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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

Arturo looked away from him. "Yeah, but I get to...I'm the one training right?" he mumbled rubbing his arms. Then, kicked rashid in the shin."Quit being so darn durable!!" he yelled tired that nothing he did seemed to work.

@Tj Pomroy
Arturo thought a moment. "Rashid are you a boy or are you a girl?" he asked kinda of grinning. Arturo kind of had a plan but he wanted to ask this question to him.

@Tj Pomroy
Jake smiles and pulls her back into his chest rocking her gently singing a lullybye from his childhood quietly.


Rashid smiles warmly "Im a guy, like you" He smirks and gets ready for the incoming attack

Arturo smiled at him warmly with his eyes closed. "Close your eyes. It's a surprise." Arturo planned to hit him on the head with a table..or did he?

@Tj Pomroy
Arturo winds up and punches Rashid as hard as he can. 'This better work. or do something.' he thought to himself as the punch connected. It should do something I mean he can't be super tough can he?

@Tj Pomroy
Lara woke up after a few hours. She was slowly opened her eyes. She blinked for a fee minutes a saw herself staring at someone's chest 'huh??' She looked up to see who's chest she was staring at.

@Tj Pomroy
Rashid smiles with a grunt as he hits his stomach, he bends for ward a little in pain and grabs arturos waist holding him up in the air.


Jake blushes bright red and looks down at lara with a small stutter "S-sorry, ill stop" he slowly slides away

Arturo looked at him. "You almost seemed like you were preparing for a different kind of attack." he said to him trying to get down. "But, I guess I'm not strong enough to inflict any kind of damage the normal way." sighing a bit at the thought of how weak he really was.

@Tj Pomroy
Rashid smiles and winks laying him down "i was waiting for you to kick me in the balls


Jake blushes more and nods with a gulp moving his hands back to her back hugging her closely loving the warmth of her body on his, feeling it really for the first time

Arturo looked at him with a funny look. "What...that would just prove I'm too weak to do anything If I went that cheap." he said to him almost disgusted by the thought. "Though, ...I guess I could beat you that way." he said thinking about it.

@Tj Pomroy
Rashid nods with a smile "you could certainly take me down that way"


Jake blushes and shakes his head "i don't know i didn't wanna move afraid i would wake you, sorry" he says quietly and sheepishly

Arturo looked at him blankly. "Wait...come to think of it. You could also beat me that way couldn't you?" he thought over it a brief moment since he brought this whole mess up.

@Tj Pomroy
" it's fine...." lara said. Kero walks up and trys to move. Her body was still sore, but she was able to move anyway. She looked out the window and said " well it's night time..." she said to the two.

@Tj Pomroy
Rashid nods with a smirk "very easily yes"


Jake blushes and leans in to whisper to lara "That means we can stay like this if you want" he says trying not to sound like he didnt want anything else in the world

Arturo looked at him. "I might...not be the greatest at defense. But, there is no way I'd leave that kind of an opening." He turned his head and folded his arms pouting. "You might be able to beat the crap out of me but I'm not THAT dumb." he sighed a bit wondering what attack could work on him.

@Tj Pomroy
Rashid turns and with light magic speeds his leg up and slams his leg up between arturos legs hitting him hard right in the balls "Lets see?" he says as he watches him

Arturo didn't have time to react at all. He was deep in thought of how he could beat Rashid up. He only noticed rashid right before it was too late and took the full kick. Arturo was jumping around. "Ow Ow Ow Ow." he continuously said jumping around glaring at Rashid.

@Tj Pomroy
Lara smiles " ok...." she put herbhead back on his and closes her eyes again, trying to fall asleep. Kero giggles a little and lays back down in bed.

@Tj Pomroy
Rashid smiles widely and nods "Thats both funny and cute, and ya looks like it works on you" he smirks waiting for a counter


Jake blushes and steals a quick peck on her lips and flips around so his back was touching her bluhsing bright red screaming at himself in his head 'WHY DID YOU DO THAT MORON????!!!!!'


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