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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

Arturo began walking around him like a wolf sizing up his pray and lunged at him. But, he didn't put any power behind it because he was afraid he might hurt Rashid.

@Tj Pomroy
Lara was also asleep in bed with her back to jake. She slept peacefully with a smile on her face. Kero looked at the two and giggled ' this is so cute!'

@Tj Pomroy
Rashid smirks and easily parrys "you have to take me serously kid"


Jake smiles widely and trys to turn her in his sleep, unable to he slides over her vurling her into his chest wrapping his arms around her protectively with a content sigh.

Arturo looked at Rashid and joked. "You haven't given me a reason to take you seriously." he was hoping Rashid would try a little harder after hearing the remark from him.

@Tj Pomroy
[QUOTE="Angel Evans]Rae walked up stairs to see another make sitting alone "Well,hello there being ignored as well?"

Archdemon looked up at the man "I'm just waiting for the meeting regarding the Dark Guild Echidna" he told the man "But i suppose I could use the company."
Rae laughed an airy laugh "You guilds, you haven't destroyed it yet? How powerful can one dark guild be?" Rae tool a breath "I mean years ago a single team of fairy tail makes defeated oration seis " Rae walked over sitting down next to the man
Arturo drops his sword and is ready to allow Rashid to attack him directly. He closed his eyes bracing for the impact should he decide to go through with it.

@Tj Pomroy
"I'm not from a guild I'm just a wonderer who helps those In need whenever i see them so I could not answer your question." Arch said to the man.

@Angel Evans
Rashid swings his sword over arturos head and turns back to him "what are you doing?" he asked extremely horrified that he could've hurt him

Arturo smiled at him. "Uh, consider it my special test. I was curious to know if you would actually go through with your beating on me on this training session." he said smirking a little but trying to stop.

@Tj Pomroy
Archdemon said:
"I'm not from a guild I'm just a wonderer who helps those In need whenever i see them so I could not answer your question." Arch said to the man.
@Angel Evans
Rae's eyes lit up "Me too" he exclaimed "My name's Rae by the way Rae Luceme crowned prince of the kingdom of Fiore " he held his hand out to shake
Rashid shakes his head quicklyand hugs him tightly "I wouldnt dare hurt you no matter why"


Jake yawns and opens his eyes slowly seeing what hed done, he blushes bright and sighs trying to go back to sleep.

Rae giggled "I haven't been back home in age's and now I have a new friend " Rae sighed content "So What magic fo you wield? "
Arturo looked at him."Um, maybe...I shouldn't do stupid stuff like that again I suppose. But, that was so close to my head. That sure would have hurt." he said looking at him kind of smiling.

@Tj Pomroy
Arturo punched Rashid in the stomach as hard as he could and grinned. "Like that? Punch like that?" he asked him snickering to himself. It was funny to get a cheap shot in for once.

@Tj Pomroy
Rashid gasps softly and stands back up nodding "Just like that or this" He says as he flips him over pinning arturo to the ground his feet up and his hands help behind his back.

"That's...not ...fair...cheap shots....are cheating.." he said trying to break free but couldn't do anything at this point. Arturo was completely pinned and he didn't know if magic was allowed now or not. Though, it probably wouldn't have matter.

@Tj Pomroy
Rashid smiles and stands up picking arturo up and sets him down so hes stadning up "You didnt it first kiddo" he smiles warmly


Jake wakes up quickly and begins to pet her head comforting her "shhh its okay, shhh lara im here with you, shhh its me lara, Jake" He kisses her forehead once trying to calm her down


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