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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

Gerrant kept searching and eventually found the source a small diamond shape crystal that looked like it had stars in it.Concealing it's presence he put it into his pocket."I would have never though." he said to himself coming out from the cave.

@RebelliousTeddyBear @Refaulted @MemoriesofXemnas
Ashton he looked at Gerrant approach the cave," Hmm dark damp cave full of thick spider webs and a ton of eggs. Either you guys didn't explore the deepest parts of the cave or you just dealt with the first wave. Either way, going in and finding out is your best option, correct?". His scarf stretched out as it slowly wraps around his arms like gloves.

Kaito chained to the ground laughed, being paralysed a little he slowly moved his hand over the chains and completely pulled them off of his body. He slowly stood up and and shook his body "very well" he said.

Kaito moved his hands close to his body and began charging his power " 13% power" he said grinning and charged it up. in the mean time thousands of lightening bolt targeted Rashid to keep him busy while Kaito charged his power.

'what were those chains, they have made me really hungry' Kaito thought

@Tj Pomroy
After a few hours of of resurfacjng and diving back in lara was able to make very decent water current. She got out of the water and dried herself. She took out a towel and dried herself and then took out her bracelet and changed jnto a different pair of clothes. " feeling better??" Lara nodded " somewhat....I am not sure...." she sighed. 
After a few hours of of resurfacjng and diving back in lara was able to make very decent water current. She got out of the water and dried herself. She took out a towel and dried herself and then took out her bracelet and changed jnto a different pair of clothes. " feeling better??" Lara nodded " somewhat....I am not sure...." she sighed.
Dusty watched Gerrant walk out. "What did you find?" He sniffed the air, but couldn't tell if he found anything worth of interest. No magic material. He scowled. What was going on with his sense of smell? It was usually pretty good, but he hadn't been able to tell anything lately. He tried again, but only caught a whiff of each magic. He covered his nose, disgusted. "Does your cat ever bathe, Ashton? Try soap or something next time." He shook his head.
Rashid jumps onto a light platform as it shoots away avoiding the lighting bolt, and as one shoots up behind him he spins so the platform aboorb the lightning attack, as he shoots of the platform landing on Kaito pinning him down slamming his head down on Kaito making him go blind. He turns to the ground firing a very hot blast of light below his feet and behind his hands and he than pushes both Kaito's hands and feet deep

into the earth before sending another blast of radio waves, to vibrate the ground back to being more solid than before.

"I'd rather leave it, we got what we want right?" She looked at Gerrant. Sky heard Dusty saying that the cat smell or something and she smack his arm, "that's not nice." Then she look at Aston, "don't mind him."
Aurora's eyes started twitching,"How dare you speak to a lady like that! I should claw your eyes out!". She was disgusted by his rudness and so was Ashton. His body started to surge with black lightning,"I suggest not bad mouthing my friend like that. And you should look at yourself first...I can smell dirt and the hard smell of rock from here. I am guessing that is what attracted me here....So I can stamp out that horrid stench". His scarf started to channel electricity in a fast rate as the electricity reached up to his eyes making them a dark shade of purple.

@RebelliousTeddyBear @Orion
Dusty laughed at Sky's punch, rubbing his arm. It hurt a little. He turned to Ashton and Aurora, smiling. "Cute bolts, Sparky. I meant no offense. My nose is a little sensitive." He took a huge whiff of Ashton's magic. "Mmmm. Lightening. I remember that smell. It smells really nice. And good luck stamping me out, pal." He started to bounce on his heels. He waited to see Ashton's reaction. "I have no beef with you, but if you want to throw down, bring it." He motioned with his hand.
Lara took out a brush from her bag. Kero transformed and lara started brushing her fur. She smiled as she brushed she always remembers her time with her family. Kero was her only family now, she sighed and put her head on her stomach. She just stared at the ground.
Kaito pushed into the ground manages to get one hand into a fist "Lightening explosion" a lightening aura began to form around his one hand and he began to move his wrists back and forth in the ground destroying the ground completely however he carried on punching the ground and he started to make a crater.

he looked up to Rashid 'you've annoyed me long enough' he thought. he pulled out a card from his pocket and dropped it onto the floor he stepped onto it and a lightening strike burst out of the sky and hit Kaito he clenched his teeth as his magi was being strengthened normally he would do this without the help of the cards but they are there to speed up the process. He then began to charge his lightening ball again "25% power" which was much more than he was used to. in a matter of seconds the lightening ball was abnormally big. "Lightening Dragon Slayer magic one million volt cannon" he fired it at Rashid hitting him perfectly however the after effects of using too much magic without out charging it normally left Kaito on his one knee.... But Rashid was hit atleast

@Tj Pomroy
Gerrant looked at both of them. "What a meaningless battle." he said towards them."But, ...that thing does smell I'll agree that much." He stuck his sword in the ground and waited to see if dusty and the other would end up fighting

@RebelliousTeddyBear @Refaulted @MemoriesofXemnas
Rashid grits his teeth as the lighting hits him, with along of effort he points at kaito channeling the lighting throw his light hitting kaito with just as much force knocking him back and leaving rashid on one knee as well "Give up yet?"

Sky stayed sitting quietly. Boys, she thought. She wait to see what the three of them would do. She knows that there's definitely going to be a fight here. She sighed and got up, I think I'm just gonna watch...she step away from the three of them a little and watch.

@Orion @Refaulted @MemoriesofXemnas
Ashton really started to get irritated,"...Unbelievable. You both have no sense in manner that you decide to pick on my best friend like that? Oh no no...On the contrary, the moment that boy decided to insult her, the line has been crossed...now excuse me before I do anything drastic, I am going to have a drink". He took out a bottle of wine and drank it all before indulging in another and another. He finally reached a level beyond intoxication,"*burp* Aurora...s-stand aside please". Aurora jumped back and climbed on top of a tree to watch everything unfold. Ashton turned to Dusty,"N-...Now that I am fully intoxicated, I can now engage you. No one...*hiccup* No one...insults my friend and does not receive the consequences!". He jumped back and started to wobble a bit as his scarf extended out and pulled two trees out of the ground. He engulfed them in lightning before throwing them at him.

Kaito coughs a little blood up and laughs "i'm just getting warmed up" he said. He slowly stood up a inhaled deeply "lightening dragons roar" he shouted just before he generates lightning in his mouth and releases it in a concentrated, destructive blast towards Rashid it also destroys the ground along the way.

@Tj Pomroy
Rashid spins to take the hit on his side using it to spin himself towards kaito, his robe and armour absorbing most of the damage. He lifts his legs and spins it emesnlly fast directly at kaito's making contact again, much harder thaan the first time, he could feel all the magic taking a toll on him

Dusty smiles madly, hardening his fists into rock and knocking the trees aside. He laughs. "The world is full of people like that. I meant no harm, but I guess we gotta brawl now." He put his hands out to the side, then brought them together, aiming the now collected sand at Ashton. "Sand Cloud!" Dusty unleashes a great amount of Sand straight at Ashton, then holds his fists up. "Bite of the Earth Dragon!" His forearms starts to form spikes on them made of stone, then rushes through the cloud to Ashton.
Gerrant decided to sit this one out. He had no interest in fighting over such a petty matter. "Dragon slayer..." he said to himself looking at dusty and then towards Ashton "Possible..God slayer?"

"As I said it's a meaningless battle over a petty thing." Gerrant said to her watching the fight. "There is no reason to get involved in such a trivial matter. Just let them have at it."

Kaito coughed up more blood 'i've used too much power, in just one attack' he thought. He took a step back and began to charge his electricity again and then put his left foot forward '37% power' he thought smiling as he used the last bit of his magic however as he was about to fire th cannon his leg gave way and he ended up firing it at the ground between them sending them both flying in opposite directions far away from the battle field....

@Tj Pomroy
Ashton turned to Gerrant before the sand covered him,"....Bingo". As he was in the sand, he can the shadow of Dusty come closer even as his vision was getting blurry. The moment he came close to him, his body was cloaked in black lightning and his hands were cloaked in yellowish-black lightning with a tinted shadow of darkness,"Lightning God Slayer Magical Technique: Sky Shattering Thunder God: Ramuh!". A thick vortex of lightning surrounded him as he released it all in one sudden burst. The shockwave was thick as it created thick dense on the trees around him."*burp* hehehe", Ashton gave an intoxicated face of relaxation.

@RebelliousTeddyBear @Orion
Dusty didn't let up on his attack. He braced himself against the shockwave, only staggering back a little bit. It hurt a little, but he gritted his teeth and slammed is fist against Ashton's lightening. The lightening bit into his arm, causing him to wince. He glared at Ashton and pressed his attack further. He wasn't going to give up to the Lightening God Slayer. "It's gonna take more than that, Sparky!" His fist met Ashton's stomach as he broke through his defense. He smiled as he felt his punch bash into Ashton's ribcage, the spikes pressing against his skin.
Sky nodded and watch the fight. She frowned when she heard Aston say lightning. She hates lightning, only because when there's lighting, there's always a thunder that follow.

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