he hears movement down stairs as people begin to gather at the hall. He blushes and slowly rubs her cheek and back trying to wake her "Lara wake up.... Come on sweetie wake upppp"


Rashid looks at Arturo "where shall we go to fight?" He asks looking around


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Dusty had been tossing his little sand orb between his hands and up over his head when he heard someone race down the stairs. He sniffed the air, noticing the scent of water, before the Lamia Scale girl, Cassie, leaped the final few steps and landed at the bottom step. She seemed to be well enough, after barely surviving the brink of death. He yawned, flicking the sandball in her direction. It plopped against the wall right behind her, and he laughed. The sand split into a million little specks and seemed to disperse into the air in every direction. He crossed his arms and closed his eyes. "Well, there's one. What about Ryos? How's he holding up?" He hoped Cassie would understand that question was meant for her, but he really didn't care if she answered or not. He knew he was in bad shape, and needed to get the wounds healed by an actual mage who knew actual healing magic.

Dusty took a quick sniff, and realized that Sky was in the room. He had been so preoccupied with his own thoughts he had barely noticed her. He opened one eye to browse the hall for her, and noticed her talking to a man that he hadn't seen before. He squinted, trying to sniff out the man's magic. As usual, all the mage's he's been seeing have had magic he couldn't make out and distinguish from one's from before. He grimaced, and waved, trying to see if Sky noticed him sitting there. After waving, he lowered his hand and closed his eyes again, wondering if his Guild Master would show up sometime. He hoped. They needed all the help they could get, and his Guild Master was not one to mess with. He felt a pain in his torso suddenly, and gripped his chest. He had used a lot of magic in the last few days, and the aftermath of the usage was catching up to him. He groaned and leaned his head on the table, trying to mask the pain with memories.

RebelliousTeddyBear said:
Sky lift her head up and smiled, "hi I'm Sky." She haven't seen this guy before, maybe because she didn't want to talk when there's crowds around. Sky gesture him to sit down on the empty chair that was on the other side of the table. "Are you here for the meeting?" Sky asked, "or did I missed it?"
"Im also here for the meeting but it seems it hasn't started yet,over seen several people having conversation though
"Oh okay," Sky sighed, "thank god I didn't miss it." From the corner of her eye, she could see Dusty, waving then he lowered his head. I did not know he was here, she thought to herself, he was here all this time? She didn't notice him at all, maybe because she was too nervous around the crowds. "Hey Dusty!" Sky grinned and shouted, "come sit with us!"

@Refaulted @Angel Evans
Dusty stood up and tested to see if the pain was too unbearable. Good thing was he could still walk without the pain in his chest increasing, so he started to walk over to Sky and the mysterious man. He pulled a chair from the table and sat down in it, leaning back so he didn't have to put pressure on his torso too much. He would have to rest for a bit after the meeting, and then check his chest. He would have to get Ashton back for all that. He didn't have the right to just attack him like that. Really, when the situation had arose, he had merely been trying to make people laugh, but he guessed that it was frowned upon by the members of Fairy Tail. He sighed, his eyes on the table. He had to get his anger and temper under control, before he got himself killed.

He looked up and smiled as best he could at Sky. "
Hey. Sorry, I was just thinking about some stuff. Where have you been? I haven't really seen you since my fight with Ashton. Stupid God Slayer..." He scoffed, then winced as his scars pulled when he turned his head too much. They would stop hurting eventually, so until then he would have to live with it. Actually, thinking back on it, his scars now almost matched Boulder's. Another thing that made him similar to his adoptive father. He shook his head and returned his focus onto Sky, trying to keep himself from pressing his hand against his chest.
"Rae this this Dusty, Dusty, Rae," she introduced them to each other. "I've been around...trying to hide from the crowds and all," Sky said then saw Dusty winced, "you're still injured? Geez! You should've rest upstairs!" She look at him, a little annoyed that he didn't take care of himself probably.

@Refaulted @Angel Evans
When dusty, walked in Rae rocketed from his seat "Apollo" he whispered as his transformation ensued. He walked over to start immediately healing his wound, but leaving the scars "Sorry about that I hate when people are hurt" he said reverting back to his original form @RebelliousTeddyBear @Refaulted
Kaito raised an eye brow "umm because it looks like you've been crying" he said in a soothing tone.

He didn't want to provoke her so he just smiled "you don't have to tell me but, i might e able to do something about it if you do" e said putting a hand on her shoulder reassuring her everything would ok.

Jake looks over as Lara begins to walk, he hears movement down stairs as people begin to gather at the hall. He blushes and slowly rubs her cheek and back trying to wake her "Lara wake up.... Come on sweetie wake upppp"


Rashid looks at Arturo "where shall we go to fight?" He asks looking around


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Archdemon went back to the inn after awhile and returned the next morning cause he wasn't sure if the meeting had started or not....
Lara starts to wake up. She yawns a little a little and looks around. She blinks " what time is it??" She asked as she sits up and fixes her messy hair. Kero wakes up and stretches.

@Tj Pomroy
Jake giggles watching her struggle with her hair "I'm thinking it's not long after 10." He smiles and gives her a peck on the forehead before walking over to the window "I think people are beginning to gather at the guild hall"

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Archdemon arrived at the guild and saw all the people in the guild hall 'It must be starting.' He thought to himself and he joined the crowd with his large sword strapped to his back as he too waited for it to start.
Lara takes out a brush and stsrt combing her hair. She sighed a little " I need to go and see gerrant...." she finished fixing her hair and put the comb away. She gets out of bed and grabs her bag and stretches " kero can uou go the meeting and tell me the details later??" " sure" " oh and if they ask how to get into echidna tell them that I have a way to get in there.." kero nodded " ok"

@Tj Pomroy
Jake rises and kisses her cheek and smiles "don't be long. And there's something that I've been wanting to try, how do you feel about hand to hand combat?" He asks smiling a little picturing it.


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Arturo looked at Rashid for a moment. "Maybe the forest or somewhere nobody will really be involve that much." he said to him looking around a bit. @Tj Pomroy

(Sorry it didn't give me any notifications missed 3 whole pages >.>)
Jake shakes his head and smiles as he turns clear like water, he walks forward and walks right around Lara his body molding over hers and he turns to a very thick, strong and lightweight suit of ice armour "no I was thinking this"

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Rashid nods and stands up "lead the way than" he says as he waits for him to begin to start walking

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Lara and kero blinked " wait... what?" She looked at ice armor that she is now wearing. She looked around to see jake was there and not paet of the armor because she needs to meet gerrant alone.

@Tj Pomroy
Arturo looked around for a while and began walking towards the forest. "So, ...how easy have you been going on me?" He wanted to know. It was bugging him was he going easy? The thought made his stomach turn for the worst. Was he that weak?

@Tj Pomroy

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