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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

" it wint start for a few hours... as uou can see we were attacked by golems and everyone is scattered right now... You can wait here or go do something until it starts..." lara entered the room where kero and jake. Kero was still asleep and looked like he fell asleep as well. ' I need to heal her...' she took kero and put her on another bed and started to heal her again.


@Tj Pomroy
Dusty raised his eyebrows. She had seemed to materialize out of no where, and had Dusty in a rather dangerous situation. He looked at the woman and narrowed his eyes. "Well, I have no reason to fight you. And why do you care? We were having a friendly conversation until you came in. She was the one to challenge me." He clenched his fists and unclenched them. He wasn't in a good condition to fight, and this woman seemed like the kind to fight unhonorably. But he kept his face lax, waiting for her to answer.

"Hmm. Is that all it was? I could have sworn you were trying to take advantage of her. Is that not the case?"
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Dusty tilted his head, confused. "Take advantage of her? Why would I want to do something like that? Even though I don't know what you mean by that..." He was profoundly puzzled by what she meant. He tried to walk out of the way of her blade. "And you're a little close for comfort."
Michael woke up on his room, sitting in the ground. The last thing he remembered was Rashid pushing away from Dusty. After that, he remembered falling in the ground and that was all. At least he was feeling way better now. He pushed himself away from the ground, standing up. His back was still hurting a little bit. Dusty wasn't in the room anymore. He walked around the guild. It looked like Sergei was back to the guild downstairs, using his magic the restore some of the tables and the walls. Where's Yami? Michael started to look for her in all the rooms, until he entered a room where Dusty was, along with Yami and a unknown mage. She was familiar to him. A guild master... To someone. He smiled to Yami and then looked at the other two. "Hey Dusty, who's our guest?"

@Sandra @Refaulted @GreenMoss

"Id' like it if you didn't interrupt nosy. I'll deal with you in a minute." She looked at the boy. "Ad-van-tage. Ad-vantage. Advantage of her." She pointed at the girl. "Were you going to hurt her is my question." She looked back at the newcomer. "And who are you?"

@gilwaybetternow @Refaulted
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Dusty tilted his head again, now growling at her. "Why would I want to hurt her? We're allies, and my friend's friend! I'm not low like that." He glared at this woman. Who did she think she was, saying stuff like that? He clenched his hands into fists, trying to keep his temper down. 'Stay calm, Dusty. Not now.'
Michael frowned at the woman. Invading other people guilds and being like this. "I'm Michael Whithand, mage from Sabertooth. The guild that you're breaking in right now, ya know?". That was weird. Maybe he should call for Sergei... No, not now. He had to prove that he was of some value to that guild. "What's really your business here? Aren't you a guild master from... I don't know, Blue Pegasus or something like it?"

@GreenMoss @Refaulted

"Blue Pegasus? Please. They couldn't hold a candle to Mermaid Heel." Looking back at the boy she held. "And you. Being so close to me, I can tell you're getting angry. Let go of your anger and come at me like the brute you are." She whispered into his ear. "Tear me apart Dragon Slayer." Glancing out of the window towards the roof of the next building, she activated her teleportation, dragging them both to the spot instantly. She let go of his collar and threw him to the floor. "Stand up and face me. I have no issue with your friend. The one I have an issue with is you. I saw you speaking with that girl, ready to lay a hand on her. I won't tolerate it. Earth Dragon's Scales." Scales as hard a rock appeared covering her body. She stuck a dagger out. "If you let these cut you, you'll look worse than you already do. Let's not make things messy shall we?"

@gilwaybetternow @Refaulted
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Archdemon thought it was best to explore the guild and get use to it until he saw two people teleport away "This can't be good..." He saw two people outside on a rooftop and asked the guy next to him "Hey do you know what's going on?"

Dusty stood up, brushing dirt off him. He laughed at how someone called 'Dusty' was brushing dirt off of himself. Kinda ironic. He turned to the woman, shrugging. "It's really pointless for me to attack you. I have no reason other than you challenged me. And you're gonna make things messy by picking a fight with me. So, since I'm really bored of you right now, I'm going to go back and talk with my friends." He bowed, then about-faced and started to walk to the edge of the building. His knuckles were white from the pressure of her thinking he was gonna harm Yami. He never had the intention to do so. He waved it and the woman out of his mind, and continued to the edge of the roof.
Sora, the Windrunner
A veritable hail of ice shards impacted the roof, showering fragments of both ceramic tile and sharpened crystals around the blast zone. Eagle didn't curse, more out of principle than anything else, but the pissed look in her eyes had a similar effect. She side-stepped the wild punch of one of the lesser, rock golems. They weren't very smart and relied mostly on lucky hits with brute force, but they were certainly excellent cannon-fodder minions. She kicked its knee in and rammed her fist into the golem's face in a one-two combo, effectively disabling the machine.

'They just don't stop coming, do they?' the wizard complained in exasperation. The problem with these soldiers laid less in their innate capabilities but their overwhelming numbers. 'Quantity over quality, right.'

This led to her current predicament: a stand off between between the two edges of the town square, one side brimming with magic machines, and the other populated by...well, herself. Excluding the dozens of deactivated golems laying around, falling down, and generally being pretty useless, all courtesy of your friendly neighborhood Eagle.

From the growing whir coming from the other side and the glowing ice cannons, the green-haired wizard deduced that they were going to fire another volley at her soon. 'Damn,' she thought, easily dispatching another of the rock golems,' An area attack of that scale is unavoidable. Escape route necessary.'

Eagle took a calming breath to examine her surroundings. The crowded roofs were far too open for her liking, and there was no way she'd be able to reach the other side in time; retreat from the attack was impossible to the side and above, leaving only one option: down. With the charging cannons now brightly glowing that same pale blue, Eagle sprinted towards the nearest golem. Being caught off-guard by her speed, the golem was unable to react being violently kicked and jumped upon, essentially acting as a sliding board down the angled roofs. Eagle jumped off her improvised ride at the roof's very edge, transitioning into a free-fall towards hard ground.

For a moment, the mage felt the cool tints of air caress her body during her rapid descent, lifting her hair like a gentle mother would, softly gliding across her exposed skin. The moment wouldn't last when she quickly closed with the ground. At the last second, Eagle pushed her palms out in front of her and released imbued magic with a shout, "Air Cannon!"

The release of compressed air slowed her approach, allowing her to softly tuck into a roll across the hard stone. Springing onto her feet, Eagle wasted no time in sprinting towards the closest building, guarded by two more rock golems. Taking on the one in front, she leaped into a jumping roundhouse kick that tore the minion's head off. Not missing a beat, she leaned forward to place her palms on the machine's rocky exterior to support her handspring through the air and straight at the golem behind its predecessor. Eagle pulled her right leg in close to her chest and stuck out her left, smoothly transitioning through her handspring into a deadly axe-kick that shattered her targets head into stone fragments.

The green-haired woman gracefully landed on her feet, nimbly vaulting over the collapsing rock body and tables between her and the building's door. To her alarm, she heard the tell-tale pings of thousands of ice projectiles being released from their barrels to skewer her. 'Shit,' she panicked, using a quick burst of speed to leap into a dive-roll through the doorway and land behind the cover of a solid, wood cabinet. Just in the nick of time, dozens of ice shards shattered glass and pierced the wood around her, nearly managing to hit the wizard herself.

"Crap," she realized, inspecting the light cut along her bare midriff. 'Whew, just a scratch.'

Eagle took a short glance around the doorway's cover, but immediately ducked back when several crystals whizzed through the air where her head had just been. With no shortage of ammunition on the enemy side and a platoon of golems approaching her cover, Eagle became effectively pinned down. "Man, how am I gonna get out of this one?"

  • "Orange" = Sora"

    Orange Italics" = Sora's thoughts

    "Teal Italics" = Machine-like Sora

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Yami sat there quietly. "Um heh,.. Sorry lady.. He was not hurting me or anything..." She was sort of nervous. "Just friends... Not enemies.." She said smiling. Yami grinned and itched the back of her neck.
Michael was surprised to see both the Mermaid Heel guild and Dusty being teleported to outside. He ran towards the window to take a better look at them. By the looks of Dusty, it didn't looked like the fight was going to happen. Michael calmed down. A stranger talked behind him. Michael frowned one of his eyebrows when turning back towards the stranger. "Who the hell are you? Why do people keep walking inside our guild without even... Screw it! I give up". He sat on the bed near Yami, looking at her. "I don't think you should explain yourself. I think that woman isn't listening to anyone".

@Sandra @Archdemon
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She watched his back as he turned to leave. "You seem genuine." That was all she said before tapping his shoulder and teleporting them both back into the room where the girl was. She looked at the girl, to the boy, then back to the girl again. "Whatever."

She pushed past the newcomer without saying a word and walked downstairs. The Saber-tooth guildmaster was sitting hunched over the bar. "You look pathetic."

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Yami smiled at Michael. "Well. It's okay." She said to Michael and saw the woman teleport. "Hey Michael.." She said changing the topic for a second. ".. Do think master will retire?" She said with sad eyes. He didn't seem alright, he seemed broken inside. She wanted to help and know more.

Dusty sighed in relief, slumping against the wall and sliding to the floor. He noticed Michael sitting with Yami, so he raised his hand. "Yo, Sparky." He closed his eyes and covered his ears. "I can leave you guys to privacy, or you could be kind to my poor soul and let me rest right here for a bit." He yawned.
Rashid smiles and nods "Yes i know you cheated first" he runs back at Arturo swinging his fist fast and aimlessly. "Come on, bring it!!!!" He shouts furiously waitin for him to attack

Michael looked back at Dusty, seeing as him had returned to the room. "Nah, take a sit, rest your ass around". He turned back towards Yami, smiling. "Are you kidding? Master Sergei retiring? I know he's been through a lot, but the man is rock solid. He brought down like a bazillion golems yesterday. He's tired, but he's alive".

Sergei raised his head towards the woman. He pressed his eyelids against each other to take a better look at her. His vision returned to normal. It was the guild master from Mermaid Heel. He laughed without making much noise upon the vision of her. "Well, and you look very good for someone from a town that just suffered a giant massive golem attack. Where are you? Were you even in town anyway?". He started to use his finger to draw on the dust over the counter.

@Sandra @Refaulted @GreenMoss
Arturo jumps back. "You...seem eager to kick my butt." he wanted to use gravity magic to get him away put held in the feeling. He would just have to keep blocking and wait for an opening.

@Tj Pomroy
Lara was almost done healing kero. Kero woke up during the healing and looked at lara "... lara... stop... you need to rest...." lara shook her head and continued to heal her " I am almost done...."

@Tj Pomroy
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Arch sighed as he walked away from the group not gonna get an answer and so his exploration continued until he found a bar with two people in it and one of them was the lady that pushed him "great.... What did I walk Into......." He spoke to himself loudly.


Yami smiled. "Well that's good, he is a tough one." She said. "Michael.. Can I talk to you in private.. Later. But right now would be better, if you want." She smiled sadly. "I would love to talk."


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