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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

"Okay!" Sky uses air to lift Dusty off the ground,"here we go!" Then shoot him up in the sky as hard as she could, aiming so that he could fall just above the silver golem. Sky watched, hoping that Dusty knew what to do next and that her aim was right.

Dusty watched as he got higher and higher. He started to feel the tightening in his chest. Weightlessness. His fear. He had to stay calm. He put his hands together. "Alright. Stomp of the Earth Dragon!" His legs became stone, and he felt himself falling. He had to aim perfectly for the center of the golem. He fell with rapid speed. He felt air and blood fly past him. His own. He hoped he wouldn't lose enough blood to pass out. Then he would be in a bind. He plummeted straight towards the silver golem.
Michael placed his hand on the hair of Yami, slipping it across her head. "Everyone will be okay, they can handle themselves. Now you need to rest". He made a huge effort to stand up. Placing his arms carefully under her, he started to carry Yami upstairs. "Your wounds are much better now, but you still need to rest. We don't want you to 'open the stitches'". Among all that chaos of broken rocks everywhere, Michael tried his best to protect Yami, covering her face with one of his hands. He managed to carry her to one of the rooms and laid her in a bed. "I think I'll go downstairs and help the others".

The golem suddenly roared and knocked everyone away. All it's lacrimas started to flash wildly. "It's starting." He said as ordinary golems started to appear and formed a circle around them. "I must thank you for using enough magic to activate this." The golem started to change into a golden color. The blades changed into a scimitar shape and wind started to dance around it, forming a miniature tornado. It suddenly disappeared and reappeared above fying girl and smashed her down onto the groud.
Lara got blown into a building, she looked at the girl that was flying in the air get knocked down. ' can anything beat this golem?!?!' She looked at the golem for some sort of weakness and then looked at geis ' we need to take him out... but we also need to keep the golem busy' she got up and ran to the flying girl and dusty.


Dusty crashed into the ground. He gritted his teeth, trying to not yell out. He turned to his side and coughed out some blood, then got to his knees. He looked at the golem and growled. They needed to defeat the golem, and fast. He would have to use Forbidden magic to do it. But magic doesn't work on them, so it would have to be Physical Combat Magic. He gripped the ground. Think. What did he know that could do this? He coughed up more blood, and looked down at his wounds. They were worse than before. He looked up. His vision started to get dark...
Ryos stayed quiet during the interaction between who he now identified as "Dusty" and Carrie. However, once Dusty introduced himself as "The Monster of the Earth," Ryos had finally realized who he was.

"Ah, so he's the ace of Blue Pegasus. I heard they had a powerful dragon slayer, 'The Monster of the Earth,' and now he stands before me."

Ryos analyzed Dusty's appearance as he walked off. He had no idea what it was that caused so many injuries to ace of Blue Pegasus, but Dusty looked banged up. Ryos wondered how much use he'd be in the upcoming battle.

At this time, the guild began to rumble. It all happened in what seemed like a blink of the eye. The guild was overcome by golems, and soon everyone inside began defending themselves from their wrath.

"Golems? That's what they brought out to fight us? Funny."

Looking around, Ryos noticed that the golems seemed to be resistant to the attacks of the other mages. He smiled, as this was no problem for him. He would be content to take the golems down with his bare hands. He also overheard from Sabertooth's Master Sergei that the golem's were weak to attacks to their eyes. A glaring weakness indeed.

Unable to hold back a chuckle, Ryos found himself jumping at a golem, going straight for it's eye socket. Pounding his fist inside, he smirked as the golem crumbled to mere rubble.

"Alright! This is some good physical practice before we take Echidna down! How nice of them!" Ryos exclaimed out loud. Making sure to check on Carrie's status every so often Ryos began pummeling away at a series of golems, his eyes shining with delight as they collapsed at his feet after every hit to the eye.

Sora, the Windrunner

If Eagle had to describe her current situation in one word, it would definitely be somewhere being grim and total sh**. Darkly, the girl had to wonder if the universe loved to just screw with her. She just pulled an all-nighter travelling here, not to mention the time she spent fighting before that; really, there was nothing she'd like better than a nice, long nap right now.

However, she wasn't called a trained fighter for nothing. In all honesty, she'd probably fought battles in far worse conditions. Sparingly a momentary glance downwards at the fight ongoing down below, Eagle made a quick call. She didn't like it, but the other wizards seemed perfectly capable of fighting on the ground; thus, she would have to take the role of dispatching the invaders up top. Jumping to her feet, the green-haired wizard gracefully leapt from beam to beam until she reached the window she came in through. The girl checked back down one more time, both to confirm their status and to catch any followers. The rooftops of the city were perhaps the most dangerous and populated, considering the golem's trajectories. This was certainly one of the most dangerous missions, especially considering the limited environment and slippery surroundings. If you weren't fleet-flooted, then if you didn't lose to the golems, you'd probably lose to a fall. 'I just hope none of them try and follow me,' the cloaked wizard mused,'because if they do I'm gonna have to kick their ass.'

With a small climb, Eagle lifted herself onto the slanted roof of Sabertooth's guild hall. For a moment, she took in the sight of the city, and it was not good. Fires lit up all around limited urban landscape, accented by the distant magical energies fired left and right. Yet, even that didn't compare to the hail of blazing metal rapidly plunging down towards the earth. It had only been a minute or so, but already the city started to look like a warzone. She knew that it would only get worse.

Slowly, Eagle's eyes drifted away from the skyline to the inert metal waiting behind her. 'Five total,' she counted, cracking her knuckles. The cylindrical, blue and gray pods that the golems had collapsed into suddenly altered, releasing metallic locks with soft clicks. Transforming into a humanoid structure, each of them stood up into their standby position. They were monstrous beasts, over two meters tall and decked to the brim with armor plating. To her surprise, they looked different from their companions that she'd seen down below. Pieces of pale-blue ice seemed to stick out of their bodies, acting both intimidating and as effective weapons. Speaking of which, these golems had a massive double-sided axe in place of their right arm and sharp, clearly deadly claws on the left. It was pretty clear that whoever designed these metal beasts meant for them to shred, rip, and rend their way through whatever was in their path. None too soon, a foreboding whir activated these monsters, ghostly beams lighting up their cold eyes.

"Showtime," Eagle growled, the hints of a smile disappearing from her face entirely. Instead, her tired features morphed into a blank mask as she shifted into her fighting stance.

The golems, recognizing a puny girl in their midst, raised their weapons to smack her out of the way. They would never even get close. In a burst of speed, Eagle jumped above one golem's swing to land a single foot on its arm; with the other leg she lashed out in a side-kick to another machine's face. Finding the hit surprisingly strong, the golem couldn't stop the girl from literally knocking its head off. 'One down, four to go.'

Not one to stand still in the middle of combat, Eagle ducked under the axe of a third golem, rotating on her heel to position for a second strike. With quick momentum on her side, the wizard launched a blazing fast spinning wheel-kick towards the first golem and decapitated it too. 'Two down, three to go.'

Now quite wary, the remaining three beasts took a step back from the dangerous girl, settling into a defensive formation. With ease, Eagle jumped off of the first golem's arm, the two magical machines collapsing into a heap behind her. A cold, calculating stare crossed her eyes as she evaluated the three targets,'Enemies mobilized into triangular defense. Estimated distance to nearest target: two meters. Report: Enemy initializing transformation of ice shards. Purpose: Unknown, however appears to be charging magical energy. Orders: Destroy target before weapon is prepared. Acknowledged. Let's go!'

Fluidly, gracefully, and yet with mechanical precision, Eagle burst into action. She swiftly ran towards the two golems stationed in front, who acted as guardsmen for their third companion. Both used a heavy horizontal swing, flinging two massive axes to bisect her top and bottom. In response, Eagle jumped into a sideways twirl in the air, harmlessly passing through the space between top and bottom axes and land on her feet. Without a moment to spare, the green-haired wizard easily side-stepped a grab from the third golem and used it's attacking arm as a springboard to launch herself into the air, placing one hand on the machine's shoulder to support her handspring around the top of its head. Landing behind the golem, she noticed magical energy pulsating out of the two ice spikes poking out from its shoulders. 'Looks like some sort of cannons,' Eagle noted, a plan forming in her mind.

Dishing out two rapid kicks to the back of the metal beast's knees, it had no choice but to collapse, dropping onto its arms like a beggar when Eagle harshly pushed on the golem's back. Simultaneously, the other two slowly turned around to face the girl, only to find their impending doom: two magically charged cannons, aimed by a green-haired teen, and pointed straight at them. There wasn't even time to react.

A loud ping announced the launching of two streams of ice shards, barreling straight through the adjacent golems with reckless abandon. It lasted for only a few seconds, but by the time the cannons had run out of juice two mechanical beasts had been utterly pincushioned by the force of magical ice. In fact, they looked more like shiny, pale-blue porcupines now than the deadly killing machines that they were. As if disbelieving in how easily they were dispatched, the two slowly fell into a heap on the roof. The final of their brethren would find no mercy in Eagle either; with a loud
shink, a sharp blade had appeared in the wizard's hand and rammed into the fallen Golem's eye sockets, effectively abusing and wrecking its vulnerable weak spot. 'All targets eliminated. Nice work, girl!' Eagle mentally announced, with an imaginary pat on the back.

However, there were no breaks in war, and the green-haired woman couldn't stop here. These golems may have been elite compared to the rest, but a single look at the battlefield revealed the swarms that still remained. The blazing buildings only seemed to have gotten worse, and more of those elite ice golems were positioned along the roofs for supportive fire with their cannons.
"Guess I know where I'm going," the wizard remarked to no one in particular. By now her hood had fallen off to reveal all of Eagle's features, from the lush, viridian locks of hair that framed her angled face to the piercing, yet worn eyes of a woman who'd fought too many battles. With a quick status check to ensure she was good to go, the wizard began leaping across the rooftops.

"Heh, maybe I should start using my magic after all."

  • "Orange" = Sora

    "Orange Italics" = Sora's thoughts

    "Teal Italics" = Machine-like Sora

Sky's body was hurting real bad, her vision became fussy and she could barely move. Sky looked at Dusty and he look worst than her. On come on! Magic doesn't on this stupid thing! She was getting so frustrated. Sky tried to think of someway to defeat this golem but it was not use. She can only do magic, and she hates it in this situation. "What....now...." She mumbled to herself. She slowly pushed herself up and saw a girl ran towards her. "Hey there," she smiled, blood running down from the corner of her lips, then she look at Dusty, "you should take that guy back, his wound is worst than before. I'm gonna hold that crazy golem till others come."

@Evergreen98 @Refaulted
Dusty slowly rose to his feet, panting. He walked over to Sky and Lara, grabbing Sky and lifting her up. He winced as his wounds opened more, but he didn't care. He threw her over his shoulder, and agonizingly started the trek to the Guild Hall. She was hurt, and he was worse off, but he wasn't going to let anybody die. He looked behind him at Lara. "Run...!" He set up a sand wall behind them, swirling madly to keep the golem away. He limped to the doors of the Guild Hall, opening it up. People were fighting, so he walked around the outer wall of the Hall. He almost stumbled, so he readjusted Sky on his shoulder. He got to the stairs, and looked up. The area around the outside of his vision was dark, but he could see. He started up the stairs.
As lara ran to dusty and sky she saw dusty carry sky of towards the guild " at least thwir out of harms way..." she looked at the golem. Her body wasbhurt and she is definitely gonna have a tone of brusies but she didn't care. ' I guess my first plan isnt gonna work... I need to take the golem out... but it's weakness... I know I read it somewhere...' she got her katana ready.

@Mintsong @RebelliousTeddyBear
Sky was about creat a wall to stop the golem but she got picked up by Dusty. "What are you doing?" She asked him, "we can't just leave that thing out there! Wait...where's Lara?" Sky noticed that Lara didn't follow them, "she didn't come back! Put me down! I'm going to get her!"

@Refaulted @Evergreen98
Dusty shook his head, climbing up the stairs. "I'll go...You stay...here...with Michael..." He managed to make it up the stairs, and looked for an empty room. He finally found one. He pushed it open, and walked over to the bed. He laid Sky down, and held her there. "Stay..." He let go of her and walked to the door. He leaned on the wall, his shoulder leaving a bloody trail behind him. He made it to the door and limply tried to open it. He groaned from the effort, and started to cough blood again. 'Damn...' He stood there for a moment, trying to regain his senses.
No way I'm staying, sky thought and lift Dusty up. She got out of bed and put him there instead, "you're worst than me buddy." He can barely walk now after carrying her all the way back here. "I'll be back!" She grinned, "don't you dare get out of that bed." With that, she left the room and ran to where Lara is.

Dusty watched her run out of the room. His vision became more blurry. He slowly turned his head to stare at the ceiling. He laid his hand on his stomach, and felt all the blood there. He was soaked. He didn't feel any pain, though. It was all numb. He couldn't give up. He tried to get up, but his arms were made of goo. He couldn't move them at all. He looked at the door. Would Boulder be mad at him? Probably. He let himself get hurt. He waited for someone to come back, hoping it might be Boulder himself. A silly and stupid hope, but it made him a bit more comfortable. Then a thought came to him. Was this what it was like to die? He hoped not. He wasn't done living. He tried again to get up, but only succeeded in coughing up more blood. 'Where's a damn healer right about now...?" He kept his eyes on the door, in case someone came in to attack or help him.
After wiping out the golems inside the guild, Sergei ran outside, holding one of the bone spears from the golems. He followed a trail of broken buildings towards a bunch of golden golem, rode by what was most likely an Echidna member. Sergei smiled. He could sense a lot of magic coming out from it. Filled up with magic. His hand started to glow purple. He lifted it and started to gather a large ammount of purple magic, in the shape of a giant arrow. "Divine Arrow". He launched the arrow towards the golden gollem, making it crumble to the ground. The arrow also launched Geis away from the gollem, throwing him many meters forward. Luckily, everything is already destroyed on the path of the arrow. He got closer and took a better look at the golem at the ground. His eye was still shining, expecting for someone to feed magic for him. Sergei stuck the spear on its eye, destroying it, at last. After that, he walked towards the fallen Echidna member. The magic was still deactivated across the area, but Sergei noticed that the boy carried some swords. He pointed his spear towards the white haired young man. "Let's finish this like men, shall we?"

Michael ran towards Dusty upon seeing that he had been harmed. Inside of the room, Dusty was coughing blood due to severity of his wounds. Michael approached him with a fake smile. "Looks like someone managed to put himself in more trouble". He started to charge more golden lightning in his hands. "Let me show you something I learned". He pointed his hands towards Dusty and launched a yellow lightning bolt at him. "Life Storm". Eletricity started to flow across the body of Dusty, but instead of harming him, it was healing his injuries. After a while, the bolt started to fade away, as did the magic of Michael. He had pushed himself way to hard already. His hands were burning a little bit. "How do you feel... Right now?", he said, a bit dizzy.

Dusty looked up at Michael. His vision was coming back, somewhat. His eyes were drooping. He hadn't slept in two days, which didn't help his energy. "Better...need to help...Sky and Lara..." He tried to get up again.
Lara blinked when the golden golem was easily defeated by a purple arrow that came out of nowhere. She then looked at geis who was thrown to the ground by the same guy that shot the arrow. She started to walk towards the two, with her katana still in her hand. 'Wait... that's the same guy that shot the areow to destroy the barrier!!' She thought as she got closer

The golem recronstructed itself. "Hmph, very well then." He said while drawing Silver Linings. The golem roared and started to rampage across the town destroying everything around it as it moved. "But you should take care of that, you don't want people to die don't you?"
Sergei took a quick glance at the golem while it started to crash into another buildings, destroying more and more of the city. He turned his eyes back to the mage in front of him, still pointing the bone spear towards him. "Well, I really shouldn't care, because my main focus right now is getting revenge for what you did for my guild. But, the city is in danger after all". He turned back to the man. "So I really should take care of it, right? Unless there was some justification for me staying here and killing you. Like, I don't know, not wanting to turn my back to a guy with swords, let's say". Sergei gave a look at Lara, as saying that she should attack by the back of the man as soon as she could.

Lara looked at sergie and understood the look. But she wanted to stop the golem first or else inncent people are getting hurt and the damn magic council soldiers are nowhere to be seen to help the guild members with the fight. ' those guys are seriously no help...' she looks at geis and got ready ti attack him.

@Mintsong @gilwaybetternow
"I'll get the golems," sky told them both and lifting herself off the ground then fly off. She gather up any rocks that have sharp and pointy end. Alright, just aim for the eyes, she reminded herself, remembering Michael's words. "Aerial Shot!" She shot the rocks towards three different golems' eyes, it only hit two of them. "Ugh! The rocks were too small!" She mumbled loudly to herself as she gather bigger rocks.

He stepped back towards Lara. "Unfortunately, my stay here is overdue." He said as the golem picked up a building and tossed it to him. "Farewell." He said as portal opened up and swallowed him and, accidentally, Lara as well.

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