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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

She let go of his hand. "Er. Sorry. Habit." She said and scratched her neck awkwardly. She narrowed her eyes at his smile. "Hmph. Need anything?" She said in a different tone and raised a eyebrow. Her yellow eyes shone out, of course he could already realize she was part demon.

Kaito climbed out of bed and put his face a few inches away from Yami's "you are very beautiful, but is there a reason why your eyes are yellow? he asked confused he was still a few inches from her face. he took in every detail of hers. 'wow' he thought. 'but what's wrong with her eyes? he asked himself.

Her yellow eyes were like a cat and she narrowed them. "Because. I'm part demon." She said proudly. She knew this, but she never knew her family's for some reason.. She didn't move her head when he came a few inches closed all she did was glare at him. "Men." She muttered, She knew this was another sucker who was weak for girls and just likes how they looked. Her devilish side came out all the sudden, and leaned in closer. "Why? Do you like my eyes?" She batted them and pushed her chest closer to his. She gave him a devilish grin as she was playing with him.

Kaito raised an eye brow "yes i do like your eyes however, you are a demon? he asked... he kept studying her face and her eyes 'how is she half demon but looks like a human. "do you have a tail or something? he said looking at her behind.

"I have one, i just never show it." She said, leaning back with a smug look on her face, "Hmph. I bet you say this to every girl. 'You're so beautiful!' Or, 'your eyes are pretty!'." She leaned in and snarled. "Don't even try and get me." She held him by the collar and pushed him back, she was stronger than expected and she stood up and left.
Kaito was pushed back onto the bed, he got out of it and found a change of clothes coincidentally he found the exact same clothes he was wearing now, and he got changed just before he put his hat back on he used some hair gel to spike his hair. "actually it's not everyday i throw those words around" he said out loud to himself as he left the room with his hat on.
Laea stretched and aat down on the ground " looks like the fighting stopped...." lara and kero were both soaking wet from the spell Ashton that caused it to rain. She used her wind magic and dried herself and kero. " we should go back to town and get something to eat...." kero suggested. Lara smiled and nodded the two started to go back to town.
Ashton knew that thius would have happened so he fired his arrows rapidly as the all rain down on him. He still could not stop his roar and was pushed back far off,"Damn!". He did some sort of somersault as he barely landed on the ground,"Don't think this is over! People will lose no matter what and this foe this Dark Guild will be proof that your promise will end!". He mustered whatever he had left,"Lightning God Slayer Magic: Lightning God Supper!". He formed a dome around him of black energy as he released it all in one blow directly at him.

Dusty stared at the force coming at him. Time seemed to slow down. He felt the power come closer. He still had his scales, so that would lessen the attack. "Sand Shield!" The sand swirled around him again, and the attack landed on him. The force sent him flying back, smashing into the ground and skidding a few feet. He lay there, dazed. He agonizingly pushed up off the ground, and into a sitting position. He panted, trying to regain his breath. His Shield was destroyed, but the scales helped him survive. He attempted to stand up, keeping his eyes on Ashton. "No. It's someone's choice to lose. Losing is giving up. And I won't do that." He stumbled and fell on his face, but pushed himself back up again. "This Dark Guild only thinks they can win because they have that stupid Cannon. As long as I'm determined to win, I will." He stumbled and fell again. He punched the ground, getting up once more. "I don't care if I die. I'll destroy them, even if it means I won't survive!" He fell again, now crawling on the ground towards Ashton. He gritted his teeth, his body filled with pain, every muscle and bone hurt. He kept his stare on Ashton. He had no magic power left. But he wouldn't give up. "I never back down on my promises, especially ones I make to my family."
Kaito walked behind Yami and put a hand on her shoulder "what was that for? he asked confused. he put his other hand on the back of his head 'i would like to see her tail sometime' he grinned slightly.

She whipped her head back. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't know what got into me. As you could see master was not the same.." She stuttered and looked down. Her demon self turned back to a innocent girl. "Would you forgive me?" She said

Kaito took a step back "are you two people in one body or do you have a split personality? he asked tightening the bandages on hi arms and hands. 'this girl is beautiful but weird' he thought to himself. It confused him greatly, 'so she must have a good side and a bad side so a good human half and a bad demon half' he thought.

"Split personalities I guess.." She said quietly. She looked down. "I always been like this,.."she sighed and walked away, looking around at the guild hall.

Kaito smiled "wow that's pretty cool" he said. he sat down on a chair to relax his back ached a lot. 'damn why did i have to use to so much power without charging my lightening? he asked himself.. "yo what's your name? he asked he shouted to her as she walked away from him.

Sergei walked down the stairs, watching Michael seating alone in the counter. Yami and Kaito were talking. Look at that, I've never seen they talking to each other before. Maybe Kaito was trying to make a move. Sergei remembered the rules he once imposed at the guild, where it specifically said there couldn't be a romantic relationship between members from Sabertooth. Kaito would probably be the first one the ask him: "Are the rules still applying now that the guild was exploded?". But in fact, the master really wasn't caring about the rules anymore. Screw those rules. They never really did any good to them. Still, it wasn't good that Kaito making a move on Yami. He knew exactly what kind of man the magician was. "Beat it Kaito, leave Yo-Yo some space. Later we can go to a man's club if you like it, but now it's not the time for this". As Sergei approached him, Kaito was looking more of a mess, like was wounded. It wasn't as bad as Michael, but it still looked bad. "What happened to you?"

MemoriesofXemnas updated Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild] with a new update entry:

Guild Master Sign- Up!

Hey GUYS! It is I, Xemnas! I am here to let you know that things are going a little slow than I have expected so I want this one scene to begin with everyone there. However, for that to happen we need ALL Guild Masters there. So far we have the Sabertooth Guild Master and we need the other one soon. I am working with someone on the Fairy Tail Guild so please come speak to me about the Guild Master Spot please...This Roleplay needs to progress and no more fillers this...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Kaito looked at Sergei "what? i was only asking her name" he complained. "and these? he asked pointing to the scratches scattered around his body "i kind of got into a fight and i used my dragon slayer one million volt cannon at 1% without charging it properly, instead i used my cards which was a big mistake, the when i fired the cannon i lost my footing and it hit the ground propelling us into trees and stuff" Kaito explained "don't worry though, i feel much better" he said winking at Yami.

"Yeah, just asking her name. That's what I used to say when people said that I was alcoholic everytime I asked for a beer". He got closer to Kaito, taking a better look at his wounds. "You should really take better care of yourself. I don't know why you guys use lightning magic. This crap corrodes the hell out of you". Michael turned to the master and smiled. "Said the guy who uses arc of time". Sergei walked towards the counter and looked behind it. Despite the building being restored, all of the bottles in it were empty. The magic couldn't reverse the that. "Well, we're out of booze. I guess that's good for me". Michael was still worried about his master, despite the fact that he seemed to be fine. "How you doing now?". Sergei kept searching for a full bottle, without turning to Michael he answered. "Well, I'm two months sober now, so I guess I'm good". Michael turned his eyes. "That's not what I meant". Sergei understood what he meant. He turned back to Michael. "Well, you know, I'm... better, I think". He looked at Yami. She was looking a bit distressed. Maybe she was liking Kaito before I stopped him. Michael noticed the concern his master had over her. He turned towards her and smiled. "Why Yo-Yo?"

@Sandra @Verhiron
Gerrant arrived in the town taking in the scenery. He saw a lot of buildings a near endless amount, granted the breeze going on felt soothing to him. 'Flowers are rare in town it seems.' he thought to himself. The smell of food hit his nose, and he followed it to a bakery. Gerrant thought of getting some but quickly come to the cold realization of having no money. He couldn't very well rob the store for money or food, that would make him a criminal more or less, but with the recent actions of Echidna surely they wouldn't have the time to stop him, rather than figure out a way to find and then take out the cannon that plagued this fair town. But, he decided against it. If they ever caught them, they would most likely come after him if he made a scene, if at the least label him has a criminal and deal with it later.

Arturo got up being thrown to the ground. 'This is a fun time.' he thought trying to stay positive but it wasn't that good. A cannon had stricken fear into most of the people in the town. But, he didn't have time to worry about that now, he was hungry and tired. Although, he still lacked money, was he to get a job? A job in order to pay for food? With the current events it was in high doubts anyone would be hiring at this appointed time. However, it didn't hurt to try, at the very least he wasn't cut out for it. It was his only option since Arturo was incapable of cooking, and hunting, or even fishing. Soon he began walking and noticed a paper on a pole it read 'Lost dog' there was a picture of the dog attached. 'If found please return to this address. Thirty dollar reward.' He was in luck if he could find the dog he might just be able to eat tonight, though it would mean sleeping on the roof again once more. Perhaps, he could find someone to help him?
Sora, the Windrunner
The dusty streets were crowded today, as usual. Merchants and natives to the city, those were common residents in these parts; however, the large surge in the local wizard population was both unexpected and eye-catching to everyone. This city's primary guild was Sabertooth, so it wasn't entirely unusual to see wizards wandering about, but a sudden influx of guilds all across Fiore was definitely out of the ordinary. Dozens of wizards had traveled here to this city to participate in a joint mission against their common foe: the dark guild, Echidna. Each one had their specialties and talents, including one cloaked wizard who sat upon a tall rooftop. This wizard curiously wandered her eyes to and fro down in the busy streets, paying particular attention to those with a guild sign tattooed onto their bodies. Idly, the cloaked figure wondered whether she could find any good books in this town, but didn't pay too much heed to that temptation. Not that it still didn't bother her. A lot. The problems with having an addiction, she supposed. Anyways, right now the wizard was just gathering information; most likely the Sabertooth meeting would be happening soon, if the hurried motions of the guild wizards down below were any indication of much.

Gracefully, the wizard stood up to gaze at the Sabertooth guild hall off in the distance. 'Should I go yet?" the cloaked figure thought, pondering her options at this juncture. Shrugging, the wizard came to a decision and spoke out loud, "Might at well."

A strong breeze passed through that rooftop then, gently blowing the figure's hood aside to reveal the feminine features of a women; one who held fascinated emerald eyes complimented by the strands of unique viridian hair. For a moment, someone on the ground may have seen a cloaked shadow standing above them on the roof top. Yet, when they blinked and checked back in curiosity, they'd find nothing but the soft wind flowing through the air.

Moments later, a figure crept in through the rooftop of Sabertooth's guild hall. No one would notice her arrival, nor would anyone hear her make a sound. Like the gentle wind, a green-haired wizard slipped into a secure guild unnoticed and undetected for her little spying mission. Swiftly and quietly, a cloaked woman sat hidden, resting against one of the wooden beams supporting the roof of the guild. She hesitated for a moment before she made the quick decision to pull a small book out of her pouch to occupy herself for now.

'Sky', the uninvited guest, waited for the meeting to start.
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Yami's attention went toward her master. She looked at Michael and master, she smiled. "Why what?" She said confused, her yellow eyes look wild. "I didn't do anything.." She said taking a step back and raised an eyebrow.

Ryos smiled at Carrie, touched by her determination. Scratching the back of his head, he said, "We really should be heading to Sabertooth, but I can't turn down a challenge, even if it's from you Blue."

Of course, Ryos believed in Carrie's power. After all, regardless of what she was taught, she was raised by a dragon. She practiced the lost art of Dragon-Slayer magic. Ryos knew very well the potential she harbored. If he could teach her a thing or two through dueling, maybe it would even help her out for their upcoming battle, or in the very least, for her S-Class test.

Ryos created some separation between himself and Carrie. Getting into a battle stance, with his left arm leading, he motioned for Carrie to come.

"Alright then, show me what you've got"

  • Carrie Ulstream: Water Dragon Slayer

    Guild: Lamia Scale

    Location: Road To Sabertooth

As her opponent motioned her to come forward, Carrie laughed aloud, her hands cradling her stomach. "Silly. I know you're a Poison Dragon Slayer. No way am I getting close to you!" An azure magic circle appeared at the crown of her head as she said, "Sea Dragon's Helmet!" A blue orb of crystal-clear water, formed around the young Water Dragon Slayer's head. "I use this so I can breathe easier. See these gills on my neck? It's perfect. Plus, if you spray any of that gas near me," she tapped the bubble, "it'll have a hard time getting through."

Carrie, readied her stance, winking, and stuck out a hand motioning Ryos to come to closer. "Why don't you, come over here?"

Ryos couldn't help but laugh. "Well at least she has intelligence in battle down"

It was a strange spectacle to see Ryos laugh in the midst of a fight, but how could he not. After all, this was no typical fight. He had no intention of hurting Carrie, and didn't even mind to stay of the defensive the whole time. To top it all off, Carrie's antics were adorable, but Ryos knew better than to say that out loud in case it may offend her. She did seem like she was proving a point.

"Fine, have it your way," he said smiling, "Lets test your agility, you think you can dodge my attacks?"

Ryos ran over to where Carrie was standing and threw a flurry of weaker punches and kicks, just so that if they did land, they wouldn't hurt his favorite guild mate.

"Alright Blue, prove to me you've gotten stronger!"

MemoriesofXemnas updated Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild] with a new update entry:

Arc Information and Project Completion!

*Turns on Camera*
Hey Guys! Its me, Xemnas! Speaking to you live in....my house. Anyway I am here to tell you that this Arc has been going slower than I have expected due to the missing parts we have involving Guild Masters and some of you are asking to be Temporary Guild Masters for the time being which is helpful, but we need to progress faster so I really hope I get more people in...

Read the rest of this update entry...

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