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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

Jake shakes his head and looks away "He hurt me, badly. Besides you're cuter" he blushes again. He leans in and kisses her again lovingly and fast.


Rashid pushes his hand down and growls a little "ya ya ya, hush and fight me"

Arturo looked at him it was hard for him not to smile. "You have already been defeated." Arturo let his hand be pushed down. "I have so much fun with you..." he said to him turning his back on him.

@Tj Pomroy
Lara kissed him back and then a few minutes later broke the kiss ti get some air. Kero looked in the other direction and layed down in the bed.

@Tj Pomroy ((okie night))
Arturo felt himself being lifted again by Rashid. "Oh, that's great..." he responded slowly to him. He was still trying to get use to being picked up like that. Arturo then asked him a hypothetical question. "What would you do if I was with Echidna?" he wasn't really but it didn't hurt to ask of the what if scenario.

@Tj Pomroy

((Night Guys))
"Hmph, how disappointing."

By now, all of the golems inside of the Sabertooth guild had been dealt with, though some remained outside. Ryos' arrogant demeanor was a direct result of the low level of difficulty of the finished task. Though the golems were able to resist magic, they had obvious weak points that were simply too easy to exploit. He had been able to dispatch about a dozen of them with relative ease. However, though Ryos had not sustained any sort of injuries during his battles, the guild hall was wrecked. To add on to that, the city in which Sabertooth was located was also quite the mess. It looked like an all-out war zone outside.

Ryos took a moment to stretch his muscles. During his fighting, he was barely able to make out that Carrie had gone to help Eagle, the unknown wizard who smelled like a dragon. Using his dragon nose to track Carrie, Ryos was able to pick up on a just barely recognizable scent. But of course, he knew the scent like the back of his hand. He ran through the Sabertooth doors, following Carrie's scent. Luckily for him, all of the golems in the immediate proximity of the Sabertooth guild hall had been defeated. However, in a not so distant distance, he saw a decent amount of them seemingly concentrating fire on a single building.

"What the hell is going on there?"

His attention diverted for a second when he spotted Carrie on a nearby roof top. Happy to see that she was safe and sound, Ryos decided that he would have to deal with the plethora of golems wreaking havoc on the town before he could reunite with her. However, as he approached the golems, he noticed that they were completely different than the ones he had faced inside the guild. These ones seemed to have an affinity for ice. "So they kept the stronger golems on the outside attack huh? Wish they could have announced that, I wouldn't have wasted my time inside the guild hall"

Knowing that there were too many golems to take on by himself without magic, Ryos jumped on to the head of the one farthest from the apparent target building from behind it. Caught by surprise from the essential ambush, the golem had no tie to react as Ryos jammed both hands into each eye socket of the golem, proceeding to lift it's rock solid skull from the inside. As the head detached from the body, Ryos used the golem as a platform to leap in front of the platoon of golems, just as the one he destroyed was crumbling. Since they were disgraced, Ryos wanted to use the opportunity to take out a few and escape, only to come back in short time and hit them with a second surprise attack. But then, with his dragon ears, he heard,

"Man, how am I gonna get out of this one?"

Ryos was surprised to hear Eagle's voice. Turning around to pinpoint the location of the sound, Ryos left himself open to attack, and boy did he pay for it. He was hit directly by shards of ice, and the impact threw him straight into a wall inside the building he stood in front of. Grunting in pain after he smashed into the wall, Ryos got up quickly to avoid further damage. It was then that he realized the reason the golems were concentrating an attack on the building. He spotted Eagle taking cover from their attacks behind a cabinet. Dodging incoming ice projectiles, Ryos made his way over to Eagle.

"Looks like we're both in a pretty tough situation huh? Let me make a proposition to you. If we make it out of this alive, tell me your name, you know, your
real one," Ryos said with a smirk, "Work on the improvisations a little bit, you don't want to hesitate when giving out a false name."

With that, Ryos got out of cover and confidently charged at the golems, managing to dodge most of the shards coming at him. A few managed to scrape him, but he charged on. What would Ventalia think of his resolve if he were to merely accept defeat to mere golems? He knew Ventalia could take hundreds and not break a sweat. If Ventalia the Poison Dragon could defeat them with ease, then Ryos, son of Ventalia, could as well.

"You will not break me!" Ryos screamed as he smashed his fists into the leading golems skull. For years he had practiced punching boulders as a way to harden his knuckles and endure the pain of punching hard surfaces with all his might. Golems or not, they were just more of the same rocks that Ryos had become accustomed to smashing. As he took down golem after golem, Ryos began sustaining some injuries. He was bleeding all over from the battles with the golems, but he fought on. He had been cut by many ice shards, yet he had no time to feel pain. He stood tall in front of the final golem. In a final, all-out attack, Ryos lunged straight at golem's torso. He grabbed on to both elbows and used both knees as a platform to stand on. Then, with all his remaining might, he smashed into the golem's skull using his own. Under the pressure of Ryos' attack, the golem's skull shattered to mere pebbles, and the golem collapsed. Standing over the golem, Ryos looked drained. Blood began dripping from his forehead, and he had become a bloody mess.

"Using my magic was always more of my strong point. Guess I need to train more," Ryos said with a smile, before collapsing onto the ground himself. He had given it his all the clear the golem platoon, and he had found success. However, now he was sprawled out on the ground, barely conscious. Sure he could have waited for help, but where was the fun in that?
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Sergei was too distraught to even answer her. "Figures." Sara decided to check out the Guild Hall. "I see why everyone talks about Sabertooth so highly. This place is like a mansion." She touched the hanging pictures and stomped on the woven carpets. Then she pulled chair at a table to sit down on it, but stopped. "That's the boring way to sit." Instead, she decided to lay on the table and close her eyes. "It's about time I got a little rest."

  • Carrie Ulstream: Water Dragon Slayer

    Guild: Lamia Scale

    Location: City Tops

RYOS WHY? YOU IDIOT! She had just witnessed him ram his head into the last golem, causing it to crumble into rocky little pieces. You know there's nothing I hate more than seeing you hurt! It didn't look good at all. Her fellow Dragon-Slayer was bleeding pints of blood all over the place. You just had to be the hero! If you die, I'm never going to forgive you! What am I going to tell the Guildmaster? What am I going to tell Ventalia? 'He threw away his life for the sake of pride? How would that go over with them? I would be asked why I didn't stop you from doing something so foolish...you should know I always have your back Ryos...

Carrie entered droplet form and cascaded down the side of the building she was kneeling on, gathering into a pool of liquid stationed near the corner of the street below. I just hope he's alright..., she wondered, beginning to run towards where she was able to get a good view of him last. When I get my hands on you Ryos, you better have a good reason for doing what you did, because I just don't get it. I know you're determined, but you're not stupid. Rounding the corner of the block, she spotted his broken body sticking out of the entrance of a recently destroyed inn. Particles of dry-wall and paint chips were falling into his wounds, covering his face and arms with a thin film of dust. Carrie bit her lip and looked away to keep the tears from welling out. Master taught you how to be stronger than this. Remember all your sessions Carrie. There are people that need you, and you have to be capable enough to give them your support. Come ON and snap out of it!

*Foooh*. She blew out hard, finally coming to terms with who she had to be, and what she had to do. Sealakeena, you've taught me so much about peacefulness, rest, relaxation, play, and enjoying the current moment, taking in the wondrous sights and sounds of the world around me; and I thank you for that. But, all of that has also left me complacent, frivolous, and unable to do anything for my friends when they need me most....taking a deep breath to strengthen her resolve...so this is where we part ways, my most precious mother. What you've taught me will always stay in my heart, but this is no longer the ocean where all life basks in serenity, this is the world above; where life is chaotic and has to be fought for, tooth and nail, every single day of the week. I really hope you can forgive me if we ever meet again Seala...goodbye.

"Sea Dragon's Breath!" In seconds, the areas surrounding the decrepit inn were smothered in visibility reducing mist. She made sure no golems would pop up out to interrupt, and if any of them decided to foolishly take a chance and wander in, she would take them out with extreme prejudice. It looked like there was nothing more that had to be done, until the air became permeated with an unfamiliar scent. Who else is there?! Carrie, legs pumping dashed over to Ryos, arms up and ready to cast a spell if she had to. But what she saw required no show of aggression...at least for now. It was the green-haired magician Eagle, skull belt and all. She narrowed eyes as her mind began to put two and two together. "So it was you he was trying to show off to. I don't know whether to shake your hand, or blow you half-way across town, she mumbled to the sitting mage. Going back over her words, she quickly followed up with an apology, "I'm sorry, I'm just really crazy about this guy."

A moist hand entered Ryos', interlocking fingers till two pulses became one. "Okay Ry, this will definitely feel a little weird; but it will only be until you're all better. Extreme Magic: Sea Dragon's Blood." Glowing momentarily, Carrie exploded into a twinkling vapor, seeping into the open cuts of her wounded guild-mate. Water clogged the entrances of gaping injuries. Pain was was dulled by way of chilling liquid, soothing the nerves of areas in greatest damage. "I'm going to help out the fluid in your system...it will be me controlling its movement from here on out. But don't be afraid, you'll still be able to move your own. It will just feel like your body is repairing it-self."


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Sora, the Windrunner

Wood shattered under the pressure of crystal projectiles, limiting Eagle's movements to an extreme. It was lucky that her cover was holding up so well, but there was no doubt that it wouldn't last for long. 'My magic levels are too low,' she analyzed. 'I've only recovered an eighth of my power so far.'

She was tallying the equipment she did and did not have when a loud crash to the left interrupted her. The building's walls cracked and Eagle was forced to cover her eyes from the dust lifting into the air. Only when the sawdust began to settle was the wizard able to properly examine the disturbance. To her surprise, there laid a raven-haired teen, groaning from the impact. 'Ryos Delmora, Lamia Scale,' the green-haired woman recognized with a bit of shock. The man soon recovered from the hit and got up, apparently seeming to recognize her. With some deft dodges, he joined her behind cover against the merciless ice storm.

"Looks like we're both in a pretty tough situation huh? Let me make a proposition to you. If we make it out of this alive, tell me your name, you know, your real one," Ryos said with a smirk, "Work on the improvisations a little bit, you don't want to hesitate when giving out a false name."

Eagle gave him a stern glare in response. The girl was pretty decisively annoyed-- she tried her best with that lie, damnit! "Never mind that, what the hell are you doing here?" she hissed. This was dangerous! What if he died and it was on her? "Moron," the girl chided, none too caring about sounding polite or nice; better to not try and be friendly with a stranger right now.

Unperturbed, Ryos then rushed out into the flurry, jumping straight into combat with a platoon of golems. Now, Eagle was a grizzled fighter, but even this was a little much. 'He really is a moron,' she gaped in astonishment, 'At this rate, he's actually going to die!'

Shaking herself out of shock, Eagle jumped out of cover to reinforce her unexpected ally. Subtly taking out the few ranged among the ground force, she did her best to keep ice shards from skewering the other teen. The green-haired woman actually had to wonder how reckless Ryos was, literally tanking golem hits while he punched them into oblivion; she mostly denied it, but a little part of her realized that Ryos was as careless as herself.

With a final headbutt, the man took out the last golem in the ground platoon for a minor victory, but not without a cost. His injuries were severe, and magic ice literally stuck out of his body.

"Using my magic was always more of my strong point. Guess I need to train more," Ryos said with a smile, before collapsing onto the ground himself.

Eagle hurriedly dragged the boy behind an overturned wooden table, placing him next to the entrance of a crumbling inn. With alarm, she noticed a small pool of blood forming under his body. 'Rapid blood loss, severe stab wounds and blunt trauma. Immediate medical treatment required,' the girl quickly diagnosed.

"Sea Dragon's Breath!" shouted someone nearby, causing the cloaked wizard to recoil in surprise.

Unexpectedly, a mist suddenly manifested around them. "Another golem?" she whispered to herself, lowering into a defensive stance above the Ryos' fallen body. She tensed when a figure approached through the mist, only relaxing it slightly when she got a closer look at the newcomer. 'Ryos' companion from Lamia Scale,' Eagle recognized as the other girl bent down, suspiciously observing her.

"So it was you he was trying to show off to. I don't know whether to shake your hand, or blow you half-way across town," she mumbled to the sitting mage. Going back over her words, she quickly followed up with an apology, "I'm sorry, I'm just really crazy about this guy."

Eagle sweat-dropped at the young girl's passive-aggressiveness, but let it go to focus on more important things. She glanced down at Ryos, who seemed to be growing paler by the second. For some reason a cold feeling gripped her chest, as if someone was squeezing her heart; as she looked closer at the raven-haired teen, Eagle couldn't help but remember a defining moment from her past-- the moment when someone tried to help her...and died as a result.

That freezing embrace turned into a blazing inferno. She dug her fingernails into her palms until they bled, squeezing her fist with unrepressed anger. 'Why'd he have to be so stupid,' Eagle seethed, her body shaking from uncontrolled fury, 'It should have been me! Another innocent is going to die because of MY mistakes.'

Closing her eyes, she opened them a moment later to reveal angry orbs. Eagle was pissed.

'I'll KILL them all!'

To her left, the Ryos' bluenette ally held the boy's hand. "Okay Ry, this will definitely feel a little weird; but it will only be until you're all better. Extreme Magic: Sea Dragon's Blood," she announced, exploding into vapor that seeped into Ryos' body, much to Eagle's surprise.

"I'm going to help out the fluid in your system...it will be me controlling its movement from here on out. But don't be afraid, you'll still be able to move your own. It will just feel like your body is repairing it-self."

Eagle acknowledged the girl as someone with decent medical capabilities; the green-haired wizard would trust the bluenette for now. "Keep him stable," she ordered, her eyes all but demanding the young girl to obey,"Make sure he doesn't die until I come back."

With supercharged senses from the influx of adrenaline, the green-haired wizard noticed someone else stepping out from the shadows. Another girl, with smooth, creamy-white skin, approached, ice-blue eyes locking with emerald. She coughed, as if to catch someone's attention.

"Can anyone tell me how to help?" she asked out of nowhere. Eagle was suspicious, but a glance at the Fairy Tail guild-mark on her upper thigh through the girl's almost see-through dress alleviated some of her concerns. The green-haired woman widened her eyes, panicking for a second on the inside, but let it rest immediately after. 'It doesn't look like she recognizes me.'

'Fairy Tail's guildmaster didn't tell them what I looked like then,' she mused, silently thanking the man.

A grim expression crossed Eagle's face. "Yes," she explained, gesturing towards the fallen Ryos and his friend, "Make sure no golems reach those two; the mist gives good cover against the ice golems, but there might be another wave of the rock ones."

The green-haired wizard then stood up, looking into the newly-arrived girl's eyes one more time, as if to nonverbally reinforce her order. With one more glance at Ryos, Eagle turned away, walking towards the remaining golems perched on the roofs. With a slight look over her shoulder, the girl assured the trio staying behind, "I'll be right back."

Exiting the mist, Eagle looked up to glare at the couple squads of golems waiting atop the roofs. They were charging their cannons, preparing to fire on her at a moment's notice. With a furious stare, the wizard crossed her arms across her chest in a "X" shape, forming her little remaining magic for her technique and announcing it with a snarl.

"Enchantment: Vernier!"

  • "Orange" = Sora

    "Orange Italics" = Sora's Thoughts

    "Green Italics" = Machine-like Sora

    "Blue" = Ryos

    "Purple" = Carrie

    "Teal" = Isanna

@Kinesthetics @Infinities Lover
Rae watched in amusement at the spectacle "There are a lot of healers here " he said impressed "Where did you learn to do that?"
Jake blushes bright red, and pants a little out of breath from his second kiss "W-Woah" he could barely contain himself, he was so excited and proud that his first kiss was with someone like lara, smart and pretty and perfect. He smiled at that thought 'She, the smart pretty perfect girl is laying down with me, ''wow'' '.


Rashid thinks a lttle and keeps him up looking him in the eye to make sure he heard and understood him "Id take you to our side, and make sure yiou joined us, because your special to me" he smiled warmly and hugged him laying him back down on his feet. getting ready to spar again, just in case.

Archdemon got up and told the man Rae "I'm so sorry but I wish to explore this place so more and hopefully I don't get lost." And he walked off.

@Angel Evans
Archdemon said:
Archdemon got up and told the man Rae "I'm so sorry but I wish to explore this place so more and hopefully I don't get lost." And he walked off.
@Angel Evans
Rae perked an eyebrow "You could just ask me to come with you ya know,your don't ALWAYS have to be alone " He said knowingly
Lara stared at the ceiling for a bit 'my first kiss....gah!!! My face is red...' she covered her face again and looked at jake and smiled a little ' oh well.. i am happy... he is really a nice and funny person who alway make me laugh...'

@Tj Pomroy
Rae grinned "I thought you'd best asked" he said hopping out of his chair and over to Arch's side "Still though isn't it rude to explore someone else's guild?
Jake smiles brightly and pushes he hands away with a small "boo!" he smiles and giggles a little seeing her blush "Dont worry cutie, you did okay" he says cockily at her trying to hide his insecurities and worries that he wasnt very good.

Arturo hesitated on this. "So, you are with Echidna then?" he was a bit confused on what he meant by our side but regardless. It didn't matter did it what side he was on?

@Tj Pomroy
Lara smiled a little and yawned. She looked outside and sqw it was still dark. ' I guess I go back to sleep' she looked at jake and can that something was wrong " hey... what's wrong?"

@Tj Pomroy
Ryos struggled to keep his eyes open, as he could see Carrie rushing over to him. He was glad to see she was coming, until he realized she was going to be pissed off at him. Truly, what Ryos had done had been nothing short of idiotic. He could have easily been more careful to avoid injuries, staying behind cover like Eagle and coming up with a plan. Normally, that was how he would have gone about it. However, for whatever reason, he had felt an urge to just clear the golems so that only he would have to do the work. Perhaps he had been too confident in his physical abilities. Perhaps he felt untouchable. Perhaps he found this as an opportunity to prove he had what it took, whether it was to himself or to anyone that could see him. Regardless, he had been severely injured, and Ryos was left feeling disappointed in himself. He shouldn't have sustained such injuries. All he did was battle golems, they weren't even real mages. It just proved he would still have to train. At least he was able to test his capabilities.

"So it was you he was trying to show off to. I don't know whether to shake your hand, or blow you half-way across town," Ryos heard Carrie say. Ryos thought about it for a second. He had never really been one to "show off," but that could have been it. Carrie continued, "I'm sorry, I'm just really crazy about this guy." Ryos would have laughed if it wouldn't have caused him pain. Carrie couldn't be mean, even for a second. Looks like Ryos really screwed this one up though. Ryos managed to barely tilt his head over to Eagle, who didn't look happy either. He could almost feel her anger.

"Who would've thought I would have become the cause of everyone's anger. I need to make this up to them, but later." Ryos knew he was in no shape to make anything up to anyone at the current moment. He needed to heal. Luckily, Carrie was there for him, already using her healing magic to help him out. She took his hand.

"Okay Ry, this will definitely feel a little weird; but it will only be until you're all better. ExtremeMagic: Sea Dragon's Blood."

With that, Carrie made herself into vapor, and entered the deep cuts on Ryos' body. She was definitely right on the weird thing, Ryos was not used to this. However, he immediately felt better. Though he was pretty good at ignoring pain, it felt so much better to not have to feel pain. Carrie's strange technique felt very nice. "I'm going to help out the fluid in your system...it will be me controlling its movement from here on out. But don't be afraid, you'll still be able to move your own. It will just feel like your body is healing itself."

"Keep him stable," now Eagle was talking, "Make sure he doesn't die until I come back."

In response, Ryos managed to mutter, "Come on, you guys don't actually think I'm going to die here do you? It'll take much more than golems to take me out. I still have more training to get to, I can't die!"

Though he was in a bad condition, Ryos solemnly believed that he would make it through this stronger. He had been sustained similar injuries before, prior to the time he unlocked the powers of Dragon Force.

"Carrie, how soon do you think I'll be able to get back on the battle field?" Ryos said, knowing not to have his hopes high for the upcoming answer.
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Rashid shakes his head quickly "No no, I mean id talk you into joining us the good guys in trying to take down echidna"


Jake shakes his head quickly and pecks her cheek "Nothings wrong, im just worried and all, about echidna and us and how im so not good enough for someone like you" he says as he quickly looks away.


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