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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

Arturo slapped his forehead in disbelief. "Oh, well I thought the other thing then. But, do you think we can beat them? I wonder what kind of power they truly are packing."

@Tj Pomroy

  • ιѕαηηα ¢αℓωуη | ι¢є gσ∂ ѕℓαуєя

    ι¢є мαι∂єη σƒ ƒαιяу тαιℓ

    Location - City Street

"Make sure no golems reach those two; the mist gives good cover against the ice golems, but there might be another wave of the rock ones." the green haired girl responded, peaking her interest. 'Ice Golems?' she thought. Well, those should be easy to take out.

"I should be able to take those out pretty quickly." she said, already pulling her magic forward. She figured the easiest way to protect against rock would be to just form a type of dome. Should work well enough to protect the two, and then she could go help this other wizard.

"I'll be right back."

At that, Isanna sighed, before glancing back at the two. From what she heard, she assumed the girl healing him was Carrie. She wondered what the male's name was. Shrugging to herself, Isa took a deep breath, readying herself for the sudden surge she was going to make.

Luckily, the mist surrounding them would help power the dome she planned on making, and lower the drain on her power reserves. Taking another breath, Isa started. "Ice God: Protective Dome!" she called out, pushing her hands out to the side to help her magic take the form she wanted. After a moment, she stopped. Looking up she turned slightly, examining her work, wanting to make sure it was good enough to protect the two inside.

Nodding to herself, she declared that it would be fine. With that, she took a few steps forward, planning on going to join the other wizard outside, when she remembered that the two inside might not be okay. Turning so she could look over her shoulder, she looked them over. If anything did get past her ice dome, the girl, Carrie, should be able to stop them. "Will you guys be okay?" she asked. "I'd like to go help that other girl."

@Kinesthetics @BLUR
Arturo sighed and then got a knife from a nearby table. "Yeah, you guys might win. Or you might not. I haven't the slightest clue I can't read the future or anything." he said to him.

@Tj Pomroy
Lara put her forehead against his " that's not true... your funny, caring, sweet and you slways try your hardest... I like those things about you"

@Tj Pomroy
Rashid frowns and crouches a little "what do you mean you guys?" he asked worried


Jake blushes more and closes his eyes and outs his hand over her heart "Date me" he says weakly and softly

Arturo looked at his own reflected through the knife. "Well at this rate I'm going to be completely useless can't punch or defend to save my life." he sighed a bit then looked at Rashid. "You'll probably be the star player in all of this...but don't tell anyone I said that."

@Tj Pomroy
Arturo stretched his arms and legs a bit. "But, nothing I do even phases you. It's like your a god or something in a way." He commented on his own weakness but still refused to give into it. It wasn't too late in order to change.

@Tj Pomroy
Arturo rushes at him and jump into the air. He was intending on kicking Rashid down with an aerial assault. But, realized there was no possible way to escape any of his attacks in the air. But, still he went through with it. Not much choice at this point.

@Tj Pomroy
Arturo as soon as his foot was blocked tossed the knife directly at Rashid. "Take this!" he yelled defiantly. He refused to give up on this matter even if it killed him. Though, hopefully not. It was only a matter of time.

@Tj Pomroy
Arturo got down from Rashid. 'I don't know if this will work...but...and I've never gone past 100..before' he thought to himself. He used his gravity magic to increase the gravity around Rashid by one hundred fifty percent.

@Tj Pomroy
Arturo increases it too two hundred percent and draws his sword. 'Since its only one person this time I can keep it up for a few minutes...' he stared at Rashid putting the blade to his neck. "Tada?"

@Tj Pomroy
Arturo releases the gravity held of Rashid and steps back a little. "See...I tried harder just like you said." he sounded somewhat proud that he was able to have some kind of hold over Rashid in one way or another.

@Tj Pomroy

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