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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

MemoriesofXemnas updated Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild] with a new update entry:

Arc Information and Project Completion!

*Turns on Recorder*
Hey Guys! Its me, Xemnas! Speaking to you live in....my house. Anyway I am here to tell you that this Arc has been going slower than I have expected due to the missing parts we have involving Guild Masters and some of you are asking to be Temporary Guild Masters for the time being which is helpful, but we need to progress faster so I really hope I get more people in...

Read the rest of this update entry...

  • Carrie Ulstream: Water Dragon Slayer

    Guild: Lamia Scale

    Location: Road To Sabertooth

In seconds, a flurry of punches and kicks were coming her way. Very slowly..and without much...power....*Splish* *Splish* *Splash* *Splish* *Splosh*. Standing there, Carrie let the blows fly through her body, jettisoning out bits and pieces of water with each strike.

Nnnh Ryos. She knew exactly what he was doing.

"I give up!" she abruptly yelled, raising her right arm into the air and walking backwards. A loud *plop* rang out, as a palm was smacked against a blue-tinged forehead. Ah..now he wants to play around?? Oh boy, you are one crazy land-dweller.

"C'mon Ryos, we're probably late already."

Ryos stopped what he was doing, a little surprised that Carrie had just decided to give it up. Although it was for the best, because like she said, they were late. She probably noticed he wasn't trying to hurt her. "I guess she saw right through me huh?"

"Okay, lets get going then, I'm pretty sure Sabertooth is pretty close to where we are now, it shouldn't take us much longer to get there." With that, they continued on the road to Sabertooth. In the distance, the extravagant guild hall could be made out, rising above surrounding structures. Normally, it would be a site to marvel, but knowing what it was that they were headed there for, Ryos could only feel anticipation.


  • Carrie Ulstream: Water Dragon Slayer

    Guild: Lamia Scale

    Location: Sabertooth Guild Hall

Ryos was right; it didn't take that long to get there at all. Pretty soon they were standing in front of the jewel-encrusted double-doors of Sabertooth's Guild Hall. "Lamia Scale is still better," she whispered to herself; but she could feel a blip of admiration rolling around in the pit of her stomach. "Hey, I've never been here before..have you Ryos?..are the people nice?.. I sure hope so.."

Pushing open the double-doors and walking in, Carrie raised two-fingers high in the shape of a peace-sign, taking a moment to look at everybody in the room.

"Hey, hey land-dwellers! Lamia Scale is here!"

@gilwaybetternow @Verhiron @Lexielai
(Just doing a suggestion )

Skiá was behind the person,why she was gone is because she ran away for a long while, forgot what she was doing and decided to train, she just got back. Skiá began wondering why they were at saber tooth, and followed inside and sat at one of the tables...not really knowing which just thought it might let her blend in. She looked at the girl and saw the guild mark was lamia scale

"Oh..." Skiá mumbled thinking it must have at least some importance and not just be a lamia wanting to fight.
Geis headed into the golem's workshop. He inspected a few of them. "Hmm, sturdy and magic absorbent, perfect." He said as he laid his hand on one of the golems. "A Lacrima for a brain so they can be controlled." He mumbled further. "This seems to be well made, the golems are ready for the invasion." He said as he started to move away from the golems.
"No, what I meant to ask was: Why does master Sergei calls you Yo-Yo?". As soon as Michael finished his question, two member from Lamia Scale walked through the doors of the guild halls. They announced their way in. Michael lifted an eyebrow. Who the hell are these guys?

Sergei walked towards them with open arms, but his face showed a little bit of disappointment.
"Welcome, Lamia Scale! I was expecting you guys. Actually, I went to your guild and put myself in a embarassing situation... Nevertheless, you are here. Permission to make a question". He raised his hand. "Granted. Is it only... you two?". He lowered his hand and smiled. "Nevermind, I'll presume there's more coming. Let me introduce you guys to everyone". Approaching Kaito slowly, he leaned towards and pointed at him. "This is Kaito. He's here because he has awesome lightning magic. He's one of our aces". He walked towards Yami and pointed at her with an open hand. "This is Yami. She might look cute and sweet, and she is, but don't fool yourselves. She's very strong. She's here because we need people with powerful magic". Looking around, Sergei saw Skiá. Oh my god, she's alive?! Now it certainly wasn't the day to look surprised at the sight at one of your guild mages being alive. He had to look strong and all knowing. He pointed at Skiá. "That's Skiá. She looks lovely as well, but make no mistake, powerful dark magic flows out of her. She's here because we must try to fight darkness with darkness". He then looked at Michael. "This is Michael. He's a lightning mage. He has a constant will to get himself into trouble. He's here because... Well... I don't know, because he has nowhere else to go, I guess".

Michael laughed. "With all the respect, screw you master". He then proceeded to analyze the Lamia Scale members. They looked "okay". Maybe the rest of the league was stronger, but they still looked like they were powerful. "So, this is us. Hope you guys liked it, 'cause there's nothing else to show. Except maybe for the rest of the league, the guys from other guilds. And Sky of course. She's from our guild, but I have no idea where she is". Michael looked around, seeing if any other mage from Lamia Scale had entered the room. There was the girl that the master had introduced, Skiá, but she was one of theirs. Then how come I didn't met her yet? Who is she?

@MythsAreRealLoveGem @Kinesthetics
Ryos furrowed his brow when Sergei said "Is it only...you two?"

"I assure you, we are all you will need from Lamia Scale. My name is Ryos Delmora, I'm considered the ace of Lamia Scale. This is Carrie Ulstream, one of our best and brightest, and a shoe-in for S-Class one we have the time to test her."

Ryos raised his brow when he was introduced to Michael, as he was sure he had seen him before. It hit him right then, that he had been introduced to Michael at the bar near Fairy Tail before Echidna's first attack.

"No offense, but we didn't come here to check out your guild and make friends with Sabertooth wizards, so whether or not we like your guild isn't really important. It seems you have already gathered mages from other guilds, you call it "The League" yes? If that is the case, where are they? The sooner we get this done the sooner I can return to my guild and training, I'm not fond of working with other guilds," Ryos said bluntly. He was getting straight to the point. He had done his best to hide his feelings for the other guilds during the times directly proceeding the Grand Magic Games, but now there was no more use for politeness. There was a job to be done, and as was always the case with Ryos, he was going to get it done. No need to be nice if they were all working toward the same goal as far as Ryos saw it, they just needed to get the job done. He realized that teamwork may be required later when they would actually battle Echidna, but he would handle that when the time came. The only thing that Ryos felt guilty about was saying "we" even though Carrie may have not shared his desire to cut to the chase.

@Kinesthetics @gilwaybetternow @MythsAreRealLoveGem @Verhiron
Sergei got a little bit more serious. Good thing he clarified it right away. "Well, I was actually introducing them because, you know, 'Know your army, know your enemy'. This is our army, or a part of it". He didn't liked working with another guilds as well, but he had no choice. Ryos Delmora. The name rang a bell. Maybe he was a God Slayer... Or is him a Dragon Slayer? This wasn't the time for reveries. If he wanted to know something, he could just ask. Nah, leave it for later.

Michael stood up and adjusted the bandages around his arm and chest.
"So, we want to do this quickly as well. Problem is, we don't know where the rest of "The League" is. The last time I saw them they were at a forest, but I don't know if they're around anymore. Perhaps they'll come by, but most likely not, because I don't think they have a single clue that we are here. What's left for us to do is: Option one; We wait for them to come by. Option two; We split, some staying here, some going after them. Option three; We go and attack Echidna, just us. I think that's stupid, since the last time we did it, they almost blew us to pieces. I'll leave it to you guys to choose what you want, and I", he lifted a finger and sat back at his chair. "...Will stay right here, because I'm broken as hell". He started to massage his own shoulder, making faces of pain.

@Kinesthetics @MythsAreRealLoveGem
Yami nodded. "Master calls me Yo-yo because... It's just a nickname." She smiled and looked at the lamia scale people, not really making a sound. She didn't talk much around strangers. "I think Option one is the best.." She said.
Skiá smiled but kept to herself.

"Well I was right it wasn't for a fight. " she listened closely still not knowing who's table she was sitting at. When she realized She turned around to see no one, she sighed and smiled again.

"Well it sounds like saber tooth is gunna work with lamia scale" Skiá mumbled she didn't hate them she was actually happier it was lamia scale.

"Me to" she said louder to match the other voices

" I agree with Yami"
Dusty groaned as he staggered down the street. He had left Ashton with those few words before he decided that they would finish their fight later. He caught wind when passing by a bar that members of Lamia Scale were heading towards the new Sabertooth Guild Hall. He grimaced, trying to go as fast as he could with his remaining strength to get to the Guild Hall. He finally saw it in the distance, and frowned at how far away it was from him. It seemed to be miles away, but he gritted his teeth and kept walking. He finally made it to the doors to the Hall. With one arm, he pushed the door open, staggering in and almost collapsing right in front of the Guild Master. He looked around at the faces that stared at him. "What...? Never...seen a...Dragon Slayer...?" He stumbled into a chair, gripping his singed arm. He burnt like hell from Ashton's multiple lightening attacks, but he survived. He noticed Michael sitting next to him. He gave a weak smile. "Hey...Sparky..." He turned to each mage with agonizing pain in his entire body. "So...is this a...strategy...meeting...? Fill me in..." He kept his gaze on Sergei.
"Two votes for option one. Things are going good for the good, young and hot Michael Whithand". Someone stumbled across the hall after entering the door. It looked liked somebody very wounded. Dusty?! Michael stood up and placed the hand of Dusty across his shoulder. "Goddamit man, what've got into now? Bit a dragon or something like that?". He carried Dusty upstairs and laid him at a bed. "They're deciding something down there, whether we stay or we go after the rest of "The League". I said that we should stay, but that's because right now I'm in no conditions of fighting". He analyzed the Earth Dragon Slayer from head to toes, looking at all of his injuries. "And neither are you, by the looks of it".
Dusty growled, sitting up on the bed. "I'm fine...just rejected a God...no big deal...let me plan with you guys...." He winced as pain shot up his arm. "Just...find me a healer..." He slowly stood back up. "I don't need...time to heal...I can regain my magic power quick enough...let's go..." He stumbled to the doorway, trying to stand up straight, but ending up in a slight slouch.
With almost all the wizards of Sabertooth agreeing that the best option was to sit back and wait for the other wizards to show up, Ryos had no choice but to oblige. Although he didn't want to waste anytime, he would be lying if he said it was a good idea to go after Echidna as they were now, especially since Michael looked battered.

Right then, another wizard barged into the guild hall, one that was apparently dragon slayer like Ryos himself. After being taken upstairs, it took only a few seconds for the dragon slayer to come back, though he was visibly injured.

"It's become obvious to me that this group is in no condition to fight Echidna right now. We'll wait for these other league members as was asked, how many others are there?" Ryos asked, slightly annoyed at the delay. It couldn't be helped, of course, but that didn't stop Ryos from being a little ticked. Every second used on waiting was another second Echidna had to follow through on their plans and possibly destroy another guild.
Dusty looked up at the mage who talked. He started to count off on his fingers. "Well, there's Michael, Sky, Kaito, Sergei, you people from Lamia Scale who I don't know the names of, anyone I can convince in Blue Pegausus, me...ummm...That's all I can count off in my head." He looked around, trying to see if he missed anyone. He noticed a girl standing near Sergei, so he pointed at her. "Oh. I think she's joining, too. Or not?" He tilted his head, puzzled.
Sora, the Windrunner

Glancing down towards the motley assortment of wizards gathered in Sabertooth's hall, a certain green-haired woman absentmindedly flipped one of her book's pages. She wasn't acquainted with any of these people by any stretch of the imagination, but some of their reputations certainly preceded them. That man, Ryos from Lamia Scale, was token example-- S-Class Wizard, guild ace, and extremely dangerous; some may even be ordered to flee on sight when dealing with his type. Curiously, 'Sky' listened to them discuss their plans for dealing with Echidna. She didn't like waiting around while a dark guild was still terrorizing the world, but she really didn't know where to go find any of them. Shame she didn't plan that part out, but she was really a more "go with the flow" type of girl. Quite impulsive too, in hindsight.

'If nothing else,' she pondered, trying to figure out a good next step, 'I'll probably just follow them to wherever Echidna is.'

'Sky' soon noticed something a bit off when her concentration broke into a haze. She rubbed her blurry eyes, struggling to blink them awake. 'Damn, I really wore myself out coming here,' the cloaked woman realized, quickly pocketing her book and shaking her head to get a hold of herself. 'Concentrate, girl! You don't fall asleep before you kick bad guy ass-- that's just so not cool.'

Quickly shifting herself into a stretch, the wizard lightly pinched herself in an effort to retain consciousness. Ironically, to her own dark amusement, the one time she actually needed to nap was in the worst moment possible. It had been so long since the last time she'd been sneaking around; sure, she may have kept the cat's foot, but the endurance left something to be desired. She refrained from sighing, instead settling for mentally slapping her brain back into shape.

Slowly, but surely 'Sky' felt black patches start creeping into her vision. The urge really was tempting.
'Maybe for just a second...' she thought as her mind drifted towards the lands of ponies and rainbows.

In an assassin's line of work, one moment of missed concentration, one
second of inattention to her surroundings to doze off could cost her life. Particularly so when she's balancing rather precariously on a wooden beam that just barely fit her small frame. So, casually falling off of her perch, 'Sky' really should have felt incredibly ashamed of herself right then.

It was fortunate that falling has a tendency of waking someone up. In this cloaked wizard's case, being just barely awake, her instincts still managed to wrap her legs around the wooden beam before she plunged to an untimely death. To keep herself from falling off completely she firmly gripped the wood using her thighs, trying to maintain somewhat of a stable position.

Unfortunately, falling has a tendency of waking someone up rather
suddenly, so she wasn't able to resist the light noise that passed through her mouth. "Kya!"

It took all she had to not make it louder than just a whisper, but it still totally ruined any sense of pride she had left of her stealth abilities. 'I really hope no one looks up right now,' she mentally pleaded. Luckily for her, the sound she made couldn't have possibly been easily detected by a normal human being. Perhaps unfortunately for her, someone with heightened hearing inside this very room might have possibly detected something. Not that she knew that right away. 'Sky' was focusing a little more on trying to pull herself back up right now, but seemed to be stuck. Wiggling around a bit, the green-haired wizard quickly figured out that one of her knives had probably punctured through her pouch and pinned her into the wood, effectively gluing her onto the wooden beam.

She didn't waste any time looking for a way to pull it out, but in the meantime kept an eye on the "League" assembled below; it wasn't like she couldn't gather information while upside down,
however embarrassingly awkward it may be.

@gilwaybetternow @Kinesthetics @MythsAreRealLoveGem @Sandra @BLUR
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Kaito smiled and sat down on a chair and started to take off his bandages, some cuts were till there however most had gone away. 'good' he thought and then he looked at Yami "got to look on the battle field" he said winking at her, He pulled out his deck of cards and started t replace the cards that were missing, he then stretched still feeling a bit tired from his last battle but he didn't show anyone how tired he was especially not Yami or Sergei because they would probably moan, however i still want to see her tail' he thought, a blush started to appear on his cheek for a split second before it vanished again.

Dusty perked up. However faint a sound, listening to the booming voice of a dragon for a few years taught you how to listen to your surrounding. He tried to wave it off as nothing, but he had to check. He sniffed the air, trying to see if he could unmask any scent of magic that wasn't exactly belonging to anyone in "The League". He kept sniffing, eventually catching something. It was faint, but there. He inhaled more, trying to strengthen the scent, but it was too slight in comparison to the mages around him. "Um...I think we have company." He moved his gaze upward to a cloaked figure dangling precariously from one of the wooden beams. He squinted his eyes. "Yeah, we definitely have a visitor. Need help?! Or should we just let you hang there for a while?" He crossed his arms, wincing at the pain. He wondered if this girl was part of Echidna. If she was, they could defeat her here, since she didn't seem to be able to go on the offensive.
Yami looked at him and kept a straight face. He was looking at her! Even a blush appeared on his face!! She furrowed her brows. "May I have a word with you?" She said referring to him and walked up towards him, she smiled uneasily.


Ryos' ears perked up, hearing a slight noise above him. With all that was going on, he almost missed the sound, but the ears of a dragon-slayer were much stronger than that of an ordinary mage, and Ryos was no exception. It seemed that at the same time, the other dragon slayer, whose name Ryos hadn't figured out yet, had also seemed to hear the noise, because he had noticed the dangling body barely hanging from the wooden beam on the ceiling of Sabertooth as well. Ryos assumed she wasn't exactly a Sabertooth mage or an invited guest, based on the other dragon slayer's reaction.

"An Echidna spy maybe? Impossible, they wouldn't have been careless enough to send an actual wizard inside Sabertooth."

Doing what he always does when he encounters a stranger, Ryos used his dragon nose to pick up the visitor's scent. Surprisingly, a lot could be told from someone's scent. But the scent Ryos picked up was entirely unexpected. The stranger smelled like...like a dragon. Somewhat startled, Ryos suddenly got serious.

"Who are you?"
Kaito looked back down at his cards "sure" he said as he finished putting the cards in order he then placed them on the table to the side of him. he then looked back a Yami 'oh god, he doesn't look happy, I'm in the dog house' he thought to himself while waiting for Yami to moan at him like Sergei always does.

She took his wrist and dragged him somewhere private. "Stop looking at me all the time!! And why were you blushing!!" She said snarling. She closed her eyes and relaxed. "God.. Sorry.." She muttered but still looked angry at him.
Kaito smiled 'hehe lets see what she makes of this' he thought evilly. he looked down at her and looked shocked "what? i wasn't staring at you" he said confused "i was staring at the girl over there" he said pointing at Carrie "man she is very cute" he said smiling slightly, though carrie was beautiful but he could only choose one over the other. 'what about that Yami? he asked inside his own head 'what are you going to say about that. Unfortunatly Kaito may have brought Carrie into it because she obviously could see him pointing at her.

@Sandra @Kinesthetics
There's a small grunting sound as the water from a nearby cup begins to swirl and spin overflowing onto the table the water endlessly growing and slowly solidifying, Jake slowly sits up at smiles at everyone, smiling with daggers for eyes directly at dusty "I'm part of this league too"

He grunts as he slides of the table standing up his body aching as he takes the cup and downs the ice cold water he just came out of. "I shall represent Raven Tail and all our glory here today, as we are currently with a low population and without guild master." He slowly walks over to Sergei and gives him a small bow. "I'm sorry for everything that has happened but this league is for the best." He straightens up and proceeds to walk toward Ryo He walks completely passed him and offers his hand to Carrie with a smile "And you must be from Lamia scale, I'm Jake"

With a small groan Rashid rises from the pile of rubble he was residing in, and he begins to walk towards town. With a small effort of will he sense around feeling a huge and powerful source of magic with he could only assume was 'The League' He walks quickly and purposefully towards the guild arriving relatively quickly, He closes his eyes as a small light emits from Kaitos hat, he stands still locked in concentration, as he disappears and manifests inside the guild walking to the main guild hall, "and im here to assist how ever i can" He says smiling trying to be helpful

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