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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

Dusty laughed, shaking his head. He opened his right hand, exposing his palm. There were cuts on it, but the brown Guild Mark still showed up there. "Actually, I'm from Blue Pegausus. Sorry if I gave you the wrong impression with my ragtag look." He knew that Blue Pegausus wasn't really known for strength, and more for beauty magic, but he was an exception. He closed his palm again, wincing as the cuts rubbed against each other. He casually put it in his pocket. "I'm working on becoming an S-Class wizard, then Guild Master, then strongest mage in the Earthland!" He smiled wildly, straightening his back. "I'm going to defeat my dad, and make myself the most powerful one." He smiled wider, his pride practically shining out of him, and immediately felt like this was the wrong time. He slouched again and wiped the smile to a slight grin. "Sorry, got worked up and all."
Sergei smiled to Skiá, but anyone could still see the sadness on his face. "Don't worry about it. I'm glad you were not here and that you are alive right now". He looked around, analyzing the rest of the league. A bunch of people, most of them defending themselves against this evil, but some were actually doing it for a greater good. He thought about why Skiá was there. Turning back to her, he asked: "Why did you joined us?".

Michael took a good look at the bracelet that Yami gave to him. The symbol craved in it was very similar to one of the symbols used by the rich families from his hometown. It brought back fond memories to his mind. "Thank you. It's really sweet of you". His mind returned to his previous thoughts. He really needed to talk to Yami about her magic. It could be a bit painful for her by the things that Sergei said, but it had to be done. He looked at her peacefully. "Sorry to ask about this, master Sergei said I shouldn't really bring it up, but... I want to know more about your magic. Forgive me if it bothers you to talk about it".

"Well, uh...call me...Sk- er, Eagle! Yeah that's it, Eagle!"

Ryos picked up the hesitation in her statement quite easily, but decided to let it go for now. He was a bit disappointed that all he got out of her was a name, which didn't really tell him who she was, especially since he'd never heard of "Eagle" before. However, as she was still struggling on the wooden beam, Ryos realized the first thing they needed to do was help her get down before she could tell them anything, which she confirmed herself.

Seeing as how mostly everyone was busy talking with one another, Ryos jumped on the wall, and immediately bounced off, lunging at the wooden beam Eagle was stuck on. In what was a display of amazing acrobatics, he grabbed on to the beam and flipped himself onto the top of it. Once he was balanced on the beam, Ryos noticed that a knife was sticking out of one of her pouches, going straight through a leather strap into the wood.

"No wonder she can't get herself up."

Ryos grabbed Eagle's pouch tightly, feeling the handle of the knife through it, and pulled it out of the wooden beam. Immediately proceeding that, he grabbed Eagle's left arm with his free hand and pulled her up to a siting position on the beam. Up close, he finally got a good look at her face. She had bright, emerald eyes. She also had green hair, though most of it was hidden by her cloak. She looked to be around the same age as Ryos himself, in her late teens.

"Well there you go. I assume you can do the rest yourself," Ryos said, implying that he believed she could get down to the ground now that she wasn't stuck. He grabbed the wooden beam with his hands and let his body fall off of it, so that he was hanging on it. Once he reached that position, he let go of the beam so that he fell feet first onto the ground. This action may have caused harm to a normal human, but luckily a dragon slayer, or even a skilled mage would feel nothing. Once his feet hit the ground, Ryos made his way back to Carrie's side.

Yami cringed. "My.. Magic.." She looked sad but shook her head and turned the sad look back to a happy look.. "Well. I use heavenly body magic. And magic staves. Um.. It's very powerful.. It's um.. It can destroy most of the land Fiore... It's really powerful.." She whispered, barley loud enough. "But it could help us win." She smiled and looked at Michael with sad eyes. Did he know about what she did when she was little? Probably. Her heart ached.

Rashid smiles warm at that thought "Well i guess we're working to end Echidna" He moves to lay his hand on arturo's shoulder, he looks as ryos Helped the stranged cloaked one free. "do you think we should be here?"

Michael looked to Yami. Those sad eyes of hers were killing him. He didn't knew what she did, but it probably wasn't good by the way she always was when they talked about her magic. He held her hand and led her to one the tables, pulling a seat to her and seating himself in another chair. He placed one of his hands on her shoulder and looked deep inside her eyes, while using the other hand to remove her hair from her face. She is really pretty. Getting back to his thoughts, he tried to smile. "Are you gonna be okay on the battle we're going to have with Echidna?".

Arturo watched Rashid carefully. "Um...Rashid when we do fight Echidna I'll just follow your lead okay? Just tell me what you want done. I'll try to do it." he wasn't entirely sure what role he would play in the battle. Sure he could put up a fight when he didn't give up easily. Though, the thought never crossed his mind this could be out of his league. A cannon that can destroy fairy tail and most of the land around it. Didn't mean the enemies are just as powerful. It would only increase the odds that the cannon is their only real strength. Though, he was no fool he would not underestimate his opponents. Just because they use a powerful tool doesn't mean they can't be powerful themselves.

@Tj Pomroy
She smiled again, "Yeah. I am just worried about you." Slight blush came upon her cheek as he moved hair from her face and looked deeply into her eyes. He looked like he needed to tell her something, but he shakes himself out of it.. "Do you need to say something to me? If you are wondering what I did with my magic before,.. You have my permission to go ask Master about it." She muttered, "Then you'll think and look at me differently forever," she said sadly,
Kero listened around ' hmm... battle formations... what magic to use.... I guess they are planning and not picking figgts with each other for once' kero stretched a little and continued to look and listen in on conversations.
Arturo looked at Rashid for a bit. "Um, well you already met one first hand." he said remembering the forest incident when he had to subdue everyone. "Gravity and...Ex-quip" Arturo responded very slowly. He wasn't entirely sure if he should give it up so swiftly. But, he trusted Rashid enough to tell him that much. "Um...you use light I take it?" trying to recall what type Rashid used.

@Tj Pomroy
Skiá jumped a bit at the question

"Ummm...I just felt like I had to join...I don't have a big purpose as to why" she thought about it

"Oh and why was the guild destroyed?" Skiá asked, since she got back it has been bothering her a lot! She couldn't believe anyone would just destroy it!.

  • Carrie Ulstream: Water Dragon Slayer

    Guild: Lamia Scale

    Location: Sabertooth Guild Hall

"Oh really?? Strongest mage in Earthland? Haha, well, you'll have some competition from my pal Ryos here." She jerked a thumb at him. I'll let you in on a little secret, he's been taught by a dragon. Carrie let it sink in before she continued speaking. "He's been training day-in and day-out trying to get better...and I'm here to support him."

She gave Dusty a little wave as she turned back to face Ryos. "I guess we wait then. But whenever you're ready to go, I will be too." With that she sat on the floor cross-legged, eyes scanning the room, and taking in the numerous sights, scents, and sounds whirling through the air.

@Refaulted @BLUR

Rashid smiles and nods "im light god slayer, and ex-quip? im unsure of what that is?" he asked curiously, as he looks around seeing the people talk and almost get along. he smiles, thinking back to when he was a kid, he can remeber his dad walking with him through this town and the guilds wouldnt even look at each without fighting and now theres a whole bunch of people from different guilds in the smae room together 'Wow'

The smile disappeared from Michael's face. He didn't wanted her thinking that he was trying to meddle in her life and her past. "It's not really... About this". He slipped his hand to her waist, as if trying to relax her a little bit more. "It's not that I want to know what you did, your past doesn't matter that much to me unless you really want me to know about it. I'm just worried about you. By the way master said it, you hated what you did, and I fear that if you're going into the battle will bring this sad memories back to you". He placed his other hand on her face. "I like you. If you're okay with the fight, it's fine. Just try not to push yourself to hard, I don't want you hurting yourself or anything like that". He kissed her cheek and smiled at her, this time truthfully. "Okay?".

Sergei wondered about the purpose of Skiá joining Sabertooth. Maybe it was as she said, she actually didn't even knew why. Most of the mages that join our guild don't know anyway. He smiled. The smile vanished from his face when she asked about the destruction of Sabertooth. He tried to look indifferent, but he didn't managed to. His eyes told the truth about his sadness. "Echidna destroyed us. They used a cannon. They just did it to show power over everybody else. Me, Kaito, Sky and Michael were the only survivors, except for you. Everybody else... died". He created a small memory orb and kept looking at it. A little recording of a kid mage joining his guild was being played in it. He laughed at every joke of Sergei and followed him everywhere. Looking at that orb, Sergei looked like he was twenty years older.

Arturo though of the best way to explain it. "Well...I don't know how to explain it really. I guess it's like having an arsenal of weapons?" he said to him. Thinking back at how the only time he was in a guild was being captured. "Rashid, what do you plan to do...you know after this whole echidna thing is over?"

@Tj Pomroy
Rashid thinks a little, "i might join a guild if im welcome, and if not ill probably go back to training in the moutain for when im next needed, what do you plan ondoing?" he askedas he looks at him curiously not realizing how curious he actaully was.

Dusty looked at Ryos, mildly surprised. He could tell that he was a Dragon Slayer, he managed to distinguish the unique magic from the rest, but he was also trained by a dragon? "Another Dragon Slayer...Well, I guess we have one thing in common, Ryos. We both trained with dragons." He shrugged. He turned back to Carrie. "And never dismiss me like that. I might be bruised and battered, but I'm strong as well. I'm Donald 'Dusty' Hauns of Blue Pegausus, Monster of the Earth. And I haven't lost one fight." He ran his hand over his bandaged torso. "Well, at least I never gave up in a fight. And I can tell you are a Dragon Slayer, too." He yawned, turning to look for Michael. "It doesn't matter if you train with a dragon or not. What determines your strength is purpose. My purpose is to protect everyone. That's why I won't let Echidna have their way." He walked off, browsing the crowd for Michael. He saw him talking to the girl he had seen before, so he decided to hang back, waiting to talk to him. It seemed like a pretty emotional chat, so he didn't want to ruin it for those two. He rolled his eyes when he kissed her cheek. 'All this mushy stuff bothers me.' He stood there, tapping his foot.
Yami blushed a bit more as he put his hand on her waist, she smiled at his comments. "This battle will not make me sad, it will make me stronger," she smiled and when he kissed her, she blushed. "Heh.. O-okay." Her face was sooo red, "Um.. Does this mean you like me more than a friend?" She said with a raised eyebrow and a grin.

Arturo looked at him. "Well if I manage to live past this. I don't know what I'll do. Probably disappear and train... I'm not entirely needed or noticed around here. Seeing as I wasn't even considered part of the team. Even though, we almost falsely blew up." he said to him. Arturo wasn't sure what he would do. It could be anything yet nothing at the same time. In fact, he wasn't sure he would even live past this event.

@Tj Pomroy
As kero listened into the conversations she smiled a little ' yay!! They're not fighting... lara might come here as well... or maybe not...' she sighed and accidentally bumped into someone. She looked at the person " sorry" she said as she start to walk around again.

Gerrant grabbed Kero by the tail. "A cat?" he thought a moment then it hit him. "You were with that girl." The only person who he knew by name was Dusty and Sky not that it mattered much. But, it got annoying addressing them as cat and girl. Gerrant was sitting there bored waving kero by the tail. "What are you doing here?"

Skiá upon hearing that her eyes darkened. Anyone than knew her knows if someone kills her friend,comrades or anyone.....she will get them back, maybe even worse than what they did to them

"They.will.pay" she growled in a low dark voice, her hands clenched into fists. She was just glad no one here could read her mind or they'd think she liked to see people in pain....she sighed while mentally she was thinking of any horrible way to get revenge.

'Just breathe' Skiá took a deep breathe and looked at the memory orb

"What's that?" She asked
Kero blinked and scratched gerrant's hand which made him dropped her tail started to hurt "my tail...." she whined and looked at gerrant " font grab me by the tail!!" She sighed and answered his question " I was just to get some information on how everyone is planning to attack echidna..." hwr tail was still hurting .

Rashid offers arturo his hand "If we survive do you want to join me in the mountain?" he asks as he smiles down at Arturo.


Jake smiles as he stand beside dusty "Getting jealous that you're not getting none?" he says spitefully, than he moves to stand in front of him. "Thanks for ignoring me for the past thousand days" He says dramatically


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