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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

Skiá was getting upset, raven tail! She didn't exactly trust them so decided to pay attention to the girl on the beam.

"Tired?" Skiá noticed the girl seemed a bit tired or more. Then she heard a new voice and looked to see another person 'another!' she turned back to the girl on the rail and smiled. She had a feeling either the girl just liked being on high places or had reasons not to want to be seen. Then she looked at the person who just walked in. She didn't know what to think or say with the people in the guild hall growing she just decided to listen on everything and say something later on. When she finally could get a thought the only thought on her mind was

'To many people, to many people'
Sky left the forest and arrive where everyone are. Dusty didn't seems to be in a good mood and there were awful lots of people here. She start getting really nervous, lots of people that are here are people that she'd never met before. She looked around, hoping to chase away the nervousness, then she spotted Yami and smiled. "Yami!" She ran towards Yami.

Yami stomped her foot, "I told you! You hit on a lot of girls! Why are you men so.. Alike!!" She yelled at him. She looked back. She closed her eyes. Yami did just slapped him really hard, giving him a red mark on his face. She turned around to see sky."Sky!!" Yami ran to her and hugged her. "hi!" She said, turning back to her innocent side.

Sky grinned, hugging Yami and looked behind her, to see Kaito with a red mark, shaped like a hand, on his face. "Hm...did you hit him?" Sky asked curiously, "that's some mark you left." She grinned, knowing that Yami is usually quiet and all that, but she just slapped Kaito, by the look of things.

@Sandra @Verhiron
She frowned. "Yes. He is a disgrace to me. Hitting on girls.. Pfft he was hitting on that Carrie girl!! Can you Believe that?! " she sounded jealous.. Yami face palmed herself and stomped her foot. "Carrie,.. Him.. Gah!" She yelled.

Yami sounded jealous, but decided not to bring that up, incase things get worst. "Keep calm," Sky told her, "you know most guys are like that." She gave her a small smiled and stood next to Yami. "By the way, who are these people?" She asked, looking around the room, "is there a meeting here or something?"

Dusty noticed Sky talking to the Sabertooth girl a little ways away. He wondered if she had stayed through the whole fight. He waved, then stood up slowly, limping over to them both. "Hey, Sky. Finally decide to join us?" He laughed, then winced as pain racked his chest from the effort.
She nodded."Master, and the rest are deciding what to do, option one; stay and let Echidna come by, that is what I want. But we'll be prepared." Yami looked around and smiled at Michael and master.

Kaito laughed to himself as he held his cheek, he then felt a familiar smell in the room he then saw Rashid and walked over to him, he looked happy as ever when he finally got to him he put his hand out to shake " I think you deserve it" he said smiling, it's not everyday someone can last against Kaito let alone get him to use almost half of his power...

@Tj Pomroy

  • Carrie Ulstream: Water Dragon Slayer

    Guild: Lamia Scale

    Location: Sabertooth Guild Hall

Carrie giggled as she turned her head towards Ryos.
Ahhh. He always gets down to business. It's okay with me though, the sooner Echidna is out of the way, the quicker things can get back to normal. "Kya." Her head swiveled and snapped backwards, her eyes searching the ceiling for what that noise could have possibly been. Then she saw it: a person robed in a dark cloak, hanging by her legs from a wooden beam connected to the roof. ......Are ALL people here on land really that weird??

And she wasn't the only one that noticed the clumsy acrobat. A magician covered in dirt and cuts sniffed the air and spoke with the girl, asking if she needed help. Carrie was about to offer her own hand in aid when through the peripherals, a hand was pointing to her; it belonged to the Sabertooth mage introduced just a minute ago by the Headmaster Sergei, Kaito. Oh great. We've been here two minutes and there's already trouble. Does he hate how I look? Yeah I have blue skin but..it's not all that weird..no one at Lamia Scale gives me any trouble for it...maybe the people at Sabertooth aren't as nice as I thought..

The young Water dragon Slayer, started to feel nervous and took a step closer towards her partner Ryos, even considering breaking apart into droplets and climbing back onto his leg. But before she could even make a movement, a cup on the table shimmered, with the liquid turning into full. Grown. Person. Oh my god, oh my god! This just keeps getting crazier and crazier! The man rudely walked past Ryos and came right up to her, offering his hand and revealing his name to be Jake. Carrie backed away as this person had a very weird, aura crackling from every pore. Instead of returning a hand, a smile spread across her face, with a "nice to meet you Jake, I'm Carrie from Lamia Scale," piping out from between pale blue lips.

Eyes returning back to the ones named Yami and Kaito, Carrie's face fell as things seemed to take a turn for the worst. Now Yami was talking to another girl and glancing at her too!
"Do I really look all that weird!?," she yelled out in that direction. Oh these people are going to drive me crazy.

@gilwaybetternow @RebelliousTeddyBear
"Ah, I see, " Sky nodded then asked Yami, "So all of these people are going to stay here?" Then she noticed Dusty limping over to them. "Geez, you look real nice," she told him, knowing that he's badly injured from the fight from before. "Any serious wounds?" She asked Dusty.

@Sandra @Refaulted
Dusty sighed, holding out his arms, which he used to block most of the lightening magic. There were multiple scars and cuts and bruises. He smiled meekly. "This is the worst of it. Pretty ugly."
She looked at Dusty. She smiled. "Hello." She looked back at Sky, "Well.. It's all up to master." She stated and smiled at Sky and Dusty, he looked badly injured. Instincts kicked in. She pulled up a seat, "Sit down." She commanded and made him sat down. She checked his arm. "How did this happen? Mm, Sky please get me some fresh bandages." She said expecting his injuries.

Dusty sighed. He winced and bite his tongue hard as she touched his arms. "I defied a god." He pulled his arms back, and stared down at the ravaged skin. "Damn..." He held his arms out again. This was gonna hurt if she was going to heal him.
"A god slayer.. Tsk Tsk.." She said for a moment. But she looked up at him and patted his cheek. "At least you are alive my boy," she nodded and inspect his injuries again.

@RebelliousTeddyBear @Refaulted
She shakes her head, "yup." Then Yami made Dusty sits down, he definitely going to get the wounds treated by Yami. Sky was asked by Yami to get the bandages and she nodded then quickly ran to grab them from the first aid box. On the way back she bumped into someone, making her fall on her butt. Sky looked up and saw a girl with blue hair, "I'm sorry!" She got up then apologized to the girl and quickly ran over to Yami. "Here's the bandages," Sky gave Yami the bandages and looks at the girl she bumped into, and mouthed 'I'm sorry.'

"Mm. Thanks Sky." She said and took out this little potion bottle. She dripped some purple goo on his wound. Making it sizzle. It hurt, but, most of the wounds went away. Yami wrapped them up, she held his hand, and she out her hand on his forehead. "Do you feel sick? Should I get you some soup?" She looked and sounded motherly.

Dusty scoffed. "Why wouldn't I be alive? Sorry to sound arrogant and stubborn, but I never plan on losing." He had to grit his teeth together harder than ever to keep from yelling out in pain. His Hide had absorbed a lot of potential injuries, but his Scales weren't as strong. Parts of his forearms was black, either soot or cooked flesh he didn't know. He chuckled. He was gonna get a hard time back at Blue Pegausus for this stuff. He wondered if anyone from Blue Pegausus were going to come. He doubted it, but he still hoped. "No, I don't feel sick. Just in a hell of a lot of pain." He chuckled again. "Though I think it was worth it."
Ashton entered the guild hall with new cloathing...He looked at everyone with a displeasing facial expression as he leaned against the wall. Aurora was standing on his shoulders with an angered face as she shuns Dusty for his immoral respect. Static started to surge through his face and scarf which was wrapped around his neck covering his Raven Tail insignia. He was getting tired of al this talking to assess the situation that is currently being the top problem that any of the Guilds have ever faced. "Raven Tail....destroyed, Fairy Tail....destroyed and everyone thinks they can stop these people...this flying fortress without realize the one question....What is it that they are after?", he crossed his arms as the sparks kept surging in his body.

@gilwaybetternow @RebelliousTeddyBear
Arturo couldn't find the cat. But, then he heard rumors. Rumors of everyone gathering into one place. Is this a war meeting? Is it just a party? he didn't know but he did know one thing. That to go there would lead to numerous events that cannot be avoided one of which could ultimately lead to his demise regardless it took him no longer than a few minutes to arrive at the guild hall and in with everyone else. What is going to happen? What are they planning? He must find out about it.

Gerrant in the end got to eat. A nice young old lady had given him some bread, after watching him stare out of the bakery for so long. The talk of people can easily spread fast. People going to the saber-tooth guild hall? Gerrant decided to check it out. What harm could it pose? He took out the crystal he found earlier and looked at it. 'I can never let it happen again.' he thought. But, putting it away he made way towards the guild hall. It only took a few seconds before walking in looking around at everyone.
Sora, the Windrunner

"Yeah, we definitely have a visitor. Need help?! Or should we just let you hang there for a while?"

'Sky' instantly froze pale white. From the looks of it, all color had just disappeared from her body and left a white outline of the cloaked wizard's figure. So much for staying undetected; apparently one of these wizards was exceptional in his detection skills to notice her.

"Who are you?" asked another man, who she recognized as Ryos, picking up on her at almost the exact same time.

For all intents and purposes, an inscribed with the word "LAME" seemed to fly out of nowhere and pierce through her body. What the hell, man? So there were two great wizards here?

Then the woman caught the eye of a young, blue-looking girl(no pun intended), who detected her instantly when someone pointed out 'Sky's presence. Another arrow struck her stone-cold body, presenting another word for the world to see: "TERRIBLE"

'Ok, seriously? I feel less like they're good wizards now and more like I'm just plain bad,' the green-haired woman pouted, more than a little ticked at their ease in finding her. It really stung, right in the ego damnit!

a blond girl questioned her, also finding 'Sky' with ease. A final arrow pierced through the green-wizard's arrow, proudly proclaiming out "WORTHLESS."

Even though she did make a slight mistake, 'Sky' was supposed to be camouflaged! What the hell good did that do her when she found not one, not two, not three, but a ton of wizards with good senses? Obviously this argument wasn't really going in her favor anymore. If anything, it was clear to her now how trash she was at sneaking around. 'This sucks.'

Somehow color returned to her body right afterwards and the arrows disappeared as if they were never there. Instead 'Sky' just started sweating bullets and sheepishly rubbed her neck, putting a really strained and nervous smile on. "Uh...hi!" the cloaked wizard awkwardly spoke, "Um...this is a little embarrassing."

  • "Red" = Dusty

    "Purple" = Ryos

    "Green" = Skiá

    "Orange" = Sora

    "Orange Italics" = Sora's thoughts

@Kinesthetics @MythsAreRealLoveGem @RebelliousTeddyBear @gilwaybetternow
Dusty laughed. If this girl was some sort of assassin, then she was a very bad one. She wore a cloak, so he couldn't tell much about her appearance. She seemed embarrassed from them finding her up there, so he stood up, limping so he was under her. "So. We have a few options for you. One, we could capture you and question you on why you're here. Two, we can help you and ask you why you're here peacefully. Or three, you can try and escape and we'll hunt you down. I don't mean to scare you. Just saying." The last few days have been strange for Dusty, and he didn't exactly trust some random mage who hides up in the rafters of a Guild Hall.
She took a deep breath and looked to the girl so she could keep a eye on her.

"Hey she seems tired, no one could answer anything truthful when their tired." Skiá said knowing it most likely wouldn't end up well, she did think the options made sense, and preferred option two but she knew if your tired you would say almost anything to go to sleep.

She already knew someone might yell at her for trying be nice but she can't really help it, and we all knew if the girl did try anything there was way to many people for her to get away. So I guess you can say Skiá was confident in everyone in the guild hall. At same time she could sense more people coming in and she began to make a fist.
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While everybody was talking, Sergei was focusing on an empty bottle, trying to make the beverage that once was inside it to return. "Kya!". The master looked up but didn't paid much attention to the noise since a lot of the mages went to find the source of it. He heard the question from the Raven Tail newcomer. What is it they are after?

Michael was staring at his master ever since Sergei started to focus on the bottles. "You really look like you need a drink, old man. But I don't think you should".

Sergei looked at Michael and nodded. Then, he turned around to take a good look at everybody. "Some time ago, when I was still a sargeant at Manople's army, during the Great Magic War there, something happened. The act that triggered the war was the death of the king. We had the tapes showing the killer, but we couldn't find him anywhere. The country was already divided, so each of the sides kept accusing each other, and war broke over us. We presumed the assassin was killed. Until the day both sides decided to make a peace agreement. And then, the assassin striked again, killing the leader of us, of the people who fought for magic. All of us were confused to the whole thing. It was the same guy. First, he killed the king, who was completely agains magic, and then he killed the leader of the ones who fought for magic. What did he wanted? So, the war ended when I got to the rank of general. In a beautiful sunday morning, the assassin sat at a fountain. He just... Stayed there, waiting for someone to recognize him. And somebody did. He got arrested, and everybody started to ask a lot of things, questioning him. He smiled and said that he would only talk to me. When I got there, seeing that man, I was speechless. I only asked him one thing. 'Why?'. He remained smiling and said...

"Because it's fun", Michael said along with his master.

"I remember this story. It was on the news of my country, everybody was talking about Manople and this guy. But what are you trying to say?", Michael frowned with one of his eyebrows.

"They say they want Fiore for them. Do they think they want power? What do you think they'll do once they get to power? You think they disagree with the ways things are being run around here? No, I'll tell you what they're doing this for. They're doing this for pleasure. They're doing this because they see themselves as gods and us as inferior beings that they can just do whatever they want. Kids with magnifiers, burning ants".

Michael touched his head. It looked like the wounds on it were healed. He untied the bandages around it and stood up. The bandages dropped in the ground.

"I never liked gods anyway".

@MythsAreRealLoveGem @Kinesthetics @RebelliousTeddyBear @Tj Pomroy @Sandra @Verhiron @Orion @Lexielai
"Um...this is a little embarrassing."

That was all Ryos got out of the cloaked stranger. She seemed to be a little nervous at the situation, leading Ryos to believe she hadn't come to Saberooth with ill intentions. If she had wanted to do something she would have done it by now. Still, Ryos was curious as to why she smelled like a dragon. Could it be?

"You haven't answered my question, who are you?" Ryos said, much calmer this time than last. He wanted to get to the bottom of this.

Meanwhile, more people had come to the Sabertooth guild hall. Jake Battleborn had materialized from water. a few people he had never met before came in as well. This included a Raven Tail wizard with a scarf that seemed to have electricity course through it. At the same time, he could feel Carrie becoming more uncomfortable as she inched closer to him. When Jake came and introduced himself to Carrie, Ryos narrowed his eyes and gave him a deathly stare, as if to say stay away.

"Do I really look all that weird!?,"

Ryos' face softened after Carrie's exclamation. Some of the mages had looked over at her, for reasons he didn't know because his attention was on the cloaked stranger. He put his hand on Carrie's shoulder and gave it a light squeeze. He had to remember to be there for her, she still wasn't all that accustomed to being out of the sea.

"You look great Blue, stay calm. You'll look even better while you're beating on dark guild scum." Ryos said in a hushed tone so that really only Carrie would hear. Of course, with other dragon slayers in the room, she may not have been the only one to hear but it was meant for her.

The Sabertooth guild master had then began going on about a story of an assassin. Apparently, he believed that Echidna was going to take over Fiore just for the heck of it. It angered Ryos that Echidna could actually harm so many lives just because it pleasured them. He didn't know how many other there were in the league, but he was running out of patience. They needed to go soon.

@MythsAreRealLoveGem @Kinesthetics @RebelliousTeddyBear @gilwaybetternow

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