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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

Arturo looked at Rashid for a bit. "Yeah, this is better. But, how come your always grabbing me? I can't be that easy to lift can I?" He was asking because it looked like Rashid needed little effort for such a thing.

@Tj Pomroy
"Nothing particular, you see I'm a wanderer that likes to help people and destroy anything that's corrupt or evil in any nature." He told her.
Rashid smiles and scratches the back of his head awkwardly "Sorry, you're like a son ive never had and i was up on the moutain for a while so i miss the human touch" He smiles an continues talking "And now youre quite easy to lift. you weigh little more than my sword and i can swing that around so lifting you up a few flights of stairs inst hard"

Arturo watched him scratch his head when he made the son comment turned around smiling a bit. But, swiftly turned around back to normal. After, the sword comment he was a little shocked it was almost insulting really but at the same time not so much. "I'm so gonna get you this time." he said getting into stance.

@Tj Pomroy
" well you in luck.... our city is being attacked by the dark guild echidna and we are planning on taking it down.... we could use some more help ..." she aid to him

Rashid smiles widely and winks "You can try kid and believe me, my swords light" He smiles and begins to bounce from foot to foot waiting for Arturo to attack.

Arturo saw him bounce foot to foot. "Alright then." He went in for an attack that would punch his stomach but it was a feint quickly moving away and back at him he would try to hit him in the face.

@Tj Pomroy
Lara smiled "that's good " she yawned a little. " if you want to know more you should come to sabertooth... that's where we are having our meeting..."

Arturo cheats and uses his gravity magic to lightly push Rashids arm making him miss. He then lands and gets back as much as he can. "You're pretty good. Huh, this will be fun." he said to him.

@Tj Pomroy
The sudden burst of speed made Arturo fall backwards onto the floor. "I thought you said no magic." he said trying to get up before he reached him. But, would surely fail.

@Tj Pomroy
Arturo looked at him for a moment."Okay...maybe I cheated first. But, I thought of no other way to get out of it." He responded defensively taking his hand.

@Tj Pomroy
Rae had woken from his sleep,he knew it was rude to sleep in someone else's guild but he couldn't help himself he walked outside to see a boy and a girl. He grinned warmly "Hiya " he said cheerfully

  • Carrie Ulstream: Water Dragon Slayer

    Guild: Lamia Scale

    Location: Sabertooth Guild Hall Roof

It was complete and total chaos in the Guild Hall. Tables were broken in half, the floors were covered in blood and the walls were blown apart.
Wow, this Echidna group are really a nasty bunch. It looks like they're doing all of this just for fun. Carrie shot up from her seated position, and looked around the roof for Ryos. Ah, there he is, she thought googly-eyed. He really is a hard-worker that looks out for his people. "Ryos! I'm going up to the roof! I saw that clumsy assassin hanging from the ceiling go up there! If she's that bad at moving..she may have trouble up there!"

Glancing at Sergei and mouthing an apology for what was about to done, Carrie bellowed, "Sea Dragon's Roar!" A jet of water at high pressure shot from her mouth, knocking a 10-foot wide hole in the top of the Guild Hall. "Sea Dragon's Rise!" *Splooosh* Soaring in the air was a wondrous feeling. Ha ha ha! Maybe I should have been born to be a Wind Dragon Slayer. The Pulse of water emenating from the magic circle down on the guild floor ceased as Carrie landed on the roof with a light *thump*. Oh my. She was taken aback. There were five golems sprouting ice, going toe-to-toe with the...green-haired girl?...Wow...she is pretty. Luscious locks of jade-colored hair crested around the well-toned shoulder muscles of this young woman. "I..I...I..I.." Carrie was utterly speechless. The striking features of this woman literally took her breath away.

*Plunk*. Two knees hit the floor as she began clutching her chest in awe and admiration as the seemingly clumsy acrobat deftly took on all five block monsters without a scratch. Her fighting was an art.
She has truly mastered the ways of combat. This is something she has definitely practiced at her whole life. Staring down at the worn out tiles of the Guild Hall's roof, her mind took her back to the first time she met Ryos. He beating himself over and over again, depleting his magic, yet still moving forward, trying to make himself stronger. He always used to tell her he loved the location of Lamia Scale; it's rocky surroundings provided plenty boulders for him to smash his fists on. There was nothing that mesmerized her more than his determination to get stronger...until now. Beautiful.

The golems were now dispatched, and this Eagle woman, was now running along the rooftops, seeing which enemy she should lay waste to next.
"I need to tell Ryos....," she mewed, voice straining from the stress.

@BLUR @Lexielai
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"Mmm. Things in this town are getting quite out of control." It was the master of Mermaid Heel, Sara Iskaris, standing atop the tallest building in the city center. "But first, there's something I have to attend to." The Copycat stared through a window of Saber-tooth's Guild Hall where two people were standing. In an instant, she was inside the room blade pointing at the man wrapped in bandages. Taking advantage of his surprise, she used her body weight to push him up against the nearest wall, chest resting on chest. "Oh my. You're bleeding a little. Let me get that for you." Her tongue slithered out of her mouth and licked a drop of blood running down the boy's neck. She swallowed and felt a surge of power rush through her body. You wanted to have a go with this little girl yes? How about you stop being a bully and take me on instead?"

@Refaulted @Sandra
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