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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]


Arturo let was he said sink in for a moment."Yeah, I understand. Aim for the head and chest.. and don't go far from you." he wasn't sure if he understood it right. But, he knew not to get far from Rashid otherwise it could get messy. Though, he wondered how Rashid could remain so high and mighty in this situation. Then, he remembered he probably has nothing to lose at all either.

@Tj Pomroy

Gerrant slashed through golems leaving rubble in his wake. Then, got outside to see countless golems. 'The others will get them' he thought to himself. With haste he quickly went to Lara's location to lend help

Yami looked behind her, and saw a golem. Everything seem to freeze. Instinct kicked in and she hit them in the eyes. She gasped and looked up, she uneasily smiled. "That.. Was.. Weird..." She said.

Lara sighed and a golem came from behind and hit sending her flying into a wall. She took a few seconds to reciprocate and then coated her feet in wind magic and got behind the golem. Punched it with her fist coated in fire magic destroying it. ' where is kero???' She thought worried as she ran towards another golem with her katana.

Gerrant sensed out Lara and eventually went to got to her location. "There you are." he said slicing down two golems. This wasn't exactly taxing on him but still there were many of them. Weak alone but together the power could be immense. But, nothing he couldn't handle at this current stage.

Sergei was trying to touch the golem to slow them down deactivating their magic when Dusty asked if it was safe to eat their bodies. What the hell man? Nobody ever asked him that question. "I have no idea, but they're made from human souls. So... Maybe it's cannibalism, I don't know. Go ahead if you want to, but maybe it's not so healthy". Sergei kept punching them with the hands covered in nullifying magic. "Hell, doesn't this things ever end?!"

Michael hugged Yami as soon as she destroyed the golem and smiled at her. "Thanks. Sorry that I wasn't able to destroy him, my hand was screwed up". He stepped away from her after seeing that the static was taking effect on her, making her hair go upwards. He started to fly again, trying to reach a higher lenght to stay at the golem's eye height. "Well, we have work to do". He flew upon an golem and managed to kick it in the eye, destroying it. His leg was begging for mercy, hurting like hell. Goddamit, I'll be dead before this is over.

@Refaulted @Sandra
Lara looked at gerrant and took out her gun and the head of a golem behind him " hey! Have you seen a black cat or leopard fighting some golems anywhere???" She asked as she stabbed a golem behind her with a spear.

Geis climbed atop one of the golems and fell onto the ground with it. The impact of the landing made a large crater and a golem, different from the others rose up. It was silver in color and seemed to be adorned in Lacrimas. Behind it were a pair of swords. "Hellooo! Are you struggling yet?"
((guys im gonna go to bed, let me know how it goes, since were killing golem who are very magic resistant with magic.))
Skiá closed her eyes and felt a golem coming towards her, right before it tried to attack she jumped back. The golem ran after her again, she turned into shadow form and left the golem confused only to appear behind it, she tapped on it's shoulder then when the golem turned around she covered her fists in shadows and punched it's head causing it to break.

"Best way to let out anger is the fun way" she smiled and looked around.

(Not good at fighting posts at all!)
Gerrant looked at her. "I sensed the attack almost immediately and sent her ahead to you. I guess even with that speed magic she didn't make it here?" He kept slicing down golems left and right. Gerrant didn't seem to be putting much effort into this just barely swinging his sword.

Dusty looked at it, then tossed it away. He didn't want to devour the souls of dead people. He ripped the ground open and pulled out a huge chunk of rock, munching on it and swallowing. He felt himself start to gain power again, so he stood up, smiling. "Alright. Let's see what we can do now." He ran at four golems, clotheslining them and taking off their heads. It hurt, but he would survive. He ran back over to Michael and the girl, noticing the girl's staticy hair. He looked up, and sure enough, Michael floating. "Yo, Sparky. Need a little help?" He kicked out the feet of a golem, then smashing it's face in. He heard a boom from close by. "Now what?"
" she is probably fighting some golem right now" she ducked from and attack made an upwards cut on the golem cutting it in half. Like lara said luka was fighting some golems as well.

Yami grinned and started kicking butt fast, helping Michael and she smiled at Dusty. "DAMN GOLEMS!" She yelled. Yami got another and another.. She was tiring out.
Gerrant stopped attacking more and more of these things popped up. Assessing the situation he felt a presence. "It appears the boss has arrived to the scene." he said to her beginning to cut more down. "They might be magic resistant but they are still able to be crushed."

Geis had the golem draw one blade and hold it in it's right hand. "Time for a frenzy." He said as the golem dashed forward and sliced off multiple buildings. It then took a building and chucked it towards Gerrant. "Calm down." He muttered as he pat the golem's head. "There's more destruction to be done."

Lara looked at gerrant and sliced the boulder thrown at him into pieces. She then looked at geis " I should have know it was you..."

Gerrant looked at the oncoming building being slashed to pieces. "Disintegration!!" he said pointing towards the geis direction five lasers of chaos magic shot forth and headed towards geis and his golem. Gerrant began slowly walking towards them.

"Oh hello again, I hope you don't get fooled by ketchup again." He said. "I am Geis Draemon." He bowed a bit. "Let's make this fun." The golem suddenly leapt into the air and landed behind the girl. It swiped an arm across the ground and tried to knocke her towards a building.
Sky yawned tiredly as she heard lots of noises outside. "What's going-" she stopped when she saw what the noise was all about. People were fighting Golems. Great, I'm useless with those things, she sighed then she heard a loud noise, "what's going on now!?" Sky ran towards the noise and on the way she saw Yami fighting the Golems off with Michael. She saw a silver golem destroying buildings. "Ugh! It's going to destroy everything!" Sky stood behind a building, thinking of what to do, "maybe I can build a wall around the area so he can't get out..."
Lara got hit and was thrown into multiple buildings " crap..." she got up and stsrted to heal herself with light magic " dont worry... I wont get fooled and this time I the one thats going to stab you. She coated her feet in wind magic and quickly got in front of gies and swiped her katana at him

Michael drew his sword and started to use it to stab the golems in their eyes. He heard Dusty calling upon him and grinned. "Looks like you're the one needing help. You're looking tired". He then looked around to see Yami. Now, she is really looking tired. He got worried and approached her, helping her to tear the golems appart. A large blow was heard somewhere closed, but Michael didn't cared much for it, he was focused on the fight. Yami was panting a little bit from the struggle. Michael touched her shoulder. "Are you alright?". It was ironic for him to be asking that, due to his state.

Sergei was getting tired of fighting all of those golems. He started to think about a way to take many of them at once.
Time to use heavy magic. He placed his hands together in prayer position. "Parallel worlds". A lot of spheres started to come out of his body, showing many possible futures from him. Little images were frozen on the orb, each one on a particular possible position of the future. "FLASH FORWARD!". He started to point his hand at every golem, and the orbs attacked each one he pointed furiously. He tried his best to aim at their eyes, but didn't had to make much effort, since thousands of spheres were rushing towards the rock monsters. This is fun.

@Sandra @Refaulted
The golem quickly headbutt her and sent her crashing to the ground. "I think I've had enough fun. Finish her." He commanded as the golem raised it's foor and slowly brought it down upon her. "Good-bye, girl who's name I don't know."
Dusty laughed at Michael. "I'm just getting warmed up, Sparky. Be right back." He ran outside, and saw the giant silver golem. He growled when he saw Geis. He noticed Lara on the ground, and the golem aiming to hit her. He ran forward and over Lara, putting his hands up and grabbing the golem's arm. He gritted his teeth, growling at Geis. He put all his strength into his arms. "Lara...go...!"

Lara shook her head and wont be able to get in time. Kero came out of nowhere and grabbed lara and moved her out of the way. " seriously I leave and you do something stupid" " kero!" Lara and her jumped out of the from the from an attack from the golem.

Gerrant grinned at Geis. "Well then, you can try." he said to him."But, I have no need to fight such a weak creation such as yourself." Gerrant covered himself in light magic, a flash of light, and then he was gone. Not a trace of him.

@Mintsong @Evergreen98 @Refaulted

((Going to bed might as well xD ))

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