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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]


"You walked into something above your head boy. But as long as you're nice, I'll let you stay."
She turned back to Sergei. "I was on my way here but got held up. Long story. A better question would be why are you moping around? Don't you have a guild to lead? This is not the Serg I know."

Rashid smiles widely "I havent fought in forever i want a fight" he smiled and continued to throw fake punches.


Jake yawns and rolls over still tired he looks over and sees lara, he moves in closer to the wall and pats the bed tiredly "Join me, pleaseeee" he smiles and yawns really wanting the feeling of another human being next to him.

Arch sighed "Look I'm only here for the meeting regarding the Dark guild Echidna." He told them

Arturo peeked to see why the punched weren't as hard as he thought. But, he couldn't make anything out. And in doing so he left himself wide open his defense just full of holes.

@Tj Pomroy
Michael turned towards Dusty, a bit embarassed by the request of Yami. "Dirtsack, may you leave me and Yami alone for a second? I think I need to talk with her about something". He looked back at her, trying to smile. He didn't liked much that sad smile of hers.

Sergei turned to the boy on the other side and gave him a side smile.
"You'll be fine as soon as you get used to it". A man walked inside the guild and throwed a compliment to Mermaid Heel's guild master. "Looks like you have fans. Anyway, it's not that I'm 'mopping' around anymore, it's just that... Well, it's been hard with all the losses we had". He looked back at the mage on the other side of the counter, asking about the Echidna Reunion. "You got a bit late fella, but we'll do another one today, so I guess you can just stick around".

@Refaulted @Sandra @Archdemon @GreenMoss @Angel Evans
Rashid punches him over and over again but not hitting him really his fists just touching Arturo over and over again, Rashid spins away and looks at him lights shining from every spot he had hit "Look at all the places i could hit you." he says as he smiles at Arturo "You've gotten keep up okay?" he asks sweetly.

Lara blinks at jake " ...what??" Kero laughed a little " that's cute...." lara looked at her as she finished healing her. " there..." she smiles and pets her " my body is still sore...." " it'll go away... just rest..." she looked at jake not knowing what to say.

@Tj Pomroy
Arturo dropped his guard sort of blinded by the light. "Yeah, ...I can see it." he said getting ready to block his next assault of whatever it is he plans to do. Though, he was trying it wasn't very easy.

@Tj Pomroy
Jake smiles and yawns widely and nods putting on a cute face "Please lara, i dont wanna do anything i just wanna cuddle" He smiles and opens his arms "With all this death and horror, we need"

Rashid makes a swinging of his foot trying to kick arturo


She looked at the one who yelled out 'Mermaid Heel' and smiled. "I'd invite you but it's girls only!" She took a seat at the counter and looked at Sergei in the eye. "From Guildmaster to Guildmaster, you are moping. And it's not good for yourself or your members. What they need right now is strength. As their leader, you have to give them that. You have nice bunch of kids here under your wing. Don't screw it up. I have my assistant watching the guild right now, so I'm able to be here for you too." She put her hand on his, and squeezed it. "You're not out yet." She let go and rested her face on her hands. "What can I do to help ease your pain?"



@Angel Evans
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Arturo was expecting more punches. So, he didn't plan on a kick. He ended up taking it full on completely guard-less to it. "Darn it." He said as the foot connected.

@Tj Pomroy
Archdemon decided to leave before he felt awkward so he went upstairs and sat down on a chair and waited for the meeting.
Kero laughed , the look on lara's face was priceless " come on lara do the boy a favor" " but...." she sighed " fine...." she was sleepy as well and didn't feel like dragging this on. She went and laid down next to jake.

@Tj Pomroy
Arturo took the hand. "You...You're going easy on me aren't you...There's no way you are taking this serious even for a melee fight. There was at least three chances you could have killed me." he said realizing how faulty his defense really was. Arturo needed to work on it greatly.

@Tj Pomroy
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Jake wraps his arms around her and curls up against her back laying his head on the back of her neck, breathing softly "Sorry"


Rashid nods and pats his head and smiles "I dont plan on killing you kid, im trying to help you get better."

Arturo looked at him with a pouty expression when he patted his head. "I wasn't even trying.." he said though he knew that was false. It didn't appear that Rashid wanted to hurt him. But, ...he was going to have to get rough if Arturo was to truly learn anything from his mistakes.

@Tj Pomroy
Jake smiles and kisses the back of her neck as he falls asleep his hands around her waist holding her close


Rashid nods and steps back, drawing his sword "Wanna try sword fighting for now?"

Arturo stepped back and summoned forth his sword. "Yeah, bring it on." he said a little worried. Arturo didn't know Rashid's sword skills what if he was a master at it compared to him? It might not bode well.

@Tj Pomroy

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