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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

Dusty listened to Sergei's story, and nodded. It seemed like a dark guild thing to do. He yawned, looking at his bandaged arms. He couldn't get over the fact he was almost beat. He noticed Ashton's Exceed, Aurora, glaring at him, so he smiled nicely and waved to her. He didn't mean to be antagonistic, just friendly. He looked back at the girl, then shrugged. She seemed harmless enough. He smelled the air, testing to see what her magic was. He growled when he could barely detect. 'What's going on with my nose? I haven't been able to tell people's magic like usual.' He turned to the man and girl who were from Lamia Scale. "Luckily I can tell what you two are..." He realized he said this out loud, so he turned his gaze up to the ceiling, whistling.
Jake walks over to Ashton and lays a hand on his shoulder in obvious pain from the sparks, he talks through gritted teeth "Its okay, sparky. Just calm down and breath think before you act." He than turns back to Sergei listening to his story as he finishes he awls up to him "I think you should have a large part in leading us, since you have experience in both leading people and people who kill for fun, But whats our strategy for getting to them?"

@David Van Aken

Rashid turns to the bar and walks over to sit on a stool trying to not be the center off attention as he thinks to himself, making a moral decision 'What should i do, mother would be so mad at me, but Arturo, ive never had a relationship like that with someone. He's so special and i cant hurt him. nor will i let mother hurt him!' He thinks fiercely.

Arturo noticed Rashid sitting on a stool and walks over to him avoiding everyone else. "That was pretty low down, Rashid." he said to him. "Throwing me to the ground like you did." Arturo was trying to fake an angry look. However, it just wouldn't work it was easy enough to see through and he was to tired and hungry to be angry at all. When you feel you must fight someone it takes off. The spirit but still his rump still hurt from meeting the ground like that. It wasn't so much angry as it was annoyance for being left.

Gerrant sat down at the stool far away from everyone else in the room. He didn't feel like associating with anyone. There was no need to do such a thing in the first place. He knew why they were here. To decide whether or not to begin a war with Echidna. Though, conflicted feelings turned inside him. They might be needing all they help they can get. Thus, he may join them in their quest if only for a moment. Yes, indeed father wouldn't like it if he passed up the chance to help a great many people. Never to be able to look him in the eye, not at all he had failed to help in a decisive battle not to long ago.

@Tj Pomroy
Rashid smiles as a small circle of light appears on the bar and a small sandwich comes out of the hole he picks it up and hands it to Arturo "You look hungry, sorry but this it all i have on me" He smiles warm at him and pats the nearby bar stool offering him to sit down

Sergei laughed when Jake said he should lead them. No son, thank you. "I think my times as general are over. Each guild should have its delegate, and we all make our strategy together. As for a plan, I don't know, but I know the things that I can do to help. First, I use Arc of Time, which helps me a lot against molding mages. If I make some extra effort I can also use it to take down buildings from theirs and maybe make their things forged by pure magic to fall apart. So far they showed an immense power and charged lacrimas, and in that my nullification magic will do some good. If I get close enough, I could deactivate their cannon for a while, maybe long enough for you guys to destroy it. Now, it's time for you guys to tell me what are you going to do".

Michael walked towards the tables and sat at one of the chairs. He raised his hand and Sergei nodded at him. "I haven't seen one of them using water magic, so I believe that makes a huge difference for me, Ashton and Kaito. We'll have to use very powerful spells if we want to harm them. Maybe if the climate is on our side, I can make it rain again and that would give us a great upper hand. Dragons and God Slayers should definetely go as our first line of offensive. Although, Dusty is very wounded right now, so maybe he shouldn't go". Michael wondered what he would really be doing during the fight. He remembered that Sergei told him that Kaito could do a very powerful lightning magic, but it always recquired a huge energy source to be made. Maybe if he sided up with Kaito and Ashton to distribute the damage, they could reach full power.

"Anyways", Sergei said, while sitting again. He was getting a little bit tired. Luckily, almost all of the "League" was there, so he would have to wait much longer. "If everything fails, we still have one last thing that we could use". He turned around to everyone again. "But only if it comes down to it, and maybe it won't". He smiled.

Ajax grins. Then he says, "Our strategy, you ask? Our strategy is for you and I to charge forward with that wall over yonder and then take the flak for the rest of the wizards while they cover us from the top. After that, all out brawl. We put our magic where our mouths are and break the dark guild. And I do believe that there was some talk earlier of an arrow to incapacitate some of our foes? Now then, enough with the exposition, this has gone on for too long. Prepare yourselves." Yonder? That's a new one for you.

@Tj Pomroy

Jake nods a little and moves to stand near ajax "We'll do that shield again?" He looks down at his leg with a pain sigh just thinking about it. "do you still have the power to do it, ice queen?"

Ajax cracked his neck with his left hand as his eyes changed to that of a reptile for several moments. He stood upright as parts of his face began to lightly freeze over in the shapes of ancient looking runes. Ajax said confidently, "For a moment there it sounded like you were worried about me, Laddie. If you are really worried about my being tired, you are more than welcome to feed the beast. Even the most powerful of furnaces work better with a bit of extra coal in its pit. Anyway, how's the shield looking right now, hmm?" Ajax was not feeling weak, but could always go for a bit of a snack. A bit drowsy, if anything.

@Tj Pomroy

Jake growls softly at him and pokes his chest playfully "Maybe i do queeny" He turns back to the people "When are we heading out?" he asks loudly waiting for an answer from anyone
Arturo looked at the sandwich and took it. He saw that Rashid wanted him to sit by him. So, he sat down and began chowing down. "So, why are you here by yourself?" he asked with his mouth full of the sandwich so it was hard to make out. It smelt pretty bad in here. Arturo thought for a moment about how this place might be where people come to die because it smelt so bad.. or perhaps, it was something else? Maybe someone smelt putrid in this area and hadn't bathed in weeks.

@Tj Pomroy
Rashid smiles watching him eat, he smiles widely "What do you mean?" He looks around at all the mixed emotions in everyones faces. the grief te sadness the angry, the depression, the raw need to get revenge. 'we're going to win' he thinks to himself waiting for an answer from arturo 
Arturo swallowed his food. "Well you disappeared randomly and then you just don't seem to interact with everyone like you did. Course then again they probably don't trust you. But, they don't trust me either so it's fair." he took another bite from the sandwich trying to swallow the piece whole and nearly choked.

@Tj Pomroy
'I wonder if I'm staying here....' She stopped listening to the people and began wondering if there was anything she could do. So far sounded like she was staying. Skiá smiled to herself not because she wanted to stay but quite the opposite she was just happy they were getting somewhere with the strategy. She forgot her last thought and began trying thinking of a way to help, maybe even someone else but for sure she wanted to at least suggest something

"Well maybe you should spy on them first, see what their plans are and get the advantage...." She said out loud

'If they spy and succeed more than likely we would win'
Rashid pats his back trying to help, whispering a little "You know they think we both work for echidna" he looks at the faces of supision he was getting from everyone "They trust you far more than they trust me. and the way you act around lara like her little puppy makes me feel like youre not telling me everythign"
After the two lara and kero continued to walk around town. Kero heard some stuff about members going to sabertooth for a meeting to discuss on how to destroy the dark guild. ' knowing lara she wouldnt want to go even if she wanted to...' kero looked at lara " I'll be right back" lara looked at her " where are you going???" " don't worry it not somewhere dangerous" "alright...." kero then ran of to sabertooth. Once there kero blends in and listen into conversations.
Arturo blinked at him finishing off the sandwich. A decisive moment was he not telling everything? A bit of a pause came after Rashid said such a thing. But, Arturo yawned and finally said "What is it you want to know? I don't know what you want me to tell you." Arturo probably wasn't going to hide anything. As he didn't know much of anything himself.

@Tj Pomroy
Rashid shakes his head "who are you siding with us or echidna?" he asks very simply looking directly into his eyes, the light leaving his robe again letting arturo see the pain in rashid face.

Arturo looked at him a bit confused. But, regardless he couldn't break eye contact. The very question shook Arturo to his core. Who's side was he on? He wanted nothing to do with Echidna but well he would just have to answer honestly. "I don't know to be honest. I guess I'm on your side, Rashid." Arturo said to Rashid. He wasn't sure how to answer such a question. But, he gave the best answer he could.

@Tj Pomroy
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Sora, the Windrunner

A certain green-haired wizard was in quite the odd spot right now. She had been pouting in exasperation and taking in some of the wizard's shocked, suspicious, or calm stares when one them spoke up again, "So. We have a few options for you. One, we could capture you and question you on why you're here. Two, we can help you and ask you why you're here peacefully. Or three, you can try and escape and we'll hunt you down. I don't mean to scare you. Just saying."

'Sky' giggled at the limping man. "It's not like I'm going anywhere anytime soon," she begrudgingly accepted, gesturing towards her current predicament. "Not exactly running material right now, see."

"Hey she seems tired, no one could answer anything truthful when their tired," helpfully added the blond girl. The cloaked wizard gave her a strange expression at that, a mix between a grin and a scowl. On one hand, she liked this girl-- helping an oh so poor, helpless, tired and defenseless girl out (as 'Sky' tends to have the habit of exaggerating); on the other hand, why did these punks always have to tear down her self-esteem? 'Too much fighting, not enough hiding,' she supposed.

"You haven't answered my question, who are you?" calmly interjected Ryos, who seemed curious if nothing else.

'Sky' gave him a miffed stare for that. She then tried to pull herself loose again, but frowned when she still couldn't find a way out. She sighed, glancing back at Ryos, who was waiting for a response. "Well, uh...call me...Sk- er, Eagle! Yeah that's it, Eagle!"

The newly proclaimed "Eagle" then proceeded to wiggle and wrestle with her knife, but only found that the blade was only the tip of the iceberg. Apparently one of her straps was caught into the wood too, so she was even more stuck.

Eagle took one more look back at the League when it was clear that her efforts were fruitless for now.
"I might answer a few questions...," she consoled them, still clumsily fiddling with leather in her tired state,"...as soon as I can get down."

  • "Orange" = Sora

    "Orange Italics" = Sora's thoughts

    "Green" = Dusty

    "Blue" = Skiá

    "Purple" = Ryos

@gilwaybetternow @MythsAreRealLoveGem @Kinesthetics @RebelliousTeddyBear
@Tj Pomroy @Sandra @Verhiron @Orion
"Ok nice to meet you eagle" Skiá smiled to the girl then turned around to see someone new has came in.

'More than likely someone here is a spy...and how are people finding out about the planning??' Skiá growled darkly and if anyone was looking they wouldn't be able see her eyes. She looked to girl on the beam.

'Why is she still up there?' She thought.

(Just to make it simpler I'm gunna go with the color lekielai chose for Skiá )
Sergei watched Michael sitting back at the chair after he talked about his strategy. He looked weak when telling about it, but he was young and wounded, there were a lot of reasons for him to be scared. Looking around he saw Skiá. While people discussed what to do with the spy on the roof and about how and when to attack, he should probably be talking to her. I didn't see her in a while. He walked towards her and sat on the chair on her table. He gave her a concerned look. "Where were you? Sabertooth was destroyed while you were out".

Michael stood up and walked towards Yami. She was trying to help Dusty, taking care of his injuries. She cares a lot. And Michael was starting to care for her too. For some reason he felt attracted to her. Those big beautiful green eyes. Something was behind it. The master treated her like a kid, like she was his daughter or something like that, but he was always conscious of her strenght. And that's what Michael needed to talk about right now. She could be a big advantage for them on battle, and even if he was her friend, he would have to ask her to take a risk. He touched her waist softly and said in a calm voice tone. "Can we talk for a second?"

@MythsAreRealLoveGem @Sandra
Yami looked up and smiled. "Okay.." She smiled and got up, she looked at Dusty, "Don't move much." She smiled and looked at Michael. "Yeah? What you wanna talk about?"' Yami remembered something and took out something. "Here." She said, giving him a bracelet with a black obsaidian skull on it. "I got it for you." She said grinning. Yami hoped up and down excitedly, "Do you like it???"


  • Carrie Ulstream: Water Dragon Slayer

    Guild: Lamia Scale

    Location: Sabertooth Guild Hall

"Luckily I can tell what you two are..."

It was the one covered in dirt and bandages speaking aloud. He was a rough looking fellow, his body was shaped in the contours of a rock. Hmm. Carrie stood staring at the fellow, trying to figure out what he meant. Drawing blanks, she waved a finger towards her leg, pulling out a stream of water from the middle of her knee. A few moments later, the Lamia Scale symbol, was scribbled into the air over Dusty's head, the water gently flowing along the outline.

Catching Dusty's attention, she pulled back the hair covering the left side of her face, pointing at the Blue Guild mark etched onto her cheek.

"Yup," she said smiling. " And I can tell what you are too! Sabertooth."

'Hmm?' Skiá looked over to the person knowing who it was

"Oh hey, don't you remember, I ran out a while before it got destroyed....just when I finally calmed down I forgot what I was doing and trained..guess I missed a lot?" She smiled slightly realizing how long she had been gone.

"Sorry.." Skiá apologized thinking it should be first thing to do.

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