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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

Dusty watched as each arrow hit his armor. He was right. He wouldn't be able to breath, but he needed the defense. He grimaced. What was he gonna do? He perked up. He raised his hand, then brought it in front of him. "Guess it's time for more forbidden magic. I guess there was no way I could avoid this magic." He closed his eyes. All the sand that he used as a shield went to his hand, molding itself into the form of a katana. It hardened, then he wrapped his hand around it. "The basics of my sand magic is it allows me to do any form of basic weaponry. But that doesn't matter right now." He took a deep breath. "Forbidden Dragon Slayer Magic Art: Temper of the Earth Dragon!" All emotions left Dusty. All that was left was a blind rage. He tightened his grip on the Sand Katana, then roared into the air, blasting out of the armor with inhuman speed, straight at Ashton.
Ashton grinned as his scarf was able to get behind him quick enough to grab him just before he could strike him. His intense strength of his blinding rage was still enough to overpower his scarf,"Grr!". He jumped from the side as his scarf quickly lets go to get him to continue his rage. "He is just like a Raging Bull...And just like all Raging Bulls, they can be tamed!", He jumped high up as his hand was coated in black lightning as a black bow was formed,"Anicent Black Lightning Magic: Artemis Moonlit Bow!". He stared releasing a rain of arrows that kept releasing waves of shockwaves to push Dusty around like a human pinball.

As Dusty was pushed around, it only fueled his anger. He roared again, holding up his Sand Katana. A bolt of lightening struck it, heating the sand to form together. The katana fused and became glass, sharp and clear. He roared, punching the ground, summoning magic power again. "Secret Dragon Slayer Art: Reinforced Scales!" His voice didn't sound like his, because it was deeper. He felt the scales of his body appear, then harden and become tougher. He became a moving rock, then looked up at Ashton. He raised his katana, pointing it straight at Ashton, no matter that he was being sent flying around. "Flight of the Earth Dragon!" Dust that condensed around him shot him straight at Ashton, sword pointed at his chest.
Ashton he chuckled as his scarf wrapped around his arm and Ashton's Arm,"Lost Lightning God Slayer Technique: Eye of Buddha". The magic he had left mustered into his eyes as he released it all in one sudden burst of energy at exactly 7.9 trillion volts of lightning towards Dusty. His scarf couldn't handle it and quickly lets go of both of their arms and wrapped around Ashton's waist quickly. When the smoke cleared, Ashton was above Dusty with an arrow pointing at him,"Don't...move".
Dusty coughs from the smoke, then looks up at the arrow pointed at him. His temper was gone, so he calmly stared at the point, smiling. He still had his katana in his hand, and he still was covered in scales. "I...won't...lose...how...many...times...do I...have to...say it..." He knows he is almost out of magic power, so anything he did would have to win this fight for him. He started to go over possibilities in his head. The arrow would pierce him through, no matter what form of defense he did. So he had to dodge it...
It was gone. All of his mages. Sky, Kaito and Michael were still alive, but they... They were just the survivors of this tragedy. It was enough to make Sergei happy or jolly. We had lost, why did they destroyed us? Why?... He didn't believed in the gods of Fiore, but he praised to them, to Zentopia and to the gods of Manople as well. As always, his prayers weren't answered. No one was bringing all the mages from the guild back to life. It was over, and that was it. He heard Michael as the newcomer went up the stairs, probably to replace his bandages. He didn't talked to Sergei while he entered the guild. He knows that I'm sad. It was okay, that was comprehensible, he was just respecting the space of his master. Now, what about Echidna? Fiore was full of proud mages, they would never surrender, and Echidna would never give up. Hate came to mind, and then it was all there was in the mind of Sergei. I'm gonna take them out, I don't care if I have to burn my whole body, they're going down, they're going to die. I'll make them pay for every soul. Sergei stood up, with a bitter look on his face. It's time.

There he was. It was a big door. The green mermaid on the door made it look all very mystical to Sergei, but that wasn't a problem. The problem was what was expecting him inside. He never talked much to the master of Lamia Scale, so he didn't know how were their members. He hoped they were good. He opened the doors and looked around. Everybody seemed to be surprised by him showing up that way. He smiled.

"Anybody here wanting to take down some goddamn dark guilds?"

Some mages looked at each other. "Ahm, some guys already left, going for Sabertooth..."

...Well, this is embarassing. Sergei turned back to the streets. Maybe he could find the guys close to Sabertooth guild hall.

@Kinesthetics @BLUR @xkeyxx
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Ashton looked at him,"Why do you persist? It was you who caused all of this by insulting my exceeds! And yet you keep saying you won't lose! This is no longer a game you know that! Messing with my only family is the reason why I protect them. So tell me why do you insist on saying you won't lose?". He stretched his arrow if he didn't give him an answer then he would fire everything he had.
Gerrant pulled the crystal out of his pocket for a brief moment. He looked at the men one final time and began walking off towards town putting it back into his pocket masking its scent once more.
Dusty smiled. "Ashton, you take things serious when it comes to family. Me, too. I made a promise, and one I intend to keep." He tilted his head, wondering why he hadn't shot the arrow yet. "I lost my dad Boulder when I was young. He left me. Said he was proud of me. But that has nothing to do with right now. About a year before he left, I walked up to him after training, and told him I was going to become the strongest Dragon Slayer ever. He didn't believe me, saying how could I defeat a dragon if I couldn't defeat me. Well, I said that I would train and train and train, until I fell to my knees in pain. And then I would fight the most powerful mages I saw. Then I would fight him, and become the greatest mage of all time. He laughed, saying it was impossible, but that he would hold me to my promise. He promised that in exchange for me becoming the strongest, he would allow me to truly call him Father. So I haven't lost to this day. And it won't stop today!" With that, he started to suck in air again. "Roar of the Earth Dragon!" Dusty Roared at Ashton at point blank range.
Yami was running through the streets and went to Sabertooth. She frowned when she didn't see master, "Master?!" She called out. She wanted to know if he was alright. She went all over town, very worried. "Master! Master? Master! Where are you?" She yelled, she sounded like when she was ten. She remembered the old man playing with her and what not. She sometimes called him dad. She remembered a few days after she came to Sabertooth.

"Master! Master!" Yami cried. Tears poured down her cheeks. It was seven years back and she ran up to him and hugged him. "The kids called me a monster!" She said into his chest. She looked up at him. "Is it because I killed those children..?" She asked but continued crying.. He relaxed her after a while and cheered her up.

She snapped back to reality as she bumped into a guy. She stumbled back and continue to shout loudly and clearly. "Master!!!"
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  • Carrie Ulstream: Water Dragon Slayer

    Guild: Lamia Scale

    Location: Road To Sabertooth

Hmm. She thought a moment, before opening her mouth to speak to Ryos. "Ventalia...She sounds like a wonderful Dragon." But Carrie continued on,"Real strength comes from your heart and mind..that's something I should think about." Dripping from off his leg, the water-dragon-slayer reformed once again into a physical human body. Ryos was right. How was she supposed to help fight Echidna if she couldn't even bear walking on dry land? "I'm stronger than you think," she mumbled.

They continued on in silence, and after a few more minutes of walking down the dusty path to the Sabertooth Guild Hall, Carrie could make it out far off into the distance. Ryos seemed to be in a serious mood.
I need to show him I'm serious too. "Hey," she started, "I know I seem playful and don't take things seriously, but I promise I will do what I can, to stop Echidna. She took a deep breath and decided to take this mission in earnest; no games. "You know, Master taught me a lot. She says I'm ready to step out and take on the world. When Sealakeena was raising me, I only learned of skills that'd help me escape dangerous situations, or save and protect people in trouble. It was all soft. It was a peaceful life and I loved it. But my time here above-land, has shown me that I need to do more. So I asked master if she could give me a few pointers: to train me in the art of battle. The first few weeks were unbearable, I cried so much during those sessions, but eventually, it all fell into place."

Tugging on his sleeve, she looked up at him, staring straight into his eyes. "At this moment, I'm not as strong as I can be, but I can definitely hold my own. When we get back to the Guild, I'll be taking the test to see what rank I am. Master says you may not stay being the only S-ranked magician in Lamia Scale for long." Hardening her stare, she asked, "Ryos, before we get to Sabertooth, would you like to have a duel?"


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After leaving Lamia Scale guild hall, Sergei wondered about where could the guys that went out looking for him be right now. The two guilds weren't far from each other, but it could be problematic to find them in all those curvy roads. Taking the only path he knew, the master reached Sabertooth quickly. There were two mages in front of it. Maybe there was still time for him to show up as a more powerful figure to them. He sneaked out of their sight to reach the guild hall doors and opened it quietly. Phew, that was close. Maybe if he grabbed a sword, something like that, they would look at him as some kind excentric strong as hell mage. Sure, his lost magic made him very strong, but he always he wanted to look stronger than he looked. I look like an irresponsible weak as hell mage. He looked around the guild hall, to see if anyone was still around. It looked like Michael was still at his room. "Master!". Well, someone's here. It was a Yami. He smiled upon seeing her. He walked behind her and touched her shoulder, with the smile still on his face.

"I'm here".

Kaito eventually was able to move, there was cuts a grazes all over his body. He slowly picked himself up of the ground and dragged himself towards the forest exit. He wondered in the middle of the street until he coughed up some blood "man that guy sure hit me good" he said holding his stomach as blood dropped from his mouth every few seconds.
"Master!" She yelled and hugged him. "I was worried about you.. Where have you been?" She said grabbing his shoulders. "Are you alright? " she stated once more, she looked around for anyone who might look suspicious.. She put her gaze back on him.m
Michael had replaced his bandages and cleaned up his wounds. Looks good now. He went down the stairs to and saw his master and Yami. Sergei looked like he was a bit better. By the look on his face, he sure was planning something. At least for now, he was good to talk. "Hey Yami, hey master. What's going on?". Sergei smiled to him. "Other guilds are joining us. I believe we're going to take down Echidna as soon as we get together with them". Michael got closer to the master and bowed to him. "But what now? We're going to Lamia Scale, Blue Pegasus?". Sergei laughed. "Actually, they're coming to us", he said, turning his head towards the door while taking Yami by his side. "Good thing we have Yami here back with us", he laughed and kissed her forehead. "Now we have to wait for the others".
She nodded and saw Michael. As master kissed her forehead she hugged him like a little kid and pulled apart, "I'll back you guys up anytime!" She said in a confident voice.
The master let go of Yami and went up the stairs. "I'll be back in a bit. Yo-yo, stick here with Michael and wait for the guys to come. I think I need a bath". Michael sat at one of the chairs near the counter of the guild. People used to drink here. Not so much now, eh? He got a little bit sad at his own thoughts. He turned towards Yami and pointed at a chair. He smiled. "Take a chair, eh? We could be here for a while."
Kaito slowly made his way back he held his stomach tightly he had cuts and bruises on his face from where he hit several trees from his own attack. He eventually made his way towards the doors and banged on them before collapsing onto the ground. He waited for an answer from anyone....

"Jesus Christ!" Yami yelled and went over to Him. "Are you okay???" She said, very worried. "I'L be right back!" She came back faster than anyone expected with medicine and the bandages. She started to tend to him. "What happened??" She said all the sudden.
Geis was wandering around Echidna's fortress, uncrafting anything he would find useful. "Another chair, table and glass." He mumbled as he went around.
Kaito sighed a little "i was fighting against someone, and blew myself up" he said. he looked up a bit dizzy at Yami "are you in the same guild as me? he asked knowing he has sceen her face before. Before she could answer him he smiled "your beautiful" he said out of the blue before passing out due to lack of magic.

Yami blushed at his last statement but it was not important. She picked him up, she was very strong.., and brought him to a bed. She pulled up a chair next to him and tended to his wounds. She rubbed his forehead and held his hand. She looked like a worried mom. She guess she had a habit of doing this to people when they are sick or hurt. Even though she was part demon... It didn't really show.
Kaito opened his eyes slowly, he looked at the ceiling for a while until he started to look around the room his eyes met with Yami's. Kaito's eyes widened "my hat" he said "where's my hat? he asked calmly to Yami. He was unable to move still due to the lack of power. In his mind he was still thinking about that awesome battle he had but it was a long time he use so much power without charging it first.

Yami furrowed her brows. "Your.. Hat?" She said and paused. "Oh! Here." She said and bent down and gave him his hat. She smiled at him. "I hope you feel a bit better." She said, her fingers tightly gripping his. "Yes, and we are in the same guild." She smiled again, warmly. "I have seem you go out on missions," Yami said, looking at his eyes.

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Kaito sat up slowly and looked at Yami and then he noticed she was holding his hand he raised an eyebrow. He then looked at his clothes there was dirty ripped and bloody. "why are you holding my hand? he asked giving her a a seductive smile. Kaito slowly started to gain his magic back.


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