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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

  • Carrie Ulstream: Water Dragon Slayer

    Guild: Lamia Scale

    Location: Under Ice Dome

"Carrie, how soon do you think I'll be able to get back on the battle field?" Ryos said, knowing not to have his hopes high for the upcoming answer. "Seriously? Did you really just ask me that. You won't like the answer. It's never. How about that?" What?..who's that? Carrie turned to a mysterious new woman, asking her if they would be okay by themselves. How'd you make it through the mist?..Are you a mage? You must be..ah...Fairy Tail. "Sorry about your guild..I heard not too many people made it out of there alive. If that were to happen to Lamia Scale, I'm not sure what I would do. But to answer your question, yes, we will be okay. I can handle things here; I am a Dragon-Slayer after all. And it looks like you should be able to handle things too God-Slayer. Thank you for the Ice-Dome."

It was a little weird, yet gratifying at the same time. Even though they were in the midst of a war with a seemingly formidable Dark Guild, friends and potential allies continued to pop out from nowhere, offering aid and watching each other's backs like they were all one big family. It truly put Carrie's worrying heart to ease. "Okay, Ryos. I can keep you from falling apart, but what I'm doing really isn't healing per se, just speeding up your natural recovery. You can still fight if you want, but please, try not to get hit, and keep it to a minimum! Afterwards, I'm taking you to a room at Sabertooth where you can heal up properly." She felt Ryos begin to move, so decided to take a few extra precautions. Incredible. Despite what I said, he still wants to have another round...fine fine...i'll play along.

"Sea Dragon's Scales!" Fluid scales of liquid water began materializing over the length of Ryos' body, the process going on until he was covered in flowing armor. "Two things. You are not invincible. Anything sharp will cut right through this. It only helps against punches, kicks, blah blah blah. Even then it won't stop the attack, just lessen the blow. Second, turn off your poison. It's killing me here." One thing Carries had not taken into consideration, was Ryos' connection with poison. While covering his body with aqua scales, and moving around his circulation, she was constantly being bombarded by toxins normal to the Poison Dragon-Slayer. You're lucky I love you so much. So lucky.

About to tell him go, another idea sprouted forth. "Sea Dragon's Tentacles: Three!" A trio of water whips sprouted from the scales covering Ryos' back. "They can grab, throw, and slam with the best of them. Use them to your heart's content. You may be asking why I'm doing all this. The answer is because I don't trust you one bit." It was re-assuring knowing that her partner had a few helping hands. She just hoped his ego wasn't killed in the process.

@Infinities Lover
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Arturo ran at Rashid and pulled back his arm ready to punch him. 'I'll figure out some way to win.' he thought to himself right as he through the punch at him.

@Tj Pomroy
Sora, the Windrunner "Enchantment: Vernier!"

Listening to Eagle's call, an orange magic flowed out of the magic circle beneath her feet, surrounding the wizard like a protective coat. It grew to become an aura, gently flowing through the air immediately surrounding the girl; if one had to make a comparison, it would appear as if wind around her had merely gained a visible, bright orange tint, slowly swirling around her body.

Eagle clenched her fists, cocking her arm back as if preparing for a punch. She crouched down for a moment, the magic around her radiating vividly. Then, she disappeared.

Not a second later, slight, almost unnoticeable cracks appeared where she once stood. Suddenly, as if out of nowhere, an orange flash appeared in the front of the golems twenty feet above. With speeds too quick for them to react to, the leading golem's head exploded in a shower of rocks. Without missing a beat, the decapitated machine's partner to its side suffered a similar fate.

The two victims remained standing, uncomprehending of their sudden death. But, reality had a way of catching up, and the kinetic force from their disablement threw them onto the ground. Between the two casualties stood their murderer, a wizard with smooth, angled facial features framed by locks of luscious viridian hair, stylized by the newly curved, orange-dyed tips. Her bangs shadowed the girl's eyes, but a faint golden glow seemed to reach out from them.

Brilliant orange aura emanated from the woman's body, waving back and forth as if it had emotions of its own. In fact, the wild, uncontrolled magic around her would've seemed menacing to a living being, ready to lash out without warning.

This, was Eagle's enchantment magic.

The girl lifted her face to take in her opponents, revealing for a brief moment what lay under that shadowy mask. She made sure that none of her enemies would live to tell the tale. In the blink of an eye, Eagle was poised in front of the closest golem, a kick swinging at the ice machine's head in mid-air.


With the same elegance and sharp edge of a sword, Eagle's roundhouse kick cleanly separated the golem's skull from its body.

She smoothly transitioned into her next takedown as the golems burst into action. Try as they might, their swings did not connect, their cannons would not hit, and their grabs would always miss. Such was the speed and elegance of Eagle's movements, an orange breeze effortlessly maneuvering through the thick of battle. Her clear mind was void of all thoughts, acting much like a machine with only one task:

'Kill them all.'

  • "Orange" = Sora

    "Green Italics" = Machine-like Sora

@Kinesthetics @Infinities Lover
Rashid waits and as he punchs he pushes his hand aside so he never hit him, he did this over and over again stopping all punches "Faster, stronger come one" he growls and punches him lightly between each punch


Jake falls asleep with lara staying smiling the whole tme.

Arturo got back away from him. 'How will I win this way...unless...' Arturo began jumping around Rashid and rushed him feinting a punch and then with a real one reinforced it with one hundred percent gravity.

@Tj Pomroy
Arturo punch sent Rashid flying a little bit. He jumped back a bit. "Come on what's wrong Scaredy-cat." Arturo was taunting Rashid because he wanted him to take this more serious. These light punches of his weren't much a threat to him.

@Tj Pomroy
Ryos was covered in scales of water. He was in awe of the power Carrie had. He had always believed in her potential, but to think she was already at a point with her magic where she could do something like this was insane.

"Turn off my poison? I'm not sure I can do that. I wouldn't even know how to start," Ryos said, replying to her earlier statement. "If you're uncomfortable you can come out, I'm sure I can handle it."

In truth, Ryos had no idea if he'd be able to even stand without Carrie's help. However, he much rather preferred himself being uncomfortable as opposed to her being uncomfortable. He wanted to try out fighting with Carrie's magic support, but it seemed it wasn't the best idea. She would be constantly having to avoid the poison chamber that was his body. To add on to that, the Fairy Tail girl had set up a nice protective ice dome for them. Though Ryos hated that everyone was protecting him, he may have had to accept it this time.

"Maybe it's better if I use your support to just get back to the guild hall, you'll be able to come out sooner. If I continue to fight you'll just end up getting hurt, so it's not worth it."

Ryos stood up and began making his way to the Sabertooth guild hall. Luckily, there were no golems on the way, so he used the water tentacles Carrie was so generous to lend him to swing from building to building, quickly reaching Sabertooth. Once there, he proceeded to head upstairs, and went into a random room to take a seat on a bed.

"Well we're here. Sorry about this, I have to admit it was a little out of character for me to be so reckless. We definitely need to wrap this thing up so I can go home and train," Ryos said, slightly ashamed by his condition. How the heck was he supposed to represent Lamia Scale as it's top fighter against Echidna if he was in such bad shape. He didn't feel much pain thanks to Carrie, but he knew he was hurt. He knew it would be near impossible for him to be of any use against Echidna. Ryos was disappointed in himself. How did he allow himself to get so beaten up by golems. Mere golems. He would definitely have to make this up in the near future. If he could heal enough by then, perhaps he could even show his real power against Echidna.

@Kinesthetics @Infinities Lover
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  • ιѕαηηα ¢αℓωуη | ι¢є gσ∂ ѕℓαуєя

    ι¢є мαι∂єη σƒ ƒαιяу тαιℓ

    Location - City Street

"Thank you for the Ice Dome."

Isanna smiled sadly, but nodded. "You're welcome. I'm Isanna, by the way!" she said, starting forward again, jumping up so she was standing on the dome. "Stay safe!" she called to them before dropping down to the ground. Straightening up, she sighed, dusting off her dress. Frowning at the fabric, she realized she should probably buy a new one. She wished she didn't have to though. She really liked this dress, even if it was mostly see-through.

Sighing again, the black haired wizard shook her head, focusing on the task at hand. She needed to find that other wizard and see if she could help. She hadn't been able to do much of anything before and she wanted to make up for that, and she planned to. First she just had to find the other girl. Just as she got ready to take off, she saw the nearest few golems get destroyed.

Well. She wouldn't have to look for long. That was good. Jumping into action, Isanna ran towards the newest set of destruction. Scanning the area, she could quickly find the other wizard, and Isanna nodded in praise as she watched her take down the golems. She was quick and effective, always a good thing.

Reacting quickly, she drew her ice magic to the front, forming a thick blade of ice, ready to cut anything in her way down. "Alright," she muttered to herself, eyes narrowing. "Let's do this."

@Kinesthetics @BLUR

  • Carrie Ulstream: Water Dragon Slayer

    Guild: Lamia Scale

    Location: Saber-tooth Guild Hall

Water began to seep out of Ryos, gathering on the ground until it reformed itself into a living, breathing, human being. "Shh. Don't talk and just lay down okay? Let the training thing go for once." Ack. I feel terrible. Carrie placed her back on the wall and sank to the floor, violently coughing up a storm. "That poison is no joke. Ventalia would be proud." Though it didn't seem like it, the Water Dragon-Slayer would be quite alright with a little rest. Her body had a habit of leaking out any impurities, restoring her health to perfect condition in a matter of hours after infection. It was just the time between now and then, that bothered her the most; she knew it would not be pretty. And she was correct in that assumption.

to break out in shivers, Carrie's frame slid from the wall till her body lay sprawled on the floor, mind taken away into a deep stasis. Normally blue-tinged fingertips were now swollen with purple. It was a nightmare; and it would only get worse.

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(I'm just gunna say she left again..which would make sense)

Skiá was on her way to the forest...not really knowing why she was going just felt like she had to..

"N-no this isn't real....no one died.....no one needs to.....there's no Echinda guild that need to learn from their sins.....everyone is just fine....it's all just a joke...right??" Skiá sobbed sadly she would never allow people to see her cry..not even if she was die'ing she just needed time to calm down I realize it was real. Skiá found a stump in the forest and sat down, cupped her hands around her face, crying as quietly as she could so no one could hear her.

(This ok? I just don't know what to make her do XP)
Lara woke and yawn. She looked at the window and saw that it's morning. She looked at jake and smiled. She kissed his cheek and slowly got out of bed. Ske looked at kero and smile. She grabbed her bag and walked out the guild and went to the forest.


@Tj Pomroy
Sora, the Windrunner

There wasn't much left for Isanna to fight. Golem bodies were scattered to and fro on the roof, merciless defeated by the marauding Eagle. Only a minute had passed, yet the miniature craters and cracks along the roofs showed the signs of a fierce battle. The remaining few mechanical beasts were easily dispatched of by the green-haired wizard until only one remained.

Standing strong, the last golem swung with its huge axe towards the slippery Eagle. Already, the radiant orange that previously surrounded her had dulled, leaving almost no presence of the aura left. She was simply out of energy, having consumed so much during the battle and beforehand; really, the only thing keeping the woman from collapsing at this point was just sheer willpower.

A crack in the tiles arose when the golem smashed its axe into the roof, leaving the machine wide open while it tried to remove the weapon from the ceramic and wood. Eagle would not give it a chance, jumping into the air and swinging her leg downwards in an axe-kick for her final attack. "Hache!"

With a crack, the golem's head was smashed inwards until it became a heap of metal, effectively ending the machine's life. Finally, the last visages of Eagle's power disappeared, returning her hair to its normal green. She stood over the defeated golems, her back facing Isanna, breathing heavily in exertion. Her shoulders slumped as she tried to stand straight, but couldn't. The wizard looked out in the distance as she returned to normal, adrenaline fading from her exhausted and overworked body. She saw the slowly dropping afternoon sun begin to near dusk, casting the faintest orange light upon the battlefield.

By now civilians and mages alike were dousing the fires and repairing what damage had been done. A sweep of the city revealed that while the attack was severe, most of the city had been spared from the battle. Most of the fighting had been concentrated around the town square and Sabertooth's guild hall; nothing supported that more than the hundreds of deactivated golems laying within those zones.

Only once she was sure that the battle was over did Eagle allow herself to relax. Exhaling in relief, she fell right onto her butt, sitting on the cracked rooftop of the former city hall. Legs bent towards her chest, the woman leaned backwards to rest on her outstretched palms.

The difference between the two Eagles during the attack and after were like night and day. Whereas the former was the epitome of determination and ruthless strength the latter was simply a tired teenager, who just wanted to sleep her days away. Her unwavering eyes now had noticeable bags around their edges, her once flowing hair now seeming disheveled and unkempt.

She closed her eyes for a moment, enjoying the cool breeze and scent of newly baked goods from the shops down below. When Eagle opened them once more to stare off into the sunset, she allowed herself a small smile of bliss. But the girl wouldn't rest yet; not until she had seen the injured Ryos in a safe place, where she was sure that he would be fine.

The green-haired teen rose to her feet and turned her eyes to the raven-haired girl behind her. Slowly, Eagle dragged herself over to the other, a noticeable limp in each step. She couldn't make an effort to disguise her exhaustion or injury to the other girl-- she just didn't have the energy to.

"Come on," Eagle said, tilting her head towards Sabertooth, "You should head back to the guild hall."

  • "Orange" = Sora

@Infinities Lover
Jake whimpers a little feeling her get up he rubs his eyes as he sits up "Lara?" he calls relizing she was gone, he heads to the bathroom and goes about doing what people do when they're 'Frustrated', 10 mins after he leaves the inn and heads towards the forest followng lara using a small amout of magic to let his body water, be drawn slightly towards her thanks to the kissing.

Gerrant had awoken and eaten the food left by Lara the day earlier. He watched the birds fly by and chirp and they wind making a slow breeze. 'What a shame this will soon come to an end.' he thought.

Jake arrives behind a bush as it begins to rain, creating puddles of water, closes his eyes as he turns into a puddle and than uses every drop of water as his eyes and ears, giving him a perfect veiw of them

Skiá was still crying but very softly, scared someone would find her and try to kill her or something.

"..I-I need to head back..." She said to herself but didn't have the strength to stop crying and get up.

"What if they attack again I have to go!" She said a bit louder causing the birds to leave the area. The silence gave her the chills and she stood up and wiped the tears looking around to make sure no one was there. When she felt in the far far distance a few people...scared if she talked it would echo she just thought to herself

'I hope they didn't hear me' Skiá then realized if they did they don't know who she is yet and she began running back to the guild.
Gerrant looked at the sky for a bit before answering."I'm doing fine. But, I thought I told you to come alone?" he looked at her very serious but his eyes still remained the same ice cold like a shadow of death.

( * ) - The male, Vitia Nitegale, had to over stay awhile as he reminisced about the past he had in the Raven Tail guild before it was blown up. He was left behind there while the rest continued on. Vitia was seating at the piece of bar that was still intact as the world revolved without him . . .It was allot of good memories in the guild hall and allot of good missions aswell. The male reached with his right hand as he grabbed the hilt of his umbrella, which was seating on the right side of him leaning against the " Still Intact" part of the bar. He stood up from the stool and opened his umbrella above his head as he started to walk out of the rubble of the old guild hall. with his left free hand, Vitia rubbed on the Raven tail mark on his neck. . .All of a sudden he felt it. . no he smelt it. .Water Dragon slayer magic. .It was the best kind too. .It was coming from overrr. . .Vitia quickly closed the Umbrella and pointed the tip in the direction of the Sabertooth Guild. .there. . .

He put the Umbrella back above his head and started off in the direction following the scent of the Water Dragon Slayer Magic. . .Before he knew it he was only a few feet away when all of a sudden a huge crashing sound was heard as if something huge hit the ground it was followed by a outrageous roar that caused his entire body to rumble. . As he got closer to the guild through the city he heard the rumble again. . .but louder. .and closer. .he looked up on the roof and noticed a young girl fighting something. .he wasn't sure what it was just yet so he got closer. . He closed his umbrella quickly as if he was getting ready for a fight and he looked up as he stepped out infront of the former city hall. .to see people fighting. .what looked like. .Golems. . .Golems?. . .He looked past them to notice that. .the Sabertooth guild was also destroyed. .what the hell happened? . .

What's going on?. .Vitia saw the large corpse of Golems in the area. . ." It wasn't much left to fight here," he thought to himself. The male stayed where he was as he observed everyone. .not forgetting the real reason he was here. .The Water Dragon Slayer Wizard. he lost track of the scent after the wizard stopped using spells but it traced back to here. . .He looked at the Sabertooth Guild Hall and started off there calmly as if nothing going on bothered him.-( * )

" Vitia knows He smelt Water Dragon Slayer Magic in this area. "

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